
Yun*chi - Wonderful Wonder World*

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2015년 5월 29일 금요일 at 오후 12:14:41

Artist: Yun*chi
Title: Wonderful Wonder World*
Source: ログ・ホライズン
Tags: Log Horizon 2 Second Season CRCP-10328 TV Size Ending
BPM: 128
Filesize: 23352kb
Play Time: 01:45
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1.24 stars, 91 notes)
  2. Hard (2.65 stars, 197 notes)
  3. Insane (3.43 stars, 266 notes)
  4. Normal (1.67 stars, 133 notes)
Download: Yun*chi - Wonderful Wonder World*
Download: Yun*chi - Wonderful Wonder World* (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
#1st Ranked Map
Hope to Enjoy!

Easy : by me
Normal : by me
Hard : by me
Insane : by me

by sheela901
by ME
by sheela901
by sukiNathan

Thanks sheela901,sukiNathan :D

Modders - Thanks for modding!

sukiNathan(Thanks alomost 2hours IRC mod and star :D)(Ranked)
Okoratu(Thanks alomost 3hours IRC mod)
[ Zzz ]
Adol Christin
sheela901(Thanks bubble)
IRC mod
01:53 Taeyang: 도약님 모딩 가능하신가요?
01:53 Doyak: 지금요?
01:53 Doyak: 저한테 모딩 온 것만 수정하면 돼요
01:53 Taeyang: 지금 해주시면 더좋고...
01:53 Doyak: irc로 하면 저도 편하니까
01:53 Doyak: 그럼 좀만 기다려주세요
01:54 Taeyang: 네 끝나시면 말씀해주세요
01:54 *Taeyang is listening to [ Yun*chi - Wonderful Wonder World*]
02:05 Doyak: 이제 준비됐어요
02:05 Taeyang: 캑 잠시만요
02:05 Taeyang: 3분만
02:06 Doyak: 저도 맵 한 번만 쭉 둘러볼게요
02:06 Taeyang: 네
02:06 Taeyang: 됬어요
02:06 Taeyang: 재업로드해야해서
02:08 Doyak: 그럼 저도 업데이트하고 시작할게요
02:09 Taeyang: 업데이트 해주세영 이지
02:09 Taeyang: 시작~
02:09 Doyak: 이지부터
02:09 Doyak: 이게 허용이 될지 확신이 안 서는데
02:09 Doyak: 00:01:693 (2,2) -
02:10 Doyak: 요 정도 스택이
02:10 Doyak: 이지에서 될지 잘 모르겠으니
02:10 Doyak: 제대로 확인 받아보세요
02:10 Taeyang: 문제없음 BPM 와DS도 일정하기때문에
02:11 Doyak: 그거랑 관계없이
02:11 Doyak: 스택 자체를 이지에서는 어려운 요소로 봐요
02:11 Doyak: 특히 두 노트 사이의 시간 간격이 짧다면
02:11 Doyak: 큰 문제인데
02:11 Doyak: 저 정도는 잘 모르겠네요
02:11 Taeyang: 음 알겠습니다 확인받아보겠습니다.
02:12 Doyak: 전반적으로 힛사 볼륨을 저같으면 살짝 높일 듯
02:13 Taeyang: 몇정도로요?
02:13 Taeyang: 원래 한 10정도 높게 했었는데
02:13 Taeyang: 앞부분이 좀 시끄러워서 줄였어요
02:13 Doyak: 앞부분은 그 정도도 괜찮은데
02:13 Doyak: 예를 들어서 00:26:537 - 여기서부터는
