goals : ● rank kikuo - paperdoll and map other kikuo shit ● rank + sb shin guard - soliloquy of the hourglass + You Will Be Held Accountable for Your Actions ● come in top 3 best map in year ● get elite mapper title ● map the camellia songs ● rank Yanagi Nagi - Vidro Moyou ● finish a jak3 map and if possible rank ● map some shoegaze for fuck sake ● finish a susquatch map plsssssssssssss ● rank and sb MADEON - ALL MY FRIENDS (onumi REMIX) ● becoming bn? (optional)
reqs semi-open (just ask but prob. gonna say no if i dont like song)
but gonna take a month or more im procrastinating king or smt idfk
Inspirations Im a mix of everyones mapping but it would too much work to say how much the mapper influens me so i wrote here so wrote here my biggest insperations. hehe tbh im a bit fanboy to them (mostly to hawkens) but psss pls be quite its a secret ok? owo
Tec Frakturehawkens - patterns tukamoto - sliders and slider patterns
Anime attendant - Everything, im just copy of him lol Xen - Circles patterns Im J1_ but without cool sliders
GD and Collab CLOSED, im slow af thats why (especaly collabs, wouldnt recommend to ask me to do a duo collab because of that) Songs where i always gonna say yes if i didnt already mapped it