
ChouCho - Yasashisa no Riyuu (TV Size)

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on jeudi 25 mai 2017 at 12:10:35

Artist: ChouCho
Title: Yasashisa no Riyuu (TV Size)
Source: Hyouka
Tags: hyouka talination anime japanese vocal choucho opening
BPM: 177
Filesize: 2282kb
Play Time: 01:29
Difficulties Available:
  1. Eru-Insane (3,82 stars, 266 notes)
  2. Houtarou-Normal (1,99 stars, 125 notes)
  3. Satoshi-Hard (3,5 stars, 247 notes)
Download: ChouCho - Yasashisa no Riyuu (TV Size)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Done !
From MH's STD Modding & Guest Difficulties Queue!

About difficulty names: if it's guest difficulties, you must write like Houtarou's Easy or Satoshi's Hard or Eru's Insane. If it's not - leave a names that are needed, like Normal. Hard, Insane, without any things, if it's not a GD.
Also Houtarou-Easy can be as Normal, because it's not 2* and if description says "Done !", so don't needed to map an Easy difficulty.
Also, don't forget about tags, add in tags - reason for kindess kyoto kyoani
I don't think, that black combocolora are good idea...

Disable countdown (it annoying) and Widescreen Support (it needed only for storyboard, you don't have a storyboard)
00:09:943 - fill the space with something, that follow the vocals.
00:25:875 (2,3) - make a slider really bigger. It's trying to eat another slider. It looks not good.
00:44:519 (7,8) - make sliders higher. It's going slighty out from the screen.
00:57:062 - same as first suggestion.
01:23:841 (1) - make slider longer. it's not following the beat. 1

Disable countdown (it annoying) and Widescreen Support (it needed only for storyboard, you don't have a storyboard)
00:01:807 (1,2) - stack (2) with the end of slider.
00:02:316 (3,4) - ^
00:09:604 - please fill the gap. that following the vocals.
00:33:672 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - back into 2008? nvm... (means to remap this part)
00:39:774 (5,6) - as first suggestion.
00:40:282 (1,2) - stack slider under (1) pls
01:04:689 (2,3) - as first suggestion.
01:13:502 (1,2,3,4,5) - I don't think that jumps are good.
Disable countdown (it annoying) and Widescreen Support (it needed only for storyboard, you don't have a storyboard)
Missing Kiai section.
All is fine, but the gaps, that needed to fill, strange sliders needed to rework and other stuff.

Hope you'll have better experience at mapping! :D
Topic Starter
Thanks for the mod and all the advices :)

MasterHerobrine wrote:

About difficulty names: if it's guest difficulties, you must write like Houtarou's Easy or Satoshi's Hard or Eru's Insane. If it's not - leave a names that are needed, like Normal. Hard, Insane, without any things, if it's not a GD.
They are not GDs, the names are just a reference to the characters of the anime, like in this map for example:

For the combo color of the normal diff I really want to keep it grey, I will just make it a little brighter

I made the Hard diff long ago so I knew it was not perfect, thank for moded it !

MasterHerobrine wrote:

Disable countdown (it annoying) and Widescreen Support (it needed only for storyboard, you don't have a storyboard)
00:09:943 - fill the space with something, that follow the vocals.
00:25:875 (2,3) - make a slider really bigger. It's trying to eat another slider. It looks not good.
00:44:519 (7,8) - make sliders higher. It's going slighty out from the screen.
00:57:062 - same as first suggestion.
01:23:841 (1) - make slider longer. it's not following the beat. 1

MasterHerobrine wrote:

Disable countdown (it annoying) and Widescreen Support (it needed only for storyboard, you don't have a storyboard)
00:01:807 (1,2) - stack (2) with the end of slider.
00:02:316 (3,4) - ^
00:09:604 - please fill the gap. that following the vocals.
00:33:672 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - back into 2008? nvm... (means to remap this part)
00:39:774 (5,6) - as first suggestion.
00:40:282 (1,2) - stack slider under (1) pls
01:04:689 (2,3) - as first suggestion.
01:13:502 (1,2,3,4,5) - I don't think that jumps are good.