02:14 Doyak: 게다가 힛사가 음악이랑 되게 비슷해서
02:14 Taeyang: 흠...이부분도 다른분들께 의견구해보겠습니다.
02:14 Doyak: 힛사가 전혀 안 들리는 것처럼 느껴져요
02:16 Doyak: 음 저 잠시
02:16 Doyak: 플레이 테스트를 좀 해보려고 했는데
02:16 Doyak: 키패드가 인식이...
02:17 Taeyang: 그냥 올마로 하심이..
02:17 Taeyang: 어짜피 맵셋전부 3.5이하라서요
02:17 Doyak: 저 마우스 플레이 극혐
02:18 Doyak: 흑역사라서요 저한테는
02:18 Taeyang: 끅...
02:18 Taeyang: 그럼 릴릭스...
02:18 Doyak: 00:48:099 (2) - 요거 살짝 조심하세요
02:18 Doyak: 스킨에 따라서는 체력바에 살짝 건드려져서
02:18 Doyak: 조금 내려보시는 게 좋을 수도 있음
02:18 Doyak: 저도 전에 이지 겟난 랭크시킬 때 그거 때문에 위험했던...
02:19 Taeyang: 00:48:099 (2) -
02:19 Taeyang: 이거말씀하시는건가요?
02:19 Taeyang: 아
02:19 Taeyang: 맞군
02:19 Taeyang: 이것도 물어보겠습니다.
02:20 Taeyang: 슬라 앵커 자체는 범위내에 있기떄문에
02:22 Doyak: 네?
02:22 Taeyang: 넹?
02:23 Taeyang: 음냐...
02:23 Doyak: 있기 때문에 - ?
02:23 Taeyang: 네
02:23 Taeyang: 전에 저도 모딩으로 지적했었는데
02:23 Doyak: 근데 그게 안에 있어도
02:23 Taeyang: 뱃분이 앵커자체는 범위안에 있기때문에 ㄱㅊ
02:23 Taeyang: 이라하셔서요
02:23 Doyak: 슬라이더 자체는 엄청 나가게 할 수 있거든요
02:24 Taeyang: 음 알겠습니다.
02:25 Doyak: 극단적으로 예를 들자면 이렇게?
02:25 Taeyang: 에이 저건좀 오버...
02:25 Doyak: 뭐 그냥 예시일 뿐 ㅋㅋㅋ
02:26 Doyak: 뒷부분이랑 뉴콤 주기 맞추려면
02:26 Doyak: 00:02:162 (1) - 에 뉴콤을 해제
02:27 Taeyang: 으으으 애매하다... 밋밋해서 넣었는데 이것도 보류!
02:27 Doyak: 저 잠시 뭔가 확인 부탁이 와서 ㅋㅋㅋ
02:27 Taeyang: 넵 알겠습니다.~
02:31 Doyak: 아까의 그 스택 문제
02:31 Doyak: 01:09:193 (4,2) - 여기서도 확인해주세요
02:32 Doyak: 01:34:037 (3,1) - 이 둘이 너무 찰싹 달라붙어있어서 보기 조금 그런데 살짝 떼어주셔도 좋을 것 같아요
02:32 Doyak: 이지에서 01:40:130 (1) - 이 노트는 타이밍 잡기가 조금 힘들수도 있다고 생각하는데, 그냥 여기서 스피너 시작하는 게 어때요?
02:33 Doyak: 그리고 이건 확실치 않은데 가능하면 5% 힛사 같은 건 쓰지 말라고 들었던 것 같아요
02:33 Doyak: 무음 힛사 파일을 준비하거나 최소 20%? 정도로 하라고 들었던 걸로
02:34 Taeyang:
02:34 Doyak: 뭐 그러면 저 정도 스택은 괜찮으려나요
02:35 Doyak: 는 첫 번째 건 좀 위험한데
02:35 Taeyang: 네
02:35 Taeyang: 첫번째껀 애매하데요
02:35 Doyak: 2.5박이라...
02:35 Taeyang: 그리고
02:35 Doyak: 두 번째는 3박
02:35 Doyak: 근데 브픔이 낮아서
02:35 Doyak: 허용되지도 않을까 생각되긴 한데
02:35 Taeyang: 스피너는 여기서배껴왔어요
02:35 *Taeyang is listening to [ Yun*chi - Wonderful Wonder World*]
02:35 Doyak: 찜찜하면 패턴 바꾸세요
02:36 Taeyang: 네 저거 바꿔야겠...
02:36 Taeyang: 한명더 물어보고...
02:36 Doyak: 음 저 맵셋에서도
