mapped by Hoto Cocoa
This beatmap was ranked on 19 May 2021!
nominated by Sun and Murumoo
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00:06:279 - perhaps this part could be revert to opposite side due to the new iteretion of tune. making it same as always also makes hand frozen.


i'll keep it as it is since the guitar sound is consistent through out

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00:10:426 (10426|2) - this being on 3 make it quite cluttered here in the 3rd column with 00:10:161 (10161|2,10426|2,10867|2) - . So I suggest moving to 4 so it is spread out more and also respecting the pitch a little bit better


I'd like to keep this one since esthetically it's what I've designed to be seen, i'd like 00:10:337 (10337|1,10426|2) - these two being together for piano emphasis

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00:14:926 (14926|0) - anyways this should be jack 3 note, it's similar to 00:12:102 - saw more depth the part, easier where the jack disappeared, such 00:17:573 - or you make them similar for comfortability.


nice, fixed

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00:18:631 - 보컬의 미묘한 달라짐을 00:21:455 (21455|1) 이 부분에선 표현하셨는데 여기엔 빠져있네요.


oh nice, fixed

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00:23:926 (23926|2) - 00:26:043 ~ 00:27:102의 휘슬라인들처럼 같은 자리인 2번으로 옮기는 게 좋지 않나 싶어요.


00:23:396 (23396|1,23573|1) - balance-wise, i'd keep as it is for now

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when I played I noticed 00:25:337 (25337|0,25514|1,25690|0,25867|1,26043|0,26220|1,26396|0) - being on the left hand. I would suggest rearranging here as I don't think you intentionally did this pattern to emphasize the sounds here.


although it was pretty much intended, as explained on famoss' mod, i did re-arrange some pattern to avoid left hand bias

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Ah that's a bad phrasing on my part. What I meant is that the left hand bias itself isn't used in sound emphasizing (like the anchor was deliberate, but the 1212... patterning thing was not). But hey at least it's rearranged.


00:27:455 ~ 00:27:808, 00:30:279 ~ 00:30:631 - 이 파트 중에 두 부분만 트릴형식이라 조금 어색하게 느꼈네요. 다른 드럼사운드 표현한 방식 그대로 가져가는게 저는 더 좋다고 생각합니다.


they should now be properly balanced

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00:31:690 - rather than a static jump jacks here. You could play some movement with the piano sound. Particularly, 00:32:043 (32043|1,32043|3,32396|2,32396|0) - could be made into [34] and [12] respectively and then voila your one-hand double now shows piano and player might be able to noticed this (unconsciously) through the jacks movement.


sure, made them into 3-4 and 1-2

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00:35:352 (35352|1) - 1/8 is a bit vague it seems, it more like 1/8 higher. for safety, try to remove instead. this also impacted to 00:36:764 (36764|1) - and similar.


i'll discuss this at check, open for now


Famoss's opinion is correct, but when I checked it again, I thought it was okay to use it by simplifying it to 1/8, and I think that it is okay to continue using it because the quality increases in a map


yeah the note is only slightly late anyway so I think simplifying should be fine here as to make it easier for player because this is within a stair pattern.


spoke with murumoo here, i'd personally like to keep this as a challenging concept

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00:37:955 - 00:39:367 - 00:43:602 - forgot notes for squeezing sounds probably?


yes, but i think adding them up will not mess the consistency here, added

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00:42:984 - 의도하신게 아니라면 노트가 하나 빠진 것 같네요.


good, added

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00:45:808 (45808|3)-I think this LN is a little awkward In the case of other 1/4 LNs, the vocal sound is consistent with LN like 00:46:867 (46867|1,47043|2)- I expressed it as an enemy, but only this part was in a different format. How about making it consistent by changing it to a normal note?


changed to normal note

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00:48:631 (48631|0,48720|1,48808|0,48896|1,48984|0,49161|1,49249|0,49337|1,49426|0,49514|1) - making it way with a hand is more difficult than tbh. suggest to make similar opposite to 00:45:808 -
00:51:808 - if you focus the triple for the snareclap, 00:52:161 - 00:52:867 - 00:53:573 - 00:54:279 - should be mapped as triple as well. or probably its for the preperation, try to remove the triple and make it as double chord jack instead.


relieved trills, regarding snare clap i think as it is right now emphasizes more, keep it as it is. the timing point mentioned for me does not represent snare

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00:54:367 - before starting the drum stream, there is a 1/4 drum sound that is quite emphasized in this part as well. I think it’s a little awkward to ignore. It's not an appropriate example, but it can be similar to 01:07:337 (67337|3,67337|0,67337|1,67426|2,67514|1,67514|3,67690|3,67690|2,67690|0,67867|2,67867|1,68043|1,68043|0,68131|2,68131|3,68220|0,68220|1,68308|2) - here


changed the structure a bit

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00:55:867 (55867|1,56043|1,56220|1) - the vocal pitch is not similar, perhaps revert to another col from comfortability.


it was not the pitch i tried to emphasize here but the vocal itself, i'll keep this as it is for now

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00:56:484 - I know the intention, but isn't it more suitable for the double due to the structure of the drum?



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00:59:308 (59308|1)-I understand the intention to divide the vocal into 1/4, but I think it's a little awkward because it's only used in this part rather than using the mapping that divides the vocal as a whole. 01:02:131-It is recommended to remove it because vocals do not exist clearly. Instead, it is recommended to use a part that clearly has sound in the background, such as 01:00:720 -.


fixed (01:00:014 - 01:01:426 - 01:04:249 - ), 01:00:720 - this is rather a delay-ish sound, i've decided to not add

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01:07:779 (67779|1,67955|3)-This part also doesn't have a clear sound, so it is inappropriate to use it as a note. By removing it, you can maintain the overall consistency of mapping only clear sounds. suggest:



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01:10:602 (70602|3)-This part also clearly doesn't sound strong enough to use a minijack, but I think it's a bit strange to be used. It's a bit weird in the expression of the song and I recommend removing it.



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01:13:426 (73426|0,73514|1) - 01:16:249 (76249|3,76337|2) - ctrl+g to avoid unnecesary jack.


01:10:514 (70514|3,70602|3,70690|2) - they are paired pattern of this, i'll keep it as it is

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01:13:426 (73426|0)-When solving the other modding for the minijack, in the end, only this part remains, but using only this part as a minijack is a bit awkward, and there is already enough difficulty through the LN complex pattern. By adjusting the pattern, you can adjust the overall balance of the dif. suggest:


i decided to add notes on very obvious sounds (01:12:720 - ), deleted them

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01:15:543 - I can see that the second kiai part is also using 1/4 snap, so I think it is suitable for use here as well. It is consistent with the same music structure 01:04:249 - here


there's no evident sound at there, although its inconsistent with structure i'll follow musical relevance

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