A terrible player trying to be the Greatest Mapper You're free to tell me my maps suck ass, please do if you think so Call me Sam. I kinda wanna play game now ngl
PDC2020 #7 VOC - did better than I expected and I'll be sure to make good use of the feed back
I aint gon worry bout inspos rn need to focus more on core issues so remember sam: rhythm rhythm rhythm (contrast + engagement) follow song cohesively (encapsulate everything the song does in play) ease up on the spacing (be more conscious on how distances are used)
how come you dont see the same level of effort on someones contest map on the ol' tv size (note: i asked hypercyte to edit my profile dont kill him please) Mapping is more fun than playing (tbh hypercyte maps are making osu more fun than it actually is) Map responsibly ;-; ok i now know who rrtyui is and i've been rrtyui pilled (side note: srsly how do people know how to use this im zoomer) HF