02:36 Doyak: 이지에서는 그냥 스피너로 시작하는데요
02:36 Doyak: 아
02:36 Doyak: 힛사 줄이는 거요?
02:36 Doyak: 음
02:37 Doyak: 그거에 대해서는
02:37 Doyak: 아마 제 기억엔
02:37 Doyak: 쿨쿨쿨 님이 지적했던 걸로 기억하는데
02:37 Doyak: 뭐 실제로 규정 같은 게 정해져 있는지 어쩐지는 모르지만...
02:37 Taeyang: 어웈ㅋ 누구는 된다 누구는 안된다 하니...
02:37 Taeyang:
02:37 Taeyang: 이것도 그냥 븡한테 질문하겠음
02:37 Doyak: 네 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
02:38 Doyak: 그렇다면 저도 제 맵에서 다시 원래대로 복귀를 생각을...
02:38 Doyak: 그럼 이제 노말 할게요
02:38 Taeyang: 넹~
02:39 Doyak: 00:11:537 (1,2) - 이 오버랩은 리버스 부분까지 가려서 조금 위험하다고 생각되네요
02:39 Doyak: 00:17:162 (4,5) - 도 너무 많이 겹치신 것 아닌지
02:39 Doyak: 00:18:099 (5,1) - ^
02:40 Doyak: 뭐 그 정도 겹치는 게 컨셉이시라면 잘 모르겠는데 반 정도씩 겹치는 건 좀 위험하다고 봐요
02:40 Taeyang: 우선 첫번째 1,2는 수정했고
02:40 Taeyang: 두세번째는 보류하겠습니다.
02:41 Taeyang: 동선적으로는 저게 좋다고 생각...
02:41 Doyak: 뭐 이걸 다 이야기하려면 너무 많으니 자주 지적당하면 그 때 고려해보세요
02:41 Taeyang: 넵 알겠습니다
02:43 Doyak: 그나저나 전 진짜 오창인생이군요
02:44 Doyak: 한 달만에 대전의 본가로 내려와서
02:44 Doyak: 밤 늦게 이게 뭐하는 모딩인지!
02:44 Taeyang: -^
02:44 Taeyang: 한달동안 맵만만드는거같음전...
02:45 Doyak: 01:27:943 (5,1) - 이건 너무 많이 침투하지 않았... 음...
02:47 Doyak: 00:31:693 (3) - 보컬 맞춰서 1/2 슬라로 늘려보는 거 어때요?
02:49 Doyak: 00:37:787 (1) - 여기도 보컬 따라서 이런 박자 배치가 어떨까요
02:49 Taeyang: 보류!
02:49 Taeyang: 00:32:162 (4,6) -
02:49 Taeyang: 이부분 피아노음으로 배치랑 모양 잡아둔거라서
02:49 Taeyang: 그리고 그렇게하면 더어려워질거같아서...
02:49 Doyak: 지금 노말은 좀 더 어려워져도 돼요
02:50 Doyak: 나머지 요소가 워낙 쉬워서 박자상으로는 조금 더 해도 될 듯한데
02:51 Taeyang:
02:51 Taeyang: 슬라보단 노트찍은건 어떤가요
02:51 Doyak: 그래도 되고요
02:51 Doyak: 근데 그렇게 하는 것이 바로 그 '어려워지는' 요소가 될 수도 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
02:51 Taeyang: 에이 좀더 어려워져도 된다면서
02:52 Doyak: 뭐 상관 없어요 ㅋㅋㅋ
02:53 Doyak: 저 같으면 00:50:912 (1,2) - 여기서 1/2마다 있는 그 소리들을 강조하고 싶을 거 같은데 님은 어떤가요?
02:54 Taeyang: 어떤식으로요?
02:54 Taeyang: 힛사요?
02:54 Taeyang: 볼륨말씀하시는건가
02:54 Doyak: ㄴㄴ 지금 노트 구성은
02:54 Doyak: 전부 흰 줄에 맞춰져 있는데
02:54 Doyak: 이걸 빨간 줄 쪽에 맞춰서 해보는 게 어떻겠느냐는 거였어요
02:56 Taeyang: 가급적이면 지금상태에서 더어려워지는건 피하고싶은데...
02:56 Taeyang: 이것도 보류~
02:56 Taeyang: 모딩들어오면 고칠게요
02:57 Doyak: 00:57:943 - 부터도 보컬 따라서 전 이렇게 하고 싶은데 이게 요즘 매핑계에서는 그다지 인정 못 받는 거 같아서 아마도 그냥 패스?
