00:10:426 (10426|2) - this being on 3 make it quite cluttered here in the 3rd column with 00:10:161 (10161|2,10426|2,10867|2) - . So I suggest moving to 4 so it is spread out more and also respecting the pitch a little bit better
I'd like to keep this one since esthetically it's what I've designed to be seen, i'd like 00:10:337 (10337|1,10426|2) - these two being together for piano emphasis
when I played I noticed 00:25:337 (25337|0,25514|1,25690|0,25867|1,26043|0,26220|1,26396|0) - being on the left hand. I would suggest rearranging here as I don't think you intentionally did this pattern to emphasize the sounds here.
00:31:690 - rather than a static jump jacks here. You could play some movement with the piano sound. Particularly, 00:32:043 (32043|1,32043|3,32396|2,32396|0) - could be made into [34] and [12] respectively and then voila your one-hand double now shows piano and player might be able to noticed this (unconsciously) through the jacks movement.
00:35:352 (35352|1) - 1/8 is a bit vague it seems, it more like 1/8 higher. for safety, try to remove instead. this also impacted to 00:36:764 (36764|1) - and similar.
00:45:808 (45808|3)-I think this LN is a little awkward In the case of other 1/4 LNs, the vocal sound is consistent with LN like 00:46:867 (46867|1,47043|2)- I expressed it as an enemy, but only this part was in a different format. How about making it consistent by changing it to a normal note?
00:48:631 (48631|0,48720|1,48808|0,48896|1,48984|0,49161|1,49249|0,49337|1,49426|0,49514|1) - making it way with a hand is more difficult than tbh. suggest to make similar opposite to 00:45:808 -
00:51:808 - if you focus the triple for the snareclap, 00:52:161 - 00:52:867 - 00:53:573 - 00:54:279 - should be mapped as triple as well. or probably its for the preperation, try to remove the triple and make it as double chord jack instead.
00:54:367 - before starting the drum stream, there is a 1/4 drum sound that is quite emphasized in this part as well. I think it’s a little awkward to ignore. It's not an appropriate example, but it can be similar to 01:07:337 (67337|3,67337|0,67337|1,67426|2,67514|1,67514|3,67690|3,67690|2,67690|0,67867|2,67867|1,68043|1,68043|0,68131|2,68131|3,68220|0,68220|1,68308|2) - here
00:59:308 (59308|1)-I understand the intention to divide the vocal into 1/4, but I think it's a little awkward because it's only used in this part rather than using the mapping that divides the vocal as a whole. 01:02:131-It is recommended to remove it because vocals do not exist clearly. Instead, it is recommended to use a part that clearly has sound in the background, such as 01:00:720 -.
01:07:779 (67779|1,67955|3)-This part also doesn't have a clear sound, so it is inappropriate to use it as a note. By removing it, you can maintain the overall consistency of mapping only clear sounds. suggest: https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/16517996/a22a
01:13:426 (73426|0,73514|1) - 01:16:249 (76249|3,76337|2) - ctrl+g to avoid unnecesary jack.
01:10:514 (70514|3,70602|3,70690|2) - they are paired pattern of this, i'll keep it as it is
01:13:426 (73426|0)-When solving the other modding for the minijack, in the end, only this part remains, but using only this part as a minijack is a bit awkward, and there is already enough difficulty through the LN complex pattern. By adjusting the pattern, you can adjust the overall balance of the dif. suggest: https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/16518005/c737