overall great beatmap with absolutely no drawbacks
here are my ratings and assessment as a mapper + RX player:
there shall be no hope: 9.8/10 loved the kiai streams and the 1/2 section
Incendi's Demon Spawn: 9.6/10 not a big fan of the high sv sliders in this map but absolutely beautiful streams
Selithrarion's Unholy: 9.0/10 i did not like the last kiai, otherwise great stream execution
Your Stary's Maximum: 8.4/10 great execution but too farmy
-database-'s Ultimate: 7.0/10 suffers from "kiai is easier than the rest the map" in last kiai
01:48:977 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - this feels really excessive for such a calm part and does not necessarily play well. i'd personally replace it but it's your call
02:55:323 (1) - slider oddly similar to https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/1954373#osu/4047519 03:30:564 (1) -
01:36:818 (2) - fix timing, this is 1/4. e.g. : 01:36:000 (1) - , 01:36:204 (1) - , 01:36:409 (1) - , 01:36:613 (1) - ,