Top 100k - 2020/07/24 Top 75k - 2020/08/21 Top 50k - 2020/08/31 (i got the medal before this date because CTB has a lot less players and for some reason rank medals are shared across all gamemodes) Top 25k - 2020/11/21 with Bass Slut Reform diff HDDT 365pp Top 10k - 2021/01/16 with the pp rework lol (but goddamnit i'm deranking to enter 5 digit owo tournament 2021 please decay to 5 digit come on people farm your pee pee points please) (update: got into the tournament and properly farmed into 4 digit on 2021/01/31) Top 5k - 2021/03/09 with Ghost Rule [N a s y a's Extra] 99.68% HD 1xmiss 409pp Top 1k - 2022/10/09 with Mynarco [Expert] 99.52% HDHR FC 637pp Top 900 - 2022/10/10 with Today is Gonna be a Great Day (TV Size) [Kuki's Extra] 99.61% HDDT FC 520pp
Top 1k Canada - 2020/11/23 Top 750 Canada - 2020/12/09 with Gravitation Kyuukai diff HD FC 312pp Top 500 Canada - 2020/12/31 with quaver [Ultimate Crescendo] 99.38% HD FC 404pp Top 250 Canada - 2021/02/04 with Snow Halation (feat. BeasttrollMC) [Reform's Extra] 95.59% HDDT 1xmiss 407pp Top 100 Canada - 2021/11/17 with benzo (with me eternal) [forever] 99.35% HD FC 635pp Top 50 Canada - 2022/10/10 with Today is Gonna be a Great Day (TV Size) [Kuki's Extra] 99.61% HDDT FC 520pp
100pp play - 2018/06/16 Gravity Falls Theme Song [Mystery] FC, 108pp 200pp play - 2019/04/12 Kodou [MMMMMMMMaster!!!!!!] 1xmiss, 241pp 300pp play - 2020/08/22 PADORU / PADORU [Gift] HDFL FC, 323pp 400pp play - 2020/12/31 quaver [Ultimate Crescendo] 99.38% HD FC, 404pp 500pp play - 2021/02/02 Horrible Kids [Kuki's Extra] 96.28% HDDT FC, 514pp 600pp play - 2021/11/17 benzo (with me eternal) [forever] 99.35% HD FC, 635pp 700pp play - 2024/01/14 Highway to Oblivion [Legender] 99.75% HD FC, 730pp 800pp play - 2024/08/02 Because Maybe! pt. 2 [Marathon] 6986x HD 4xmiss, 809pp
Submitted FL 100pp play - years ago, like 2018, Gravity Falls Theme Song [Mystery] HDFL FC Submitted FL 200pp play - lol Submitted FL 300pp play - 2020/08/12 PADORU / PADORU [Gift] 98.19% HDFL FC, 323pp Submitted FL 400pp play - 2022/10/06 He Has No Mittens [BD's Mittens] HDFL SS, 410pp
Submitted EZ 100pp play - lol Submitted EZ 200pp play - lol Submitted EZ 300pp play - 2020/10/17 JUSTadICE EZHDFL 3x100 FC, 317pp Submitted EZ 400pp play - 2020/02/02 Horrible Kids EZHDDT 4x100 FC, 440pp Submitted EZ 500pp play -
Submitted HT 100pp play - i really dont know Submitted HT 200pp play - sometime it probably already happened (2020/12/13) Submitted HT 300pp play -
5000pp - 2020/09/08 (with He Has No Mittens 297pp) 6000pp - 2020/11/27 7000pp - 2020/12/31 (with quaver [Ultimate Crescendo] 99.38% HD FC 404pp) 8000pp - 2021/02/16 (with Lasting Memories (TV Size) [Taeyang's Extra] 96.69% HDDT FC 377pp) 9000pp - 2021/07/17 (with Wonderful Wonder [Simple Heart] HDDT SS 506pp :^) ) 10000pp - ok to be honest i don't really care about pp milestones i just care about rank milestones which doesn't really make sense because pp is your raw skill while rank is just you vs. the competition but yeah 12000pp - 2023/12/10 9:27:46 PM EST (with FREEDOM DiVE [Extreme] (FrenZ) 98.99% HD FC 602pp)
One 1st place rank - 2020/09/27 (Breathe CS9 map EZDT 1005 combo) (i had a #1 on another qualified map (Hey Ho) like years ago but whatever) Five 1st place ranks - 2021/02/21 with Oppai Dragon no Uta [Oppai Daisuki] HDDTFL SS Ten 1st place ranks - 2021/06/18 with Poudre de Perlimpinpin [0108's Tiny] 97.37% HD FC (which i then lost under two hours later to goink with her HDDTTD FC LACE_OF_WORSHIP: Fifty 1st place ranks - 2022/08/14 with VOLT (USAO Remix) [Electrical Overcharge] 99.80% HD FC One hundred 1st place ranks - it happened sometime i think there's a tweet
1 million score play - lol 10 million score play - idk a long time ago 100 million score play - 2020/10/31 Alternator Compilation 1994x combo pass 1 billion score play - 2024/08/02 Because Maybe! pt. 2 [Marathon] HD 6986x 4xmiss (1,214,838,271 score)
500 combo - 2017/10/15 750 combo - 2018/05/18 1000 combo - 2018/06/03 (probably done with osu! MEGAMIX hard diff A rank) 1994 combo - 2020/10/31 with alt compilation god help me 2000 combo - 2021/01/25 with PINK SEASON: THE PROPHECY 2043x run
