this was updated on 01/02/2024 my relation with osu! and how i started playing it
so, i started playing this game because i watched Kingnan playing and streaming on a server i was, back then i thought "this looks so difficult even though i dont know how this game works, so this guy must be good at it" and then i downloaded it and started playing, got slightly better at it and became obcessed with pp. i was grinding the game everyday, pushing my limits more and more. and then i felt a very strong pain in my right hand a few months later, decided to give a break to the game and go to a doc, it turns out that i had de quervain tenosynovitis. during the time i was not playing the game seriously i started playing maps that were not focused on pp farming, playing more loved and graveyard maps and interacting with people from the community i realized that i was playing the game in the wrong way all the time, i was so focused on gaining pp that i literally got injured by it. sure, pp is a big factor in this game and the majority of people play the game focused on it, but please dont push yourself so hard in it like me lol. dont compare yourself to x person because "you are worst than them" everyone has a different learning curve, please remember that! if you feel like that, give a break to the game, play different skillsets, play for medals and more on! so thats it. big thanks to Kingnan, he is still my biggest inspiration even to this day even though we dont chat very often.