
Yuuna Sasara feat. Tai no Kobone - Imperishable Night 2006 [

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2013年7月22日 at 22:53:10

Artist: Yuuna Sasara feat. Tai no Kobone
Title: Imperishable Night 2006
Source: Touhou
Tags: BMS
BPM: 161
Filesize: 14767kb
Play Time: 02:08
Difficulties Available:
  1. 4K Insane - 4Key (5 stars, 1902 notes)
  2. 4K PROGUY's Normal - 4Key (5 stars, 617 notes)
  3. 7K Hard - 7Key (5 stars, 1189 notes)
  4. 7K Insane - 7Key (5 stars, 1929 notes)
  5. 7K Lunatic - 7Key (5 stars, 2697 notes)
  6. 7K Normal - 7Key (3.58 stars, 562 notes)
Download: Yuuna Sasara feat. Tai no Kobone - Imperishable Night 2006
Download: Yuuna Sasara feat. Tai no Kobone - Imperishable Night 2006 (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
The Background Video is flashy. If you feel uncomfortable PLEASE DISABLE BACKGROUND VIDEO IMMEDIATELY via visual settings.
(Do not close storyboard instead: Nothing graphical there.)
Thanks for DJPop's Background Video!
Thanks for shaoshengss's BG!
Thanks for PROGUY's normal (Guest Difficulty) made by PROGUY. Thank you PROGUY and please enjoy it!
This is a full key-sounded map. This means you may want your sound effect on and use map's customized hitsound. (Do not use your default skin hitsound or everything in the song would go away.)
Lunatic is really challenging, Wanna challenge yourself? Take it! :)
Nice map~

Waiting on the 7k Hard :D
Artist is 篠螺悠那 feat. 鯛の小骨
I can't read it ._."
Topic Starter

DJPop wrote:

Artist is 篠螺悠那 feat. 鯛の小骨
I can't read it ._."
Thank you! Actually that name also crashes on my computer. (But the name you have written here is OK)
I'll find suitable romaji substitution :)

Actually I have another problem on background video.
I have a storyboarded version of background video but I found it hard to import that here, and it is a little flashing. While some people may want to close the storyboard everything in BGM would also disappear, so I was wondering whether to make a recorded movie or not.
When I thought of making a movie I found out that there are a max size of 25MB per beatmap,making it really small space for movie. (You can see with a difficulty still WIP it is already 14M, causing AIMod to warn. )
So what should I do now? :o
Here's your solution 8-)
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DJPop wrote:

Here's your solution 8-)
Thank you!!! You are of great help! :)
Hey. The gap seems a bit huge lol. While the 7k Hard seems hardly challenging at all the 7k Insane just seems really insane. The hard as it is would usually be a normal one since it is mostly single notes and and the insane is just an insane. It is really a big step from hard to insane here and it feels like a difficulty inbetween is missing. Still a nice map though just the difficulty gap is very big. You could just look at the note count, 1111 -> 2697 (that diff is really insane)
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Hanyuu wrote:

Hey. The gap seems a bit huge lol. While the 7k Hard seems hardly challenging at all the 7k Insane just seems really insane. The hard as it is would usually be a normal one since it is mostly single notes and and the insane is just an insane. It is really a big step from hard to insane here and it feels like a difficulty inbetween is missing. Still a nice map though just the difficulty gap is very big. You could just look at the note count, 1111 -> 2697 (that diff is really insane)
Yeah, actually the gap is so huge that in my initial plan there was a 7key hard between currently hard and insane.
I was trying to use 4key insane as the gap-filler, but after I made the map I found that it is a silly idea :o

Currently I'm thinking of simplifying 7key insane to make an easier diff. another diff was made. Thank you! :)
touhou is a source...not an artist :/
Hey, mod as requested :D

Mmmh, as deadbeat said, Touhou is not an artist... So, on yt I found a video where's wrote "Artist: 篠螺悠那 feat. 鯛の小骨" unfortunally I can't romanize that x_x - In another beatmap I found the same song the artist is Yuuna Sasara

Inconsistency in audio lead-in: in all diffs is 0 except insane (3000) use a same audio lead-in for all diffs

I suggest you to make a 4k normal, because you have only 1 diff 4k :/

[7K Normal]
00:22:919 - Add a note
00:24:409 - Add a note so hard to mod with this bugged editor ;_;