02:58 Taeyang: 01:12:943 (7,1,2) -
02:58 Taeyang: 그거 고치면 아마 이것도 고쳐야합니다(?)
02:58 Doyak: 비슷하게 하신 부분 많은데
02:58 Doyak: 근데 그냥 그대로 두셔도
02:58 Doyak: 무난하게 넘어갈 듯
02:58 Doyak: 왜냐하면 요즘 오스 맵핑계에서는
02:58 Doyak: 기본박을 잘 지키는 노말을
02:58 Doyak: 좋은 노말이라고 봐서...
02:59 Doyak: 보컬 따르는 건 둘째 문제인 듯
02:59 Taeyang: 좀더 구곡스러워져도 괜찮은데...
02:59 Taeyang: 그보다 요즘 캇횡포가 심하다고도 하니..
03:00 Doyak: 01:18:099 (3,4) - 요렇게 2개 담요 씌워보실 생각은?
03:00 Taeyang: 01:17:865 (2) -
03:00 Taeyang: 이게
03:01 Taeyang: 01:19:037 (4,5,6) -
03:01 Taeyang: 요고랑 담요되어있어요
03:01 Taeyang: 그리고
03:01 Taeyang: 01:19:037 (4,5,6) -
03:01 Taeyang: 01:17:162 (1,2,3) -
03:01 Taeyang: 원패턴 대칭
03:01 Doyak: 아 그런가요
03:02 Taeyang: 근데 담요가 삐뜰어져있네요
03:02 Taeyang: 수정해야하겠
03:03 Doyak: 노래가 4마디씩 완전히 안 맞추고 3마디밖에 안 쓴 곳이 있어서 뉴콤 주기가 애매해지네요
03:03 Doyak: 원래 주기대로라면 00:35:912 (1) - 가 뉴콤해제여야 되는데
03:04 Doyak: 그래봤자 00:37:787 (1) - 여기 콤보가 외톨이가 될 뿐이라
03:04 Doyak: 그래도 최대한 많이 맞추려면 앞에건 뉴콤 해제를 해주셔도 되고요
03:05 Doyak: 노말은 이 정도로 할게요
03:05 Taeyang: 넹 해제 했습니당
03:05 Taeyang: 넵
03:06 Doyak: 하드에서
03:06 Doyak: 00:14:583 (5,6) - 이건 인세인도 아닌데 너무 의도적인 오버맵핑이라고 생각되네요
03:07 Taeyang: 브픔 낮아서 괜찮지 않을까요
03:07 Doyak: 어려운 정도의 문제가 아니고
03:07 Doyak: 아무것도 없는 조용한 곳에 굳이 1/4이라는 박자까지 써야 되겠느냐는 거였어요
03:08 Doyak: 더군다나 제일 조용한 부분인데 굳이 많은 타격을 넣을 필요도...
03:08 Doyak: 인세인이면 그냥 전반적으로 노트 수가 많으니까 생각해 볼 수도 있는데... 하드라면 전 빼라고 하고 싶네요
03:09 Taeyang: 넵 알겠습니다.
03:09 Doyak: 00:21:849 (7,1) - 이 둘이 겹쳐있는 모습이 조금 보기 안 좋은데 7번 슬라를 조금 위로 치워보시는 건?
03:10 Taeyang: 00:21:849 (7,2) - 이렇게 담요인데
03:10 Taeyang: 잠시만요
03:10 Taeyang: 일단놔두고 문제되면 수정하겠습니다.
03:11 Doyak: 뭐 저런 건 문제라기보단 그냥 외형상 문제...
03:12 Doyak: 00:39:193 (5,6,7) - 여기는 괜찮은데 00:38:490 (2,3,4) - 는 역시 오버맵핑이라고 생각되네요
03:13 Doyak: 하드 이하의 난이도에서 소리가 없는 곳엔 노트를 넣지 않는 게 제 원칙...
03:14 Taeyang: 수정하겠습니다.
03:15 Doyak: 그 외에도 사실 그런 부분이 많은데
03:16 Doyak: 그래도 뒷부분은 분위기가 활발하니까
03:16 Doyak: 그냥 냅둘게요
03:17 Doyak: 00:45:990 (8,9) - 도 저렇게 쓰는 것보다는 그냥 슬라이더 하나로 쓰는 게 나을 것 같아요
03:17 Doyak: 00:46:107 - 점에서 필수적인 리듬을 찾지 못함
03:18 Doyak: 다른 건 알아서 하시는데 00:58:177 - 이 보컬 부분은 꼭 뭔가를 넣어주셨으면 좋겠네요
03:19 Taeyang: 00:57:943 (6) -
03:19 Taeyang: 크게 문제가되나요?
