
Iguchi Yuka - Grow Slowly (TV Size) [OsuMania]

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Topic Starter
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2013年5月26日 at 22:48:19

Artist: Iguchi Yuka
Title: Grow Slowly (TV Size)
Source: Toaru Kagaku no Railgun S
Tags: Ending A Certain Scientific Railgun 2nd Season
BPM: 165
Filesize: 2342kb
Play Time: 01:28
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy - 7Key (2.66 stars, 219 notes)
  2. Hard - 7Key (4.67 stars, 680 notes)
  3. Normal - 7Key (3.26 stars, 370 notes)
Download: Iguchi Yuka - Grow Slowly (TV Size)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
My 2nd mania beatmap.
Please redownload if you downloaded before 5/26 2013
hi, first ww


try add some drum hitsound like this

Topic Starter

indyinyou wrote:



try add some drum hitsound like this

thanks :)
Hello~ IRC mod.
20:34 xxbidiao: 233
20:35 xxbidiao: 有些我就在这里说吧
20:35 woc2006: 记得贴到论坛
20:35 xxbidiao: hard你是故意刻意的拉高难度了吧。。
20:35 xxbidiao: 恩
20:35 xxbidiao: 太过于刻意了让人感觉是键位练习曲
20:35 woc2006: 没有,听到的音都map下来了
20:35 xxbidiao: 比如那些条子,很牵强
20:35 woc2006: 嗯?全部吗
20:36 xxbidiao: 有些是按点来的,有些就变成条子了
20:36 woc2006: 可以举例吗?
20:36 xxbidiao: 有些又变成重叠条了
20:36 xxbidiao: 恩,我进edit
20:37 xxbidiao: 先说下总体建议好了
20:37 xxbidiao: 总体的感觉是为了拉高难度搞了很多梗,一些关键的地方倒没出来的感觉._.
20:38 woc2006: 具体一点?
20:38 xxbidiao: 一个一个来好了
20:38 xxbidiao: 00:00:435 (435|6) - 细节的小建议,这个楼梯可以考虑整体左移一格?
20:39 xxbidiao: 或者把00:00:799 (799|4) - 往右边去一些,体现出不同的乐器~
20:40 xxbidiao: 00:01:163 (1163|0) - 可以考虑做成三拍砖甚至更多,引入那个吉他的音高也会不错。
20:40 xxbidiao: 否则这重音竟然和轻音都是2个键很说不过去。。
20:41 xxbidiao: 00:06:526 (6526|4) - 这一处这个音有点奇怪。不一定是这里多个音,可能是前面少个音。
20:42 xxbidiao: 00:11:344 (11344|2) - 建议改点
20:42 xxbidiao: 00:18:072 (18072|4) - 建议加2砖,和前面一致?
20:43 xxbidiao: 00:22:253 (22253|0) - 这个条不知道什么情况。
20:43 woc2006: 00:06:253 - 这里可以改成柱子撑到下一条白线吗?
20:44 xxbidiao: 我觉得可能要到白线之后那条红线。
20:44 xxbidiao: 或者这样的ambient可能不大适合做条?
20:45 woc2006: 听起来背景有不止一个音
20:45 woc2006: 大概4 5 个
20:45 woc2006: 但又不好放砖
20:45 woc2006: 00:11:344 - 这里明显是长音吧
20:45 xxbidiao: 那可以考虑不Note这些咯?奇怪的音位反而让打图的人不爽0w0
20:46 xxbidiao: 哦,00:11:344我听起来像一条一点
20:46 xxbidiao: 或者既然要体现可以考虑2条2点
20:46 xxbidiao: 没事正好6押._.
20:47 woc2006: 改了
20:47 xxbidiao: 00:09:890 (9890|5) - 这个楼梯可以考虑不用折返了,换个花样看看
20:48 xxbidiao: 接下来是重灾区._.
20:48 woc2006: 好
20:48 xxbidiao: 00:24:799 (24799|2) - 从这里开始
20:49 xxbidiao: 从这里开始充满了不一致和故意卡手0w0
20:49 xxbidiao: 我的想法是guitar可以不用停,一直放2砖头到底都可以
20:50 xxbidiao: 不过似乎也要注意音高的情况,我仔细看了下似乎这些guitar还是有小节内的音高区别的样子~
20:50 woc2006: 嗯
20:50 xxbidiao: 00:31:708 (31708|5) - 比如这里
20:50 xxbidiao: 突然guitar消失了出来一个奇特楼梯条
20:50 woc2006: 哦 对
20:50 woc2006: 我改一下
20:51 xxbidiao: 让人感觉特别的随便._.
20:51 xxbidiao: 这几个条的乐器我一下想不起来他的名字。。
20:51 xxbidiao: 就是这几个条对应的乐器,建议不是特别长的还是改成点比较好~
20:51 xxbidiao: 这样配合guitar会绝赞哟
20:52 xxbidiao: 特别长基本是1/2左右算,1/4长度的做条意思不太大了。
20:53 xxbidiao: 比如这里的吉他00:36:799 (36799|2) - 就适合拉长
20:53 xxbidiao: 我随手放一个我的想法截个图给你好了._.
20:56 woc2006: 00:24:890 - 这里似乎应该移到蓝线上。。
20:56 woc2006: 重音对错了
20:56 xxbidiao: 所以说这些还是要注意下了._.
20:56 xxbidiao: 很容易搞错>_<
20:56 woc2006: 哦, 没错
20:57 woc2006: 在红白线
20:59 xxbidiao: 卡徒了。。
20:59 xxbidiao: 稍等下,我发图
21:00 xxbidiao: 渣网速伤不起。。
21:00 xxbidiao: 先往下面看
21:01 xxbidiao: 00:41:163 (41163|1) - 这组条已经很难用牵强来形容了。。
21:02 xxbidiao: 00:43:708 (43708|6) - 怀疑这个是虚拟音。
21:03 xxbidiao: 00:46:981 (46981|4) - 这一排可以考虑加第二列1个音,和前面一直。
21:03 xxbidiao: 00:50:617 (50617|0) - 同上,变成2条2砖
21:03 xxbidiao: 00:53:163 (53163|0) - 这里还是做成普通楼梯比较好?
21:05 xxbidiao: 00:54:253 (54253|6) - 这里的话,建议是排满整个1/2音符,中间不留空档,表现出guitar.否则的

