wow ow wo wowowwow wowow
added tags
02:22:851 (142851|1,143184|2,143518|1,143851|3) - this is for synth and made 02:18:684 ~02:39:851 same as previous part
prefer keep here
01:56:351 (116351|0) - this is for vocal, but changed to 1/2 instead of 1/1 02:01:518 - nice 02:02:184 - yup
i guess i wanted getting more harder as song progressed when i mapped this but now yeah i think you're right, it needs to be more easier before kiai so made them same as 00:02:684 ~ 00:25:351
i think red and white has vocal with same pitch like 01:05:018 (65018|1,65184|1) so prefer keep
yup right
00:48:851 - nice 00:51:518 - nice 00:56:851 - changed to ladder ㄴ 00:53:518 - changed too
good, added 1/4 lns
edited volume things