00:00:155 (1,2,3,4,5) - These should be 1/6 rhythm because the melody rises on 1/6 beats rather than 1/8 beats.
Also if you apply the above, heres the rhythm and an example of where you can put the pattern: https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/17722565/7aac
the last circle on there can be stacked with 00:01:599 (4) - this sliderhead for a bit cleaner visual.
00:01:599 (6) - should be a wave slider??
00:01:599 (4) - this slider feels really weird because it skips the vocal completely, to fix this, you could add a circle here and cut the slider 1/1 and have the slider start 00:01:893 - here. therefore you can have the vocal sound followed properly.
Example: https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/17722607/11ac
after you do this, 00:03:069 (6) - I believe you can remove this because the sliderbody does not include any sound at all which I think feels really empty. After you remove it, 00:01:893 (5) - you can make a reverse for this to follow the vocals more efficiently.
00:04:246 (6) - this slider also lacks the current vocal support overall. I'd say going with the same rhythm as #3006409 this one would help IMO.
Example (not visually): https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/17722617/fd27
00:07:775 (10) - second red anchor isn't doing much, could just remove it and have the section of the slider be straight
00:11:010 (3,4,5) - remove this and
00:11:010 (3) - add a slider here, should end at 00:11:451 (5)
00:11:304 (4,5) - there is nothing going on in the song and i think having this much spacing is really overwhelming. maybe you can nerf it?
00:18:804 (6) - this should be 1/4-beat slider then move 00:19:098 (1) to the white tick behind it
00:21:304 (3) - would make this a 3/4 instead and replace the circles and slider on 00:21:745 - like https://prnt.sc/KauUWjeg0Wkd
00:26:010 (1,2,1,2) - a bit of nerf could be applied on these because i think the gap really feels too strong overall when comparing to the overall difficulty in the section.
00:30:715 (9,1,2) - this rhythm def feels too spammy cuz it doesnt follow any vocal or something and the density feels too much, to fix this, maybe you can simply the rhythm a bit? https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/17722630/6f3d
00:30:715 (9) - also nc this for downbeat
00:35:421 (2,3,4) - can switch the rhythm as well for this one. Reason being 00:36:009 - you have a vocal thats unsupported here. 00:35:568 - but you have a sliderend landing here. So basically switching the rhythms will solve both of these issues
00:40:127 (3) - i'd say u can put this far far away cuz it has a strong instrument landing and right now it feels really underwhelming imo
00:42:921 (7,1) - i think u can turn this into 1/2 slider for a better rhythm overall for vocal follow.
00:43:657 (4,5,6) - Also you do the same rhythm here so i don't see a reason why you shouldnt.
00:44:539 (9) - replace with slider
slider should end at 00:44:686 (1)
00:44:833 (10) - nc after that
00:47:308 (4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - this piano+vocal rhythm is all actually 1/3 snap, not off beat 1/12.
will likely need to remap this part to emphasize the right sounds, can't really just move the existing objects to fit
00:51:304 (5) - instead of an 1/1 slider, i think it's better to split into 2 3/4 sliders like this, it will emphasize the vocal better https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/715200680905670666/964524613533065246/unknown.png
00:57:774 (8,9,10) - think u can remove 00:57:921 (9,10) - and make a 1/1 slider for variety in rhythm. right now it feels really spammy etc.
00:58:068 (10,1) - maybe put the 00:58:215 (1) circle right at the end of the slider 00:58:068 (10) cuz the spacing is off, or make it a triple altogether
01:00:127 (4) - maybe turn this into 2 circles, 01:00:421 (5,6) - then ctrl+g this rhythm for a better rhythm choice
01:01:230 (1) - i think you should not have the sliderend in a really important beat because it feels REALLY REALLY UNDERWHELMING. I'd say 01:01:230 - add a circle here, 01:01:304 - move your slider here.
after you do this, try to support some vocals in 01:01:304 - 01:05:127 - like here in 00:51:892 - this part.
01:04:686 (1) - place at 01:04:539
also this 01:04:980 (2) - place it here 01:04:833