- Information
- TOURNAMENT DATE: December 31st to January 1st
- Group Stage: December 31st
- Finals: January 1st
- Start time: 2pm EST (11am PST) both days. Rounds of matches commence every 10 minutes for group stage, 30 for bracket stage.
- TOURNAMENT STYLE: 2v2 Standard
- You can sign up solo or as a pair; however you and your partner must be within the pp limit of a division (i.e. you both must be in the same division [see below for list of divisions])
- 1500pp is a HARD LIMIT. DO NOT SIGN UP under ANY circumstances if you are above this.
- Division 3: 100pp - 400pp
Division 2: 401pp - 900pp
- 0.01 - 2.99*
Division 1: 901pp - 1500pp
- 2.75 - 4.75*
- 3.75 - 5.25*
I will be selecting about 12 - 15 maps for each difficulty range, which will be posted soon.
All mods are allowed; however, be warned that you may ruin your score for your partner!
Signups: 54 entrants (no maximum yet but it will likely be around 100).
I NEED STAFF. APPLY BELOW. This may be my first tournament hosted but I still want some quality staff members which is why you need to apply.
It is YOUR responsibility to check back on this page occasionally for updates. Failing to check here at least twice a week may result in missing information. Note that you AND your partner are disqualified if one of you doesn't arrive on time on tournament day!
Important links
Discord Nothing is set up yet; just join for now. All user-made channels will be purged so don't try to do anything. Also make sure your username on Discord matches your username on osu.
Registration for players closed.
We need referees; please apply.
Sign up for staff positions here.
We are full for mappool selectors.
Mappool Selector: FULL (no more maximum slot expansion).
Discord Manager (3 / 4)
Referee (3 / 8)
You CANNOT do both. Those who blatantly ignore rules and do sign up for both: You will be treated as applying for STAFF, and your player submission will be deleted.