just out of curiosity. is this mapset anywhere close to being of quality to being rankable? my understanding is that it's not like super far but probably isn't interesting enough to gain traction? also wondering if it would benefit from an insane diff, but at least for me it felt like hard is as far as such a relatively low bpm and chill needs to go.
if considering only the diff (so ignoring metadata), it unrankable due to all difficulty being too hard, and having rhythm dat break ranking rule, for ex. normal diff 01:17:374 (1,2,3), 1/4 triple or doubletap arent allow on normal diff
i explain abit more here #4781542
"isn't interesting enough to gain traction" dont rly matter, cus only BN are the one who can actually nominate your map, so it all up to BN
how many diff the map have both help or worsen the chance of getting BN, some BN prefer small spread, some prefer if the map have atleast insane, etc
for this song though i think making insane and even expert will be nice, there are many section where the song support it and can do cool pattern
relate to #4779911/12674514
ex. on easy 00:16:682 (4,5) - with default skin it look unclear on which note to hit due to slider-end looking very similar to a hit-circle, it also unclear on which note is first cus there are 4 circle so close together
you can do something like this https://ibb.co/6nHzSxh
ex2. on normal 01:10:220 (1,2,3,4) - are hard difficulty type of rhythm, the reverse slider are very quick especially when it also a 1/6 beat, the circle size make it very hard to aim aswell
you can simplify rhythm to like https://ibb.co/MRPBrrV , if the text in the pic are too much to take in then focus on wat rhythm choice i use instead
ex3. on hard 01:16:557 (7,8) 01:17:364 (1,2,3) - the spacing are super far for a 1/4 beat gap, for triple or doubletap note it usually best to fully stack it cus it the best choice most of the time
00:31:441 (7,8) - spacing are very far, something like this https://ibb.co/QHD6r2v is more acceptable
taking a look at rank song with similar intensity of your song can help you see wat kind of rhythm and spacing are fine
difficulty for every diff are too hard cus of the rhythm density
ex. on normal 00:36:990 (1,2,3,1,2,3) these are extremely dense but also rough to read since it a 1/6 beat,
you can remove 00:37:105 (2,3,2,3) cus player at this level wont be able to rly read different beat snap, so you can simplify it by just removing it
it may seem underwhelming, but you shouldnt be doing too much density on a easy & normal diff, so it fine
ex. on hard diff 01:24:749 (1,2,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18) these are also extremely dense
especially for easy & normal & hard diff, it very fine to sacrifice alot of rhythm so the map is playable and readable
soo i think the map can feel better to play if you simplify some of the too dense rhythm