
Galileo Galilei - Koi no Jumyou (TV Ver.)

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Topic Starter
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 10 ноября 2016 г. at 17:21:27

Artist: Galileo Galilei
Title: Koi no Jumyou (TV Ver.)
Source: まじっく快斗1412
Tags: Magic Kaito Ending Kuroba A-1 Pictures
BPM: 140
Filesize: 12844kb
Play Time: 01:27
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1,31 stars, 98 notes)
  2. Hard (2,53 stars, 186 notes)
  3. Normal (2,11 stars, 158 notes)
Download: Galileo Galilei - Koi no Jumyou (TV Ver.)
Download: Galileo Galilei - Koi no Jumyou (TV Ver.) (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Thanks 100bit for teaching me how to map

Timing by WISPG_G and ZLOdeuka-
DeRandom Otaku
Ello ~ Random Mod from #modreqs

just realized i havent done a mod today , so here we go~

General :
  1. Choose Combo colors
  2. None of the green timing point in non-kiai part is snapped properly. fix them plz
  1. AR 9 is high , ar 8 or 8.3 will be fine
  2. 00:17:798 (8) - nc
  3. 00:21:301 (7) - ^
  4. 00:23:053 (1) - remove nc
  5. 00:43:637 (11) - nc
  6. 00:47:579 (19) - ^
  7. 00:48:674 (25,1) - notes arent stacked properly
  8. 00:50:644 (7) - nc , also the long slider doesnt match the song at all
  9. 00:54:586 (1,3) - blanket
  10. 01:00:279 (8,9,10,11,12,13) - the triples make no sense , they no match the song ;-;
  11. 01:03:126 (4,6) - blanket
  12. 01:06:630 (9) - use a circle here and 01:06:849 - start the 1/2 sliders from here + nc
  13. 01:09:258 - add circle
  14. 01:18:455 (8,9) - notes arent stacked properly
  15. 01:25:243 (2,3,4,5,6) - spacing is uneven
  16. 01:25:243 - should be like :
Hard :
  1. AR 7
  2. 00:19:112 (1) - remove nc
  3. 00:22:615 (1) - ^
  4. 00:23:272 - add circle
  5. 00:29:623 (1) - remove nc
  6. 00:30:061 (1,2) - blanket
  7. 00:42:761 (5,1) - stack these instead
  8. 00:47:579 (8) - nc
  9. 00:50:644 (15) - ^
  10. 01:02:469 (1) - remove nc
  11. 01:02:469 (1,2) - notes arent stacker properly
cant mod easy/normals ;w;

Really great map for first try!! but u need alot more practise~

Good Luck~
Topic Starter
Thank you very much, appreciate it :3
your mod

DeRandom Otaku wrote:

Ello ~ Random Mod from #modreqs

just realized i havent done a mod today , so here we go~

General :
  1. Choose Combo colors
  2. None of the green timing point in non-kiai part is snapped properly. fix them plz
  1. AR 9 is high , ar 8 or 8.3 will be fine
  2. 00:17:798 (8) - nc
  3. 00:21:301 (7) - ^
  4. 00:23:053 (1) - remove nc
  5. 00:43:637 (11) - nc
  6. 00:47:579 (19) - ^
  7. 00:48:674 (25,1) - notes arent stacked properly
  8. 00:50:644 (7) - nc , also the long slider doesnt match the song at all
  9. 00:54:586 (1,3) - blanket
  10. 01:00:279 (8,9,10,11,12,13) - the triples make no sense , they no match the song ;-;
  11. 01:03:126 (4,6) - blanket
  12. 01:06:630 (9) - use a circle here and 01:06:849 - start the 1/2 sliders from here + nc
  13. 01:09:258 - add circle
  14. 01:18:455 (8,9) - notes arent stacked properly
  15. 01:25:243 (2,3,4,5,6) - spacing is uneven
  16. 01:25:243 - should be like :
Hard :
  1. AR 7
  2. 00:19:112 (1) - remove nc
  3. 00:22:615 (1) - ^
  4. 00:23:272 - add circle
  5. 00:29:623 (1) - remove nc
  6. 00:30:061 (1,2) - blanket
  7. 00:42:761 (5,1) - stack these instead
  8. 00:47:579 (8) - nc
  9. 00:50:644 (15) - ^
  10. 01:02:469 (1) - remove nc
  11. 01:02:469 (1,2) - notes arent stacker properly
cant mod easy/normals ;w;

Really great map for first try!! but u need alot more practise~

Good Luck~
Мод из #modreqs :D


  1. В "Source" убери "Magic Kaito 1412" и напиши "まじっく快斗1412"
  2. В "Title" добавь "(TV Size)"
  3. Убери галку с "Enable Countdown"
  4. Мапать надо начинать с 00:00:280 ВО ВСЕХ ДИФФАХ
  5. У изи последнее время окончания киая отличается от других в остальных диффах


  1. Скорость слайдеров в изи менять НЕЛЬЗЯ
  2. Ставь ноты и слайдеры ТОЛЬКО на белые тики, т.к. новичкам будут непонятны опоры на красные тики, однако не делай таких слайдеров, как на 00:16:046 (1)
  3. Новое комбо (НК) должно начинаться со сменой ритма, а у тебя оно вразброс. Исправь
  4. Спейсинг используй 0.8х
  5. Не делай так, чтобы у тебя слайдеры и ноты перекрывали другие слайдеры и ноты
  6. 00:54:586 (1,1) - должно оставаться свободное место, чтобы новичок мог успеть навести курсор на слайдер/ноту. Поэтому можешь продлить спиннер до 00:58:090 - а слайдер перенести на 00:59:842 (1)
  7. 01:08:382 (1) - спиннер начни здесь 01:08:601 - а потом ^

  1. Скорость слайдеров в нормале менять НЕЛЬЗЯ
  2. Новое комбо (НК) должно начинаться со сменой ритма, а у тебя оно вразброс. Исправь
  3. Не делай так, чтобы у тебя слайдеры и ноты перекрывали другие слайдеры и ноты
  4. Старайся реже использовать красные тики, но все же их использовать
  5. 00:20:863 (4,5,6,7) - сложный паттерн для новичков. Упрости его слайдером или удали и поставь ноты на белые тики
  6. 01:16:484 (2,3,4,5) - ^
  7. 00:38:820 (2,3,4,5,6) - сложный паттерн для новчиков. Поставь слайдер, который не делает реверс
  8. 00:55:024 (2,3,4) - если и делать такие слайдеры, то с 2-мя реверсами и с пробелами на каждый 2-ой красный тик

  1. Новое комбо (НК) должно начинаться со сменой ритма, а у тебя оно вразброс. Исправь
  2. Не делай так, чтобы у тебя слайдеры и ноты перекрывали другие слайдеры и ноты
  3. Circle Size ставь 4 или 5
  4. Overall Difficulty ставь 6+

  1. Новое комбо (НК) должно начинаться со сменой ритма, а у тебя оно вразброс. Исправь
  2. Не делай так, чтобы у тебя слайдеры и ноты перекрывали другие слайдеры и ноты (такой вариант 00:17:798 (1,2,3) подойдет, а такой 00:26:338 (2,3) - нет)
Удачи в маппинге!~ :) :D ;) :idea:
Topic Starter
Спасибо огромное) :D
Your Mod

Revialink wrote:

Мод из #modreqs :D


  1. В "Source" убери "Magic Kaito 1412" и напиши "まじっく快斗1412"
  2. В "Title" добавь "(TV Size)"
  3. Убери галку с "Enable Countdown"
  4. Мапать надо начинать с 00:00:280 ВО ВСЕХ ДИФФАХ
  5. У изи последнее время окончания киая отличается от других в остальных диффах


  1. Скорость слайдеров в изи менять НЕЛЬЗЯ
  2. Ставь ноты и слайдеры ТОЛЬКО на белые тики, т.к. новичкам будут непонятны опоры на красные тики, однако не делай таких слайдеров, как на 00:16:046 (1)
  3. Новое комбо (НК) должно начинаться со сменой ритма, а у тебя оно вразброс. Исправь
  4. Спейсинг используй 0.8х
  5. Не делай так, чтобы у тебя слайдеры и ноты перекрывали другие слайдеры и ноты
  6. 00:54:586 (1,1) - должно оставаться свободное место, чтобы новичок мог успеть навести курсор на слайдер/ноту. Поэтому можешь продлить спиннер до 00:58:090 - а слайдер перенести на 00:59:842 (1)
  7. 01:08:382 (1) - спиннер начни здесь 01:08:601 - а потом ^

