# Latest Status: Deny any social intercourse. Change name soon. // 最新状态:拒绝社交。即将改名。
[New] Woaw I found it so fun to play ctb, taiko and std modes in such free time I never had in mania in the past 5 years! 【新】我日你哥怎么另外三个模式这么好玩,忙了整整5年不脱离mania都完全感觉不到osu养老生活的乐趣
Dec 29th 2024:I've already done all my stuffs. For personal/academic/mental issues, I have already quitted this game. Time to get free, out of this game. Deny QA. Thank you and have a good day o/ //我已经完成了所有我应该做的事。出于个人/学业/精神原因,我已退坑,摆脱了这个游戏。拒绝提问,感谢支持,再见。
Nov 24th 2024: Got 2nd place in CNCC (Chinese Novice Catch Cup). // 在中国接水果新人杯获得亚军。
Apr 2024: Deny all osu!mania tournaments. Only map for fun if you want me to customize something, after quitting. // 拒绝一切om比赛。退坑后只会有事没事写点图。
Quitting for everything. // 打算退坑,不论原因。 But will finish what I should have done as a staff. // 但我会先完成我作为工作人员应该做的事。
Living without hope is really agonizing. osu shouldn't be my spiritual sustenance anymore. Walking between dreams and reality, heading towards the abyss. // 没有希望只且仅仅是活着的感觉真的很痛苦。osu也再也不能是我的精神支柱了。在梦想和现实中走着,面朝向的却是无尽的深渊。
It's time to let go, and retrive something. // 是时候放手了,重新捡起一些东西。