Patterns are okay, maybe make the diff easier it's better

[4K Insane]
Patterns are okay there too, but pls follow this guitar 00:24:223 - using a hold xD

[7K Hard]
Nothing to see here :v

[7K Insane]
Follow the guitar at 00:24:223 - here too? ;w;

[7K Lunatic]
This is really similar at 7K Insane... D: Look for example at 00:26:832 - , they are the same here ;_;

00:23:850 (23850|3) - This should start at 00:24:037 -

No other things to see, sorry ;_; Good luck! :)
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Thank you for your mod~

Roxas wrote:

Hey, mod as requested :D

Mmmh, as deadbeat said, Touhou is not an artist... So, on yt I found a video where's wrote "Artist: 篠螺悠那 feat. 鯛の小骨" unfortunally I can't romanize that x_x - In another beatmap I found the same song the artist is Yuuna Sasara

Inconsistency in audio lead-in: in all diffs is 0 except insane (3000) use a same audio lead-in for all diffs

I suggest you to make a 4k normal, because you have only 1 diff 4k :/

[7K Normal]
00:22:919 - Add a note [Nope because I didn't found a meaningful placement :( . There are only 2 drum notes there and none of them are constantly mapped. one on each 1/2 and one on nearly each 1/4.]
00:24:409 - Add a note [Fixed in some other way. Now this map has a slider :) ] so hard to mod with this bugged editor ;_;
[modded generally. I found some double 1/2 hits on this diff :(. moved these notes to make this map easier.]

Patterns are okay, maybe make the diff easier it's better

[4K Insane]
Patterns are okay there too, but pls follow this guitar 00:24:223 - using a hold xD [On this diff nope, because this is intended to make as a stop effect like in the later part of the song. Also I didn't make a SV change here because SV changes may lag the map making it even harder ._. ]

[7K Hard]
Nothing to see here :v [=w=]

[7K Insane]
Follow the guitar at 00:24:223 - here too? ;w; [^]

[7K Lunatic]
This is really similar at 7K Insane... D: Look for example at 00:26:832 - , they are the same here ;_; [;w; Insane and Lunatic have the most difference on the killing period,making insane far easier to pass -w-]

00:23:850 (23850|3) - This should start at 00:24:037 - [This should start at the place it currently at - though I made a change at this part, moving this confusing sound into background and slider-ed another sound.]

No other things to see, sorry ;_; Good luck! :) [Thank you!]
Hi there! As requested, I'll mod your map :)
Sorry for the late mod though, I was quite busy in the past few days :|
Also incoming rage mod #2.

- The "feat. 鯛の小骨" part of the Artist indicates that this person remixed the song by adding 32nd notes in specific parts. That's why it sounds different in the harder charts. If you really must keep it, add that person into the Romanized Artist box. I don't care, you MUST give credit to that guy for the remixing.
- Can I make a Normal Mania 4k GD for you? (I think I have the BMS in my LR2, so you may not need to provide me one.)
- I suggest converting your .wav files into .ogg to decrease the filesize. (Drag all .wav files into oggenc2.exe to turn them into .ogg files. Then delete the .wav files. Next, open all your .osu files with Notepad and Replace All (Ctrl + H) ".wav" to ".ogg".)

[4Key Insane]
HP Drain + 2 or 3
00:28:136 (28136|3) Move to 3rd column.
01:09:316 Try this:

[7Key Normal]
OD -2
00:01:490 Add two notes like this in the 4th column:
00:02:981 ^
00:04:472 ^
00:05:962 ^
00:07:453 ^
00:08:944 ^
00:10:434 ^
00:11:914 ^
00:36:521 (36521|0,36521|2,36894|0,36894|2) Move right by one column.
01:03:354 (63354|5) Move to 5th column.
01:06:335 (66335|3) Move to 6th column.
01:07:639 (67639|4) ^
01:07:826 (67826|4) Move to 7th column.
01:08:385 (68385|3) Move to 5th or 6th column.
01:10:062 Add note in 4th column (cymbal/finish).
01:20:496 ^

[7Key Hard]
HP Drain +1
OD - 1 or 2
00:28:229 (28229|2) Move to 1st column.
00:31:211 (31211|4) Move to 2nd column.
00:34:192 (34192|3) Move to 2nd or 6th column.
00:40:155 (40155|3) Move to 3rd column.
00:43:136 (43136|3) ^
00:46:118 (46118|1) Move to 4th or 6th column.
00:49:192 No originality? This is the exact same thing I see in Normal. Arrange your patterns here and place the guitar notes in as single notes. (NOTE: It's fine to use the same patterns if you want your charts to be memorable for a specific part. The ending of Reincarnation in O2Jam is an example for that when the patterns are the same right at the end for all three charts as long as it fits the song + difficulty flow. Your charts doesn't match the difficulty consistency which makes it boring and ugly.)
01:51:708 (111708|3) Move to 5th column.
01:54:689 (114689|3) Move to 2nd column.
02:03:633 (123633|4) Move to 6th column.

