00:40:152 (5,6) - this 5 is super spaced and it looks a visually jarring, maybe slide it back in with the others, or space everything else out more to make it consistent
02:01:065 (3) - theres a big sound here with no emphasis. in the future, try to start a new pattern on these sounds or at least emphasise them
press 'ctrl-a' and look at where in the playfield your circles are placed. theres a lot of space you arent using, especially towards the far corners of the playfield.
next map you make try and use this more to your advantage, space your notes out more and make sure youre using all of the space you have :)
you've got a good idea of flow in general, just be careful for stuff like 00:39:308 (3,4), where the jump is wider than it should be and breaks that flow
01:51:875 (3,1) - this for example, if youre using your space correctly, this break in your flow could be placed way further apart and could be used for more emphasis