
[added] Option to save failed replays

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +7,392
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I think the title says it all. At least I didn't find this feature yet, so it could be amazing as well.

The thing is, failed ones don't have a grade, right? Maybe there should be a black X instead of S,A,B,C etc. to tell that the player has failed in that replay.
Yes please
Saving replays upon failing has been requested before, with the reasoning for it being to see what you did wrong and why you failed. Not sure why it didn't go through.
Clearly you mean quite of this t/16900 or? (It is btw. on the first side)
If yes, you can add your extra thoughts (with that black X or so) to it and this is a duplicate then^^
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I think the whole fail replay feature was made because of those reasons.

My reason is that so I can record my failed (if they are awesome) replays later - and also share replays to my buddies.

Also guys, keep in mind that this fail replay feature just came.

Nitojgrem wrote:

Clearly you mean quite of this t/16900 or? (It is btw. on the first side)
If yes, you can add your extra thoughts (with that black X or so) to it and this is a duplicate then^^
It's not quite the same. Coz the option to watch your replays on fail has been added on the latest release of osu!, now we want to save those replays
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Valentiino wrote:

the option to watch your replays on fail has been added on the latest release of osu!
Yup, it's 5/5.
Oh, I had no clue that it went through.

Well nevermind, +support but no votes because I don't find all that much use for it.
oh well, okay then... I just thought the same as boat and do the same as he did :3
Great idea, so support but no star^^

LunaticMara wrote:

The thing is, failed ones don't have a grade, right? Maybe there should be a black X instead of S,A,B,C etc. to tell that the player has failed in that replay.
Probably a Dark Grayish F would be better imo.
Topic Starter
That works too.

See me after class.
Support this.
Today I played an impossible diff and almost passed it. I rewatched the replay and did a screenshot then share it, but this is annoying.
Brilliant for those moments I SSHD gold dust and then derp the ending.
Plus there are SOME interesting failed games sometimes.

Like failing on the last note, Failing on an SS run by derping cursor, Failing on ALMOST FC'ing something hard etc etc
osu! is getting closer and closer to removing the HP bar all together.

Tanomoshii Nekojou
it's getting closer to an osu! without failing.
Basically, we need to allow more replays...

I sometimes like to watch where I fail not immediately but maybe a week later when I want to challenge the map again.

i need this.
it's a bit funny to save my failed replays... but i like it to show my noob skills =w=b
I'd like this aswell, had quite some 'good' plays with a fail at the end
Bumping because this is a great idea. Touhou allows you to save a replay regardless of whether you failed or passed, so it's not like it's all that weird to see this in games. I have lots of good plays that end in a fail, and failplays have something to them. If you SS a really hard map up to the end but miss the last 10 notes and fail, it's nice to be able to show your friends so they can at least see your almost accomplished achievement.

Also, since osu already has a feature to watch a failed play, that already proves that the game supports fail replays. If it's the grade you're worried about - no pass = no grade. The play would simply have no grade sprite beside the score.

Hope this adds to the discussion, I'd give stars but I already gave all to the "implement a pp scoreboard" request. I support this, though.
Would like this a lot. Would prefer not to have failed replays save automatically regardless of whether or not other replays are saved automatically (or have it be a toggle to get the best of both worlds, but I can't imagine many people wanting to automatically save all their fails).

Right now, you can save failed replays in multi as long as you're passing at the end of the map (when you reach the point in the play at which you failed, you fail and the replay ends) and I do occasionally make use of that when I play multi. I guess it would be more difficult to implement for singleplayer because you don't have replay data for the part of the map that occurs after the fail, but it can just be filled in with anything since the replay ends at the point of fail anyway. Or maybe that's not even necessary if there's some way to set a failed flag in replay data that prevents it from needing to play through to the end (I've heard good things about an in-progress overhaul of the replay system that will allow for things like pausing and rewinding and that seems like it would make this even more feasible).

As for the letter grade, I'm a fan of F. It fits in better with the SS-S-A-B-C-D system than X does and it's just personal preference to have some grade listed for it instead of leaving the grade blank.
X is already the grade for SS so that wouldn't work anyway. Yeah, I support F.
Instead of a letter, why not go for a more visual style? For example, the whole panel displaying the score will be black and white.
Support, this would make my progress tracking process alot easier.
PLEASE MAKE IT HAPPEN! will help greatly in identifying our mistakes during our game plays.
It would become a hall of shame for me.
shoot I just threw my stars in the wrong thread
why not^^ i support this :D
Oh yes, please let us have this! :)
I definitely have to agree with what most people have said in this thread ~ that being that I'm in support.

There have been several occasions where I have been able to get really far into a map of a reasonable difficulty (for whatever skill level I am at the time) with pretty high accuracy only to lose it all at the end. I still want to be able to use the replays both so that I can improve on it or to show to others.

This can also be used in compilations, having looked around youtube, I do see videos of people posting osu compilations of certain sections of maps and I feel that this could be improved by enabling the saving of failed replays, often the segments that a lot of people will want in videos like that will be of maps which for the most part they feel are beyond their skill level. I remember before (quite a little ways back now :P) always being ecstatic at beating even the first section of Scarlet Rose and it was the sort of thing I wanted to be able to show people at the time. I still feel this with some maps now too.

In terms of the grade issue ~ I'm not sure it's too much of an issue any more as people have, for the most, part agreed that an F would be fine.
i want this!!!!! stars
If I had a star to give, I'd give it.

Tons of times, especially here recently, I did a somewhat good job on a hard song for my level of skill... but failed at the last notes.
I don't have any stars either but I really like this idea, the thing I don't like about failed replays is that you can only watch them once and sometimes I blink or just miss the parts I want to see and can't rewind.
Just gave it all my stars, this is literally the most needed feature by me.
It would be nice, I guess.
Want this! Here you have 6 Stars man :D Im waiting for this like months and just now saw that there's a Feature request of it!
Watch this not get implemented ever
This could have a chance.. someday. :3
Take 5 of my votes, great idea! :)
voted up :) id love this.
for God sake... YES
Why is this still not a thing? It would be so nice to have. You are able to watch the replay after you fail so surely the replay file is always stored anyways? Why not go the extra step and add a little 'export replay' button in the failed screen? Full support :3
Once again voting on this.. It would be so much more convinient to just send friends the small osr, rather than having to record and encode the not-saveable replay.

Would also be nice to have a own replay page on the osu website or something. But thats probably beyond the idea of this thread.

xDarkon wrote:

Why is this still not a thing? It would be so nice to have. You are able to watch the replay after you fail so surely the replay file is always stored anyways? Why not go the extra step and add a little 'export replay' button in the failed screen? Full support :3

It sounds like a good idea it does but if it were to save everytime you would be loaded and sad from a glitch fail :|
Wow this feature request was posted 3 years ago, How has it not been put in the game yet? I'm sure almost everyone in the osu community would love this. I understand maybe the game was coded in a way that means this can't happen but we already have the watch replay when we fail the map so there shouldn't be much problem to put in this feature. Please osu!team make this happen
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