from a pure playing perspective can you change the ar here from 9.5 --> 9.3. I know 220 is dense but its not THAT dense and its only 5.1 stars. Also it's weird that the another diff has much higher ar than the extra. up to you though, I'm sure people can play it either way, but I have a feeling that 9.5 adds quite a bit of reading strain to people who are fc'ing maps in the low 5 star range since most maps in this difficulty range are like ar 9-9.2ish. >_<
Artist: 아이브
Romanised Artist: IVE
Title: I AM
Album: I've Ive
Released: 10/4/2023
Hey! Just here to drop some mods:
Overall, I liked the way you approached the kiai, but just some mods here
00:13:631 (2) - please change this slider, its really ugly and doesn't connect with much. Doesnt match the other sliders either
00:58:473 (1) - would be cooler to make it a circle into spinner for continuity
01:04:789 (1), 01:12:368 (1) - bit subjective but I think these could also be changed to match each other better. the first one is also a bit ugly ._.
01:37:000 (3) - bit weird of an overlap since nothing before overlapped and nothing after does as well
03:01:164 (1) - really nitpicky but I would appreciate if you overlapped that circle to be the same distance to the slider head at 03:01:466 (1) as 03:01:692 (2) - is to the slider tail.
03:23:170 (1) - 03:31:461 (7) - feels a bit too copy pasted for me... maybe change around the patterns a bit like you did with 03:31:612 (1) - 03:40:506 (5) and 06:05:080 (1) - 06:14:049 (8)?
06:15:180 (3) - 06:15:783 (3) - nitpick but this doesn't connect as well to 06:15:783 (3) as your previous patterns did, would consider changing it so they have a more similar theme(either mostly linear or square)
This will be kind of mimiking AmeThysTas point of emphasis, but not quite.
Rather than the 1/4 jumps that AmeThysTas pointed out, I'm focusing on the difficulty consistency and structure of the map in general.
Lets go to 00:04:765 (1) for example
While you are correct in saying that its absolutely hittable and readable, my problem isn't with the gameplay aspect but rather with the representation.
To see if this is justified, lets first look at song. Does the song have anything going for it that warrants a jump this big? No, it doesn't. In fact, the song is the exact same as the previous parts.
Ok then, what about looking at overarching ideas? Looking at the map, I can get a vague idea of "building up" spacing. Yet, the problem is that this is just not executed consistently. From your intro(00:01:364 (1) - 00:02:061 (2) - ), you put the structure of big jump --> small double. The next part(00:02:759 (1) - ,00:03:457 (2) - ) is still somewhat following it, but this time its small jump --> small, but slightly increased spacing double. So, with this idea setup, you would expect that the next part(00:04:154 (1) - 00:04:852 (2)) would have big jump --> slightly more increased double. However, its not, and instead, its a massively increased spacing double instead, which is a disconnect. It doesn't really help either that the jumps on 00:06:247 (3) - 00:06:770 (6) are of similar intensity, but with a spacing almost half the one at 00:04:765 (1). That to me, is a problem. There are some other parts that follow a similar logic such as the jump at 00:33:369 (6), which is the biggest in the section, even though the part is winding down.
Next, lets talk about overall "sectional" difficulty. As you mention, its important to take an layered approach to mapping and thus, we will be analyzing intensity of sections and difficulty. Take 00:01:364 (1) - 00:06:770 (6) for example. This is the intro to the song, and it is very tame in terms of intensity. There are minimal instruments, and mainly a strong vocal. The next section, 00:06:945 (1) - 00:11:480 (4) is a build up that starts incorporating more instruments, namely the drums. This section is most definitely more intense than the previous one, yet you ended up mapping it the be less difficult than the intro, which does not make too much sense song representation wise. Same thing goes for build up parts like 00:46:015 and 02:37:643 (1) - , where they (argubily) should be much more spaced. And in the case of 02:37:643(1), 02:46:015 (1) is SO MUCH more harder solely because of the stamina aspect than the previous section, even though 02:46:015 (1) - 02:47:323 (8) is of comparable vocally to 02:37:643 (1) - 02:45:666, with only slightly stronger drums.
(PS, on a side note, I'm pretty sure streams DO NOT exist on that part, and overmapping 1/2 toms to streams is definitely a no, especially when there's nothing there...)
Anyway, that's it for my ted talk, and those were just some of the issues I saw with the map. I did enjoy playing the map overall, and I'll probably take a deeper look later after I eat.
i think the vocal phrase at 02:34:063 (2) - is already pretty brought out since every other instance is a 1/1 slider. you also feel the 1/4 a lot more than a hold which i argue is more attention brought to it