21:06 xxbidiao: 01:01:890 (61890|0) - 这个纯粹玩难度吧。。。我觉得不太适合歌曲。(交叠条的话,是要歌曲本

21:06 xxbidiao: 01:03:526 (63526|1) - 听起来像是4连鼓音。
21:07 woc2006: 00:54:253 (54253|6) - 这里长音比较明显
21:07 xxbidiao: 54秒的地方我猜测你是全排鼓音。
21:07 xxbidiao: 不过double 和单点的区分度很小
21:08 xxbidiao: 让人感觉这些double是画蛇添足
21:08 xxbidiao: 不如干脆就只留一个,另外一个交给吉他~
21:08 xxbidiao: 这样就加一些1/2音符补满就OK了,手感也会不错。
21:09 woc2006: 另外一个?什么意思
21:09 xxbidiao: 就是double现在的那些
21:09 xxbidiao: 比如00:54:981 (54981|4) -
21:09 xxbidiao: 这个留作鼓音
21:09 xxbidiao: 然后00:54:981 (54981|6) - 看做吉他
21:10 xxbidiao: 那么等于是要加上00:55:344 (55344|6,55526|6) - 这些音才适合
21:11 woc2006: 不太明白怎么改
21:12 xxbidiao: 网速悲剧- - 我试试加上去图传过来
21:13 xxbidiao: 简单说来就是按照现在最右边一列的节奏,把它铺满
21:13 xxbidiao: 不留空档
21:13 xxbidiao: 用来表现吉他
21:13 xxbidiao: 然后可以考虑把左边的note移动到左手边
21:16 xxbidiao: 能看到图嘛?
21:17 woc2006: 36秒?
21:19 xxbidiao: 还有一张
21:19 xxbidiao: 36秒是之前的一个建议
21:19 xxbidiao: 现在这个是56秒的这个建议
21:19 xxbidiao: 最右排排满guitar
21:20 xxbidiao: 把鼓留给左手
21:20 xxbidiao: 还有就是后面01:05:890 (65890|2) - 这些楼梯了
21:21 woc2006: 嗯
21:21 xxbidiao: 可以考虑也做成前面56秒那样
21:21 xxbidiao: 或者换个花样
21:21 xxbidiao: 这个楼梯实在不明不白._.
21:22 xxbidiao: 01:14:435 (74435|1) - 这地方倒适合大拍砖。。
21:22 woc2006: 没有那么多音
21:23 xxbidiao: 至少一组和弦吧>w<
21:23 woc2006: 截个图?
21:24 woc2006: 怀疑我们时间基准不对
21:25 woc2006: 改了
21:25 woc2006: 继续
21:26 xxbidiao: 稍等
21:26 xxbidiao: 图要来了
21:28 xxbidiao: 01:26:253 (86253|3) - 怀疑这个音是虚拟的0 0
21:28 xxbidiao: 01:26:981 (86981|3) - 这个可以滑一下加个滑音~
21:30 woc2006: 好了
21:30 xxbidiao: 似乎hard看完了._.
21:31 xxbidiao: 我看下normal,
21:33 xxbidiao: normal就一句话吐槽了._. 有些一致性的奇特过渡方法,整体来说问题不大
21:33 woc2006: 啊?
21:33 xxbidiao: easy0note,忽略了?
21:33 woc2006: 没做
21:33 woc2006: 比normal更简单
21:34 xxbidiao: easy动词大慈不错(逃
21:34 xxbidiao: normal这边那些奇特的过度比如
21:35 xxbidiao: 00:27:708 (27708|4) - 比如
21:35 xxbidiao: 这个过度实在是太奇葩了,突然换了一个乐器,还“合上了节拍”
21:35 xxbidiao: 让人不感觉换了一个乐器
21:36 xxbidiao: 就比如这些奇特的过度,个中还有好多处,可能不太适合。
21:36 xxbidiao: 不过整体上没什么问题
light check~
  1. 00:06:253 (6253|2) - end at 00:06:981
  2. 00:11:344 (11344|1) - delete
  3. 00:38:981 (38981|3) - delete
  4. 00:38:981 (38981|2) - end at 00:39:344
  5. 00:52:799 - add a note
  6. 00:56:890 (56890|5) - delete
  7. 00:57:072 (57072|3) - delete
  8. 01:02:526 (62526|2) - move to 5th column
  9. 01:26:981 (86981|3,87026|4) - didn't match the sound, move them to 01:26:890 and 01:26:981
  10. 01:28:344 (88344|2,88435|3,88526|4) - actually here are four 1/8 sounds, from 01:28:344 to 01:28:481
  1. 01:03:708 - add a note
  2. 01:21:163 - add a note at 1st column
  3. 01:26:890 - add a note
  4. 01:28:344 (88344|2,88435|3,88526|4) - the same as Hard
  1. 00:18:072 - add a note at 7th column
  2. 00:52:072 (52072|2) - end at 00:53:163, and↓
  3. 00:53:163 - add a note
Topic Starter

