The note at 01:07:769 is like it feels lost. I think it should be removed
01:06:357 - 01:07:416 at this point the singer repeats the same phrase 3 times + there are background beats and the three note pattern (x_x_x) seems the most logical and complete.
Thanks for the detailed mod! I enjoyed reading everything you wrote, it allowed me to look at the patterns from a new perspective.
Ive reworket all the diffs with your suggestions in mind!
I raised the sv a bit (0.56 -> 0.70) and increased the spacing between notes (ds x1.2). 1 sv I use in “Normal!” I want there to be a diff in sv between these complexities
I understand you meant to write this for the “Madness!” difficulty ( there is nothing about your time in the "Insane!" difficulty ). I fixed the paternus there, making it more appropriate for that section
Thank you for your sincerity and detailed explanation. With so many examples and pictures, I'm sure I understood you completely:)
I realize your review is more subjective, but it was still very helpful for me!
hashgulso - I think it's ok, I'm glad to hear feedback not only from the “official” side, but also from the personal side! I think it's a great way to let a person see different points of view
The only thing I want to clarify is this.
" A personal autism of mine is begging to make these 00:10:983 (1,2,3) - 00:13:726 (7,8,9) - 00:16:469 (1,2,3) - 00:19:212 (6,7,8) - and the like into 2 kicks or a kick + circle. "
By kick and circle do you mean change the hitsounds? Maybe it's the language. I don't really understand what you mean. The Kick for me is the sound, and the Circle is what I need to press to get the hitsound.
Very grateful for your work!
From your examples, I think I understand what you mean. The main mistake is that I didn't emphasize the tone change in the song patterns well. The level looks too linear.
During almost the whole song the same melody is repeated, but this melody starts with a quiet part, and ends with an active part, then again with a quiet part, and so on. I really didn't emphasize it well.
About the linear and circular paternos I think I understand what you mean too. When I created this level I tried to stick to logical “triangles” “eights” “lines” “circles”. But again, by your examples where you say about the possibility to separate active parts of the song by changing the pattern, as well as by hashgulso's examples, where he advises more logical pattern - I realize that it is worth to correct a lot of things.
I hope I understood your advice correctly and thanks again, it really helped me to look at my work from a different perspective and now I know how to improve the map!
Patterns in the version that you google disk look and sound interesting. You showed that here you can really diversify patterns well
Спасибо за ваш отзыв, ваше мнение важно для меня!
Пока оставим этот вопрос открытым. В треке я вижу 3 дропа, на который и расставлен киай. Не хочется ставить один большой киай в конце, то как в таком случае игнорируется дроп в начальной партии трека
В любом случае киай пересмотрен и доработан. Время действия 1ого и 3его киай увеличено, в соответствие с продолжительностью дропа в этих частях трека
Спасибо за ваш отзыв, ваше мнение важно для меня!
- "Жанр" и "Язык" теперь имеют соответствующие песни теги
- Содержание строки "Источник" теперь скорректирована на название альбома
Спасибо за ваш отзыв, ваше мнение важно для меня!
- HP на уровнях действительно не подходили по критериям рейтинговых карт. Данное недоразумение было исправлено
- Basic! переименован в Normal!