MasterHerobrine wrote:

Disable countdown (it annoying) and Widescreen Support (it needed only for storyboard, you don't have a storyboard)
Missing Kiai section.
All is fine, but the gaps, that needed to fill, strange sliders needed to rework and other stuff.[/centre]
Hope you'll have better experience at mapping! :D
Fixed gaps and Kiai
You will need different combo colours; using different shades of grey is not a good idea as it would be more difficult to distinguish combos from each other.

  1. imo, this difficulty is fundamentally flawed and won't be able to reach the ranked status in its current state. I'll give some pointers since giving a mod to a fundamentally flawed beatmap won't improve it :(
  2. typically, lower diffs do not manipulate the slider velocity across the diff. If it does, it would have to match the pacing in the music. Which is why increasing the SV at 00:22:824 - when the music clearly decreased in pacing doesn't fit. typically, SV should only increase during the chorus where the pacing is rather fast (as you have done here)
  3. DS (distance snapping) should also be always enabled in normal diffs. This is because for beginner players, they would usually relate the spacing between objects to the rhythm rest. e.g. 00:44:180 (6,7,8) - the spacing between slider 7 and 8 would lead the player to think there is a shorter time between clicking them compared to circle 6 and slider 7, which are spaced further apart. It's also not a very good idea to change the established DS as you have done at 00:45:536 (1,1) - (2.2x) vs. 00:47:570 (1,2) - (1.6x) as the player would of already established that distance to the rhythm (e.g. spaced that much = wait x seconds between patterns). parts like 00:28:926 (2,3,4) - are also pretty confusing
  4. Not a good idea to use 1/4 objects/patterns as you have done at 01:09:943 (1) - . To a beginner, they would not know how many times this slider will repeat and may release on the slider too early, causing a miss.
  5. The AR of the diff is waaay too high for what's suppose to be the easiest difficulty in the set. please refer to this wiki page about 'Normal' difficulties:
  6. the NC (New comboing) is also in a bit of a mess.. right now, it looks kinda random (e.g. 00:13:672 (1) - vs. 00:14:689 (1) - , where the second one is way longer than the first for reason). For lower diffs, the best rule would be to NC once per measure (time between one large white tick to the next is one measure) or once per two measures.
  7. You also appear to follow the vocals a bit too closely.
  8. there are a few bits where you undermap when you could of mapped more complex like at 00:26:553 (3) - which could be a 1/2 slider then 2/1 slider to follow vocals better. same at 00:04:858 (3) -
  9. 00:09:265 (2) - this slider is an example of overmapping. there are no sounds on the 1/4 ticks so using this type of repeat slider is rather inappropriate.
  10. 00:09:943 (3) - the red tick to the left of the last white tick is a much better ending point as this has a vocal stress point compared to the white tick which doesn't have anything special with it
  11. 01:22:146 (1) - for lower diffs, usually best to leave at least 2/1 rest after spinners to allow players to 'reset'. This is also called spinner recovery time (of course, this is highly dependent on the bpm of the song)
  12. 01:06:045 (3,1) - not a good idea to stack objects like this as it's rather difficult to read, especially to a beginner
  13. 01:26:384 (4) - snapping
  1. same thing I mentioned about NC applies here too
  2. a lot of unsnapped objects, check AImod
  3. stacking leniency too low. according to the standard ranking criteria (, 1/2 objects should be stacked
  4. 00:03:672 (2,3) - ctrl+g this so it's circle then slider? would follow vocals better as that is what you are mostly mapping to in this section
  5. 00:07:062 (2,3) - ^
  6. 00:13:163 (5) - overmapped, nothing really on that 1/8 tick. A 1/4 repeat slider would be better as there is percussion on that large white tick
  7. 00:19:943 (2,3) - give more spacing, slider 3 is rather prominent so increased spacing would help with that
  8. 00:20:960 (1) - overmapped, I don't quite hear anything in the music on this tick
  9. 00:25:536 (2) - perhaps NC this as there is a SV change, and it'll help with readability
  10. 00:28:757 (1) - you didn't map the white tick here for vocals when you usually do previously?
  11. 00:35:028 (7,8) - spacing too high, nothing too special about it to warrant higher spacing
  12. 00:39:096 (1,2,3,4,5) - why suddenly decrease spacing here compared to 00:33:672 (1,2,3,4,5) - ?
  13. I feel as though the spacing during the chorus is too low like at parts like 01:00:282 (4,5,6) - . The chorus should be the highlight of the diff yet the low spacing here is rather underwhelming
  14. 01:16:723 (3) - the red tick here is VERY prominent in the music so not mapping it is rather strange
  15. 01:23:841 (3) - 1/1 slider
  1. unsnapped objects here too
  2. 00:04:350 (5,1) - spacing shouldn't be as large here, should be larger at 00:04:858 (1,2) - instead and have slider 2 being the NC and not where it currently is
  3. 00:07:062 (4,5) - undermapped, you mapped the vocals previously so why not here?
  4. 00:18:587 (3,4) - why suddenly change SV here? doesn't reflect the music here as there's not much different in the music here to warrant a SV change
  5. 00:28:248 (1,2,3,4) - changes in spacing here doesn't really match. you didn't change spacings at the previous instance (00:22:824 (1,2,3,4) - ) so current spacing changes seem kinda otu of place
  6. 00:59:774 (2,3) - misstack?
  7. the chorus seems to follow the vocals too closely and ignore prominent beats in the music like 01:08:587 - where the percussion is very strong
  8. generally better mapped than the other diffs
also, please make sure you read posts in modding queue fully before you mod someone elses map for a m4m... I said to post your map in the queue and I will select from those posted and not to mod my map yet yet you modded mine... other people won't be as kinda as me to return an unwanted m4m so please keep this in mind in the future.

