Confusing rhythm choice:
00:57:562 (2) - why a clickable object in seemingly insignificant sound
01:00:562 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - should just be slider follow vocal since it's the main thing here, also map 01:00:187 sth.
01:37:875 (1) - Honestly this should be 2 clickable object since there're some drums supporting it.
01:43:875 (4,5) - Why follow drum then 2 object follow vocal then back to drum even there're still drums in between them. And this is the only part you do that in the whole kiai
I like the map, but there're some problems to it (I won't talk about slidershapes)
The small jumps in the first part feel really random, like 00:49:896 (4,5,6,7) - are wide angles, and 00:51:268 (4,5,6,7) - are overlapped, it's basically the same sound with the same rhythm, so i think they should at least be somewhat similar.
I really don't like the chaos placement of bursts (or whatever they called) in the kiai. Not that there's unrankable problem with them that i know, since the song itself is quite chaotic, but throw there some more structure and flow instead of just chaos seem like a better option.
The part in the middle of the last kiai, is quite calm compare to the rest of the kiai itself, but spacing stay quite the same, for example: 04:19:382 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - have somewhat similar spacing compare to 04:26:582 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - while you can clearly hear how the later is more intense, give it some more contrast. This also apply to the normal part where some of the burst spacing is basically identical to the intense one.
01:39:920 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Seem to violate ranking criteria rule: "Every slider must have a clear and visible path of movement to follow from start to end.". See!#hard
There're some part where spacing between objects is too big for easy, i suggest using Mapset Verifier: for those issues
HP and OD too high for Easy, Ranking criteria: "Overall difficulty / HP drain rate should be between 1 and 3."
There's no reason to use 1/16 snap on this, change all the 1/16 snapped objects to 1/4 snap since the sound land perfectly on 1/4.
01:07:669 (5) - Other slider of this pattern start on synth sound while this one end on one. Change it so that it make a bit more sense.
Good map overall. I think there're some problem on spacing emphasis, for example 00:31:054 (3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,1,2,3) is on a calm part of the map while having massive jumps which are identical or even more spaced than the kiai part like 01:10:438 (1,2,3,4,5,6). There should be more contrast between the spacing of the calm and intense part and not just big jumps go brrrrr.
I misheard that sound, it's guitar. you can see that 01:06:746 (1,2,3,4) - always land on a guitar note, so as 01:07:977 (6,7), making that 01:07:669 (5) slider feel really weird.
the drum land on 8 but 9 is a synth sound, so i dont think you should map 9 as a hittable object because the whole pattern is mapped to drum. There is a sound doesn't mean you have to map that sound.
ước mơ làm mazzerin vi en. Nhưng mà nghiêm túc thì tại k quan trọng rank dc hay k (làm quả map 8 sao rưỡi là biết k rank dc r) với lại nhiều ng sửa thì có nhiều kinh nghiệm hơn :D