ljqandylee wrote:

light check~
  1. 00:06:253 (6253|2) - end at 00:06:981
  2. 00:11:344 (11344|1) - delete
  3. 00:38:981 (38981|3) - delete
  4. 00:38:981 (38981|2) - end at 00:39:344
  5. 00:52:799 - add a note
  6. 00:56:890 (56890|5) - delete
  7. 00:57:072 (57072|3) - delete
  8. 01:02:526 (62526|2) - move to 5th column
  9. 01:26:981 (86981|3,87026|4) - didn't match the sound, move them to 01:26:890 and 01:26:981
  10. 01:28:344 (88344|2,88435|3,88526|4) - actually here are four 1/8 sounds, from 01:28:344 to 01:28:481
  1. 01:03:708 - add a note
  2. 01:21:163 - add a note at 1st column
  3. 01:26:890 - add a note
  4. 01:28:344 (88344|2,88435|3,88526|4) - the same as Hard
  1. 00:18:072 - add a note at 7th column
  2. 00:52:072 (52072|2) - end at 00:53:163, and↓
  3. 00:53:163 - add a note

从00:12:072 (12072|3) - 到00:17:526 (17526|5,17526|0) - 这一段只有鼓点,你把重音和低音都写成两个NOTE本身也是有问题的,你可以低音写两个,重音写三个,也可以低音写一个,重音写两个NOTE
00:19:344 (19344|1) - 这里用两个NOTE来修饰,因为这里除了一个低音外,还有忽然出现的一个鼓点音,加上去,表现力会有所加强
00:20:072 (20072|3) - 这里漏音了,最好再好好听下~~,低音是一个 长音,加上去
00:19:890 (19890|1,19981|2,20072|3) - 这里是1/8
00:22:799 (22799|1,22890|2,22981|3) - 同上
从00:24:799 (24799|2) -开始,加上人声试试,加在哪就看你的思路了~~尽量做到不卡手为前提
00:29:344 (29344|4) - 这里不要和后面的滑条连在一起,同前面几个滑条,这里明显有一个停顿
从00:50:617 (50617|0) - 到00:52:072 (52072|2) - 为什么第一个写了鼓点之后两个都不写呢~~
01:01:163 (61163|5) - 这里是1/8,仔细听歌曲,这歌曲很多地方都是1/8,不要急着写,放慢听,新手一次肯定听不出所有的音
01:10:981 (70981|5) -
01:22:253 (82253|3) - 这里试着把NOTE从最左边向右摆成阶梯
01:23:708 (83708|2) - 人声写上
01:24:799 (84799|6) -

Topic Starter

Lieselotte wrote:


从00:12:072 (12072|3) - 到00:17:526 (17526|5,17526|0) - 这一段只有鼓点,你把重音和低音都写成两个NOTE本身也是有问题的,你可以低音写两个,重音写三个,也可以低音写一个,重音写两个NOTE
00:19:344 (19344|1) - 这里用两个NOTE来修饰,因为这里除了一个低音外,还有忽然出现的一个鼓点音,加上去,表现力会有所加强
00:20:072 (20072|3) - 这里漏音了,最好再好好听下~~,低音是一个 长音,加上去
00:19:890 (19890|1,19981|2,20072|3) - 这里是1/8
00:22:799 (22799|1,22890|2,22981|3) - 同上
从00:24:799 (24799|2) -开始,加上人声试试,加在哪就看你的思路了~~尽量做到不卡手为前提
00:29:344 (29344|4) - 这里不要和后面的滑条连在一起,同前面几个滑条,这里明显有一个停顿
从00:50:617 (50617|0) - 到00:52:072 (52072|2) - 为什么第一个写了鼓点之后两个都不写呢~~
01:01:163 (61163|5) - 这里是1/8,仔细听歌曲,这歌曲很多地方都是1/8,不要急着写,放慢听,新手一次肯定听不出所有的音
01:10:981 (70981|5) -
01:22:253 (82253|3) - 这里试着把NOTE从最左边向右摆成阶梯
01:23:708 (83708|2) - 人声写上
01:24:799 (84799|6) -

Hi woc!

[All Diffs:]

Timing is off. All timing sections needs to move about -25 ms from the current offset and all notes resnapped.
Aimod is complaining about preview point/bitrate/BG resolution (but i think since osu! got HD support now it does not matter for the BG anymore)
Source title of the anime seems different than what got ranked before, yours says "Toaru Kagaku no Railgun S" ranked one says "To Aru Kagaku no Railgun"
I don't know myself since i never seen this anime but according to your's is right and the other one spelled wrong lol, well i don't know..
Source: ... _Railgun_S

Or maybe just copy the tags/source from this beatmap -> t/130630


00:12:799 - here for the next measures the pattern should progress a bit to the right side every measure to go alongside with the bass:
00:14:253 (14253|1,14617|4,14981|1,15344|4) - move those 4 notes all 1 column to the right side. 00:15:708 (15708|1) - move this one to the 4th column and chose those notes placement a bit 00:17:163 (17163|3,17526|6,17890|4,18072|6) -
00:24:072 (24072|5) - move this one to one of the first 3 columns, 00:27:708 (27708|1,28435|1) - move those to the 6th column
00:50:253 - add note on 7th column?
Optional: Add notes here on 4th column, 00:50:617 - 00:51:344 - 00:52:072 - but its fine if you think that will make it too difficult
00:52:072 (52072|2) - better shorten the hold. it is too long, also will give a nice little break after the previous part
00:54:981 (54981|5,55344|2,55708|5,56072|2) - Move those notes all 1 column to the left?
00:56:617 - Suggest to change this measure to something like this: You are missing a beat and it looks pretty unorganized right now.
01:00:799 (60799|3,61163|5,61526|3) - move those all 1 column left?