  1. Скорость слайдеров в нормале менять НЕЛЬЗЯ
  2. Новое комбо (НК) должно начинаться со сменой ритма, а у тебя оно вразброс. Исправь
  3. Не делай так, чтобы у тебя слайдеры и ноты перекрывали другие слайдеры и ноты
  4. Старайся реже использовать красные тики, но все же их использовать
  5. 00:20:863 (4,5,6,7) - сложный паттерн для новичков. Упрости его слайдером или удали и поставь ноты на белые тики
  6. 01:16:484 (2,3,4,5) - ^
  7. 00:38:820 (2,3,4,5,6) - сложный паттерн для новчиков. Поставь слайдер, который не делает реверс
  8. 00:55:024 (2,3,4) - если и делать такие слайдеры, то с 2-мя реверсами и с пробелами на каждый 2-ой красный тик

  1. Новое комбо (НК) должно начинаться со сменой ритма, а у тебя оно вразброс. Исправь
  2. Не делай так, чтобы у тебя слайдеры и ноты перекрывали другие слайдеры и ноты
  3. Circle Size ставь 4 или 5
  4. Overall Difficulty ставь 6+

  1. Новое комбо (НК) должно начинаться со сменой ритма, а у тебя оно вразброс. Исправь
  2. Не делай так, чтобы у тебя слайдеры и ноты перекрывали другие слайдеры и ноты (такой вариант 00:17:798 (1,2,3) подойдет, а такой 00:26:338 (2,3) - нет)
Удачи в маппинге!~ :) :D ;) :idea:
Hey, my name is Max 100bit, and this is my mod!
Well, opinion of modder is opinion of modder.
Do not judge strictly, I could be wrong.
And yep, I am just learning. My english is bad, so sorry for googletranslate.
...stop, i can mod in russian?
...окей, меня звать Макс 100bit, и это мой мод.
Мнение моддера - это мнение моддера в первую очередь. И да, я только учусь мапить/моддить.
Song and beatmaps
Почему бы не закончить киаи на 01:26:119 ?
Цифра "2" в тегах и не нужна, по сути
Что насчёт замены сэмплов на Soft?
Перепроверь джампы: Ctrl+Shift+A -> Check distance snap, ошибок не должно быть вообще
00:19:550 (1) - исправь как на %пикче%, ибо реверс звучит не очень хорошо

00:23:053 (4) - сделай более изогнутым
00:24:805 (2) - ^
00:26:557 (4,2) - не оверлапь
00:33:564 (2) - реверс звучит не очень хорошо на этом месте, исправь
00:33:564 (2,4) - исправь оверлап, хоть он и слабо заметен
00:53:272 - добавить ноту
00:54:148 - ^
последние три ноты 53:272 - 54:148 можно заменить на слайдер
00:58:090 (1,1) - не оверлапь
01:04:659 (2,3) - blanket
01:08:382 (1) - спиннеру самое место начинаться на 01:08:601 , где заканчиваться - решай сама
01:11:009 (1) - странный слайдер, его можно вообще убрать, по правилам изи можно оставлять некоторое место после спиннера
01:21:739 (3) - сделай реверс-слайдер
как вариант, последний спиннер можно сделать потише
Перепроверь джампы: Ctrl+Shift+A -> Check distance snap, ошибок не должно быть вообще
00:19:112 (1,2,3,4,5) - дикие оверлапы, все переправить
00:21:739 (6,7) - заменить 7 на ноту, которая находится на 00:22:177
00:23:491 (3,4) - паттерн не совпадает с 00:25:243 (3)
00:21:958 (7,2) - не оверлапь, или стакни как-нибудь
00:25:243 (3,1,3) - ^
00:29:623 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - овердоз нот, некоторые можно исправить на слайдеры
00:33:126 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^
00:39:258 (4,5,6) - заменить на реверс-слайдер
00:49:769 (6,1) - не оверлапь
00:50:644 (1,2) - ^
01:02:469 (1) - remove nc
01:05:097 (3,4) - стакни концы
01:03:783 (3,1) - как вариант, тоже можно стакнуть
01:08:601 (5,6) - не оверлапь
01:14:294 (4,6) - ^
01:12:104 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - разнообразь сочетание слайдер/нота
01:16:484 (2,3,4,5) - сложно для нормала
01:17:360 (6,1) - blanket
01:19:988 (2,4) - не оверлапь
01:25:024 (1) - сделать два слайдера?
Перепроверь джампы на триплах, они дикие какие-то
00:16:046 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - всего один слайдер?
00:24:367 (1,2) - странный оверлап, да и ускорение 2 ни к чему
00:28:309 (7) - сложный слайдер какой-то
00:28:309 (7,8) - оверлап?
00:32:250 (5,1) - ^
00:37:068 (2,3,4) - странный момент какой-то
00:38:382 (1,2,3,4,5) - сложновато будет
00:41:885 (3,5) - стак?
00:42:761 (5,1) - не оверлапь
00:49:988 (6,7) - воу... дикость.
00:55:243 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13) - или сделать всё по одному образцу-паттерну, или исправить ещё как-нибудь
00:53:491 (1,2,3,4) - ^, можно исправить на два слайдера
01:01:593 (1,2) - реверсы призрачные, как мне кажется
01:11:009 (1,1) - не оверлапь
01:13:856 (3,1) - ^, или стакни
01:16:484 (2,3,4,5,6) - снова какой-то очень странный паттерн
01:19:988 (2,4) - стак
Как вариант, уменьшить Slider Velosity или Distance Spacing.
00:17:907 (2,4,6) - призрачные ноты, их в музыке то и нету
00:21:849 (4) - ^
00:25:353 (5) - ^
00:26:338 (2,3) - самый странный оверлап
00:28:528 (7,8,9) - очень странный трипл
00:46:484 (4) - призрачная нота
00:47:469 (8) - ^
00:48:345 (5) - ^
00:49:440 (3) - ^
00:53:491 (5) - nc
00:58:966 (3) - Ctrl+G или перемести куда-нибудь
00:59:842 (5,6,7) - странные триплы...
01:06:301 (7) - призрачная нота
01:06:630 (9) - nc
01:14:951 (8,9,10) - много странных триплов
01:18:893 (1,2,3) - ^
01:20:644 (5,6,7) - ^
{end of mod}
Topic Starter
Спасибо огромное и гигантское, Копе... 100bit) ;) :D
2016-05-14 04:00 estellia-: ok this whole part: 00:00:280 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2) - 
2016-05-14 04:00 estellia-: i'm not sure what you're trying to emphasise here
2016-05-14 04:00 estellia-: as there is no constant rhythm
2016-05-14 04:00 estellia-: while the music seems to be the same
2016-05-14 04:01 estellia-: 00:08:601 (5) - this slider baffles me the most
2016-05-14 04:01 estellia-: suggest remap
2016-05-14 04:02 estellia-: should i continue or..?
2016-05-14 04:02 MashaSG: Yea)
2016-05-14 04:02 estellia-: ok
2016-05-14 04:03 estellia-: 00:14:732 (2,1) - between here is too empty tbh, suggest adding more beaats
2016-05-14 04:04 estellia-: 00:33:564 (2) - this is offgrid
2016-05-14 04:04 estellia-: 00:46:703 (1) - recheck ds with previous note
2016-05-14 04:05 estellia-: 00:53:272 (1) - this slider is added at a weird time
2016-05-14 04:05 estellia-: 00:54:586 (1) - this spinner ends at a vocal, which should be clickable
2016-05-14 04:05 estellia-: suggest remap
2016-05-14 04:06 estellia-: 01:06:849 (3) - this reverse slider makes no sense, theres nothing in the music to map to
2016-05-14 04:06 estellia-: 01:13:856 (5) - double reverses are often confusing in easy diff
2016-05-14 04:06 estellia-: thats it for easy
2016-05-14 04:07 MashaSG: Ok~
2016-05-14 04:07 estellia-: i think easy can do with more pattern variety, and some parts should be remapped because of poor taste in beat placement
2016-05-14 04:07 estellia-: ok moving on
2016-05-14 04:07 estellia-: 00:00:280 (1,2,3,4) - pls fix distance snap, this isnt allowed in normal diff
2016-05-14 04:08 estellia-: 00:24:805 (2,3,4) - you dont normally see such singletaps in normal
2016-05-14 04:08 estellia-: 00:37:506 (3,4,5,2,3,4) - these too
2016-05-14 04:08 estellia-: suggest remap
2016-05-14 04:08 estellia-: use reverse slider
2016-05-14 04:09 estellia-: 00:54:586 (1,2,3,4) - not sure why you use this rhythm when you're mapping to nothing in the music
2016-05-14 04:09 estellia-: 01:02:469 (1) - remove nc here
2016-05-14 04:10 estellia-: 01:16:484 (2,3,4) - similar problem to before
2016-05-14 04:10 estellia-: 01:17:360 (5) - pls recheck ds with previous note
2016-05-14 04:10 estellia-: 01:21:739 (5,6,7) - ^
2016-05-14 04:10 estellia-: thats it
2016-05-14 04:11 estellia-: i think your normal needs more aesthetic improvement and rhythm improvement, because rn it seems very messy and has a lot of weird beat placements
2016-05-14 04:11 estellia-: alright i'll move onto hard
2016-05-14 04:12 estellia-: 00:01:155 (3,1,2,3) - very confusing distances here
2016-05-14 04:12 estellia-: even though all the notes are at similar time intervals, their distances are very different
2016-05-14 04:12 estellia-: give your whole map a recheck on this
2016-05-14 04:12 MashaSG: ok..
2016-05-14 04:12 estellia-: also i would suggest turning on DS for mapping hard
2016-05-14 04:13 estellia-: 00:07:287 (4) - double reverses are confusing in hard diff
2016-05-14 04:13 estellia-: 00:22:615 (1,2,3,4,5) - compared to 00:24:367 (1,2) - : why the difference in rhythm?
2016-05-14 04:13 estellia-: they're the same part of the song but you map them differently, it breaks flow imo
2016-05-14 04:14 estellia-: 00:39:039 (6,7,8) - example of weird distance
2016-05-14 04:14 estellia-: 00:46:922 - not going to map strong drum here?
2016-05-14 04:17 estellia-: i see a lot of issues with hard in terms of how it looks
2016-05-14 04:17 estellia-: too many errors for me to point out imo so i'll touch on the playability stuff only
2016-05-14 04:17 estellia-: but i highly suggest you remap Hard with DS on
2016-05-14 04:18 estellia-: moving onto insane
2016-05-14 04:18 estellia-: 00:03:564 (3) - double reverse
2016-05-14 04:18 estellia-: confusing
2016-05-14 04:18 estellia-: 00:06:739 (5) - there is nothing in the music that justifies the triplet here
2016-05-14 04:18 estellia-: 00:08:163 (8) - double reverse
2016-05-14 04:19 estellia-: 00:13:199 (2,3,4) - sliders that start on red tick are awkward to play, suggest removing reverse on 00:12:542 (1) -
2016-05-14 04:23 estellia-: 00:17:798 (1,2,3) - nothing justifies triplet here
2016-05-14 04:23 estellia-: 00:18:236 (4,5,6,7) - nothing justifies this either
2016-05-14 04:24 estellia-: 00:21:739 (3,4,5) - ^
2016-05-14 04:24 estellia-: 00:25:243 (4,5,6) - ^
2016-05-14 04:24 estellia-: 00:28:528 (7,8,9) - ^
2016-05-14 04:24 estellia-: this problem repeats, go recheck your whole map
2016-05-14 04:25 MashaSG: Yea, dat triples
2016-05-14 04:25 MashaSG: Are bad..
2016-05-14 04:25 estellia-: 00:44:075 - i've noticed that you missed out this beat on all your diffs
2016-05-14 04:25 estellia-: why? its rather important, more important thn vocal, because rn it seems weird to plaay
2016-05-14 04:25 estellia-: similarly on 00:51:082 -
2016-05-14 04:26 estellia-: 00:59:842 (5,6,7) - confused
2016-05-14 04:28 estellia-: yea there are a lot more issues but i covered the important ones
2016-05-14 04:28 estellia-: also all your diffs have hitsounds that are very messed up, you might want to rehitsound after refering to oother maps and learning how to hitsound
2016-05-14 04:29 MashaSG: Ok
2016-05-14 04:29 estellia-: tbh you need to look into the aesthetic approach of maps
2016-05-14 04:31 estellia-: there are a lot of keypoints in mapping you're missing out a lot on
2016-05-14 04:31 estellia-: and at this point i can only say "remap, kds pls" for all your diffs lol xd
2016-05-14 04:31 estellia-: but good luck i guess
Topic Starter
Thanks a lot for great mod, estellia- !