100 replays watched - 2020/11 (bruh i forgot about tracking my replays watched until like now (2021/01/26) when i realized i'm really close to 1k replays watched (981) so here are the months that i got 100/500 replays watched lol) 500 replays watched - 2020/12 1000 replays watched - 2021/01/29 2000 replays watched - 2021/04/11 3000 replays watched - 2021/06/07 (3059 atm shoot i probably missed it Sadge) 4000 replays watched - 2021/07/15 (4133 atm shoot i probably missed it Sadge) 5000 replays watched - 2021/08/07 (5001 atm which is 12:55 am on the 7th shoot i might've missed it Sadge) 6000 replays watched - 2021/09/14 (6224 atm i definitely missed it Sadge) 7000 replays watched - 2021/09/30 (it was like 7751 at this point so i definitely missed it and then didnt write so here because i was lazy lol) 8000 replays watched - 2021/10/02 (8006 atm i probably didnt miss it Pog) 9000 replays watched - 2021/11/02 (9036 atm which is 1:29 am on the 2nd shoot i might've missed it Sadge) 10000 replays watched - 2021/11/30 - thank you so much! <3 20000 replays watched - 2022/08/11 - thank you so much times two <33 40000 replays watched - 2023/11/04 - thanks everyone!!!
1000 replays watched in a single month - 2021/07 (2021/07/24 - 2021/07/31 probably) (<3) 2000 replays watched in a single month -
100 plays on a single map - idk 2018 probably with Gravity Falls Theme Song [Mystery] 500 plays on a single map - idk 2020/08 ish probably with Gravity Falls Theme Song [Mystery] 1000 plays on a single map - 2020/01/31 (i think) with Spelunker [AR0 TROLL]
make owc team canada - 2023-09 mouse only 7* pass - 2020-10-20 airman lol mouse 5* fc - 2020-12-13 cut the crap insane diff hddt mouse 6* fc - 2024-09-29 how to create blinding lights top diff hddt mouse 200pp - 2020-12-13 cut the crap insane diff hddt (197 but whatever) Top 30k - 2020/10/07 Top 20k - 2020/12/02 Top 15k - 2020/12/16 Top 11k - 2020/12/31 (with quaver 99.38% HD FC 404pp) Top 9k - 2021/02/01 Top 8k - 2021/02/01 Top 7k - 2021/02/02 Top 6k - 2021/02/03 Top 4k - 2021/06/24 (with SAVE (Encore) [Reform's Extra 98.57% HDDT FC 510pp) (finally lol) Top 3k - 2021/07/25 (with Alumina [My World] 98.06% HDDT FC 502pp) Top 2k - 2021/11/17 (with benzo (with me eternal) [forever] 99.35% HD FC 635pp) Top 400 Canada - 2021/02/01 Top 300 Canada - 2021/02/02 Top 200 Canada - 2021/03/29 Top 150 Canada - 2021/07/24 with Ringo Uri HD FC 535pp 100 Silver SSs - 2021/03/09 with Erehamonika remixed by kors k - Der Wald (Kors K Remix) [Maze] HD SS (no, seriously) 200 Silver SSs - 2021/08/07 with Reol - No title [Irre's Beginner] +HDDTFL SS (was getting my golden ss count down to 0 and inadvertently hit this goal while doing it lol) 0 Golden SSs - 2021/08/07 :^) (with Aoi Eir - Sirius (TV size ver.) [Easy] +HDDTHR SS lol) -1 Golden SSs - 2021/08/09 :^) (with vierre cloud - moment [easy] getting ranked and clearing my EZDT/EZSDDT SSs lol) (actual golden SS count atm: [current number] + 1) 200 followers - 2021/07/08 <3 600 followers - 2023/09/25 <3 1000 followers - 2023/11/16 <3 (owc '23 qf happened LOL)
Right handed Keyboard + tablet Drag pen naturally progressed to half hover half drag Full alt Middle + index tapping fingers C & V tapping keys (i broke my d key) I'M RIGHT HANDED AND I SPIN CLOCKWISE
barndon - 1 month Binfy - 1 month (giveaway event for a 2v8 multi) GameGear - 2 months (5DCT tourney prize passed down to runner up) Bugha - 1 month owo tournament 2021 - 2 months (1st place prize) ??? - 1 year (i think) (whoever gave me this you are mentally insane and thank you SO much <333) Jeflex - 1 year (guessed how many times he said the n word in his server in a year LOL) (86) TGO: VB (harry) - 2(?)?)?(9800789oi789oi months (2nd place prize, tysm harry <3)
if you're interested in setting a top score on laundry (or if you just wanna mess around with some laundry folks lol), you can join the laundry discord server to discuss laundry and get help with playing it: (the discord server is dedicated to the whole mapset, meaning that if you happen to be interested in the Hidden Sliderticks diff we'd be glad to help as well!)