BeatmapPolar 240

ts (this shit) pmo (peeling my orange)

this is.... so fucking peak.... i might have to map this

im gonna need a 7* diff asap no rocky ok the 6.5 isn't enough

BeatmapAll Fool

this song isnt that bad but holy shit that preview point is the most unlistenable garbage I've ever heard what the fuck is that


stop all that GOON SHIT??!? NEVERRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"dih to yo crack name one map better than Daycore's 'Dandadan OP but it's brainrot' "

js rail me gng 🙏

who the fuck is edgar

daycore saved mapping

dude it goes back on screen after going offscreen which suggests the scarf is EVEN LONGER than what we can see, that scarf is easily twice the girls height i mean wow cant believe GMT let this slide

eatcake Jestrr_

maybe they're like edgar

Jestrr_ eatcake

who the fuck is edgar


10 minutes until d-day

a scarf of that length is not possibly practical. you would literally step on it every single stride unless you're in a hurricane and the wind is actually that strong

Silxkesryule Jestrr_

nothing gets past thisguy

Jestrr_ Silxkesryule

dude it goes back on screen after going offscreen which suggests the scarf is EVEN LONGER than what we can see, that scarf is easily twice the girls height i mean wow cant believe GMT let this slide

eatcake Jestrr_

maybe they're like edgar

Jestrr_ eatcake

who the fuck is edgar

you guys are no fun saying it shouldn't be ranked, besides the aim holocaust is just over the horizon anyways

any abgs or goth girls looking for a Mongolian shaman hmu

finally some good fucking food

i used to pray for times like these

lowkey i wanna hate this song SO BADLY but its...... kinda fire....


yeah actually thats fair good luck


bro you dont even have a 600 yet chill out

KrMaCoW Jestrr_

just let me be delusional bro

Jestrr_ KrMaCoW

yeah actually thats fair good luck

i wish i could map like this but i just cant maintain this style of mapping even though i love it i cant do it man

exactly bro when i was this guys rank i didn't know what od even did or what it meant lmao

i genuinely dont understand how you can be this heated over the meta at your rank like u have 3000 plays how are you pressed

complaining about taxes with no job headass


exactly bro when i was this guys rank i didn't know what od even did or what it meant lmao

once you learn how to hit the slow parts in between the diff spikes browiec diff is freelo for csr the jumps arent hard

that pattern is the diffspike in reforms diff but it happens 4 times so if you mindblock that pattern ur fucked cus you have to hit it like 4 times

i played it too much when it was qualified now i cant get a good run on reforms diff

adachi fan Jestrr_

thats cancer but how tf did u do browiec diff lmao

Jestrr_ adachi fan

once you learn how to hit the slow parts in between the diff spikes browiec diff is freelo for csr the jumps arent hard

b rank top play on a 10* 6 miss is my new top play aura or sexual harassment



just put the eggs in the bucket lil bro

shhhh just let it happen.... i want an 800 bro just turn a blind eye pls

nou le triengle le rond le rond

le triangle le triangle le triangle

yestriangle Jestrr_

le trengles

Jestrr_ yestriangle

nou le triengle le rond le rond

giving me a free 700 might be the most ethical thing reform has ever done tho

yestriangle Jestrr_


Jestrr_ yestriangle

le triangle le triangle le triangle

yestriangle Jestrr_

le trengles

Jestrr_ yestriangle

nou le triengle le rond le rond

so reforms is just the easiest everything ever, 9* fc, 9* pass, 800, 700, 600, honestly just everything its so easy its crazy holy shit


damn people just cant decide if they love or hate this guy huh


ms paint ahh map the diffspike is just 2 minutes of xeroas final stream genuinely absurd. interested in seeing if top players can get any good scores on this map

BeatmapLast Goodbye

excuse me what? taeyangs diff is like the most comfortable and most farmable jumps don't even try to compare those beautiful jumps to those wretched squares



thansk for the 600 fieryrage

BeatmapBang Bang

thanks for the first 10* pass

wow this is awful i love it

BeatmapMy Time

ragebait used to be believable

BeatmapLast Goodbye

i stand by my word. You are now in my favorite mappers list, congratulations.

gotta get my 6 upvotes for first dt fc

nevermind i got first dt fc on reforms its fine lets rank it

Vyserius Jestrr_

lmao i just saw your post on reddit

Jestrr_ Vyserius

gotta get my 6 upvotes for first dt fc

smh she is literally vaping in the background??? she has an e cig in her hand. cant believe this got past GMT. this is unacceptable


spelunker, last goodbye and antidote all in quali, the word is healing

damn this shit is ASS this chick is a va leave the singing to honeyworks

BeatmapBang Bang

mostly referring to top diff for both sets

BeatmapBang Bang

most is probably an overstatement but im certain there's a large crowd of people who think bang bang is amazing and my time is shit

BeatmapBang Bang

top diff deserved to be vetoed, but the guy who vetoed didn't do it well. I'm pointing out that most of the people here complaining about this getting vetoed are the same people who complain about my time getting ranked, even though both maps suffer from many of the same issues. i will say i did go a bit back and forth on my original comment but this more concretely shows my thoughts

"most of the people here complaining about this getting vetoed are the same people who complain about my time getting ranked"

how do you know this?

Jestrr_ powerplayer75

most is probably an overstatement but im certain there's a large crowd of people who think bang bang is amazing and my time is shit


most is probably an overstatement but im certain there's a large crowd of people who think bang bang is amazing and my time is shit