04:34:196 (274196|2,274362|2,274529|2,274696|2,274862|2,275029|2,275196|2,275362|2,275529|2) - could move some of the single notes in this anchor to not make it quite as long as it is.
04:08:696 (248696|0,248862|0,249029|0,249196|0,249362|0) - this anchor makes this pattern feel a bit wacky, maybe check that out
02:56:530 (176530|0,176696|0,176863|0,177030|0,177196|0,177363|0,177530|0,177696|0) - Unusually long anchor in this part, moving 02:56:863 (176863|0) - to the second column would fix the problem.
02:54:030 (174030|1,174030|0,174113|2,174196|3,174196|0,174280|1,174280|2,174363|3,174363|0) - This pattern should maybe be layered the same way as this: 02:48:696 (168696|1,168696|0,168780|2,168863|3,168863|1,168946|2,169030|3,169030|0,169030|1) - As they sound identical