A few months ago i've met this special kind of girl. We texted daily and for the first time in my live i really felt like something good was going to happen. We really got a lot in common and talked about various topics. I sure knew i liked her really much. I told her things i've never said to anyone else, it felt like it was the right thing to do. She also talked about her past, when once something so unpredictable happened and I told her my true feelings. We are now a couple since 11th November 2019 and I couldn't be happier than i am right now. Mei Komachi My true love. The best girl i've ever met and my favourite person among nearly 8 Billion People on this planet. I am truly obsessed with your love, your voice and your special personality. Thanks for having me as your Boyfriend. I couldn't live anymore without you. You are the reason I wake up in the morning with a smile. And you are the reason I go to sleep with a happy feeling.
Rapido Best Friend since 2015 <3 (Love u m8, seriously) Hope we get to see us again soon. It has been to long!
Gracidea I'm very glad I've met you dude. Thanks for all your support and helpful words. Especially when I was on my way to seeing my girlfriend! Although we only know us for about 2 years I can say, that you are truly one of my best friends!
an3 A wonderful young man, who I personally really like. One of the first people in the osu! community i got to know and i don't regret it. I am still looking back to our time together and really miss it. Please be careful man and stay positive!
Mei Komachi My wonderful girlfriend, which i got to know through osu!, a great drawer and the cutest person alive! Can't imagine a life without her <3333
Emre1504 I remember how I was in a vc when I first met you. After several 100 hours of talking and playing together i must say that you are one of the coolest dudes I ever met ^^ Hope we see us in 2021 or 2022. 2020 didn't go as we expected lol. Hopefully old times will come back and we can do some stuff together again.
Kagetan3 Very Good Friend on his way becoming a rythm champion <3
Iceru Incredible Player and cool dude <3 I won't forget our Meeting in Munich! Sadly we don't have that much contact anymore. But I only wish the best for your future.
Loozy A crazy Player and really awesome person aswell. I miss our time together and I hope that old times will come back soon.