23 December 2019
Fix editor stacking when distance snap is disabledby peppy
Add mystery performance settingsby peppy

There are two new settings at the very bottom of the settings menu. These are intentionally unnamed, but adjust some very low-level internals which may affect performance for some users. If you are not having performance issues, please don't change the settings.

HOW TO TEST (important):

Change one setting at a time and play for at least 15 minutes to see if you get any improvements. Note that the settings may actually REDUCE performance – they are not made to be positive-gain-only.

If you think you noticed a difference, WITHOUT RESTARTING OSU!, turn the setting off and try again for another 15 minutes. Do not change anything else. Do not alt-tab.

If unsure, repeat the steps above. Keep in mind that you should only report a difference if a particular setting help reduce frequent stutters (where the image on your screen stops drawing completely). We are not interested in reports like "reduced from 1 stutter to 0 stutters over 15 minutes". Also, "input latency" reports are irrelevant.

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I dunno what it does but it hypnotized me to play better.

From my brief playtests of each mystery setting for about 20 minutes with both, both options ended up with degraded performance compared to not having them on, which is fair enough as you mentioned that could be the case. Option 1 ended up being a bit worse than option 2 for me as I experienced more stutters in the main menu loading beatmaps. To clarify - both options stuttered in the menu compared to not having either option turned on.

As for framerates, I'm gonna use the frametime number from the in-game FPS counter, so do take it with a grain of salt as you also said it isn't the most reliable counter out there. With both options off, I get anywhere from 0.39ms to 0.42ms, with option 1 it's at 0.60ms but to its credit - it stays there and doesn't move up or down much from it. Option 2 is more of the same, just less stutters in the main menu.

what kind of placebo is this? and I mean mystery 1 because it works. I can't help thinking I'm cheating somehow

Hm.. .I get this feeling the mystery settings have an effect on frame consistencies judging by the graph I have here: https://i.imgur.com/ZtNZk8m.png

I tested the framerates and, so on, but with each setting, the min, avg, max, 1% low and 0.1% low FPS were all around the same level.

In the image (the smaller bumps) from left to right, is no setting on the left, mystery #1 in the middle and mystery #2 on the right. It seems like both mystery #1 and #2 affect the consistency of frames, although I am gouging this just from a single test and haven't looked further, so maybe I could just be assuming too much.

peppy Xishiora

the graph has no scale so i can't read anything from it.

Xishiora peppy

Alrighty, this is about 2 hours after my posting of my previous reply, but I've created an album with two runs of each setting without, Mystery 1, and Mystery 2 just showing frametimes in a graph while I played the same map on launch of the client. (I actually did more than two runs, but messed up my logging)

I believe having either option on makes frametime more consistent, where mystery #1 reduced inconsistencies, and mystery #2 seemed to do it even further, but I'm feeling I could just be looking within margin of error, and this is really all placebo.

Xishiora peppy

Ah, right sorry, here's one with the scale, https://i.imgur.com/znb72nv.png
Although, its not very in-depth in displayed values, since this was quick looking at Afterburner without any logging earlier, may try again and come back later with a better graph

The editor stacking issue has definitely not been fixed.

vim fala em conta que essa atualização me atrapalhou demais, eu não estou conseguindo entra na parte das musicas!.

great! my device opt in Myst #1


Ok so idk if it just placebo stuff but mistery 1 https://imgur.com/a/im8GTe9 around 21 mins of play / mistery 2 https://imgur.com/a/Tgat52C 12 mins of play / i play around 0.70-0.90ms so i think mistery 1 is... better for me (?) idk, Stable 20191221.3 literally went my ms to 2-3+, this one back to normal so

EDIT1: Played 20 mins mistery 1 then 12 mins off. More frame drops when receive discord pm. 17mins mistery 2 then 10 off, It happened a few times (like 4-5) but I had some fps drop

tonix123 MisakiSakaki

that's not a proper testing, also you're getting those frame drop spikes, but osu not the problem, maybe try optimizing your windows first. by disabling page file, Win32PrioritySeparation, disabling/taking off devices you're not using etc..

peppy tonix123

do not change windows settings like disabling page file and shit. this is shit advice

MisakiSakaki tonix123

Gracias, pero he hecho todo lo posible para poner al máximo mis 2 secciones de juego con sus respectivas opciones con casi todo lo que se puede hacer en osu (lo único que no hice fué usar el modo de compatibilidad).
Además, los frame drops son del discord que al no responder (por no tabular) me llenaron de mensajes. (cosa que normalmente no me pasa, desde la 20191221.3 tengo ese problema).
Por lo de optimizar mi windows tengo https://youtu.be/zQ3kvTxW5_c

When I start osu I get a message letting me know “debug: slider rendering off” (something to that effect) and then slider bodies do not render. This is the same effect that cutting edge once had years ago, and I believe that I had this setting set so slider would not render when it was removed. I can’t find anywhere to turn this setting back to normal.

I’d love fix but I’ll set some slider cheese scores in the meantime

Quag Quag

Got it fixed but still strange

peppy Voctok

go away

Bandido Voctok

Disable discord rich presence.

idk, I see no changes between #1 #2 and without...

will the mystery settings be revealed soon?

Yo peppy. No idea where to post this anymore. I tried on reddit and twitter and came up with no answer.

My issue is: I start osu and 30 secs or a minute later, its like my client loses internet connection (its happening right now as i write this).
I'm on cutting edge but it did the same on stable and that's why i switched to cutting edge thinking it would fix the bug. Leader boards don't load, friendlist loads but avatars don't (new connected friends don't load either). I can chat normally in #osu but can't connect to #lobby and i can't find a multiplayer lobby at all.
Same for osu!direct it loads forever and i get the small icon at the bottom that glows to say no connection. I can't even upload screenshots anymore.

