00:31:328 (31328|3) - The sound here is not clear, rather than short it seems to be some sort of riser and I think it would be better if it was a Long note (extending it up to 00:31:459) instead of a normal note.
00:34:486 (34486|1,34486|0) - If you're representing the kick with a triple is there a reason for why this isn't a triple?
00:43:170 (43170|0) - I understand you wanted to map this little part a little different, but there's a kick there, you should make this at least a double
00:46:064 (46064|1,46064|3) - In this part it's pretty clear that kick and snare are triples but this one isn't. You should make it a triple.
01:04:903 (64903|3,64903|0) - It seems that you have a reasoning to make this a double (considering this happens again short after) however I don't see it, there is no significant sound that would justify it. If we look at the sound it represents 01:04:814 (64814|0,64903|3,64903|0,64992|3) - all have almost the same sound yet only 01:04:903 (64903|3,64903|0) - is a double my suggestion is to make it a single note.
It happens here: 01:04:903 (64903|3,64903|0) - 01:06:331 (66331|3,66331|0) - 01:07:760 (67760|3,67760|0) - 01:08:117 (68117|0,68117|3) -
01:08:564 (68564|0,68623|1,68683|2) - I would argue this part is more intense than a 1/6 stream and it should be 1/12, because that sound increases the intensity of that part and slowing down the player (the player is used to 1/8s) doesn't seem to be a good representation of the song
01:41:778 - 01:43:206 and 01:44:813 - 01:46:063 - In this sections I don't like how all short LN disappear, I understand that there's a new sound in the song but getting rid of all short LNs feel like a more drastic change than what the song actually does (the song doesn't really change that much), my suggestion would be making those parts have less LNs than the others but have more than it currently does.
03:15:482 (195482|1) - Considering there is a snare playing here shouldn't this note be a double?
01:43:400 (103400|1) - This note doesn't seem to follow the melody, the same happens with this one 02:11:000 (131000|1) You should delete them
00:40:600 (40600|3) - I Think this object (or any other object close to it) should be placed in the first column because the first column is empty if you zoom out.
02:03:800 (123800|0) - This object should be placed here 02:03:600 - Also, the song makes a glissando and you should represent it with a stair for consistency the same thing happens here 02:22:600 (142600|2) -
00:31:328 (31328|3) - The sound here is not clear, rather than short it seems to be some sort of riser and I think it would be better if it was a Long note (extending it up to 00:31:459) instead of a normal note.
00:34:486 (34486|1,34486|0) - If you're representing the kick with a triple is there a reason for why this isn't a triple?
00:43:170 (43170|0) - I understand you wanted to map this little part a little different, but there's a kick there, you should make this at least a double
00:46:064 (46064|1,46064|3) - In this part it's pretty clear that kick and snare are triples but this one isn't. You should make it a triple.
01:04:903 (64903|3,64903|0) - It seems that you have a reasoning to make this a double (considering this happens again short after) however I don't see it, there is no significant sound that would justify it. If we look at the sound it represents 01:04:814 (64814|0,64903|3,64903|0,64992|3) - all have almost the same sound yet only 01:04:903 (64903|3,64903|0) - is a double my suggestion is to make it a single note.
It happens here: 01:04:903 (64903|3,64903|0) - 01:06:331 (66331|3,66331|0) - 01:07:760 (67760|3,67760|0) - 01:08:117 (68117|0,68117|3) -
01:08:564 (68564|0,68623|1,68683|2) - I would argue this part is more intense than a 1/6 stream and it should be 1/12, because that sound increases the intensity of that part and slowing down the player (the player is used to 1/8s) doesn't seem to be a good representation of the song
01:41:778 - 01:43:206 and 01:44:813 - 01:46:063 - In this sections I don't like how all short LN disappear, I understand that there's a new sound in the song but getting rid of all short LNs feel like a more drastic change than what the song actually does (the song doesn't really change that much), my suggestion would be making those parts have less LNs than the others but have more than it currently does.
03:15:482 (195482|1) - Considering there is a snare playing here shouldn't this note be a double?
I personally want to keep this diff as a Normal diff and a lot of these corrections fall into a really big gray zone where it could be unrankable.
1/8 note should not exist in normal diff at all following "Note snappings of consecutive 1/6 and above should not be used. Slower rhythms are more appropriate for this difficulty level."
I personally don't believe that 1/8 burst (in this case) break the rc due to how scaling bpm works "[...] until reaching 90 BPM, where double the density of existing guidelines apply." This means that if your map is 90BPM it would be note snappings of 1/12 instead of 1/6 because they have the same note density
The density of 1/6 notes at 180BPM would be: (npb = notes per beat)
6npb * 180bpm / 60s = 18nps (1/12notes at 90bpm have the same density, 18nps)
This map has 110BPM and uses 1/8 note snapping. This means that it has a note density of:
8npb * 110bpm / 60s = 14.67nps
Since 18nps is greater than 14.67nps. This map DOES NOT have a note snapping of consecutive 1/6 (if it was 180bpm) or above, it is less than that (it's around 1/4.89).
it should still follow "Avoid using more than 5 consecutive 1/4 notes." which for 110 bpm should be not more than 8 consecutive notes which you clearly breach here 02:26:727-02:43:636
(gray zone) This may be right, that stream is even slower than a 1/3 stream at 180bpm, so I don't see a really good reason as to why that rule should be followed. However it may fall into:
"Long streams of 1/2 notes should include, at minimum, a 1/1 pause where natural to implement after every musical phrase, as these can become too physically demanding for players at this level."
This stream is faster than a 1/2 one at 180bpm and I would consider it pretty long (almost 20s) but I don't want to make this stream 1/2 or 1/1 because it feels akward and kinda boring, it also doesn't have a music cue ("Where natural to implement") to give a rest so it'll currently stay like this. But I think I do need help on it
and as for burst like these 00:21:273 (21273|3,21273|2,21409|0,21545|3,21545|1,21682|2,21818|3,21818|0,21818|1) - I think it's breaking "Avoid using chords during consecutive 1/4 note patterns. However, using a chord to begin or to end a pattern is fine." since you have 00:21:545 (21545|3,21545|1) -
I think its hard to fix this in a way that I would be happy with. This applies to 1/4 streams at 180bpm and if my understanding of how scaling bpm works is correct "For the most part, 120 BPM and 240 BPM act as breaking points for when a map's rhythm should be doubled and halved according to guidelines." this could be allowed, however, I don't know if i'm allowed to use "chords during consecutive 1/4 notes" every bar (4 white lines) at this bpm.
The reason I think this is a bit hard to fix is due to the stream not starting where you said but rather before, 00:18:818 (18818|0,18955|3,19091|2,19091|0,19227|1,19364|2,19364|3,19500|0) - meaning there's not just one chord mid-stream but rather two, deleting 00:19:227 (19227|1) - would fix this problem of chords during consecutive 1/4 note but then the kiai section get repetitive really, really quick, its really boring doing the same rythm over and over, so i don't think i'll do that.
Deleting 00:19:500 (19500|0) - I believe it's better but it still has a mid-stream chord 00:19:091 (19091|2,19091|0) - But I will be honest, I hate deleting that note. That whole part is meant to be a difficulty spike (00:18:818 - 00:19:636 ) it's meant to be hard, you can see it through the whole spread, that part is the hardest by far in all kiai section (except the last kiai) and deleting that note makes that section way easier than I want to.
I just hope I can say "For the most part, 120 BPM and 240 BPM act as breaking points for when a map's rhythm should be doubled and halved according to guidelines." and not have to change this part