I’m fucking addicted to snows Soshite Kiseki, oh god someone stop me I play this map offline and online for hours. I missed my daughters wedding bc I was in the bathroom playing this map for the pleasure. Oh god oh god the feeling.I’ve memorized every single move I do with my fingers whenever I play snows Soshite Kiseki. Someone help me. I sold my car to get a new keyboard so I could play
snows Soshite Kiseki. I used the extra money to build a nuclear reactor for more power so my pc would never die so I could play snows Soshite Kiseki eternally. I quit my job a while ago, I couldn’t get out of it. Spend days upon days playing snows Soshite Kiseki. Oh god oh lord someone help me. I went to a pastor but he was just confused. No one understand me. I can’t stop. God someone help me please.