you are
u could add "lets" to tags for searchability
?? um
this is crazy good
best song 2nd season
me and not uploading anything to begin wtith
that doesnt deserve the silly internet points
mostly solo... 👀
oki did
oki stacked these
i think i fixed this should be better now
removed all the 1/4 repeat sliders and replaced them with appropriate rhythms
also cut down on the long chains of objects and the rhythm density overall in the whole difficulty
yes fixed nc-ing throughout the whole map according to the examples you gave, thanks
yes very cool idea applied thank you
yeah changed so that they're not overlapped anymore, should be fixed now
yes agree changed the order of the double thank you
01:02:307 (3,4,5,6) - leaving this as is though, because i wanted to emphasize on the kicks playing here 01:02:682 (5,6) - by not making them stacked