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_koishi1's Modding History

00:29:692 (1,2,3,1,2) ^
ty koish
both is acceptable, the rule and guideline say "fully', which all the note you mention here arent fully overlap, they are slightly space out take this map at 00:24:225 (1,2) for example 01:03:276 (2) is 1/1 beat so the rule & guideline dont even apply here
this is perfectly fine on hard diff, and shouldnt be mark as a problem take this map for example
721 is more correct 727 is slightly too delay
it will ignore wat happening in the music if you choose to not map the guitar here the guitar in this section are overtaking other sound due to it being irregular and also more prominent, but more importantly is it the only section where guitar are irregular you can still map the drum & hit-finish, but the guitar should be the most prioritize sound so it fine to sacrifice drum & hit-finish like 01:46:259 to reflect the irregular guitar better
if considering only the diff (so ignoring metadata), it unrankable due to all difficulty being too hard, and having rhythm dat break ranking rule, for ex. normal diff 01:17:374 (1,2,3), 1/4 triple or doubletap arent allow on normal diff i explain abit more here "isn't interesting enough to gain traction" dont rly matter, cus only BN are the one who can actually nominate your map, so it all up to BN how many diff the map have both help or worsen the chance of getting BN, some BN prefer small spread, some prefer if the map have atleast insane, etc for this song though i think making insane and even expert will be nice, there are many section where the song support it and can do cool pattern
it fine to ignore alot of sound that you arent focusing on even if it more important than the sound you are focusing on easy diff, cus player at this level only rly listen to the main sound which most of the time is vocal
ima say no to this suggestion 02:43:938 part feel pretty fine to me i can see why 02:45:703 (1,2,1,1,1,2,1,1,2,1) feel maybe slightly too much, but i think it still ok the difficulty spike look fine cus the pattern is still predictable i think it dont make the 3rd kiai look less hype cus the 3rd kiai is still alot harder especially when it last very long too, 02:45:703 last very short and the scary song in dat part only appear once
tyy for nom!!
yes i tone down the spacing instead, i think it fit better than 1/4 cus bpm too low
not sure if 01:54:760 is a reverse slider from the pic, so i still leave the 01:54:760 as slider
yep dont think i miss anything now
is equal now
not sure if i should apply to insane diff aswell since it not expert diff soo i wont change insane diff yet
yes add default drum sampleset to all kiai in both diff i hope i did it right
add new hitsound for 02:46:762 - 02:47:468 - 02:48:179 - 04:32:273 same to 03:25:190 but it nott good i think, i couldnt find good one
add whistle according to
add whistle for 01:12:155 - 02:22:771, andd i assume 03:34:957 (1) also should be whistle too - will come back to this - will come back to this 03:23:072 add drum clap
yep, i whistle them now, done both diff im kinda sure those sound only appear in these section 00:15:659 -00:28:631 and 01:41:349 - 01:52:643
02:02:701 - ~ 02:09:584 are now 75% 03:14:602 - ~ 03:17:425 are now 70% 03:25:896 - ~ 03:32:137 are now 70% 04:32:273 are now 20% (not sure if i did it right, when i play at the start of slider it sound loud, but when i play anywhere after sliderhead it sound quiet) done for both diff
oop, miss place fix now
yep, space it out now
yep change to be triple into click now
5 is simliar to other now
yes both extend now
yes delete now
yes spacing is bigger now
both is now 5% volume
ow never notice dat, not intentional fix now
done all the suggestion and update the map
yes i also change rhythm abit so the timing change is more clear
yes change the pattern so it more clear noww i hope (i been stuck here for 1 hour) also i made 02:20:877 (1,1,1,1) to be just circle instead, i think it show timing change more clear
oh i thought it sound the same as 03:40:146 (9,1), forgot the 04:14:028 (8,1) change to be circle now
yes 01:56:348 (1) is further now
yes i nc the 03:29:464 (6,9,12,13,14,15,16,17)
yes i move the 02:35:291 (7) more down