mapped by Sayuka
last updated
This beatmap wasn't updated since 1 December 2022 so it was graveyarded...
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nc's are bit inconsistent, any reason why you chose not to nc the kicksliders after the streams like at 00:32:001 (5) - ? feel like it would give more clarity and emphasis if you nc them. same thing for the kicksliders at 02:53:117 - 03:52:335 (9) -

also some parts where you nc and it doesn't really make too much sense like at 04:12:161 (1) - so just take a look through the map and iron it out a little bit


should be better now i hope

Marked as resolved by Sayuka

consider changing stack leniency to 4 so that stuff like 08:51:159 (3,4) - aren't perfectly stacked



Marked as resolved by Sayuka

In the first section, you can turn off the "Move already placed notes when changing the offset/BPM" and put it on 130 bpm. It matches up perfectly. As for the SVs, I increased 0.92 to 1.36, though it's still not perfect, 1.12 to 1.63, 1.02 to 1.49, the 1.42 on the bigger slider to 2.12, and the rest I didn't touch


fixed now

Marked as resolved by Sayuka