Hi ~ From my modding queue.

Just a little check.
  1. Song's volume is too low. Plz find a better one. :o\
  2. Easy & Normal. Start 00:16:046 is a bad idea. D: Start note like Hard & Insane diff
  3. KAITO KIDDO! should chang to Insane is better :o
Good luck then !!
Hello !, from #modreqs. Oh !, nice !, it's Konan ending song, is it not ?. I hope I can be helpful here !. XD

General :
I think the Kiai End should be put right here ! 01:27:433 (1) -
Oh, Every diffs have different Combo Colors ?, maybe you'd equalize it ?

Easy :
00:59:842 (1) - Remove New Combo
01:14:732 (5,1) - 01:23:929 (4) - Need Blanket Improvements
00:24:367 (1) - Remove New Combo
00:38:820 (1) - Remove New Combo, and 00:40:571 (2) - here's New Combo
00:58:090 (1) - How about putting something here, a slider maybe :)
01:06:849 (3) - Must Blanket

Normal (To be honest, Normal diff will be lovelier if you use same Distance Spacing at every circles ):
00:24:367 (1) - 00:38:382 (1) - 01:06:849 (1) - 01:11:009 (1) - Remove New Combo
00:43:637 (1) - ^
00:55:243 (2,3,4,5) - Imagine a trainee playing this complicated slider X'D
00:58:090 (1) - Distance it a little from the slider before

Advanced :
01:01:593 (7) - New Combo here !

00:10:571 (7) - 01:19:112 (10) - New Combo here !
Some notes didn't follow the rhythms. To much, I must say. Please re-check !
00:43:637 (1) - 00:50:644 (1) - Smoother this sliders X'D
00:52:396 (2) - Stack it with the slider end, will make it clearly readable

Nah, I guess that's all I can give. I hope I'm helpful and not changing your map style XD. Good luck ! :)
Topic Starter
I know this song as Ending 2 in Magic Kaito 1412, but maybe it's Konan ending too :^)
Thanks for mod, preciate it!~

O-Moei wrote:

Hello !, from #modreqs. Oh !, nice !, it's Konan ending song, is it not ?. I hope I can be helpful here !. XD

General :
I think the Kiai End should be put right here ! 01:27:433 (1) -
Oh, Every diffs have different Combo Colors ?, maybe you'd equalize it ?

Easy :
00:59:842 (1) - Remove New Combo
01:14:732 (5,1) - 01:23:929 (4) - Need Blanket Improvements
00:24:367 (1) - Remove New Combo
00:38:820 (1) - Remove New Combo, and 00:40:571 (2) - here's New Combo
00:58:090 (1) - How about putting something here, a slider maybe :)
01:06:849 (3) - Must Blanket

Normal (To be honest, Normal diff will be lovelier if you use same Distance Spacing at every circles ):
00:24:367 (1) - 00:38:382 (1) - 01:06:849 (1) - 01:11:009 (1) - Remove New Combo
00:43:637 (1) - ^
00:55:243 (2,3,4,5) - Imagine a trainee playing this complicated slider X'D
00:58:090 (1) - Distance it a little from the slider before

Advanced :
01:01:593 (7) - New Combo here !

00:10:571 (7) - 01:19:112 (10) - New Combo here !
Some notes didn't follow the rhythms. To much, I must say. Please re-check !
00:43:637 (1) - 00:50:644 (1) - Smoother this sliders X'D
00:52:396 (2) - Stack it with the slider end, will make it clearly readable

Nah, I guess that's all I can give. I hope I'm helpful and not changing your map style XD. Good luck ! :)

- Frontier - wrote:

Hi ~ From my modding queue.

Just a little check.
Song's volume is too low. Plz find a better one. :o\
Easy & Normal. Start 00:16:046 is a bad idea. D: Start note like Hard & Insane diff
KAITO KIDDO! should chang to Insane is better :o

Good luck then !!
Hi , from #modreqs
  1. Disable wide screen support
  2. Why don't you set combo color?

  • 00:01:155 (4,5,6) - I think no need this triple , for your rhythm
    00:01:593 (4) - use triple at here
    00:23:710 (5) - please keep your intherited point 1 at here
    00:23:491 (4,5) - ctrl g better rhythm
    00:24:805 (2,3,4) - same^
    00:02:031 (1,2) - bad rhythm, I don't understand what sounds is your main follow please check again
    00:23:491 (4,5) - rhythm a bit weird here as well
    please check again your rhythm

Good luck :)
Topic Starter

ekafjr wrote:

Hi , from #modreqs
  1. Disable wide screen support
  2. Why don't you set combo color?

  • 00:01:155 (4,5,6) - I think no need this triple , for your rhythm
    00:01:593 (4) - use triple at here
    00:23:710 (5) - please keep your intherited point 1 at here
    00:23:491 (4,5) - ctrl g better rhythm
    00:24:805 (2,3,4) - same^
    00:02:031 (1,2) - bad rhythm, I don't understand what sounds is your main follow please check again
    00:23:491 (4,5) - rhythm a bit weird here as well
    please check again your rhythm

Good luck :)
Saw offset check req

Offset is 348, not 296.