But despite all this, everything else works fine on my laptop. I am on wifi and i can use every website just fine, every other game just fine, discord just fine.. its literally just osu/bancho that loses connection. If i sign out of the game and sign in without exiting, it either logs me in again and bugs out again or it says connection to bancho forever.

I either need to restart the game multiple times/wifi multiple times as well when everything else is working fine or pray that i can stay logged into bancho when im playing. I legit tried everything and i really need help

here's the tweet i did back then with video

here's the reddit thread i did back then too:

like im really tired of this, i pay for supporter and can barely use osu!direct or sometimes can't play multi at all. If i ever do a pp play and it bugs out i gotta restart my wifi in hope it fixes itself. Even lost connectivity during a multiplayer game too and i have tournaments coming up in a few weeks...

EDIT : fucking bugged again after i restarted the game twice with multi randomly working https://youtu.be/Cnnmv7MB9e8

EDIT2 : Had to restart game 3 times after the video and toggle wifi on/off on laptop for the screenshot to upload https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/14279161/03ec

mouzee Abie

its most likely the private server switcher thats causing that issue (i've seen it on your desktop)

Abie mouzee

Yeah i've played twice on akatsuki. But i remove the certificate every time and make sure it says im playing on osu bancho, Is there anything i can do manually to completely remove any private server thing from my osu folder ?

Is your Firewall blocking anything from osu! ? Try making an exception for osu! and see if that helps.

Try also releasing and renewing your IPConfig, and Flushing your DNS cache from Windows CMD (Google or Youtube on how to do this if you do not know.)

Also, please post an issue on the Help Subforum so this issue can be tracked better.

Abie Dntm8kmeeatu

I disabled my firewall before and it didn't change anything. Flushed my dns yesterday and it doesn't either. Just posted on the help forum now ty

On first setting, maps seem to load faster in both menu and to ingame. Actually, it just makes the game smoother.
Second setting feels like it's less smoother version of first setting, but with a bit of an fps boost. Not that significant, though. Also feels like there is more delay too with second setting.

peppy, you had the possibility to add a jumpscare in one of the mystery performance settings.


I'm afraid about this D:

"we don't know what this option do, but somehow it improves perfomance of some players"

¿why osu have so many easter eggs?

Imma dual wield these

me like this

Thank you peppy for working so hard on osu!

editor stacking seems more broken than before

peppy thexo


In mistery #1 when you use Ctrl+F11 - the draw and swap buffer with sleep and update is doesn't visible, like a placebo) On mistery #2 on Ctrl+F11 mode we see the changes when swap buffer is less used, and more used is draw and updating, that's may to be improve perfomance in-game a little on some low-end computers.

P.S: This is works only on Optimal frame-rate.

peppy [[Lunatic]]

change #2 should not be visible on the frame time display. anything you are seeing there is your eyes playing tricks. aka placebo

Oh, sorry :D

potatat potatatdeleted
peppy potatat

what are your specs? can you confirm this over many runs (ie. switching back and forth over an hour or more)?

stacking bug is not fixed

The mystery setting 2 don't let the fps go down. I prefer it.

spookey and mysterious update you got there, very cool peppy!

i like more than the mystery setting 2

im gay

lilrawk Cyrotron

same tbh

tatchiba Cyrotron

yai me too

cla7997 Cyrotron


Editor w/ multimonitor w/ different resolutons configuration fix when :>

im cute -Nasa-

soon, if u see anything unusual u should post on the github page if ur findings/anything new :<


Very cool!

My 1660ti still run at 300fps anyway

2Pec Proxae

are u running a notebook?

Proxae 2Pec

uh huh, what's wrong with notebook? y nvidia notebook ver got lower fps on rythm rather than other game? my older notebook that using 940mx got around 450fps

Enlov Proxaedeleted
Proxae Enlov


//UNRELATED TO TOPIC// @Peppy , i know this isnt going here.. but if we talk about performance.. i would like to use UNLIMITED fps inside the Offset menu.. so its the "same fps" as ingame.. so i can adjust the offset better :)

Gonna use both like a madlad

DrShiv Yeremia

tell me what happen, i wanna know

No noticeable differences. If improving stable requires too much works and frustrating/exhausting, it's time to leave stable behind and focus on lazer instead so we have less wasted time.

peppy huupoke

stable is still a live product. we will continue to support it to the fullest extent.

what happen if alt-tab?

It will reset some features of the window, so it might influence performance. Often if my game is stuttering a lot Alt+Tab will fix it.

iKn0 420 DrShiv

black hole appears

DrShiv iKn0 420

uhh, bear with me can you give screenshot of it or something? cause the 'black hole' didnt appear on mine

k tq

No changes whatsoever, wheter it be my gameplay experience or my graphics card performance

the biggest issue

pulseaudio lambdaweeb101

what do you mean?


thank you peppy for caring about osu <3

actual placebo, but I`m pretty sure there are some little changes which are almost invisible for normal osu players

peppy Sefeo

keep in mind i'm trying to fix issue where people have been exclaiming "you've ruined the game" or "i quit, i'm getting 5fps now"


custom fps please i need to nail my fps. and there are still drops of fps is no longer stable as before

peppy Roberto Richer

that's not how this works. setting custom FPS is not the solution you are looking for.

what PulseAudio says I need to drive at 244fps to be able to stream steady

when I stream I need FPS limit otherwise I get lags on the stream through obs. both on Linux and on Windows. maybe this is my pc or obs.


when I stream I need FPS limit otherwise I get lags on the stream through obs. both on Linux and on Windows. maybe this is my pc or obs.