All these complaints are just plain stupid. If you play for pp, then you don't need to complain about this map; if you don't play for pp, then why does this map even concern you anyway?
Why is it that all the mappers I've asked for advice on mapping tell me to use the entire playfield, or at least make usage of most of the playfield when there's this guy?
Being very honest here, I feel a lot of people who mention "using more of the playfield" are just pointing that out to sound informed lol. Its very easy to Ctrl+A a map, and give a paraphrased statement about how the map isn't using a lot of the playfield etc... It's one of those things where if you are aware of it while mapping, it'll help, but if you aren't, its just a missed opportunity, and people are just overstating its negative aspect.
Additionally, even if you use the entire playfield in editor (by using Ctrl+A) that doesn't necessarily mean your map still doesn't suffer from being too centralized around a certain area of a screen. You could map the entire screen area but have 30-45 seconds of mapping that is really centralized around the bottom-right of a screen for example. Parts of your map would still be suffering from "not using the entire playfield area/being too cramped into one area of the screen". Really though, it's not as big of a deal as some modders are claiming it to be, and unless they specify a time stamp and suggest you move a few patterns within that timeframe to spread your patterns out more, the observation (while true) covers too much of the map for it to be useful.
Well, anyways, the thought of "using the full playfield area" never occurs to me when I map so I've always thought the issue to be a bit pedantic lol.
This. Don't put one example of mapping over a ton of others. That's like saying "Why do people tell me shots don't cause autism when this scientist tells me it does?".
Its like people dont even understand why pp mapping is so bad. The most common response is, if its so disgusting dont play the map at all then it doesnt affect you at all lolk pleb, or it still requires some skill to fc you just mad cos you cant do it. The problem is that when you have so many blatantly over weighted maps, you dont have a choice but to farm them if you want to stay competitive, because everyone else is. IT DOES AFFECT YOU. As a result, you have less decently balanced maps being responsible for a persons rank, which dilutes the system and makes it a lot less accurate. Suddenly everyones top ranks are 70% farm maps and 30% maps which are actually giving ~correct pp. This is much worse than having about 40% farm maps and 60% normal, as you get less of a spread that shows whether a player is actually good or not. This issue is magnified by the weighting system, as super farm maps will be give more pp towards the total than balanced maps, thus, when blatant inexcusable pp maps get ranked, getting higher rank will become more and more of a case of how many pp maps can you get into your top plays, rather than, how many actually sick plays can I make.
Lolno. You don't have to farm all these farm maps or whatever to stay competitive. If said farm map is the only map you can play to get say a 430pp score, then why do you feel the need to have that score to stay competitive? By getting better you'd set 5 others and suddenly be ahead of whoever was farming. The only thing these maps do is give a slight boost in your pp when you're not yet at the skill level of what your pp indicates.
Oh btw, how are you even determining "correct" pp. If 70% of maps are farm maps, then why do you see them as farm maps, and not as what they should be with the other 30% being underweighted?
yes you would set 5 others and be ahead as opposed to the 10 others that you would have to set if there were less super overweighted maps. Its not an issue of merely overweighted maps, its the super crazy ones, because for every super crazy overweighted map that exists, is a play that is more balanced and better at differentiating players skill, hence, the dilution of the competitive system
idk why people decide to make such a huuuuuge deal out of simple maps that grant some pp like this one
it's a temporary boost for you and your self-esteem, as you get better and set higher scores stuff like this will be weighted less and less until it doesn't even matter anymore
high rank has always been how many pp maps people can get into their top plays ever since a year ago, you can't stay high rank if all you want to do is 'make le sick plays'.
its really more of a problem of people actually taking pp too seriously, mappers should have the freedom to map whatever they want, and rank it if its rankable.
How is people taking pp seriously a problem. People want to prove how good they are in every discipline known to man. osu is competitive. This is a fact. People strive to be high ranked, people strive to be the best. This is not a problem.
Mappers can literally make what ever they want, they have that freedom already. However saturating ranked maps with ridiculously overweighted maps dilutes the competitive scene; for what? Rewarding a mapper with a scoreboard on the side on the map? Whilst having a really negative impact on the competitive scene? This is not a good trade off.