00:14:253 (14253|2,14435|6) - move the notes both 1 column to the left and those notes: 00:15:708 (15708|1,15890|5) - like the following ones.
00:34:617 (34617|1,35163|2,35708|3) - Should remove the finish hitsounds for those holds and add extra notes with finish sound instead. Afterall it's a normal diff. 00:41:890 (41890|3) - same
00:44:799 - Same thing here for the transition between measures: 00:44:799 (44799|5) - remove this finish hitsound and move this note to the 5th column. 00:44:981 (44981|5) - addnote here. 00:46:253 (46253|4,46435|5) - move those notes into same location as the next notes. 00:47:708 (47708|2,47890|3) - same for those 2 notes.
01:15:163 (75163|3) - Hold 1 beat too long.
01:16:799 (76799|2) - add finish sound and move this 1 column to the right.
01:18:617 (78617|1) - this hold is confusing. It should be in the same column as this note 01:18:253 (78253|6) - since its both for the same guitar note. I suggest to change it like this
01:21:890 (81890|0,82072|0,82253|0,82435|0) - Better move those 4 notes to the third column. It has a very nice feeling to it because of the other pitch changes occuring :)


00:25:117 - The part around here i think it would be alot better if the guitar conitued with 2 holds like that.
00:26:890 - Same thing
00:56:481 - This part here feels really awkward to play for me. 00:57:163 - i think you should remove the guitar notes at this point and finish the keyboard stream. At the next measure here 00:57:890 - you should better map the notes according to the drum pattern
00:59:708 (59708|5,59753|4,59799|3) - Those 2 streams are all 2 notes too short. It should be like this
01:04:253 - Some suggestion to improve this part:
01:15:163 (75163|4,75163|2) - The 2 holds are 1 beat too long
The ending part im not sure but after the offsect corrections the notes should belong like this:

Good map :)
Topic Starter

Hanyuu wrote:

Hi woc!

[All Diffs:]

Timing is off. All timing sections needs to move about -25 ms from the current offset and all notes resnapped.
Aimod is complaining about preview point/bitrate/BG resolution (but i think since osu! got HD support now it does not matter for the BG anymore)
Source title of the anime seems different than what got ranked before, yours says "Toaru Kagaku no Railgun S" ranked one says "To Aru Kagaku no Railgun"
I don't know myself since i never seen this anime but according to your's is right and the other one spelled wrong lol, well i don't know..
Source: ... _Railgun_S

Or maybe just copy the tags/source from this beatmap -> t/130630


00:12:799 - here for the next measures the pattern should progress a bit to the right side every measure to go alongside with the bass:
00:14:253 (14253|1,14617|4,14981|1,15344|4) - move those 4 notes all 1 column to the right side. 00:15:708 (15708|1) - move this one to the 4th column and chose those notes placement a bit 00:17:163 (17163|3,17526|6,17890|4,18072|6) -
00:24:072 (24072|5) - move this one to one of the first 3 columns, 00:27:708 (27708|1,28435|1) - move those to the 6th column
00:50:253 - add note on 7th column?
Optional: Add notes here on 4th column, 00:50:617 - 00:51:344 - 00:52:072 - but its fine if you think that will make it too difficult
00:52:072 (52072|2) - better shorten the hold. it is too long, also will give a nice little break after the previous part
00:54:981 (54981|5,55344|2,55708|5,56072|2) - Move those notes all 1 column to the left?
00:56:617 - Suggest to change this measure to something like this: You are missing a beat and it looks pretty unorganized right now.
01:00:799 (60799|3,61163|5,61526|3) - move those all 1 column left?


00:14:253 (14253|2,14435|6) - move the notes both 1 column to the left and those notes: 00:15:708 (15708|1,15890|5) - like the following ones.
00:34:617 (34617|1,35163|2,35708|3) - Should remove the finish hitsounds for those holds and add extra notes with finish sound instead. Afterall it's a normal diff. 00:41:890 (41890|3) - same
00:44:799 - Same thing here for the transition between measures: 00:44:799 (44799|5) - remove this finish hitsound and move this note to the 5th column. 00:44:981 (44981|5) - addnote here. 00:46:253 (46253|4,46435|5) - move those notes into same location as the next notes. 00:47:708 (47708|2,47890|3) - same for those 2 notes.
01:15:163 (75163|3) - Hold 1 beat too long.
01:16:799 (76799|2) - add finish sound and move this 1 column to the right.
01:18:617 (78617|1) - this hold is confusing. It should be in the same column as this note 01:18:253 (78253|6) - since its both for the same guitar note. I suggest to change it like this
01:21:890 (81890|0,82072|0,82253|0,82435|0) - Better move those 4 notes to the third column. It has a very nice feeling to it because of the other pitch changes occuring :)


