>--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------< I take GD requests just ask me in DM or directly on discord. I'm always up if you're swiss or we know each other.
Favourite Genre : J-Metal Favourite Artist : ゆよゆっぺ / Yuyoyuppe Favourite Mapper : Vell Favourite Storyboarder : Himada? (I really need to check more storyboards..) Favourite Bpm : 190 Favourite length : 2:50 - 5:00 Mapping Style : ?
Favourite Mappers : Andrea <3 Nilou gtfo I learned every aspects of mapping from him and probably won't ever thank him enough Deramok One of the person I look up the most, grateful for every feedback I got from him Vell huge inspiration in experimenting hypercyte his maps give so much emotion Mimari based mapping style Sylas based mapping style Sparhten he's my mentor after all
I decided to write down other mappers I checked their maps for improvement.
Mappers I still need to steal check their patterns : Monstrata, Akitoshi, Doormat, Sylas, Skystar, amamiya yuko, eringira, Kanui, Armada, tomatas95, moph(???), Plaudible, Asukow, lit120, kibb(leru), lfj, eveless, narcissu, Sparhten, lucent (luscent?), kalibe, brasse, frostmourne, Futoracle, Kloyd
Vivyanne : Quite unusual mapping. Very centre focused with good patterns, lots of symmetry and good structure. Nothing too complex but very tightly built and strangely full of emotions. Sparhten : I have probably heard a bit too much about Trauma. He still inspires me to put strong links between objects and push further into weird stuff. Started using slightly curved sliders and weirder flow. He might have good reasons to talk about this map so much after all. bao : Sparhten mentee. Looking at the maps it makes sense. But I would be lying if the patterns and structure don't appeal to me. I had to steal that ************ pattern. I should give a better look. Shiirn : His mapping structure is insaaaaane. I should really learn from those ideas everything fits so well put together.
Storyboarders to check : Himada, -Hwangbo, Enkrypton, Darky1
best global ranking : #3'075 best country ranking : #15 best global acc : 99.70% (rank : 4'226 / pp : 8'759)
and a few things I'm proud of : - most medals in CH (for now) - 2k+ hours of playtime - 4k+ A ranks - mapped 20 playable maps hopefully I can rank sth one day - 6 people are subscribed to my maps - 4 years since I started the game
Sil, sil finorza Aloendi, my hd bro Mikumin, beat the shit out of me with less than 1 year of existence lmaooo Arlind, best albanian aim player living in switzerland (osu danser fanboy) Paddington, we can’t say the n-word thanks to him Icerite, best referee and one of the greatest person among the OSC CeriixZ, has quite some modesty Deramok, just deramok he's so Fucking good and allround damn gtfo, thanks for all you’ve done ;; Donut_fgc, talks only about streams Jacnen, swiss shaki boi playing hr and my mapping mate McK, kawaii underrated player (scary) Niven, best Neuch' boi Shovan, i love to see him keep playing the game and making insane score with HD <3 Arlind, deleted the game because of his parents mdrrr I hate this map, best swiss 6 digits (probably a deranker ngl xD) Speedy Ben, gotta go fast [ Arikawa ], combo gaymer Nemesis1925, does insane scores SOMETIMES Oui, taiko boi a bit too much into geneva ItsJ0el, ctb boi and a very nice person Skellers, too good for his rank Treuil de chantier, truly a french (worship him (I love him so much(kiss kiss))) Tokio, great guy you’ll always be here Zacatel, seeing him do a backflip is one of the highlights of my life Shoganaiyo, ma rival in heart Shadowww, played numerous tournaments with him though we lost more than everything else
And a lot of others I won't name here but probably everyone of the osu swiss community for being such a good one with only a few dramas (no really like I can't name all of them here but really) and so many good people !
goals I've fixed myself
30.06.2023 - rank a map - get mentored a second time being mentored by Sparhten - custom map a second time - make a mapset with GDs on it - make a GD - make a map with 1000 playcount on it
. . .
the night is long that never finds the day the darkest hour is just before the dawn