10:55:830 (655830|2) - ghost note. deleted
22:41:752 (1361752|0,1361942|1) - ctrl+G (1 2→2 1)
23:09:846 - i forgot to change the size of the background. (x1.0→x0.444...)
SB update
Changed movement speed(everything moves slowly) of some English title
(Applicable place: 00:44:147 - 01:19:200 - 02:21:726 - 03:37:199 - 03:54:885 - 07:57:726 - 09:13:515 - 10:04:752 - 11:05:936 - 13:57:425 - 19:07:481 - 20:12:788 - 20:14:635 - 22:05:000 - 22:24:275 - 22:45:192 - )
Changed location of the title https://puu.sh/HQ9vh/15a40e3a79.png
(Applicable place: 16:17:392 - to 16:19:853 - )
metadate Source : https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm12223277
16. 星幽剣士 [Swordfighter of a Distant Star]
17. いざ、倒れ逝くその時まで [Now, Until the Moment You Die]
18. 死なば もろとも
19. ボーダーオブライフ [Border of Life]
20. ヴォヤージュ1970 [Voyage 1970]
21. 空に浮かぶ物体X [Object X Floating in the Sky]
22. 幼心地の有頂天 [Bhavaagra as Seen Through a Child's Mind]
23. 砕月 (東方緋想天ver.) [Broken Moon (Touhou Hisouten ver.)]
18… sorry,i don't know how to say that in english.
hello guys. very sorry.
i won't change audio file.
it's true that the quality should be better, but I think the current quality is fine.
sorry for not being able to participate in the discussion due to my slow understanding of English...
no change. when i make beatmap, i try to keep in mind that 'one sound = one note'.
18:21:073 - is cymbal and kick sound.
For example...
・18:32:474 - main + kick + cymbal
・18:34:935 - main + piano + kick
・(exception)18:39:858 - main + piano + kick + cymbal (can't be placed due to LN)
so 18:21:073 - is two notes.
18:37:397 (1117397|3) - add finish
18:39:858 (1119858|2) - ^
18:41:089 - add note(finish)