03:20 Doyak: 뭐 얼마나 문제가 되는지는 잘 모르겠는데...
03:21 Doyak: 별다른 소리가 없는 곳에도 1/4을 쓰시는데 저정도 보컬에 노트가 안 들어가 있는 게 개인적으로는 조금 위화감이 드네요
03:22 Doyak: 01:22:552 - 도요
03:23 Doyak: 그리고 앞까지 상당히 노트의 밀도가 높던 것과 너무 대조적으로
03:23 Doyak: 키아이 이후에 노트가 너무 적고 단순 박자로 가셔서
03:23 Doyak: 뒷부분이 도리어 허전하게 느껴지네요
03:25 Doyak: 01:26:537 (3) - 이거 시작부분과 끝부분의 y좌표가 1 차이나는데 정확한 좌표는 Ctrl+G를 두 번 해보시면 나와요
03:25 Taeyang: 완료
03:26 Doyak: 사실 모든 슬라는 컨트롤 G 두번으로 다 표준형으로 만들 수 있는데 대칭 슬라이더 같은 거 만들 땐 그걸 쓰면 편해요
03:26 Doyak: 그리고 AR 너무 높다고 생각해요. 이 브픔이면 7 이하로 해도 무리 없을 것 같은데
03:28 Doyak: 저같으면 AR7 OD7 이런 걸 좋아하지만 뭐 실제 맵핑할 땐 그렇겐 못 쓰지만요
03:28 Taeyang: 음 줄이도록하겠습니다.
03:28 Taeyang: 사실 이것도
03:28 Taeyang: 랭맵에서 배껴온거라
03:29 Doyak: 으 저는 그 트렌드가 마음에 안 듦
03:29 Doyak: 뭐 아무튼 AR이 높으면 문제가 되도 조금 낮은 걸로 트집잡진 않겠죠 뭐
03:29 Doyak: 하드가 그렇게 어려운 빽뺵한 하드도 아니고...
03:30 Taeyang: 이것저것 지적당하기 귀찮으니 걍 무난하게 7로~
03:32 Doyak: 인세인에서
03:32 Doyak: 00:42:357 - 여기도 하드처럼 이 자리에 노트가 있는 게 좋다고 보네요
03:34 Taeyang: 음이 아무것도 없는데요?
03:34 Taeyang: 보컬음있네
03:34 Doyak: 그런데 하드에는 왜 그렇게 넣으셨음
03:34 Doyak: 있으니까 넣었죠 뭐 ㅋㅋ
03:35 Doyak: 뭐랄까 제가 구곡 스타일을 좋아하는 이유 중 하나가 아마도 그거인 거 같아요
03:35 Doyak: 일단 보컬을 최우선으로 다 따라가고 보는 거
03:35 Taeyang: ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
03:35 Doyak: 그러고 남는 부분에 드럼이나 멜로디를 따라가고
03:35 Doyak: 근데 신곡은 경향이 반대라서
03:35 Doyak: 드럼 비트는 꼭 맞춰야 되고
03:36 Doyak: 그게 강력하면 보컬은 상습적으로 무시당해서...
03:36 Taeyang: 제 전 랭도전맵에서도...
03:39 Doyak: 그 외엔 인세인에선 딱히 잡을 건 없는 듯요
03:39 Doyak: 전체에서 힛사를 조금씩 올리는 방향을 택하긴 하겠고요
03:39 Doyak: 특히 키아이 부분 쪽은 조금 더 올려서요
03:40 Taeyang: 몇정도가 좋을까요?
03:40 Taeyang: 5?
03:41 Doyak: 저라면 키아이 쪽도 60 이상은 쓸 것 같네요
03:42 Doyak: 그리고
03:42 Doyak:
03:42 Doyak: 보시는 것처럼 이 힛사들이 아주 강력한 힛사가 아니에요
03:42 Doyak: 그래서 실제로 소리가 아주 크게 나질 않아요
03:43 Taeyang: 힛사 그냥 배껴온거....
03:43 Taeyang: 그러면 어떻게해야하나요?
03:43 Taeyang: 일단
03:43 Taeyang: 60으로 수정했습니다.
03:43 Doyak: 뭐 노래가 시끄러운 노래는 아니니까
03:44 Doyak: 60이나 저같으면 한 70까지도 쓰지 않으려나 싶은데 힛사 파일 자체가 소리가 작아서
03:44 Doyak: 그래도 커스텀 힛사를 고려하면
03:44 Doyak: 너무 높이지는 않고
03:44 Doyak: 그냥 그 정도면 무난할 듯
03:44 Doyak: 그럼 이제 모딩 끝~
03:44 Doyak: 는 스레드에 올릴게요
Hello~ Come from your request!