good luck with mapping
Topic Starter
Thanks for the mod :D
I knew that this map would probably never be ranked but I wanted some advices to improve my mapping skills

Rizen wrote:

You will need different combo colours; using different shades of grey is not a good idea as it would be more difficult to distinguish combos from each other. I'll try to make them look different and easier to read but as I said in the previous answer I want to keep this theme for this diff ;)

  1. imo, this difficulty is fundamentally flawed and won't be able to reach the ranked status in its current state. I'll give some pointers since giving a mod to a fundamentally flawed beatmap won't improve it :(
  2. typically, lower diffs do not manipulate the slider velocity across the diff. If it does, it would have to match the pacing in the music. Which is why increasing the SV at 00:22:824 - when the music clearly decreased in pacing doesn't fit. typically, SV should only increase during the chorus where the pacing is rather fast (as you have done here)
  3. DS (distance snapping) should also be always enabled in normal diffs. This is because for beginner players, they would usually relate the spacing between objects to the rhythm rest. e.g. 00:44:180 (6,7,8) - the spacing between slider 7 and 8 would lead the player to think there is a shorter time between clicking them compared to circle 6 and slider 7, which are spaced further apart. It's also not a very good idea to change the established DS as you have done at 00:45:536 (1,1) - (2.2x) vs. 00:47:570 (1,2) - (1.6x) as the player would of already established that distance to the rhythm (e.g. spaced that much = wait x seconds between patterns). parts like 00:28:926 (2,3,4) - are also pretty confusing
  4. Not a good idea to use 1/4 objects/patterns as you have done at 01:09:943 (1) - . To a beginner, they would not know how many times this slider will repeat and may release on the slider too early, causing a miss.
  5. The AR of the diff is waaay too high for what's suppose to be the easiest difficulty in the set. please refer to this wiki page about 'Normal' difficulties:
  6. the NC (New comboing) is also in a bit of a mess.. right now, it looks kinda random (e.g. 00:13:672 (1) - vs. 00:14:689 (1) - , where the second one is way longer than the first for reason). For lower diffs, the best rule would be to NC once per measure (time between one large white tick to the next is one measure) or once per two measures.
  7. You also appear to follow the vocals a bit too closely.
  8. there are a few bits where you undermap when you could of mapped more complex like at 00:26:553 (3) - which could be a 1/2 slider then 2/1 slider to follow vocals better. same at 00:04:858 (3) -
  9. 00:09:265 (2) - this slider is an example of overmapping. there are no sounds on the 1/4 ticks so using this type of repeat slider is rather inappropriate.
  10. 00:09:943 (3) - the red tick to the left of the last white tick is a much better ending point as this has a vocal stress point compared to the white tick which doesn't have anything special with it
  11. 01:22:146 (1) - for lower diffs, usually best to leave at least 2/1 rest after spinners to allow players to 'reset'. This is also called spinner recovery time (of course, this is highly dependent on the bpm of the song)
  12. 01:06:045 (3,1) - not a good idea to stack objects like this as it's rather difficult to read, especially to a beginner
  13. 01:26:384 (4) - snapping
Noted, thanks for the advices !