Remember to adjust your other timing sections accordingly.

Good luck!

EDIT - Just saw you posted on my queue. Want a full mod or is this just fine for you?
Привет o/
Вот тебе тайминг, он немного не стабильный, как хотелось бы, но такой трек, что бпм меняется постоянно.

Расставь в ручную или вставь этот код в блокнот

V Timing V

Red Lines

Topic Starter

Hobbes2 wrote:

Saw offset check req

Offset is 348, not 296.

Remember to adjust your other timing sections accordingly.

Good luck!
Topic Starter
ох лол...

WISPG_G wrote:

Привет o/
Вот тебе тайминг, он немного не стабильный, как хотелось бы, но такой трек, что бпм меняется постоянно.

Расставь в ручную или вставь этот код в блокнот

V Timing V

Red Lines

Uhm, just on a sidenote, there is no sense in just quoting the mods without and response to it, you should try to respond to all the things pointed out individually (especially the points you denied, if you accepted all points then please state that too). Right now there is no way to know whether you actually changed anything or not ^^
Topic Starter
Oh, ok, i will try to do it next time, thanks) :D :D

Bonsai wrote:

Uhm, just on a sidenote, there is no sense in just quoting the mods without and response to it, you should try to respond to all the things pointed out individually (especially the points you denied, if you accepted all points then please state that too). Right now there is no way to know whether you actually changed anything or not ^^
EDIT: I'm sorry if you've already fixed this, either my map isn't updating correctly or these are still an issue.

Just in case it's still an issue and not fixed already.
Why is there so many different timing points on a map with only one BPM?

As stated before, offset is 348.

The only BPM that should be there is one at the offset of 348 and BPM of 137 EXACTLY. No .2 or anything.
Topic Starter
I will leave all in this variant, because for me the rhythm really changed to the better one, so sorry~

Cirno-baka9 wrote:

EDIT: I'm sorry if you've already fixed this, either my map isn't updating correctly or these are still an issue.

Just in case it's still an issue and not fixed already.
Why is there so many different timing points on a map with only one BPM?

As stated before, offset is 348.

The only BPM that should be there is one at the offset of 348 and BPM of 137 EXACTLY. No .2 or anything.
[Kaito Kiddo]
  1. Lost potential, places where you miss out on rhythms you should be mapping 00:02:075 -to 00:08:960 - repeat sliders don't fit
  2. 00:10:819 (7) - 00:14:317 (7) - 00:06:883 (5) - 00:17:831 (8) - 00:46:736 (6) - 01:19:147 (9) - nc
  3. 00:44:137 (2) - 00:51:148 (2) - bad slider shape
  4. 00:49:148 (9) - poor use of repeat sliderand bad blanket
  5. 00:55:045 (2,3) - 00:59:905 (5,6,7) - 01:13:899 (7) - 01:17:397 (7) - 01:19:584 (10) - 01:20:896 (12) - these don't fit
  6. 01:03:840 (6,7) - 01:19:584 (10,11,12) - blanket fix
  7. 01:25:925 - make this clickable then have spinner after click
care not to ignore beats like drums because those are fun to click to:D
Topic Starter

[alt][F4] wrote:

[Kaito Kiddo]
  1. Lost potential, places where you miss out on rhythms you should be mapping 00:02:075 -to 00:08:960 - repeat sliders don't fit Changed Something
  2. 00:10:819 (7) - 00:14:317 (7) - 00:06:883 (5) - 00:17:831 (8) - 00:46:736 (6) - 01:19:147 (9) - nc Changed 1,2,3,5,6
  3. 00:44:137 (2) - 00:51:148 (2) - bad slider shape Don't know how to do it in the right way, so left this in this variant
  4. 00:49:148 (9) - poor use of repeat sliderand bad blanket Changed blanket
  5. 00:55:045 (2,3) - 00:59:905 (5,6,7) - 01:13:899 (7) - 01:17:397 (7) - 01:19:584 (10) - 01:20:896 (12) - these don't fit Changed 1,2,5,6
  6. 01:03:840 (6,7) - 01:19:584 (10,11,12) - blanket fix Fixed
  7. 01:25:925 - make this clickable then have spinner after click done, but I dont sure about this
care not to ignore beats like drums because those are fun to click to:D
Topic Starter
Привет :roll:

Shmiklak wrote:

привет из CDFOdeuka Modding Queue ~
Я очень люблю Galileo Galilei и просто не смогла пройти мимо о3о


• Мне очень жаль того человека который мучился с таймингом D: Но это ни к чему. Здесь всего 2-е тайминг секции. Просто неверно выбран БПМ и поэтому пришлось ставить кучу тайминг секции - но я уверена, что это не ранкабельно.
- первая секция практически неизменна: офсет 350, БПМ 137,20
- далее вторая секция: офсет 2080, БПМ 137
- больше никаких тайминг секций не нужно. ( Есть упереться в вики, то все лишние и не используемые секции должны быть удалены)

• Все сложности должны быть одинаковы по дрейн времени. Изи и Нормал у тебя начинается гораздо позже чем остальные две сложности. Сделай так, чтобы они начинались и заканчивались в одинаковых местах.
• Размер БГ имеет так же свои стандарты. Не менее 800х600 и не более 1366х768. Так же доступен размер 1024х768 (твой же размер БГ ближе подходит под этот) но всё таки не достаточно 702 точки. Исправь немного. ( и дай другое название файлу, глаз режет о3о)
• Киаи время предлагаю закончить здесь 01:26:144


Пройдёмся по новым комбо. Очень важно расставлять их верно!

[New Combos!]

в изе и нормале их расставлять гораздо проще, ритм понятен и можно ставить нк на каждом втором большом белом тике ( редкость если не угадаешь)

00:19:155 (1) , 00:22:655 (1) , 00:26:152 (5) , 00:29:656 (1) , 00:33:162 (1) , 00:36:640 (1) , 00:43:702 (1) , 00:46:736 (1) , 00:50:704 (1) , 01:04:715 (1) - здесь можешь смело убирать нк.
00:19:596 (2) , 00:23:087 (2) , 00:30:094 (2) , 00:33:597 (2) , 00:37:075 (2) , 00:44:137 (2) , 00:47:593 (3) , 00:51:148 (2) , 01:05:590 (2) - а здесь нужно поставить нк.

• Сделай АР на 3, а ОД на 2. так будет лучше читаться.
• 00:54:601 (1) - очень неудачный спиннер. После него нужно время на восстановление - это верно, но у тебя начинается киаи здесь 00:58:156 и самый мощный ритм в музыке. Тут никак нельзя пропускать ноты. Попробуй заменить его длинный слайдером, модет быть даже с возвратом, но на данный момент это выглядит не мило.
• У тебя есть два совершенно одинаковых места здесь 00:44:137 (2) - и здесь 00:51:148 (2) -но после первого слайдера нет объектов около 2 секунд. После второго слайдера объекты есть. Сделай эти места одинаковыми дабы не путать новичков.

По спейсингу и ритму всё в норме. Единственное тут 01:21:771 (3) - убери возврат далее поставь тут 01:23:083 круг ( и сделай его новым комбо) и тут 01:23:520 слайдер который закончится здесь 01:24:395 - а то у тебя ритм сбился.

• 00:33:597 (2,3) - сделай чтобы слайдер более аккуратно окружал круг. как-то вот так
• 00:38:893 (4,5) - поменяй их местами. Смотри, у тебя снова похожие ритмы ( 00:37:075 (2,3) - здесь такой же ) и если ты поставишь слайдер сюда 00:38:893 , а круг передвинешь сюда 00:40:178 - ритм снова встанет на свой лад.


По поводу новых комбо могу сказать то же самое. Просто расставь их так же как в изе.
ХП дрейн сделай на 4 хотя бы

• 00:55:267 (2) - нечитаемый слайдер. убери возврат и поставь его тут 00:55:489. И здесь 00:55:045 поставь сёркл.
• 01:19:147 (1,2) - сделай их симметричнее. Например оставь слайдер (2) - он более ровный и сделай его копипасту и затем переверни и поставь на место слайдера (1) получится что-то типа этого
• 01:25:925 (1) - слайдер должен начинаться тут 01:26:144 (потому что он начинает петь тут), но тогда получится короткий слайдер для нормала. Замени его слайдером
И попробуй пофиксить те места что я описывала в изе и в нормале тоже.