00:25:117 - The part around here i think it would be alot better if the guitar conitued with 2 holds like that.
00:26:890 - Same thing
00:56:481 - This part here feels really awkward to play for me. 00:57:163 - i think you should remove the guitar notes at this point and finish the keyboard stream. At the next measure here 00:57:890 - you should better map the notes according to the drum pattern
00:59:708 (59708|5,59753|4,59799|3) - Those 2 streams are all 2 notes too short. It should be like this
01:04:253 - Some suggestion to improve this part:
01:15:163 (75163|4,75163|2) - The 2 holds are 1 beat too long
The ending part im not sure but after the offsect corrections the notes should belong like this:

Good map :)

All fixed.
Source should be "Toaru", DJpop made a mistake.
早灣 woc醬 >w<
自己到處覓食決定吃這個 w

  • "re" 意思是 "remove"
    黑色 只是建議,不喜歡可以略過~OAO
    藍色 是建議改掉
    紅色 是unrankable


  1. Enable countdown 記得取消掉 ~
  2. 如果是Ending又是tv-size, 可以考慮加個Ending video~


  1. 00:52:047 (52047|2) - 不管是對電吉他還是vocal, 覺得結束在00:52:592會比較符合這兩個, 若是其他的話就不需要改了 :3
  2. 00:56:774 (56774|3) - 往右邊移一行, 聽音樂感覺00:56:410 (56410|5) - 這邊就可以變換隊形了
  3. 01:21:138 (81138|4) - 這hold配合音樂可以切成兩段式, 比如說這樣


  1. 01:24:592 (84592|2,84638|3,84683|4) - 這位子好像怪怪的?! 不是這個嘛? 用1/12對得好像比較準. 01:28:319 (88319|2,88365|3,88410|4) - 跟 01:25:410 (85410|1,85456|2) - 同這
  2. 00:58:592 (58592|1,58774|2,58956|3) - 從這後面開始的三拍,都沒有再加上像00:56:774 (56774|1) - 所湊合出來的雙鍵, 考慮加一個像00:56:410 (56410|6,56592|5,56774|4,56774|1) -
  3. 01:21:865 (81865|0) - 這邊讓咱感覺到一些奇怪,往右移兩行到第二排,比較符合音樂的變化


  1. 00:38:592 (38592|0) - 這條hold結束在00:38:774會比較符合音樂,隊形也比較不會奇怪
  2. 00:19:910 (19910|1,19956|2,20001|3) - 關於這裡...怎麼聽都覺得有點奇怪, 咱聽起來比較像1/12拍的這種. 00:22:774 (22774|1,22819|2,22865|3) - 同這
  3. 01:24:592 (84592|3,84638|4,84683|5,84728|6) - 用1/12拍去設置這裡會比較對得到鋼琴的樣子? 01:26:895 (86895|3,86956|4) - ,01:25:380 (85380|3,85441|2,85501|1) - 跟01:28:319 (88319|2,88365|3,88410|4,88456|5) - 同這
鍵位都好nice ;w;
就這些了 :3
good luck ~ star :D
Topic Starter

Loneight wrote:

早灣 woc醬 >w<
自己到處覓食決定吃這個 w

  • "re" 意思是 "remove"
    黑色 只是建議,不喜歡可以略過~OAO
    藍色 是建議改掉
    紅色 是unrankable


  1. Enable countdown 記得取消掉 ~
  2. 如果是Ending又是tv-size, 可以考慮加個Ending video~


  1. 00:52:047 (52047|2) - 不管是對電吉他還是vocal, 覺得結束在00:52:592會比較符合這兩個, 若是其他的話就不需要改了 :3
  2. 00:56:774 (56774|3) - 往右邊移一行, 聽音樂感覺00:56:410 (56410|5) - 這邊就可以變換隊形了
  3. 01:21:138 (81138|4) - 這hold配合音樂可以切成兩段式, 比如說這樣


  1. 01:24:592 (84592|2,84638|3,84683|4) - 這位子好像怪怪的?! 不是這個嘛? 用1/12對得好像比較準. 01:28:319 (88319|2,88365|3,88410|4) - 跟 01:25:410 (85410|1,85456|2) - 同這
  2. 00:58:592 (58592|1,58774|2,58956|3) - 從這後面開始的三拍,都沒有再加上像00:56:774 (56774|1) - 所湊合出來的雙鍵, 考慮加一個像00:56:410 (56410|6,56592|5,56774|4,56774|1) -
  3. 01:21:865 (81865|0) - 這邊讓咱感覺到一些奇怪,往右移兩行到第二排,比較符合音樂的變化


  1. 00:38:592 (38592|0) - 這條hold結束在00:38:774會比較符合音樂,隊形也比較不會奇怪
  2. 00:19:910 (19910|1,19956|2,20001|3) - 關於這裡...怎麼聽都覺得有點奇怪, 咱聽起來比較像1/12拍的這種. 00:22:774 (22774|1,22819|2,22865|3) - 同這
  3. 01:24:592 (84592|3,84638|4,84683|5,84728|6) - 用1/12拍去設置這裡會比較對得到鋼琴的樣子? 01:26:895 (86895|3,86956|4) - ,01:25:380 (85380|3,85441|2,85501|1) - 跟01:28:319 (88319|2,88365|3,88410|4,88456|5) - 同這
鍵位都好nice ;w;
就這些了 :3
good luck ~ star :D

All fixed, thanks.
very good .. this map :D
00:09:865 (9865|2) - move to 5 track
00:11:319 (11319|4) - move to 3 track

00:34:592 (34592|2) - move to 5 track
00:35:683 (35683|4) - move to 3 track

00:52:047 (52047|2) - move to 7 track

00:01:683 (1683|5) - i think this circle change to hold over at next circle same as [easy]00:17:865 (17865|4,18047|6) -
00:04:592 (4592|1) - ^
00:07:501 (7501|3) - ^