  1. same thing I mentioned about NC applies here too
  2. a lot of unsnapped objects, check AImod
  3. stacking leniency too low. according to the standard ranking criteria (, 1/2 objects should be stacked
  4. 00:03:672 (2,3) - ctrl+g this so it's circle then slider? would follow vocals better as that is what you are mostly mapping to in this section
  5. 00:07:062 (2,3) - ^
  6. 00:13:163 (5) - overmapped, nothing really on that 1/8 tick. A 1/4 repeat slider would be better as there is percussion on that large white tick
  7. 00:19:943 (2,3) - give more spacing, slider 3 is rather prominent so increased spacing would help with that
  8. 00:20:960 (1) - overmapped, I don't quite hear anything in the music on this tick
  9. 00:25:536 (2) - perhaps NC this as there is a SV change, and it'll help with readability
  10. 00:28:757 (1) - you didn't map the white tick here for vocals when you usually do previously?
  11. 00:35:028 (7,8) - spacing too high, nothing too special about it to warrant higher spacing
  12. 00:39:096 (1,2,3,4,5) - why suddenly decrease spacing here compared to 00:33:672 (1,2,3,4,5) - ?
  13. I feel as though the spacing during the chorus is too low like at parts like 01:00:282 (4,5,6) - . The chorus should be the highlight of the diff yet the low spacing here is rather underwhelming
  14. 01:16:723 (3) - the red tick here is VERY prominent in the music so not mapping it is rather strange
  15. 01:23:841 (3) - 1/1 slider
Fixed all, actually this diff is one of the first map I created so I knew it was not perfect at all ^^

  1. unsnapped objects here too
  2. 00:04:350 (5,1) - spacing shouldn't be as large here, should be larger at 00:04:858 (1,2) - instead and have slider 2 being the NC and not where it currently is Ok for the NC but I don't see quite well were the preblem is with spacing :\
  3. 00:07:062 (4,5) - undermapped, you mapped the vocals previously so why not here?
  4. 00:18:587 (3,4) - why suddenly change SV here? doesn't reflect the music here as there's not much different in the music here to warrant a SV change
  5. 00:28:248 (1,2,3,4) - changes in spacing here doesn't really match. you didn't change spacings at the previous instance (00:22:824 (1,2,3,4) - ) so current spacing changes seem kinda otu of place
  6. 00:59:774 (2,3) - misstack?
  7. the chorus seems to follow the vocals too closely and ignore prominent beats in the music like 01:08:587 - where the percussion is very strong
  8. generally better mapped than the other diffs

also, please make sure you read posts in modding queue fully before you mod someone elses map for a m4m... I said to post your map in the queue and I will select from those posted and not to mod my map yet yet you modded mine... other people won't be as kinda as me to return an unwanted m4m so please keep this in mind in the future.
I knew it but I really wanted to try modding even if you didn't want to mod mine, I'll probably should have said that before ^^"

good luck with mapping Thanks !
  • From Lious's Summer Modding Queue!


    Sorry for late ;(
  1. Why not add some more Combo Colours? ;C

  2. Hard to read sliders, can you make this easier? Don't curve everywhere, keep the same style before next combo,
    and patterns are hard to read too :v Maybe remap this diff?

  3. 4,5 cs? Change this, I prefer for Hards 3,5 :)
  4. Still the same problem, patterns and sliders are not clearly to red

  5. ^
Sorry, my mod is worst (don't give kudos), I have big break from osu! Still work! :) Bye!
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