И опять же новые комбо. Расставь их так же как в нормале. НК должны начинаться, в большинстве случаев, с большого белого тика. В данной дифе тоже можно использовать нк из Нормала/Изи

Почему бы не переименовать его в Хард? И можно было бы немного усложнить сложность. Примерно до 2,5*, хотя бы - тогда твой мапсет стал бы идеален по звёздам

• 00:15:629 (6) - здесь явно не хватает ноты. Поставь тут сёркл и размести его прям на 00:16:067 (1) - легко читается и не пропущен бит.
• 00:48:259 (2,3) - неверный сейсинг. Очень тяжело читается. Отдали их и поставь тут 00:48:926 ноту ( она не должна быть пропущена здесь)
• 00:52:874 , 00:53:306 - добавь ноты
• 00:54:601 (1) - замени его слайдером который закончиться тут 00:55:045 - снова упускаешь ритм
• 01:08:651 (1,1) - неверный спейсинг. Отдали их. И сделай чтобы их концы (о///о) не пересекались. Так будет выглядеть аккуратнее.

У тебя очень много зеленых секций где меняется скорость слайдеров. Но зачем? Большинство времени должна быть скорость та, которую ты выбрала изначально - 1,0х - если мало того велосити значит нужно просто сделать больше. Не стоит злоупотреблять изменениями скоростей. Это касается и последней дифы кстати. ( Но если честно я немного не понимаю как ты расставляла скорости из-за лишних секций. Как удалишь их сразу всё будет ясно)


[New Combos!]

Здесь уже расстановка НК идёт по другому принципу - в зависимости от спейсинга. Это мы тоже сейчас подправим.

00:00:788 (3) - поставь тут НК. Заметно меняется спейсинг и дабы не сбить игроков здесь необходимо нк.
00:28:999 (8) - по той же причине что я указала выше нужно поставить нк
00:04:040 (6) , 00:17:831 (8) , 00:05:571 , 00:19:596 (2) , 00:23:087 (2) , 00:27:904 (6) , 00:31:858 (8) , 00:35:336 (8) , 00:47:593 (2) , 00:49:370 (5) , - 01:20:896 (5) , поставь нк
00:05:134 (1) , 00:06:883 (1) , 00:19:155 (1) , 00:22:655 (1) , - убери нк

• 01:26:035 (1) - передвинь начало слайдера на белый тик.

На этом пока всё. Больше аккуратности и симметрии - тогда будет хорошо. Удачи

ZLOdeuka- wrote:

привет из CDFOdeuka Modding Queue ~
Я очень люблю Galileo Galilei и просто не смогла пройти мимо о3о


• Мне очень жаль того человека который мучился с таймингом D: Но это ни к чему. Здесь всего 2-е тайминг секции. Просто неверно выбран БПМ и поэтому пришлось ставить кучу тайминг секции - но я уверена, что это не ранкабельно.
- первая секция практически неизменна: офсет 350, БПМ 137,20
- далее вторая секция: офсет 2080, БПМ 137
- больше никаких тайминг секций не нужно. ( Есть упереться в вики, то все лишние и не используемые секции должны быть удалены)
С этим я возможно соглашусь, меня ввело как раз в заблуждение то, что я четко не расслышал звук на твоей второй тайминг секции из-за чего с оффсетом немного ошибся возможно. Я фанат идеального тайминга и все такое, но все же даже с твоим таймингом, я прослушал еще раз. Есть несколько микромоментов(не буду всех их перечислять лишь приведу в пример один) 00:15:848 - здесь слышен бит, который в твоем тайминге не совпадает с красным тиком, а стоило бы, но это лишь придирки от меня, как от "Фаната идеального тайминга", там вполне может быть что то еще.) В любом случае, можешь поставить этот тайминг, если у тебя не возникнет проблем с подобными мне и чтобы местами ноты не совпадали "идеально" или можешь оставить текущий. В любом случае, я рад даже, что по мимо меня кто то старается проверять тайминг.))) И извеняюсь, если я доставил какие-либо не удобства. Удачи!
Topic Starter
Предпочту тайминг Злодейки, просто потому что уже некоторые моддеры просто отказывались моддить карту как раз из-за твоего тайминга, но все равно спасибо большое вам обоим) :)

WISPG_G wrote:

ZLOdeuka- wrote:

привет из CDFOdeuka Modding Queue ~
Я очень люблю Galileo Galilei и просто не смогла пройти мимо о3о


• Мне очень жаль того человека который мучился с таймингом D: Но это ни к чему. Здесь всего 2-е тайминг секции. Просто неверно выбран БПМ и поэтому пришлось ставить кучу тайминг секции - но я уверена, что это не ранкабельно.
- первая секция практически неизменна: офсет 350, БПМ 137,20
- далее вторая секция: офсет 2080, БПМ 137
- больше никаких тайминг секций не нужно. ( Есть упереться в вики, то все лишние и не используемые секции должны быть удалены)
С этим я возможно соглашусь, меня ввело как раз в заблуждение то, что я четко не расслышал звук на твоей второй тайминг секции из-за чего с оффсетом немного ошибся возможно. Я фанат идеального тайминга и все такое, но все же даже с твоим таймингом, я прослушал еще раз. Есть несколько микромоментов(не буду всех их перечислять лишь приведу в пример один) 00:15:848 - здесь слышен бит, который в твоем тайминге не совпадает с красным тиком, а стоило бы, но это лишь придирки от меня, как от "Фаната идеального тайминга", там вполне может быть что то еще.) В любом случае, можешь поставить этот тайминг, если у тебя не возникнет проблем с подобными мне и чтобы местами ноты не совпадали "идеально" или можешь оставить текущий. В любом случае, я рад даже, что по мимо меня кто то старается проверять тайминг.))) И извеняюсь, если я доставил какие-либо не удобства. Удачи!
00:00:350 (1,2) - обычно ноты ставят одна на другую в особых случаях в музыке(обычно это происходит с большим количеством нот), здесь просто 2 однородных звука. Я бы стакнул, либо, наоборот, разнес, просто обычно наложение не есть круто.
00:02:736 (3) - не советую делать просто так маленькие изгибы. Он почти прямой - почему бы не сделать просто прямым.
00:05:583 (1,2,3) - Как всегда, совершенно не согласен со слайдером из конца предыдущего и ноты под слайдером (в этом случае)
00:06:459 (3,4) - конкретно вот эти две эквивалентны тем самым первым двум нотам и был бы смысл сделать их единообразно, так же не помешает NC
00:08:211 (7) - Обычно реверс слайдером больше чем один раз избегают. Их всегда можно заменить на недо-слайдеры, в данном случае 1/4 слайдеры 4 раза или тапы.
00:11:496 (3,4) - слайдер из слабого бита в сильный - на стриме уже говорил, что не очень. Лучше из белого тика.
00:11:496 (3,4) - выглядит кстати этот переход не эстетично, пытайся сделать flow гладким = чтобы слайдер выходил из пред. элемента, и входил в следующий.(в линейных паттернах)
00:15:437 (5,6) - а здесь вроде бы 1/4 паттерн можно сделать было, благо сложность позволяет.
00:19:160 (4) - почему отличается от предыдущих?
00:20:474 (5) - конец слайдера на сильном тике, советую переделать
00:22:225 (4,5) - почему бы не сделать (4) прямым прямо как (5)?
00:23:758 (4,5) - почему так близко, должно быть наоборот, выделено
00:25:510 (5,6) - ^
00:29:233 (2,1) - почему красный тик пропущен?
00:36:678 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - мне нравится, как сделан паттерн, но предлагаю сделать (2) подальше, чтобы лучше выделялось
00:41:934 (5,6) - лучше бы стакнуть
01:06:240 (6) - слайдер из сильного бита в слабый
01:14:999 (8) - ^
01:18:503 (8) - ^ (это видимо попытки мапать под вокал, но увы, тут явно плохо зашло)
01:10:182 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - не надо ставить хс на все ноты стрима. Можно по желанию на каждую 1/1 или 1/2
01:25:291 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - ^, тут так же не уверен, насколько хорошо подходит стрим, в принципе.
01:26:167 (1) - думаю лучше начать спиннер раньше, на начале вокала (Meeeeeeee)
00:49:160 (3,1) - почему так близко?
01:11:058 (1) - длинные слайдеры непотные обычно так себе выглядят и избегаются

Еще скажу, что киаи слишком слабый по сложности. Обычно он должен иметь больше потный паттернов и иметь тупо большый константный спейсинг, у тебя слишком много длинный слайдеров, спейсинг в лучшем случае не меньше, разве что пара стримов.
Его бы надо дополнить.
from queue

looks nice ^.^
Haven't got much for you, but i hope this still helps

00:05:583 (1) - 2 unnecessary slider points here
00:30:109 (1) - ^same
00:33:612 (1) - ^same
00:44:123 (1) - I think you can remove one of these here too
Maybe try it like this:

00:51:131 (1) - same here
Try this:

00:55:291 (3) - remove the sliderpoint here.
I suggest you shorten this one and place some
other objects as this is is somewhat irrigating because it's to long

00:44:123 (1) - this one looks bit strange. Maybe you wanna make a normal curved out of this ob#ne?
00:51:131 (1) - Maybe try this here?