00:09:865 (9865|6) - & 00:10:592 (10592|2) - I just feel that change to hold can correspond next two hold sound

00:34:592 (34592|1,34592|4,35138|2,35138|5,35683|3,35683|6) - just image reversal same as [Easy]
01:02:228 (62228|4,62592|3,62956|2,63319|1,63683|0) - ^

00:01:683 (1683|0) - same as [Normall]
00:04:592 (4592|6) - ^
00:07:501 (7501|4) - ^

Finally,All hail our Open source brother!!!
Topic Starter

retadidas wrote:

00:09:865 (9865|2) - move to 5 track
00:11:319 (11319|4) - move to 3 track

00:34:592 (34592|2) - move to 5 track
00:35:683 (35683|4) - move to 3 track

00:52:047 (52047|2) - move to 7 track

00:01:683 (1683|5) - i think this circle change to hold over at next circle same as [easy]00:17:865 (17865|4,18047|6) -
00:04:592 (4592|1) - ^
00:07:501 (7501|3) - ^

00:09:865 (9865|6) - & 00:10:592 (10592|2) - I just feel that change to hold can correspond next two hold sound

00:34:592 (34592|1,34592|4,35138|2,35138|5,35683|3,35683|6) - just image reversal same as [Easy]
01:02:228 (62228|4,62592|3,62956|2,63319|1,63683|0) - ^

00:01:683 (1683|0) - same as [Normall]
00:04:592 (4592|6) - ^
00:07:501 (7501|4) - ^

Finally,All hail our Open source brother!!!
All fixed
\o/ 來mod一下

  1. 00:01:138 (1138|4,1138|2) - I guess you can add a finish hitsound there to fit the first strong downbeat there. It can also fit the music quite well.
  2. 00:04:047 (4047|4,4047|2) - I prefer to add a clap here.
  3. 00:18:047 (18047|6) - Add a finish here to fit the strong downbeat?
  4. 00:59:319 (59319|1) - How about moving this to 5th column to fit the previous pattern?

  1. 00:01:138 (1138|6) - I guess you can add a finish hitsound there to fit the first strong downbeat there. It can also fit the music quite well.
  2. 00:03:865 - How about adding a note at 1st(red) column to fit the previous pattern?
  3. 01:05:228 (65228|0) - I would recommend to add a note at 5th column (the placement is same as previous note)? So that the note can fit the drum and instrument there.
  4. 01:05:319 (65319|0) - How about adding a note here to follow the vocal?
  1. 00:01:138 (1138|6,1138|0,1138|2,1138|4) - I guess you can add a finish hitsound there to fit the first strong downbeat there. It can also fit the music quite well.
  2. 00:18:047 (18047|2,18047|5,18047|1,18047|4) - Add some finish hitsound there to fit the strong downbeat?
  3. 00:55:501 (55501|2,55592|3,55683|4) - The rhythm is quite weird there. I don't think a triplet fits the music there. I would suggest removing this note: 00:55:592 (55592|3) -
  4. 00:57:138 (57138|0,57183|1,57228|2) - ^Same, I would suggest removing the note which on the blue tick.
  5. 01:05:047 (65047|5) - Add a clap here to fit the drum sound?
Topic Starter

kanpakyin wrote:

\o/ 來mod一下

  1. 00:01:138 (1138|4,1138|2) - I guess you can add a finish hitsound there to fit the first strong downbeat there. It can also fit the music quite well.
  2. 00:04:047 (4047|4,4047|2) - I prefer to add a clap here.
  3. 00:18:047 (18047|6) - Add a finish here to fit the strong downbeat?
  4. 00:59:319 (59319|1) - How about moving this to 5th column to fit the previous pattern?

all fixed

  1. 00:01:138 (1138|6) - I guess you can add a finish hitsound there to fit the first strong downbeat there. It can also fit the music quite well.
  2. 00:03:865 - How about adding a note at 1st(red) column to fit the previous pattern?
  3. 01:05:228 (65228|0) - I would recommend to add a note at 5th column (the placement is same as previous note)? So that the note can fit the drum and instrument there.
  4. 01:05:319 (65319|0) - How about adding a note here to follow the vocal?
all fixed

  1. 00:01:138 (1138|6,1138|0,1138|2,1138|4) - I guess you can add a finish hitsound there to fit the first strong downbeat there. It can also fit the music quite well.
  2. 00:18:047 (18047|2,18047|5,18047|1,18047|4) - Add some finish hitsound there to fit the strong downbeat?
  3. 00:55:501 (55501|2,55592|3,55683|4) - The rhythm is quite weird there. I don't think a triplet fits the music there. I would suggest removing this note: 00:55:592 (55592|3) -
  4. 00:57:138 (57138|0,57183|1,57228|2) - ^Same, I would suggest removing the note which on the blue tick. I slow down to 25% and there's has three drum sounds, and the same to second.
  5. 01:05:047 (65047|5) - Add a clap here to fit the drum sound?
all fixed except red comment.
Nice one!



7K HARD的问题感觉有些面条后边的NOTE有些阴,是刻意的吗?

7k hard:

add: 00:57:047 (57047|3) -


01:05:047 (65047|6) -
01:05:138 (65138|6) -

Topic Starter

MgerSy wrote:


7K HARD的问题感觉有些面条后边的NOTE有些阴,是刻意的吗?

7k hard:

add: 00:57:047 (57047|3) -


01:05:047 (65047|6) -
01:05:138 (65138|6) -


Bubble repaired.