[7Key Insane]
HP Drain +2
OD - 0 or 1
- ...I swear I'm looking at the exact same BMS with a few minor changes... The patterns between measures haven't changed that much which makes this chart challenging, but not memorable.

[7Key Lunatic]
HP Drain + 2 or 3
00:19:378 OMG THIS IS THE EXACT SAME DRUMROLL I'VE SEEN IN THE EASIER CHARTS Completely unoriginal. There's little or no variation in this drumroll here when contrasting this with the previous diffs/charts. Please arrange this to something more unique.
- I guess the rest of this chart is fine for challenge purposes... but at least give it something for it to be memorable about.

I hope this helps... somewhat...
Topic Starter

PROGUY wrote:

Hi there! As requested, I'll mod your map :)
Sorry for the late mod though, I was quite busy in the past few days :|
Also incoming rage mod #2.

- The "feat. 鯛の小骨" part of the Artist indicates that this person remixed the song by adding 32nd notes in specific parts. That's why it sounds different in the harder charts. If you really must keep it, add that person into the Romanized Artist box. I don't care, you MUST give credit to that guy for the remixing. [Thank you,I'll keep that in my mind.]
- Can I make a Normal Mania 4k GD for you? (I think I have the BMS in my LR2, so you may not need to provide me one.) [It is OK! I'm looking forward to your GD :)]
- I suggest converting your .wav files into .ogg to decrease the filesize. (Drag all .wav files into oggenc2.exe to turn them into .ogg files. Then delete the .wav files. Next, open all your .osu files with Notepad and Replace All (Ctrl + H) ".wav" to ".ogg".) [Yeah I'll do that after final upload or at some time that the package is too large to upload :( . Because of (maybe?) some bug in BMS converter, I personally are frightened :(]

[4Key Insane]
HP Drain + 2 or 3 [Nope, It's already 7! I think if I set this map to HP9 or 10 only players like Remilia-Scarlet can pass this ._. Or maybe you are just joking :)]
00:28:136 (28136|3) Move to 3rd column.[It's 2 note representing same sound so I didn't modified this.]
01:09:316 Try this: [Fixed.]

[7Key Normal]
OD -2 [Is it OK to use different OD in these maps? I would like to stick on OD10.]
00:01:490 Add two notes like this in the 4th column: [Fixed.]
00:02:981 ^ [^]
00:04:472 ^ [^]
00:05:962 ^ [^]
00:07:453 ^ [^]
00:08:944 ^ [^]
00:10:434 ^ [^]
00:11:914 ^ [^]
00:36:521 (36521|0,36521|2,36894|0,36894|2) Move right by one column. [changed in another way :)]
01:03:354 (63354|5) Move to 5th column. [fixed]
01:06:335 (66335|3) Move to 6th column. [fixed]
01:07:639 (67639|4) ^ [fixed]
01:07:826 (67826|4) Move to 7th column. [fixed]
01:08:385 (68385|3) Move to 5th or 6th column. [fixed]
01:10:062 Add note in 4th column (cymbal/finish). [fixed. but it maybe strange?]
01:20:496 ^ [Fixed. This is not strange]

[7Key Hard]
HP Drain +1
OD - 1 or 2
00:28:229 (28229|2) Move to 1st column. [Didn't make change because of the same reason in 4key insane. This should be OK in hard. :)]
00:31:211 (31211|4) Move to 2nd column. [^]
00:34:192 (34192|3) Move to 2nd or 6th column.[^]
00:40:155 (40155|3) Move to 3rd column.[^]
00:43:136 (43136|3) ^[^}
00:46:118 (46118|1) Move to 4th or 6th column.[^]
00:49:192 No originality? This is the exact same thing I see in Normal. Arrange your patterns here and place the guitar notes in as single notes. (NOTE: It's fine to use the same patterns if you want your charts to be memorable for a specific part. The ending of Reincarnation in O2Jam is an example for that when the patterns are the same right at the end for all three charts as long as it fits the song + difficulty flow. Your charts doesn't match the difficulty consistency which makes it boring and ugly.) [Completely re-wrote this part.]
01:51:708 (111708|3) Move to 5th column. [^]
01:54:689 (114689|3) Move to 2nd column. [^]
02:03:633 (123633|4) Move to 6th column. [^]

