00:17:595 (1,2) - the intensity of (2) is fairly high here so I think spacing it out would do better here
00:43:189 (6,7) - I think you could make this a slider instead, the 7 is not following any beat like the drums before and a slider will follow the vocal better while still with the drum. Even if you don't want a slider, consider to nerf the 7 or making then stack like 00:45:916 (4,5).
00:43:399 (5) - cant hear anything. up the volume on this one a bit it'll throw the player off, its very sketchy
00:50:951 (2,3) - high intensity at (3) so maybe raise it higher at (3) because right now it's the same spacing as (2) which is more medium intensity here
02:04:168 (1,2,3) - the spacing doesn't really align with the intensity of the song since right now all the emphasis is within on (2) which is low intensity and not on (3) instead
Solution is to just lower the spacing on (2)