too late to count :C
why are you doing this to me?
damn. itsuka tenma
fix is just the best mapper
gfdgdfgdfgdfgdfgd 4
how did i not hype yet
chad mapper
this most definetly is a map
gigachat for the patience
fixed the timings so far so good. only thing thats left is one reverse on Fix Insane that ill contact him about :thumb_up:
clearly she has a corkscrew arm. whatever floats your boat toma
god damn it xDD.... ill check after tomorrows earlyshift
yea theres an issue with me not beeing able to give one kudosu per timingpoint for this mod.
the problem is even if you know you probably have a hard time because its a lot of math xD
i look at it and say thats proof
the one thing you can bully me with xD
youre breaking my heart every time