[7Key Insane]
HP Drain +2
OD - 0 or 1
- ...I swear I'm looking at the exact same BMS with a few minor changes... The patterns between measures haven't changed that much which makes this chart challenging, but not memorable. [Fixed with some big changes :) ]

[7Key Lunatic]
HP Drain + 2 or 3
00:19:378 OMG THIS IS THE EXACT SAME DRUMROLL I'VE SEEN IN THE EASIER CHARTS Completely unoriginal. There's little or no variation in this drumroll here when contrasting this with the previous diffs/charts. Please arrange this to something more unique. [I'm thinking of making this part easier in insane diff, but yet have no thought doing that. On work :) ]
- I guess the rest of this chart is fine for challenge purposes... but at least give it something for it to be memorable about.

I hope this helps... somewhat...
Thank you! I would consider further modifies after I fully re-walkthrough this chart again :)
00:26:459 (26459|1,26552|1) - 这个连点最好去掉,原谱特征太明显了,还有这段的单手楼梯。。都是原谱特征
01:44:114 (104114|4) - 移到6
00:39:503 (39503|1) - 万恶的连点啊
use this to make bgm
and convert it to mp3

and keysound files convert to ogg
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Luyuja wrote:

00:26:459 (26459|1,26552|1) - 这个连点最好去掉,原谱特征太明显了,还有这段的单手楼梯。。都是原谱特征 -Fixed.
01:44:114 (104114|4) - 移到6 -Fixed.
00:39:503 (39503|1) - 万恶的连点啊 -Fixed. Modded a few parts making insane easier.
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diamdiam wrote:

use this to make bgm
and convert it to mp3

and keysound files convert to ogg
I would convert these hitsound as soon as every diff are fixed :) Now they are converted.
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Thanks for PROGUY 's GD!
mod by request.

Where is your bg?
also rename the diffs, 7Key->7K 4Key->4K

I'll mod based on bms file. (0xx) is measure, and xx/16 is the position inside the measure.
[7Key Normal]
(032),14/16 - add a kick.

[7K Hard]
(032),14/16 - add a kick.

call me back when you are ready~
Topic Starter

chonicle wrote:

mod by request.

Where is your bg?
also rename the diffs, 7Key->7K 4Key->4K

I'll mod based on bms file. (0xx) is measure, and xx/16 is the position inside the measure.
[7Key Normal]
(032),14/16 - add a kick.

[7K Hard]
(032),14/16 - add a kick.

call me back when you are ready~
all fixed. I have slightly modified other notes' position in order to suit the change. In addition I have slightly modified 7K Insane to make it better fitting in hand :) (No note addition) Thank you!
Turn off letterbox.
Fix the audio leadin issue in lunatic diff.

edit: mapper fixed, bubbled
to next bat: This is virtual mode which allow no-mp3 for bms keysounded maps. It doesn't have a preview and because it doesn't have a mp3.

edit2: changed some tag. rebub
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chonicle wrote:

Turn off letterbox.
Fix the audio leadin issue in lunatic diff.
Fixed, maybe OD9 is better in some case :)

Let's leave OD10 as a legend :)
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tag problem fixed accoring to woc2006 's request.
Few things:
Tags are inconsistent across the diffs. All diffs besides Proguy's difficulty needs PROGUY added to them.

That video is really blinding, does it need an epilepsy warning?

When I select the song, all I get is silence.. not sure if its because I had to update the song when I downloaded it for the first time or what. Also the editor is acting really strange on this song. any idea what could be causing it? All other mania maps load fine.

Edit: maybe also add an extra 510 ms to the lead-in time as the first note hits at 1490
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Lanturn wrote:

Few things:
Tags are inconsistent across the diffs. All diffs besides Proguy's difficulty needs PROGUY added to them.

That video is really blinding, does it need an epilepsy warning?