[7K Easy]
00:14:228 Something Repetitive
00:27:683 (1,2,3) Ctrl + H
00:54:956 (1,2,3,4,5) ^

Pretty Good diff

[7K Normal]
00:30:774 Move to colum 1
00:31:138 ^ 2
00:31:501 ^ 3
00:33:501 ^ 7
00:34:047 ^ 6
00:34:410 ^ 5
00:41:865 Penis! O___O

[7K Hard]

Good Luck : 3
Topic Starter

ThoomyyxD wrote:


[7K Easy]
00:14:228 Something Repetitive
00:27:683 (1,2,3) Ctrl + H
00:54:956 (1,2,3,4,5) ^

Pretty Good diff

[7K Normal]
00:30:774 Move to colum 1
00:31:138 ^ 2
00:31:501 ^ 3
00:33:501 ^ 7
00:34:047 ^ 6
00:34:410 ^ 5
00:41:865 Penis! O___O

[7K Hard]

Good Luck : 3

all fixed, thanks alot.
Hi there. From the osu!mania Mod Thread. Incoming rage mod.

- The bit rate of the MP3 used is 121 kb/s. I think the minimum was 128 kb/s.

(If I were a BAT, I'd pop that bubble so hard when I see this chart.)
00:04:410 (4410|2,5138|2,5865|2) Move to 7th column.
00:04:774 (4774|6,5501|6,6228|6) Move to 3rd column.
00:06:592 (6592|2) Move to 5th column.
00:07:319 (7319|3,8047|3,8774|3) ^
00:14:228 (14228|3,14956|3) Move to 3rd column.
00:15:683 (15683|3,16410|3) Move to 2nd column.
00:17:138 (17138|3) Move to 1st column.
00:17:865 (17865|4) Move to 1st or 3rd column and change to a normal note. A long note that short is a nuisance in an Easy difficulty.
00:19:319 (19319|1) Move to 3rd column.
00:22:956 (22956|3) Change to normal note.
00:25:138 (25138|3) Move to 3rd column.
00:25:865 Do this:
00:31:319 (31319|3) Move to 2nd or 3rd column.
00:32:047 Do this:
00:34:592 (34592|4) Move to 7th column.
00:35:138 (35138|3) Move to 5th column.
00:36:774 (36774|1) Move to 3rd column.
00:41:138 (41138|4) Move to 4th column.
00:41:865 (41865|3) Move to 1st, 2nd, or 3rd column.
00:43:319 (43319|3,44410|3) Move to 2nd or 3rd column.
00:44:774 (44774|5,45501|3,46228|3,46956|5,47683|3) Move to 1st or 2nd column.
00:52:047 (52047|6) Have the long note end at 00:52:774.
00:59:319 Do this:
01:08:047 (68047|1,69501|1) Move to 3rd column.
01:08:774 (68774|5,70228|5) Move to 5th column.
01:13:865 (73865|2,74774|4) Move to 2nd column.
01:14:410 (74410|4,75138|4) Move to 6th column.
01:18:228 (78228|0) Move 3rd column.
01:18:592 (78592|6) Remove this note.

(If I were a BAT, I'd pop the bubble even harder when I see this chart.)
HP Drain +1
00:03:865 (3865|1) Remove this note.
00:04:774 (4774|2) Move to 5th or 7th column.
00:24:956 (24956|2,25319|2,25683|2) Move to a column that uses the right hand (4th to 7th).
00:30:592 (30592|1,30956|2,31319|3) Move right by one column.
00:33:501 (33501|5,33865|4,34228|3) Move left by two columns.
00:37:683 (37683|5,38047|5) Move to 3rd column.
00:38:774 (38774|1) Move to a column that uses the right hand.
00:39:501 (39501|5) Move to 2nd column.
00:44:774 ...:
01:02:228 (62228|2,62592|3,62956|4,63319|5) DON'T DO THAT HERE, GODDAMMIT. This looks more like a < Lv12 in O2Jam standards, so it should have a max. of two holds at a time. I recommend that you either do this or this.
01:04:228 (64228|0,64774|0) Move to 2nd column.
01:04:228 (64228|6,64774|6) Move to 6th column.
01:08:047 (68047|5,68228|3,68410|1) Move left by one column.
01:11:683 (71683|5,72047|5,72410|4,72774|4,73138|3,73501|3,73865|2,74228|2) Move left by two columns.
01:14:410 (74410|1,74774|1) Move to 3rd column.
01:18:592 (78592|3) Remove this note.
01:18:956 (78956|4,79319|4) Move to 4th column.
01:19:683 (79683|2) Remove this note.
01:21:138 (81138|4) ^
01:20:047 ...:
01:23:865 (83865|5) Move to 1st or 5th column.

(This is the point where I was supposed to rage like hell, but I decided to stay calm and mod nicely. Maybe.)
HP Drain +1 or 2
OD +1, 2, or 3
00:06:592 Add a note in 6th column (whistle hitsound).
00:21:683 (21683|3,22047|3) Move left by one column.
00:22:774 (22774|1,22834|2,22895|3,22956|4) ^
00:24:047 (24047|1) Move to 7th column.
00:24:410 Add a note in 4th column (finish hitsound) and 6th column (no hitsound).
00:32:410 (32410|6,32774|4) Move to 3rd column (to fit with violins).
00:32:956 (32956|3) Move to 6th column (same reason).
00:46:956 (46956|3,47319|3) Move to 2nd column. Some intermediate right-handers may struggle in this part since the right hand is entirely used here.
01:03:501 (63501|1,63683|1,63865|1,64047|1) Move to 3rd column.
01:03:501 (63501|5,63683|5,63865|5,64047|5) Move to 5th column.
01:28:410 (88410|4) Remove this note.
01:28:441 (88441|5) Move to 01:28:410.

