After reviewing the overall beatmap, I believe there are several significant issues that need to be addressed:
Lack of consistency:
The intensity of the first kiai is completely different from that of the second kiai, even at the same pace. For example, 01:39:547 (1,2,3,4,5) - here we use a stream, which is a high-intensity part, while 03:09:371 (4,5,6) - the intensity of the same rhythmic part is very simple. 01:41:477 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - This section is the same as 03:11:477 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - the former uses a very high-intensity stream while the latter uses a medium strength short slider.
01:01:477 (1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8) - Similar streams do not actually have many sounds to support them. If you listen carefully, you will find that 01:02:266 (8) - and 01:01:01:915 (4) - in this stream do not have any sound to support it. Even the slightest sound is not necessary to force it, because in actual gameplay, this sound is often not heard, so it will be very strange when playing. And there are many similar stream problems, such as 01:04:459 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) -, 00:28:143 (1,2,3,4,5,6) -, and so on
01:31:301 (3,4,1,2,1) - In fact, I don't think this pattern can represent any sound here at all. If it represents human voice, it doesn't match, and if it's anything else, it doesn't match. And the rhythm intensity here is not capable of supporting this pattern, and I think this part of the rhythm is well applied in the second kiai, which is 03:00:249 (1,2,3,4,5) - (in fact, 5 can be replaced with two circles to emphasize the descent of vocals), instead of this pile of 1/2 sliders.
Selection of rhythm:
There are many places where the rhythm is very strange, such as 01:56:389 (3,4,1,2) - I think these four 1/2 sliders are not applicable here because they do not represent any rhythm, very strange. Then there is 02:39:547 (1,2,3,4) - the vocal representation in this place is very inconsistent, because what you want to highlight is the vocal, but you ignore 02:39:722 (2,3) - the extension of the vocal. There are many similar issues as this.
00:36:214 (3,4) - Vocal sounds start at 3, so just swap 3 and 4 for each other on the timeline
00:20:599 (2,3) - I think we can widen the gap like other 00:21:126 (1,2) -, 00:14:985 (2,3) -
00:06:214-00:11:828 Actually, I don't know what this part represents. The expression of rhythm is very confusing, for example, 00:06:915 (1,2,3,4) - here represents both human voice and drum sound, but this pattern cannot highlight the continuation of human voice here, and 00:08:319 (3,1) - these two circles have the same problem. 00:09:547 (2,1,2) - You want to follow the voice in this place, but 00:10:073 (2) - This slider ignores the voice again, making it very abrupt. And the rhythm intensity of this part does not need to switch between following tones, either vocals or drums
03:36:604 (5) - I think we can maintain a 1/2 slider like 03:38:425 (5) - and 03:43:568 (5) -