When I select the song, all I get is silence.. not sure if its because I had to update the song when I downloaded it for the first time or what. Also the editor is acting really strange on this song. any idea what could be causing it? All other mania maps load fine.
For the tag issue, I have checked with BATs and it should be fine.
For video, you may turn that video off. Also if necessary I think I may add some notice on the beatmap description. But you may not want to disable storyboard like any map else which have "epilepsy warning" - everything is on the storyboard including music.
For silence preview, this is because this is a "virtual" map or full key-sounded map and everything is played on storyboard, so the BGM is virtual and you may not get the preview.

Edit: For lead-in time, currently osu! already handle it well, itself add a huge blank before the music actually exist.
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Thanks for everyone's help to make this even possible! Please enjoy this full key-sounded map!

(Also want to see these real pros getting extraordinary scores)
At least a notice would probably be the best. the video will immediately catch anyone off-guard as soon as the song starts which could lead to some problems right off the bat.

Also, cool stuff about the storyboard mapping. :)

grats on the rank!
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Lanturn wrote:

At least a notice would probably be the best. the video will immediately catch anyone off-guard as soon as the song starts which could lead to some problems right off the bat.

Also, cool stuff about the storyboard mapping. :)

grats on the rank!
Thank you!
I have added a notice on the song description.
Every difficulty asks me to update, tried to redownload many times.
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Andrea wrote:

Every difficulty asks me to update, tried to redownload many times.
If you have Touhou as the artist, you may have to delete the former file and re-download.
Otherwise I don't know why ;w;
yeah big bug from downloading maps from osu!direct, had to update each of them.
gratz on ranked, really awesome work :D
4K Insane is only ranked/approved diff I can't pass with 4 keys :S
Congratz \:D/

chonicle wrote:

to next bat: This is virtual mode which allow no-mp3 for bms keysounded maps. It doesn't have a preview and because it doesn't have a mp3.
xxbidiao should make a mp3 preview though. ;w;
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ishimaru94 wrote:

Congratz \:D/

chonicle wrote:

to next bat: This is virtual mode which allow no-mp3 for bms keysounded maps. It doesn't have a preview and because it doesn't have a mp3.
xxbidiao should make a mp3 preview though. ;w;
Considered that. But I don't have place to put that preview :/

really.. score after like 10 tries.

score in 1 try. this song "Lil' Slugger" 4k mapped by Staiain is a joke hard..

i think this is too hard.. :cry: why do you do this, BAT?

Bites wrote:

really.. score after like 10 tries.

score in 1 try. this song "Lil' Slugger" 4k mapped by Staiain is a joke hard..

i think this is too hard.. :cry: why do you do this, BAT?
different on OD 5 and OD 9?? or 'keysounded'

ExPew wrote:

different on OD 5 and OD 9?? or 'keysounded'
Obviously, it's OD that the mapper sets up for.
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Bites wrote:

really.. score after like 10 tries.

score in 1 try. this song "Lil' Slugger" 4k mapped by Staiain is a joke hard..

i think this is too hard.. :cry: why do you do this, BAT?
I think OD9 is not a big difficulty plus (there are only ~3ms difference on each OD, not like something like 6ms in osu! standard which make a big difference on OD7 or higher). As a map with mainly notes I think that should be proper. (Has already drop one OD level before ranking)

Maybe you would say HP is the factor, actually I have many players from pros to normal players tested and finally I decided to set HP as 7 to make it challenging so as "random pressing won't make you pass it" and to make this not extremely hard to pass :)

I used the insane version of original song rearranged by Tai no Kobone to make 4Key Insane. As you can see in 7key insane/lunatic it's well designed. As in the 4K Insane diff I removed a lot of drum hits to keep note density at a reasonable level (I have checked FFR before and think that the map is playable) and separated 1/8 notes into different columns as more as possible in order to make this map better fit in hand. (Yes if with this density of notes without carefully arrangement the map would just go into hell)

4K insane is somewhat a challenge to tell everyone that 4key may be very hard (with a reasonable map, not a joke map). Wish you may like it and take it as a challenge :)
I like the song and the 4K Insane map.
Of course, I get pissed off by it from time to time since when it comes to me and keysounds. Even a small delay of a hit can just send me straight to disaster ;w;

Good set overall though
미첫다 진짜이건 키보드 3개달고3명에서하나
why i cant hear any song??

qwertyx12 wrote:

why i cant hear any song??
Open the option in main menu,input "volume" and then put the Effect 100% then disabled "Ignore beatmap hitsounds"
I think this will help.:3
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