Hope this helps, maybe.
Topic Starter

PROGUY wrote:

Hi there. From the osu!mania Mod Thread. Incoming rage mod.

- The bit rate of the MP3 used is 121 kb/s. I think the minimum was 128 kb/s.

(If I were a BAT, I'd pop that bubble so hard when I see this chart.)
00:04:410 (4410|2,5138|2,5865|2) Move to 7th column.
00:04:774 (4774|6,5501|6,6228|6) Move to 3rd column.
00:06:592 (6592|2) Move to 5th column.
00:07:319 (7319|3,8047|3,8774|3) ^
00:14:228 (14228|3,14956|3) Move to 3rd column.
00:15:683 (15683|3,16410|3) Move to 2nd column.
00:17:138 (17138|3) Move to 1st column.
00:17:865 (17865|4) Move to 1st or 3rd column and change to a normal note. A long note that short is a nuisance in an Easy difficulty.
00:19:319 (19319|1) Move to 3rd column.
00:22:956 (22956|3) Change to normal note. remain
00:25:138 (25138|3) Move to 3rd column.
00:25:865 Do this:
00:31:319 (31319|3) Move to 2nd or 3rd column.
00:32:047 Do this:
00:34:592 (34592|4) Move to 7th column.
00:35:138 (35138|3) Move to 5th column.
00:36:774 (36774|1) Move to 3rd column.
00:41:138 (41138|4) Move to 4th column.
00:41:865 (41865|3) Move to 1st, 2nd, or 3rd column.
00:43:319 (43319|3,44410|3) Move to 2nd or 3rd column. remain
00:44:774 (44774|5,45501|3,46228|3,46956|5,47683|3) Move to 1st or 2nd column.
00:52:047 (52047|6) Have the long note end at 00:52:774.
00:59:319 Do this:
01:08:047 (68047|1,69501|1) Move to 3rd column. remain
01:08:774 (68774|5,70228|5) Move to 5th column. remain
01:13:865 (73865|2,74774|4) Move to 2nd column.
01:14:410 (74410|4,75138|4) Move to 6th column.
01:18:228 (78228|0) Move 3rd column.
01:18:592 (78592|6) Remove this note.

(If I were a BAT, I'd pop the bubble even harder when I see this chart.)
HP Drain +1
00:03:865 (3865|1) Remove this note. remain
00:04:774 (4774|2) Move to 5th or 7th column.
00:24:956 (24956|2,25319|2,25683|2) Move to a column that uses the right hand (4th to 7th).
00:30:592 (30592|1,30956|2,31319|3) Move right by one column.
00:33:501 (33501|5,33865|4,34228|3) Move left by two columns.
00:37:683 (37683|5,38047|5) Move to 3rd column.
00:38:774 (38774|1) Move to a column that uses the right hand. remain
00:39:501 (39501|5) Move to 2nd column. remain
00:44:774 ...:
01:02:228 (62228|2,62592|3,62956|4,63319|5) DON'T DO THAT HERE, GODDAMMIT. This looks more like a < Lv12 in O2Jam standards, so it should have a max. of two holds at a time. I recommend that you either do this or this. remain
01:04:228 (64228|0,64774|0) Move to 2nd column.
01:04:228 (64228|6,64774|6) Move to 6th column.
01:08:047 (68047|5,68228|3,68410|1) Move left by one column. remain
01:11:683 (71683|5,72047|5,72410|4,72774|4,73138|3,73501|3,73865|2,74228|2) Move left by two columns.
01:14:410 (74410|1,74774|1) Move to 3rd column.
01:18:592 (78592|3) Remove this note.
01:18:956 (78956|4,79319|4) Move to 4th column.
01:19:683 (79683|2) Remove this note. remain
01:21:138 (81138|4) ^ remain
01:20:047 ...:
01:23:865 (83865|5) Move to 1st or 5th column.

(This is the point where I was supposed to rage like hell, but I decided to stay calm and mod nicely. Maybe.)
HP Drain +1 or 2
OD +1, 2, or 3
00:06:592 Add a note in 6th column (whistle hitsound).
00:21:683 (21683|3,22047|3) Move left by one column.
00:22:774 (22774|1,22834|2,22895|3,22956|4) ^
00:24:047 (24047|1) Move to 7th column.
00:24:410 Add a note in 4th column (finish hitsound) and 6th column (no hitsound).
00:32:410 (32410|6,32774|4) Move to 3rd column (to fit with violins).
00:32:956 (32956|3) Move to 6th column (same reason).
00:46:956 (46956|3,47319|3) Move to 2nd column. Some intermediate right-handers may struggle in this part since the right hand is entirely used here.
01:03:501 (63501|1,63683|1,63865|1,64047|1) Move to 3rd column.
01:03:501 (63501|5,63683|5,63865|5,64047|5) Move to 5th column.
01:28:410 (88410|4) Remove this note.
01:28:441 (88441|5) Move to 01:28:410. remain

Hope this helps, maybe.
great mod :)
事不過三 同樣泡也是 我只能再re一次。。。於是真的確定沒人來mod再來找我吧。。
I'll do it myself then.


Congrats woc :)
congratz woc醬 :3
This map so great :D
congrats woc!! ~~
i don't like it , because can't change 7k to 4k playing
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