//Taiko & catch player mainly.. //Lmk for mutual (I'm not a mind-reader), or renew the mutualify thingy. //if u have any inquiry/questions dms are open in osu, aswell as discord.
*Daletto *Verti (soon the farming will begin ^^) Tbc...
Atm trying to map something in catch (have some expierience in std/taiko aswell, but nothing too great //dont know anything about modding aswell so gg B) )
But anyways, lmk if u want a gd on wip mapsets Or for some ungodly reason want me to map a GD :aware: xd
CTB: Ig lear to map? -> 6*fc/7*pass?° (fuck sidetracted) Top 5 lv? Gatekeeping Anapple7 from #7 LV at catch B) Become a BN (2/150) :tf: 3 digit by end of 2025 idfk xd
Taiko: Derust To be consistent on 200-220bpm streams Learn hd & dt