i gonna become top 1 in brazil dont worry minhoca loka
-Me and -Oobleck
-Me and Nc fiend, maemae, Kiwi,
I'll try make it short to make sure you guys easily understand my plainly feelings towards them. Osu is a hard game, for sure, and back in the days i have always complained about my setup, until I saw players like FGSKY or Catjam who literally had the worst setup but they made their own way to the top, And, being honest, I've always dreamed with that, that's why I farm a lot with DT ofc, cuz is not like i am good with anything rn besides DT. About my DT inspirations I surely had a lot of them, some of them are some top players like Mouseeasy, minhoca louka and xxluiz, and others are some below rank players that I've met closely, like kiwi444, NC fiend, vampzy and lucca. Thanks for being playing Dt boys, sure I learn a lot from it ^-^ Now, currently I don't really have any HR,EZ or FL inspiration since I ain't really on those, besides one certain group of mods: AR11. Since when i joined osu, AR11 was something WAY BEYOND my level skills, i've tell my self so many times that those mods comb would never come reality in my game. When i see players like withecat or mrekk going fricking insane godmode with 3 mods, damn man, that hit's hard. I'm Currently trying to learn AR11 and who really inspired me to do so was a guy that I don't talk much, but that seemed to be pretty strong 4 digit in game, luke. I saw him playing Ar11 for a while and I realized that I never was really trying to play ar11 before, that's why I did go search a bit about that, and when I discovered the gamma thing...man, I felt my whole world changed. I did my first ar 11 in that nasty 7 stars harumachi clover map that's pinned down, and I have no regrets of it. THANK YOU MAN, U LITERALLY CHANGED MY OSU CAREER <3 for those who are nowhere to be founded in text, I am sorry. I tried to be the directly as possible, that's why I kinda go cut off some of you guys, but even so, I hope you do inspire me aswell, thank you very much <3