Kaito Kiddo
00:02:736 (3) - unnecessary slider point here
00:44:123 (2) - maybe move the right sliderpoint a bit down?

gl with your map
Hi, from my modding queue

  1. Are you sure about the timing? The first section sounds fine with 137 bpm instead of 137,20
  1. Inconsistencies in spacing, check AIMod
  1. AR7 is way too high for that diff, try AR5-5.5, OD6 too high try OD5 and same for HP, try HP5
  2. 00:07:335 (3) - Having too many reverses can be confusing for the player
  3. 00:07:335 (3,2) - Collides
  4. 00:19:598 (1,4) - Maybe stack
  5. 00:21:788 (4,1) - ^
  6. 00:23:539 (2,3,4) - Why not the same spacing?
  7. 00:38:868 Try to make it clickable
  8. 00:40:620 (1,3) - Collides
  9. 00:45:875 Add a note
  10. 00:52:007 (2) - Like this for better flow
  11. 00:53:539 (1,2) - Way too close, collides
  12. 01:08:649 (1) - Try to lower the SV
  13. 01:16:532 (2) - Having too many reverses can be confusing for the player
  14. 01:25:948 Add an hitcircle and move the spinner to 01:26:167
Nice map, a bit lazy to mod Easy :^) rip Kaito Kiddo diff it's gone
Good luck! :)
Topic Starter

Shyotamaze wrote:

Hi, from my modding queue

  1. Are you sure about the timing? The first section sounds fine with 137 bpm instead of 137,20 yes, I'm sure :D
  1. Inconsistencies in spacing, check AIMod fixed
  1. AR7 is way too high for that diff, try AR5-5.5, OD6 too high try OD5 and same for HP, try HP5 fixed
  2. 00:07:335 (3) - Having too many reverses can be confusing for the player fixed
  3. 00:07:335 (3,2) - Collides fixed
  4. 00:19:598 (1,4) - Maybe stack Stacked
  5. 00:21:788 (4,1) - ^ ^
  6. 00:23:539 (2,3,4) - Why not the same spacing? fixed
  7. 00:38:868 Try to make it clickable Made
  8. 00:40:620 (1,3) - Collides fixed
  9. 00:45:875 Add a note added
  10. 00:52:007 (2) - Like this for better flow fixed
  11. 00:53:539 (1,2) - Way too close, collides fixed
  12. 01:08:649 (1) - Try to lower the SV lowered
  13. 01:16:532 (2) - Having too many reverses can be confusing for the player fixed
  14. 01:25:948 Add an hitcircle and move the spinner to 01:26:167 Fixed, but not sure
Nice map, a bit lazy to mod Easy :^) rip Kaito Kiddo diff it's gone rip
Good luck! :) thx :)
why rip Kaito Kiddo diff? D:
Topic Starter
What is done can't be undone :(

Yanganof wrote:

why rip Kaito Kiddo diff? D:
This was a pretty good map for its difficulty <3

00:02:080 (1) - I think this slider should start a little more early
00:54:634 (1,2) – this would be a good spot for two slider repeaters (better to be slower than the normal difficulty though)

00:02:080 (1) – I think this slider should start a little more early
00:48:065 (2) – this circle seems to be a little late
00:55:291 (3,4) – I think this should be 3 repeating sliders that looks like this: (I don’t know how to screen shot a portion of a screen xD)
01:25:072 (1,2) – I think it’ll look better if these two sliders have a slight resemble of a circle

00:02:080 (1) - slider sounds better if it starts at: 00:01:989 (but keep the end at 00:02:517
00:44:999 (2,3) – try lowing the slider velocity for these 2 sliders
00:52:882 (3) – this slider feels slightly out of place. Perhaps curving this slider a bit?
01:25:072 (1) – perhaps a slider that starts at: 01:24:963 and ends 01:25:072
01:25:729 (4,5) – sounds a little off, perhaps using a slider might be a better alternative
Topic Starter

propasy wrote:

This was a pretty good map for its difficulty <3

00:02:080 (1) - I think this slider should start a little more early Meeh, no
00:54:634 (1,2) – this would be a good spot for two slider repeaters (better to be slower than the normal difficulty though) Don't think so

00:02:080 (1) – I think this slider should start a little more early Meeh, no
00:48:065 (2) – this circle seems to be a little late Don't think so
00:55:291 (3,4) – I think this should be 3 repeating sliders that looks like this: (I don’t know how to screen shot a portion of a screen xD) Nice, fixed
01:25:072 (1,2) – I think it’ll look better if these two sliders have a slight resemble of a circle Didn't understand at all, but fixed somehow :?

00:02:080 (1) - slider sounds better if it starts at: 00:01:989 (but keep the end at 00:02:517 Meeh, no
00:44:999 (2,3) – try lowing the slider velocity for these 2 sliders Don't see a point in doing this
00:52:882 (3) – this slider feels slightly out of place. Perhaps curving this slider a bit? fixed
01:25:072 (1) – perhaps a slider that starts at: 01:24:963 and ends 01:25:072 Don't see a point in doing this
01:25:729 (4,5) – sounds a little off, perhaps using a slider might be a better alternative fixed
Thanks for the mod and kudos! :) :)
NM Request via my queue~

Remove numbers from tags, as they are already in the source.


00:06:459 (2,3) - Check your spacing.

00:17:846 (3,4) - Blanketing needs work.

00:27:919 (3) - Even at this BPM, avoid 1/2 in easy mode.

00:27:919 (3,4) - Blanketing

00:44:123 (1) - Bend this at 0:44:780 to better match the music.

00:53:539 (2,3) - Too hard for easy players.

00:58:138 (1,2) - Avoid overlapping, as it appears unattractive.

01:04:707 (3) - Slider ends on a clickable note. Consider adjusting this.

01:05:583 (1,3) - This overlap is unsightly. Consider adjusting the position of (3).

01:08:649 (1) - End this on the down beat behind it so notes don't appear on top of it.

01:14:780 (5,1) - Blanketing needs work.


Reduce AR to 4 not only for the sake of a nice spread, but also for the sake of a better map.

00:09:087 (1) - Rotate this to be parallel with (3). It will look better.

00:14:342 (5,1) - This overlap is unsightly. Consider re positioning (1).

00:50:693 (1) - Remove NC

00:51:131 (1,2) - Poor spacing.

00:57:043 (5,1) - ^

00:58:138 (1) - Add finish sample.

00:59:890 (5) - Add clap sample to repeat.

01:01:642 (1,2) - Overlap is a turn off. Consider moving (2).

01:01:642 (1) - Add clap sample on tail.

01:02:517 (2) - ^

01:04:707 (6) - Clap sample on head.

01:05:145 (1) - Clap sample on tail.

01:11:058 (3) - Add a 1/2 circle before this to better shape the pattern and make it more playable.

01:22:663 (1) - Clap sample on tail.

01:23:539 (2) - ^. Also blanket this with (1) for neatness.

01:25:072 (1,2,3) - Avoid the overlap.

01:26:167 (1) - Theres a whistle on the spinner in easy..why not in normal?


AR would do more good at 6.

some 1/2 patterns would do you good. All of the difficulties have the exact same patterns, except faster and more spaced out.

00:27:919 (2,3,4) - Poor spacing.

00:34:488 (3,5) - Overlap is unsightly. Perhaps a different curve on 5 would help.

00:49:379 (5,7) - Poor pattern in terms of appearance. Scoot (7) over to avoid these touching.

00:52:882 (3,1,2) - This part is a little odd looking all together. Consider remapping to avoid overlapping slider tracks.

00:54:634 (1) - NC

00:56:386 (9) - NC

00:57:700 (1) - Optional NC to help fit music.

00:58:138 (1) - Finish sample on head.

01:01:642 (1,2) - Poor spacing.

01:02:517 (2,4) - Avoid overlapping for the sake of aesthetic.

01:06:021 (2) - Spacing.

01:08:649 (1,2) - ^

01:16:532 (2) - Clap sample on tail. Apply whistle to head and tail.

01:17:408 (4) - Remove clap from head and tail. Whistle on head and tail.

01:22:663 (1,2,3) - Fix the spacing.

01:23:977 (4) - Clap on head.

01:25:072 (1,2,3,4) - Some claps would be nice?

01:26:167 (1) - Again with the whistle on the spinner. Why is it on easy but not here?

