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wie tf luisterd hiernaar
maar echt wat een kanker lied
OH MY FUCKING GOD!!! WHY THE FIRETRUCK DID YOU NEED TO MAKE THIS!!! I HATE THIS SONG SO FREAKING MUCH!! P.S. This is no hate you, the maker of this beatmap, this hate to zirkus zirkus.
Get wrecked EU/NA
BluOxy wins it's over nothing to see here see you next time
i win
BluOxy did indeed win :clueless:
BluOxy >> everyone else
with random invoices from Nyari, Kanye West and BluOxy
kanye counts for 1 of us tho ):
rip canada
rip norway xdd
wtf is this
The death of our country lmao
had ik beter geluisterd toen ik 17 was
Well its settled now, war between Canada and Norway, get your guns... urr pens.
damn, Millhiore beated me on that canadian combo break....
Step it up!