mapped by Aranel
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Hey! Just here to drop some mods:
Overall, I liked the way you approached the kiai, but just some mods here

00:13:631 (2) - please change this slider, its really ugly and doesn't connect with much. Doesnt match the other sliders either

00:58:473 (1) - would be cooler to make it a circle into spinner for continuity

01:04:789 (1), 01:12:368 (1) - bit subjective but I think these could also be changed to match each other better. the first one is also a bit ugly ._.

01:37:000 (3) - bit weird of an overlap since nothing before overlapped and nothing after does as well

03:01:164 (1) - really nitpicky but I would appreciate if you overlapped that circle to be the same distance to the slider head at 03:01:466 (1) as 03:01:692 (2) - is to the slider tail.

03:23:170 (1) - 03:31:461 (7) - feels a bit too copy pasted for me... maybe change around the patterns a bit like you did with 03:31:612 (1) - 03:40:506 (5) and 06:05:080 (1) - 06:14:049 (8)?

06:15:180 (3) - 06:15:783 (3) - nitpick but this doesn't connect as well to 06:15:783 (3) as your previous patterns did, would consider changing it so they have a more similar theme(either mostly linear or square)


the mods in this is purely subjective and does not have to be changed. here's why:

  1. 00:13:631 (2) - the shape of a slider (a bezier with a big curve in this example) is used throughout the entire map quite a lot (i.e. 00:15:526 (1) - and many more accuring solely in the beginning) which makes ur point kind of unnecessary imo just because it's ''ugly'' for you

  2. 00:58:473 - this one is valid, mapper can consider it.

  3. the sliders are FINE

  4. overlap is totally okay to do in maps and doing stylish ones especially throughout the map (i.e. 04:18:320 (1,2,3) - here) is cool.

  5. this might be a mistake but this seems okay as well, id say keeping wouldnt hurt anything

  6. personally dont see anything too similar, but i think its fine as is, altho little variety does not hurt

  7. this is fine, its a cool variety and it emphasizes different vocals which are divided by patterning etc.

Marked as resolved by Aranel

accidentally resolved but i dont think sstari has anything to fix anyway, so yea


oh to clarify by ugly I meant the not the slider shape but the placement and connection, i thought it didn't look too great. But as with most visual mods it's purely subjective. This isn't a problem post but just suggestions though so everything is subjective...


yea u gotta be a little more specific in your mods; also do not post mods in a whole, rather post them as one by one because they are all different than eachother if u want ig