Good luck on the rank.
Kyle Y

um..... I just want to know why don't you directly start at 00:02:080 - ? As you get a little problem on the song for 00:00:350 - I think it is better to have one timing point and it looks greater. Of course, even you set like this, you can still rank it when you get the ranking standard.

This map... um... I think it is not good at looking, some pattern like
00:05:583 (1) - you can curve more like:
and then you can copy the same slider to 00:06:459 (2) - and rotate it. Keeping slider the same makes the map more nature and looks greater.

Another problem is about blanket, just like
00:14:342 (3,4) -
00:17:846 (3,4) -
00:23:101 (1,2,3) -
and other sliders. Blanketing can make the map looks better, and more clear to read.

00:28:357 - please do not end slider on big tick here, because it will break the strong beat sound at 00:28:357 - , which need clickable object.
00:42:371 (2,3,4,5) - um.... it is seldom to use circles in row in Easy diff, I don't know if it can or not, but at least slider will be more easy for new-players
00:45:437 - 00:46:094 - Why don't you map this strong downbeat soiund?
00:47:189 (3) - as there is a strong downbeat sound at 00:46:970 - , it is better not to place anything at 00:47:189 - .

00:53:539 (2,3) - Easy diff usually use 1/1 snapped. For 1/2 snapped, usually it is slider to slider. Here, I think it is better to combine slider (2) and circle (3) to form a 3/2 slider.

00:58:138 (1,2) - please do not overlap this two object, not good in looking.

00:58:138 (1,2,3,4) - This rhythm is good, and it repeats on 01:01:642 - and 01:05:145 - 01:12:152 - 01:15:656 - 01:19:160 - . It is strongly recommented to change into same rhythm (00:58:138 (1,2,3,4) - )

01:08:649 (1) - unrankable spinner, lacking recovery time. After using a spinner, 4 beats are required to empty for players to recovery.

01:24:853 (1) - This spinner give me a weird feel, maybe it enters too sudden? I think here, you better place circles or sliders instead of skipping it by a spinner.
Topic Starter

PolkaMocha wrote:

NM Request via my queue~

Remove numbers from tags, as they are already in the source. fixed


00:06:459 (2,3) - Check your spacing. fixed

00:17:846 (3,4) - Blanketing needs work. fixed

00:27:919 (3) - Even at this BPM, avoid 1/2 in easy mode. fixed

00:27:919 (3,4) - Blanketing fixed

00:44:123 (1) - Bend this at 0:44:780 to better match the music. fixed

00:53:539 (2,3) - Too hard for easy players. fixed

00:58:138 (1,2) - Avoid overlapping, as it appears unattractive. fixed

01:04:707 (3) - Slider ends on a clickable note. Consider adjusting this. fixed

01:05:583 (1,3) - This overlap is unsightly. Consider adjusting the position of (3). fixed

01:08:649 (1) - End this on the down beat behind it so notes don't appear on top of it. fixed

01:14:780 (5,1) - Blanketing needs work. fixed


Reduce AR to 4 not only for the sake of a nice spread, but also for the sake of a better map. fixed

00:09:087 (1) - Rotate this to be parallel with (3). It will look better. rotated

00:14:342 (5,1) - This overlap is unsightly. Consider re positioning (1). fixed

00:50:693 (1) - Remove NC removed

00:51:131 (1,2) - Poor spacing. fixed

00:57:043 (5,1) - ^ ^

00:58:138 (1) - Add finish sample. added

00:59:890 (5) - Add clap sample to repeat. fixed

01:01:642 (1,2) - Overlap is a turn off. Consider moving (2). fixed

01:01:642 (1) - Add clap sample on tail. fixed

01:02:517 (2) - ^ fixed

01:04:707 (6) - Clap sample on head. fixed

01:05:145 (1) - Clap sample on tail. fixed

01:11:058 (3) - Add a 1/2 circle before this to better shape the pattern and make it more playable. fixed

01:22:663 (1) - Clap sample on tail. fixed

01:23:539 (2) - ^. Also blanket this with (1) for neatness. fixed

01:25:072 (1,2,3) - Avoid the overlap. fixed

01:26:167 (1) - Theres a whistle on the spinner in easy..why not in normal? fixed


AR would do more good at 6.fixed

some 1/2 patterns would do you good. All of the difficulties have the exact same patterns, except faster and more spaced out.

00:27:919 (2,3,4) - Poor spacing. fixed

00:34:488 (3,5) - Overlap is unsightly. Perhaps a different curve on 5 would help. fixed

00:49:379 (5,7) - Poor pattern in terms of appearance. Scoot (7) over to avoid these touching. fixed

00:52:882 (3,1,2) - This part is a little odd looking all together. Consider remapping to avoid overlapping slider tracks. fixed

00:54:634 (1) - NC fixed

00:56:386 (9) - NC fixed

00:57:700 (1) - Optional NC to help fit music. fixed

00:58:138 (1) - Finish sample on head. fixed

01:01:642 (1,2) - Poor spacing. fixed

01:02:517 (2,4) - Avoid overlapping for the sake of aesthetic. fixed

01:06:021 (2) - Spacing. fixed

01:08:649 (1,2) - ^ I think this is quite okay

01:16:532 (2) - Clap sample on tail. Apply whistle to head and tail. fixed

01:17:408 (4) - Remove clap from head and tail. Whistle on head and tail.

01:22:663 (1,2,3) - Fix the spacing. fixed

01:23:977 (4) - Clap on head. fixed

01:25:072 (1,2,3,4) - Some claps would be nice? fixed

01:26:167 (1) - Again with the whistle on the spinner. Why is it on easy but not here? fixed

Good luck on the rank.
Thank you very much for great mode ) :) :) :)
Topic Starter

Kyle Y wrote:

um..... I just want to know why don't you directly start at 00:02:080 - ? As you get a little problem on the song for 00:00:350 - I think it is better to have one timing point and it looks greater. Of course, even you set like this, you can still rank it when you get the ranking standard. I'l leave it as it is :P

This map... um... I think it is not good at looking, some pattern like
00:05:583 (1) - you can curve more like:
and then you can copy the same slider to 00:06:459 (2) - and rotate it. Keeping slider the same makes the map more nature and looks greater. changed

Another problem is about blanket, just like
00:14:342 (3,4) - fixed
00:17:846 (3,4) - fixed in previous mode
00:23:101 (1,2,3) - fixed
and other sliders. Blanketing can make the map looks better, and more clear to read.

00:28:357 - please do not end slider on big tick here, because it will break the strong beat sound at 00:28:357 - , which need clickable object. fixed in previous mode
00:42:371 (2,3,4,5) - um.... it is seldom to use circles in row in Easy diff, I don't know if it can or not, but at least slider will be more easy for new-players fixed
00:45:437 - 00:46:094 - Why don't you map this strong downbeat soiund? fixed
00:47:189 (3) - as there is a strong downbeat sound at 00:46:970 - , it is better not to place anything at 00:47:189 - . fixed

00:53:539 (2,3) - Easy diff usually use 1/1 snapped. For 1/2 snapped, usually it is slider to slider. Here, I think it is better to combine slider (2) and circle (3) to form a 3/2 slider. fixed

00:58:138 (1,2) - please do not overlap this two object, not good in looking. fixed in previous mode

00:58:138 (1,2,3,4) - This rhythm is good, and it repeats on 01:01:642 - and 01:05:145 - 01:12:152 - 01:15:656 - 01:19:160 - . It is strongly recommented to change into same rhythm (00:58:138 (1,2,3,4) - ) fixed

01:08:649 (1) - unrankable spinner, lacking recovery time. After using a spinner, 4 beats are required to empty for players to recovery. fixed in previous mode

01:24:853 (1) - This spinner give me a weird feel, maybe it enters too sudden? I think here, you better place circles or sliders instead of skipping it by a spinner. Changed something
Thank you for the mod :) :D
I came from the abyss of what is known as my hitsound queue 8-)
You did a good job of keeping most of the hitsounds consistent throughout so there is much in here.

Reminder to add an inherited point silencing the end of this spinner 01:27:481 - I mean, it's not such a big deal. However you wouldn't want to be ending a spinner that's audible on a part where the music is ending.
01:11:058 (2) - Remove the clap from here because it just comes out of nowhere and it kind of ruins the pattern for claps being on every two ticks. 01:11:058 (2) - I would say change this to a clap but a whistle makes sense so it's fine.
00:01:443 - Similarly above, try adding an inherited point here but change the audio sampleset to a drum. This is so that the slider matches the actual music's drums.
01:24:853 - this is not really hitsound related but it's good to point out. This particular area is quite wonky because it seemed as like you were trying to map to the vocals even though mapping to the instruments still makes sense in this case. Try to stay consistent next time when mapping a song with vocals and try to stick with either vocals, instruments or mix both in. Because throughout the entire difficulty, you were switching on and off between the vocals and instruments which isn't really a good thing and makes for some pretty weird rhythm.

