4wc winner 菜了 3 badge in tournament 5 badge in tournament2024.1.21 fc FREEDOM DIVE[FOUR DIMENSIONS] (ar10 1miss now) fc Blue Zenith[FOUR DIMENSIONS] (2 miss in the middle) Long stream practice: 120bpm:SS 140bpm:SS 150bpm:SS 160bpm:SS 170bpm:SS 180bpm:SS 190bpm:SS 200bpm:D->C->B->A 210-higher bpm:cant pass
2020.1.10 3 digit
500pp with HR 2019.12.3 500pp with DT 2019.7.31 500pp with NM 2018.10.14 600pp with NM 2023.10.18 600pp with HR 2023.10.18 600pp with DT 700pp with HR