Not open for GDs. Not open for GDs. I'm going to take a indefinite break from this game. If you need gd's please make sure your set is done/is going for ranked (high quality). I only do Insane - Extreme diffs (5 - 7*). I prefer creating older-styled maps. But I'm open for anything really
I prefer FA and rhythm game songs. If you want to use/revive a graveyarded diff of mine contact me via osu dm's. If you map for mapper's guild (specifically for a quest), I'm 99,99% willing to make a gd!
SHIKI, cygnus, Sampling Masters MEGA, Susumu Hirasawa/P-MODEL/Kaku P-MODEL, yabujin/DJ GYROTTA ZAO, Shounen Radio, cranky, Yousei Teikoku, Quasimoto/Madlib, Scythelord/Vargskelethor, IOSYS, System Of A Down, Blümchen, Sewerslvt, Junko Ohashi, Taeko Onuki, Mariya Takeuchi, Mindless Self Indulgence, Machine Girl, shiey, fiend, Lil Darkie, JOHNNASCUS, Kola Kid, RIN, Yung Hurn, Yung Gravy, bbno$, Tyler, The Creator, Renard, DJ Sharpnel
I'll add more in the future!
If you're a mutual or a inspiration of mine I will also do some exceptions. If you feel like dropping or changing parts on my difficulty for some reason, please let me know. I don't want to deal with stuff like this again.
Hitsounding I'll only do hitsounding for friends. My hitsounds mostly focus on percussions rather on different instruments. If you need hitsounding for a song you and I have already mapped, I can gladly provide you my hitsound difficulty.
velamy - Sarah, you were a big carry on my improvement and motivation to be a ranked mapper. Ever since Blue Goose you've motivated me when I felt like it's over with mapping. Thank you so much in these last 2 years for giving me the opportunity on your sets and your advices! I'm also excited to be seeing you in COE (maybe!)
chiroptera - Weon, you are amongst one of a few people that made me more comfortable in mapping, especially on our collabs! I always enjoy seeing our old stuff . I hope you're doing well and I hope you know that you contributed so much to where I am now. I hope I can motivate you more in mapping and maybe get you ranked aswell!
Chris Jasorka - Chris, thank you for pulling on that lever in my brain to lock in more. You've helped me a lot in getting more creative and use more mapping theory/logic in my maps. I've been looking at my maps (and other maps in general) quite more different than before! Thanks for helping me understand more about mapping and different kinds of mapping ideologies!
im yeojin - aarkie, we've known us for not a long time but your energy in mapping is truly admirable. Everytime I was able to talk or map with you I've never felt this kind of energy or being hyped up ever in my 7 years of mapping. You contributed a lot in being more positive and hyped up when mapping, especially visually-wise - ur one of my bigger inspirations when it comes to vanilla style!
The oldsu! mapping community - Thanks to everyone that I was involved with in late 2020-early 2021, especially marshallracer, chiroptera, brisadeiro, Jason X and fluxie31! You were the most influential when it comes to my older styled maps, especially on my KIRBY Mix'esque maps! It was the first time ever my maps and (copied) style got some sort of recognition. I can't thank you and everybody else enough
The osu! Germany Mapping community (omg!) - Thanks to everyone that I was involved with since mid 2023! I can't name everybody here because there's a lot of people that I'd mention here. Let's just say, everybody that I've been talking with on this server every day :3. I've learned to be more open about my opinions and participate in huge collabs or contests. You all helped me being more open to different topics than ever before!
The Playtesters in my early days - Iceru, Wambosu, myuuw and Loozy. Thank you so much for playtesting a lot of my early maps throughout 2020-2022! Without your feedback and motivation to improve I wouldn't have had the balls to map and ask you more for feedback! You influenced my style on making maps playable a lot.
These are all people I truly admire and I'm thankful for. I wouldn't be here without them.
My beatmaps!
Here are all my maps, including gd's, collabs and storyboards, that I made throughout my 5 years of mapping. It's quite a big list, around ~670 difficulties in total. It might be even more! If you're bored, you might find something you like or wanted to play. Just saying!
Here are mentions from friends of mine. I'm not quite sure if I want to make an 2023 version. These are somewhat personal, but open for everybody to see.. Especially for the people mentioned! If we know us for a while but you weren't mentioned, don't think that I hate you or something. I included people I've did many things throughout the years and am very happy to know.
If you wanna have a mutual with me, just pm me and I'll add you! (and for those who added me please tell me!! Literally searching for a while with no success..) Friend list as of 13/02/2025 i love everyone of them ❤️
Map usage (Map Poolers take a look here!!!) If you wanna use my maps for your tournament (very known or not), go for it! And if you want, I'd appreciate a invitation to the discord/twitch stream of your tournament when choosing one of my (awful) maps.
Tournament/Competitive Playing I don't really like competitive play here, so I'll rarely update this.
General things. Mapping is fun. I've improved a lot in my opinion. I may not be as good or as unique as other mappers - im still a very mediocre mapper - but it's fun to express yourself in a very unusual way of media; supported by music. It's important to map for fun and not for (only) competitive or egoistic reasons; expressing yourself in your true form results in your best works.
Thanks to every Mapping Subscriber I've gotten and thanks to all the people who find my maps off pure coincidence, tourneys or from others. It still warms my heart seeing maps that have even over 5 favourites or less!
I have many inspirations for my various styles! For my old'ish style, it's defintely a mix of Kirby, BD, Lesjuh, Mystearica, tsuka and Nharox. I have a lot of inspirations for my vanilla/"default" style of mapping. I'd say hehe, Halgoh, nhlx, Matrix, EvilElvis and blixys really contributed to my mapping style to how it evolved nowadays. I still like to mix pretty unconventional stuff in my maps.
Difficulty names explanation! Pinku - My Blue Dragon inspirated maps from mid 2019/early 2020.
an3/an4 - these are (or were) my rkgk's of osu maps. most of them were made to experiment with a different kind of style or to just let my brain fart its contents out.
MiX (Andrei MiX) - My Starrodkirby86 inspired maps! The longest mapping style I've been learning and trying to keep alive. im still so happy and honored after seeing mismagius saying that these are the closest imitations he ever saw. He was rating this map.
A positive mindset is key to success and improvement. It was always a battle for myself to improve at my mindset at all! I've always wanted to only FC and get perfect scores, but we ain't perfect. And this is what lead to not improving at all: complaining myself for things I couldn't do at that time.
The best thing to get better is to just play and have fun. It's easier said than done but its doable. I'm nowadays not playing for perfection and this alone gives so much to the improvement stage and leads to much more fun in the game!
Here are some players, that you might know, who really inspired me on my playstyle I have today. I still look up to them (as a player) and I'm very thankful for that. I'll also mention german players that I respect alot for their own playstyle.
whatever you’re going through, whatever you’re feeling about your own works. may you quit your hobbies if they harm you. may you stop the things you thought you’d like.
but please do not delete them. it’s part of your life; of your own creativity.