If you still care to read my profile despite finding out I'm not who you thought, Thank You!
Actively started playing after vaxei's tsukinami 1k pp ~ 2019.07.10.
Hello! (>'-')> I played with the abysmal playstyle of Mouse Only (clicking with mouse) from July of 2019 to January of 2021
I switched to tapping on keyboard in January of 2021 because I want to set cool streamy scores on touhou covers as my top plays.(and health reasons lol) (my hand kinda died) |In July of 2022 I have (sadly?) overwritten all of my mouse only scores in my top 100 Also an aspiring EZ player
I stream quite often, if you want to see the miniscule improvement grind or just chill, come say hi you cuties <3
WHAT THE ????????? Thank you so much Alex for 1 YEAR [A YEAR (365 DAYS) a whole orbital period around the sun] of supporter!!! +38 gifted subs and some generous donos. (update: And another 4 months for Multi gaming wtf...)
Huge thanks to Cerxces for the 5 month of supporter and 20 euros that made it possible for me to buy some mouse feet and thanks a lot Peta for the 1 month of supporter!
Some Accomplishments: 5000+pp Mouse Only
50 days playtime 2021 Aug 20 | 5088pp | #46,500
Level 101 2021 Nov 10. Level 102 2022 Oct 08.
Some Goals:
Stream 180 for quite long
Stream 190 for a decent length
Stream 200 for an ok length I guess
Singletap 220 consistently
Singletap 230 consistently
Singletap 240 consistently
300pp play: DONE
313pp | February 15th. 2022 | 707 days after first 200! never give up.
Mappers I like: Seni great taste, started my interest in Touhou and the rest is history tokiko cool Touhou stuff Akitoshi clean stuff pishifat very intuitive and fun Kalibe awesome maps great taste Natteke RainbowPls EvilElvis banger maps and anyone that maps Old Style Touhou, Phonk or L9 music