There are two new settings at the very bottom of the settings menu. These are intentionally unnamed, but adjust some very low-level internals which may affect performance for some users. If you are not having performance issues, please don't change the settings.
Change one setting at a time and play for at least 15 minutes to see if you get any improvements. Note that the settings may actually REDUCE performance – they are not made to be positive-gain-only.
If you think you noticed a difference, WITHOUT RESTARTING OSU!, turn the setting off and try again for another 15 minutes. Do not change anything else. Do not alt-tab.
If unsure, repeat the steps above. Keep in mind that you should only report a difference if a particular setting help reduce frequent stutters (where the image on your screen stops drawing completely). We are not interested in reports like "reduced from 1 stutter to 0 stutters over 15 minutes". Also, "input latency" reports are irrelevant.
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when I stream I need FPS limit otherwise I get lags on the stream through obs. both on Linux and on Windows. maybe this is my pc or obs.