People don't even know how hard is to map, still they like to trash everybody else's job if you can then map something that goes for best of 2016 or whatever, but people can map as they like if everybody mapped using the style you want them to there would be no diference between any map the game would be boring as hell. I feel like this people can't play those "pp maps" maps because they are dificult and they trash on them but the only trash are themselves ( sorry for my crappy english :^)
I just find that the game is no longer enjoyable when you're forced to play pp maps if you want to stay competitive, instead of maps you enjoy. Both pp maps and the pp system itself is ruining the fun for many players, including me.
That moment when you retry 237 times with the mods HD, HR, and Perfect...on a 2 star map.
I believe my life ended sometime ago, but I can't remember...
I like the map so much
looks like the jumps were made with love
really appreciate the mapset
Lol what the fuck. Blame the pp system, don't shit on the mapper, like jesus christ. You don't know the intention of the mapper, no matter how "obvious" it seems to you that they're "mapping for pp" or whatever. You didn't map it, so you're pulling that out of your ass. I don't know how this map looked before the DQ, but I don't see where this "abuse" is. Anyone want to point out where the map allegedly is only mapped for difficulty? It is not the mappers fault that certain mapping techniques get overweighted or underweighted.
If nobody cares, why be an asshat on the internet? Obviously some people care. If you don't care, great, good for you. But it's not a fact that "nobody cares", and you're frankly not contributing anything to the issue.
good meme astounding meme exquisite meme fantastic meme beautiful meme perfect meme overwhelming meme a meme that deserves an ovation great meme good job on the meme bro a meme with a nice scent nice meme superior meme a meme with STYLE
if the mapper maps a 5 star song and uses AR and OD that are closer than they need to be together (8.7 and 8.5 respectively) as well as retarded nonsensical jumps during the kiai I think it's more than justified to say the mapper was attempting to abuse the system's flaws. granted I haven't seen it now but honestly I'm satisfied solely with the AR/OD changes, so that's something at the very least.
edit: playing it now, the triples before the kiai are still dumb and aren't really warranted at all. at least the spacing changes make sense, so I'll give credit there. better than it was first qualification but I'm still skeptical on why this mapper in particular makes maps worth a ridiculous amount of pp.
AR and OD was once the same setting. While it is more common to have a higher AR than OD nowadays, there's no reason they can't be close together. Hell, I even have a 4.3* song with ar8.5 and od10 and no one thinks that's a direct flaw, only because it also doesn't happen to give lots of pp. When did something become wrong because it also happens to give pp?
Would it be justified to say Best Friends' the end jumps were mapped solely for difficulty spike and pp? I mean, they're pretty big and difficult compared to the rest of the map, and "retarded nonsensical jumps" if you will (not that I agree). Except the map was made before ppv2 was even a thing.
Certain patterns are just overweight. Stop assuming a mapper is automatically mapping for pp just because they use certain techniques. You only limit yourself as a mapper and modder because now you're too scared to use certain techniques because you think other people will call you out for being a pp mapper. Also, why are you determining the AR and OD of a map based on the star rating? That actually makes no sense. Look at the BPM, look at the rhythm choice. Stop basing your quality judgement on whether the map is a pp farm map or not. It's people like you that make other mappers too scared to map a song how they want to map it. And yes, I've seen mappers reject mods that they even acknowledge would benefit their map on the sole basis that they fear making the change would make the map too "pp farm".
I want to say:
Can you snap jumps better than this map?
If you're not, shut up. Mapping is quite hard thing and this map has no problem.
And if you want BLAME about pp mapping, you admit that you want to stay in the #9999999 forever.
Try to earning PP is human's instinct. HYPOCRITES GOES SHIT NOWADAYS
"my name is xPrOsuPL4yER2256 and this map is so digusting and abuse the pp system omg i CANNOT BELIEBVEIE you would od this to the communitn you are gonna SAGIUNLEHANDEDLY reuyine tohis hame by making these amsp because MY OPINION IS FACT AND I WILL GET SO MUCH ATTENTION BECAUSE I'M ADDRESSING A SUBJECTIVE PROBLEM OMG XDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
its actually really fun, i don't see why people are giving you shit on this map, i thought you did well on the patterns and spacing when depicting the overall intensity of the song. really it was nice i cant say last time i enjoyed playing the opening to some animu.