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voy en el lugar 897 en esta cancion xD vamooohhh chile!!!
not anime, its a game Touhou Project.
touhou project best anime
Happy new year everyone o/
Happy new year! Osu!'s first ranked mapset in 2016!
First ranked map 2016 is ctb map
Thake that as a sign
Grief = Yoiyami v2
No ;-;
I don't remember the original theme from touhou. Someone refresh my mind ;_;
Extra stage theme from Imperishable Night
Oh, I luv u~
Extend Ash - Hourai Victim. owo
Oh shit Razor qualified a map :O Bloody finally :P
and it will come more "Bloody" maps later too :P
Ephemeral, Great and Splendid Land of Grief
love this mapset good job
Thank you!
Congrats on getting your map qualified
Thank you! :D
third times the charm? Round 3
Good Grief
Where are the chords ?_?
wat chords ;w;
Reference to the Mania map.
Round 2
cool map
Special thanks to Tokufi, Magic Girl, Xinely and Muruattack!
osu! needs more senya!
osu!std has 2 utakata, osu!mania has 2 utakata, taiko has 1 utakata (in std hybrid set), ctb has 1 utakata.. yea we need more senya o3o
do u want me to make another utakata (in taiko only set)
and i will map more senya
osu! needs more Mayumi Morinaga, Yuuhei Satellite and Katharsis!
and i will map more senya, Yuuhei, Katharsis and Mayumi