01:48:395 (108395|5,108395|6,108395|0,108395|1) - decreasing speed to 0,1x with average of 1,0x
108712,-15.1515,4,2,0,35,0,0 <-- jumps added. averaged at 0,75x
01:48:729 (108729|3,108729|0,108729|2,108729|6,108729|4) - added stutter (1/16 density). averaged at 1,0x
01:49:395 (109395|1,109395|4,109395|5,109395|2,109395|6) - smooth speed increase. averaged at 1,2x
suggested pattern if these SV applied : http://puu.sh/CYybe.jpg
link : http://puu.sh/CYxXe.txt
00:39:062 (39062|3,39062|6,39062|5) - decreasing speed to 0,1x averaging at 1,5x , the stutter (1/8 density) averaged at 0,75x. link : http://puu.sh/CYxJ7.txt
00:49:729 (49729|3,49729|6,49729|5) - the same. link : http://puu.sh/CYxKI.txt
00:13:062 (13062|3) - increasing speed from 0,1x with average 1,1x by 32 lines.
00:15:729 (15729|6,15729|0,15729|1,15729|5,16062|3,16062|4,16062|2) - the same.
00:18:395 (18395|6,18395|0,18395|1,18395|5,18729|4,18729|2,18729|3) - the same [2].
SV for those 3 parts : http://puu.sh/CYxx6.txt