00:01:443 - Similarly above in insane, try adding an inherited point here but change the audio sampleset to a drum. This is so that the slider matches the actual music's drums.
01:27:481 - Reminder to silence the spinner
00:55:291 (3,4,5) - Not really a hitsound related issue, but with lower difficulties, really try avoid that repeating sliders starting on red ticks unless the song necessarily calls for it. This particular song really doesn't. I say this because it's important to maintain a regular simple beat rhythm for beginners. Instead, have a hit circle on the red tick and begin the reverse sliders on a white tick.

01:26:167 (1) - Not really that I think it matters, but instead of putting a spinner here, why not just put a single hitcircle? I say this because you ended the spinner a LOT earlier than the other difficulties and that's really bad for new players. This is mostly cause' new players are not that familiar with spinners and thus because the spinner is shorter, they will have a harder time trying to spin fast enough to get a clear.
Another issue with easy that isn't hitsound related. For lower difficulties, avoid using a lot of 1/2 (Red ticks and white ticks combined.) Using 1/1 is a lot easier for beginners to follow rhythm than 1/2 because there isn't as many hitobjects needed to be followed.

Alright, that's all from me. Good luck with this o7
From the collab modding queue. I'll try to be helpful.


BG should preferably be 1366 x 768


00:05:583 (6) – Add new combo here.
00:51:131 (1) – This slider looks a little weird to me and I think it's because of the extra bend in the beginning of the slider. Just delete that one curve.
01:01:642 (5) – Add new combo here.


00:51:131 (1) – Reshape slider a bit because it looks weird right now.
00:53:320 (4) – This note looks a bit awkwardly placed. I'd fix putting it on X=148, Y=36 then making sure the distance is fixed going towards slider (5).
00:55:291 (3,4,5) – These are hard to read, just make each one a single reverse slider and a note to fix.

Hopefully this was helpful. I looked at Advanced and it looks decent. Good luck on you map.
Topic Starter

MikasaSerket wrote:

I came from the abyss of what is known as my hitsound queue 8-)
You did a good job of keeping most of the hitsounds consistent throughout so there is much in here.

Reminder to add an inherited point silencing the end of this spinner 01:27:481 - I mean, it's not such a big deal. However you wouldn't want to be ending a spinner that's audible on a part where the music is ending. added
01:11:058 (2) - Remove the clap from here because it just comes out of nowhere and it kind of ruins the pattern for claps being on every two ticks. 01:11:058 (2) - I would say change this to a clap but a whistle makes sense so it's fine. removed clap and added whistle
00:01:443 - Similarly above, try adding an inherited point here but change the audio sampleset to a drum. This is so that the slider matches the actual music's drums. fixed
01:24:853 - this is not really hitsound related but it's good to point out. This particular area is quite wonky because it seemed as like you were trying to map to the vocals even though mapping to the instruments still makes sense in this case. Try to stay consistent next time when mapping a song with vocals and try to stick with either vocals, instruments or mix both in. Because throughout the entire difficulty, you were switching on and off between the vocals and instruments which isn't really a good thing and makes for some pretty weird rhythm. fixed in some way :?

00:01:443 - Similarly above in insane, try adding an inherited point here but change the audio sampleset to a drum. This is so that the slider matches the actual music's drums. added
01:27:481 - Reminder to silence the spinner silenced
00:55:291 (3,4,5) - Not really a hitsound related issue, but with lower difficulties, really try avoid that repeating sliders starting on red ticks unless the song necessarily calls for it. This particular song really doesn't. I say this because it's important to maintain a regular simple beat rhythm for beginners. Instead, have a hit circle on the red tick and begin the reverse sliders on a white tick. fixed

01:26:167 (1) - Not really that I think it matters, but instead of putting a spinner here, why not just put a single hitcircle? I say this because you ended the spinner a LOT earlier than the other difficulties and that's really bad for new players. This is mostly cause' new players are not that familiar with spinners and thus because the spinner is shorter, they will have a harder time trying to spin fast enough to get a clear.
Another issue with easy that isn't hitsound related. For lower difficulties, avoid using a lot of 1/2 (Red ticks and white ticks combined.) Using 1/1 is a lot easier for beginners to follow rhythm than 1/2 because there isn't as many hitobjects needed to be followed. I will leave it as it is ;)

Alright, that's all from me. Good luck with this o7
Thank you for the mod! :)
Topic Starter

RoseusJaeger wrote:

From the collab modding queue. I'll try to be helpful.


BG should preferably be 1366 x 768 changed


00:05:583 (6) – Add new combo here. added
00:51:131 (1) – This slider looks a little weird to me and I think it's because of the extra bend in the beginning of the slider. Just delete that one curve. deleted
01:01:642 (5) – Add new combo here. added


00:51:131 (1) – Reshape slider a bit because it looks weird right now. changed
00:53:320 (4) – This note looks a bit awkwardly placed. I'd fix putting it on X=148, Y=36 then making sure the distance is fixed going towards slider (5). changed a bit
00:55:291 (3,4,5) – These are hard to read, just make each one a single reverse slider and a note to fix. changed in other way

Hopefully this was helpful. I looked at Advanced and it looks decent. Good luck on you map.
Thanks for the mod :D
Hi from my queue

  1. I would check aimod for distance snap just in case (Easy, Normal)
  2. 00:36:240 (4,5) - is this suppose to not be straight? make it so that the x axis is the same ( I'm not sure if you want 00:35:364 (3) - end to be straight with the circles as well.
  3. 00:42:371 (2,3,4) - ^ , the x axis should be either the same (if you want it to be straight) or make the slider at x:200


  1. I would check aimod for distance snap just in case (Easy, Normal)
  2. 00:49:379 (4) - NC..? (you forgot to put a nc somewhere in 00:47:627 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - )x
  3. 00:50:693 (6) - ^
  1. Try having more circles on the red ticks , your missing some beats like vocals ( like 00:17:189 - 00:17:627 - 00:41:277 - , they have like a soft beat try not to skip them.
Overall looks fine to me , I couldn't find much problems with it. (Sorry if the mod is really short)
Good luck !
00:07:335 (3,4,1) - blanket can be improved
01:17:846 (3,1,3) - ^
00:49:379 (1,2) - don't overlap

00:07:773 (4,2,3) - stack on slider tail and then adjust distance of 3
00:18:284 (5,1) - blanket
00:50:693 (6,8) - stack
00:51:131 (7,10) - will look good of overlap is removed
01:06:897 (3,5) - stack


00:19:160 (6,1) - blanket these two
Topic Starter

Ireiisu wrote:

Hi from my queue

  1. I would check aimod for distance snap just in case (Easy, Normal)
  2. 00:36:240 (4,5) - is this suppose to not be straight? make it so that the x axis is the same ( I'm not sure if you want 00:35:364 (3) - end to be straight with the circles as well. fixed
  3. 00:42:371 (2,3,4) - ^ , the x axis should be either the same (if you want it to be straight) or make the slider at x:200 fixed


  1. I would check aimod for distance snap just in case (Easy, Normal)
  2. 00:49:379 (4) - NC..? fixed (you forgot to put a nc somewhere in 00:47:627 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - )x
  3. 00:50:693 (6) - ^
  1. Try having more circles on the red ticks , your missing some beats like vocals ( like 00:17:189 - 00:17:627 - 00:41:277 - , they have like a soft beat try not to skip them.
Overall looks fine to me , I couldn't find much problems with it. (Sorry if the mod is really short)
Good luck !
Thanks! :D
Topic Starter

zeborg wrote:

00:07:335 (3,4,1) - blanket can be improved improved
01:17:846 (3,1,3) - ^ ^
00:49:379 (1,2) - don't overlap fixed

00:07:773 (4,2,3) - stack on slider tail and then adjust distance of 3 fixed
00:18:284 (5,1) - blanket fixed
00:50:693 (6,8) - stack stacked
00:51:131 (7,10) - will look good of overlap is removed
01:06:897 (3,5) - stack Don't see a point in this


00:19:160 (6,1) - blanket these two fixed
Thank you for the mod! :)
Foxy Grandpa
Hi, from my queue~

00:21:788 (4,5,1) - 4 and 1 would look better if 4 overlapped the end of 1
00:37:116 (1,2,4,5,6) - You should make these 2 parts identical, sounds better than having 1 part of it fit the lyrics completely and the other not.

00:15:656 - I feel like if you were to add a single circle right here it would fit the music a lot better.
00:17:846 (4,1) - Move 1 up to overlap 4

Thats all i could find, looks good! Good luck!
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