  1. 00:12:943 - 아무리 이지라지만 여기가 비어있는건 허전하다는 느낌이 드네요, 보컬도 있으니 서클로 채워보시는게 어떤가요?
  2. 00:48:099 (2) - 아슬아슬한데 1번 슬라와 좌우 대칭되게 배치해보시는게?
  3. 00:54:662 (1,4) - 1번 슬라 헤드에 4번 겹쳐보시는게 어떤가요? 혹시 하신다면 01:00:287 (3) - 이것도
  4. 01:07:318 (2,1) - 제안입니다만 300 점수가 있는 스킨으로 보면 이렇게 이상하게 겹치는 일이 생겨서... 완전히 스택시키거나 패턴을 바꿔보시는걸 추천합니다
  5. 01:21:849 (2,1) - 이것도 스택 제대로 해주시는게 좋아요
  1. 01:15:990 (4,5) - 이 박자가 맞다고 생각합니다
  2. 01:17:162 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 굳이 다운비트에 맞추려 하지 마시고 보컬에 따라 박는것도 괜찮다고 생각해요 저는
  3. 01:28:412 (1,4) - 스택 잘 맞춰보시길
  1. 01:08:138 (2) - 여기는 연타가 아니라 그냥 이거 지우고 단타로 두는게 더 노래에 어울리네요
  2. 01:31:341 - 여기도 연타 넣어서 앞이랑 동일하게 음처리 맞춰주는게 좋다고 봐요
  3. 01:35:091 - ^
  1. 00:04:037 (8) - 노래와 안맞는다고 생각해요, 그냥 서클로 두시고 차라리 뉴콤보를 넣어두시는게 좋을듯
  2. 01:20:443 (6,7,8,9,1,2,3) - 웬만해서는 배치 터치 안하는데 이건 너무 겹쳐뒀다고 생각해요, 다른 배치를 해보시는게...
  3. 01:39:193 (1) - 뉴콤보 없어도 구분 가능하다고 생각해요~
잘만드셨네요, GL :)
Topic Starter

UnLock- wrote:

Hello~ Come from your request!

  1. 00:12:943 - 아무리 이지라지만 여기가 비어있는건 허전하다는 느낌이 드네요, 보컬도 있으니 서클로 채워보시는게 어떤가요?
  2. 00:48:099 (2) - 아슬아슬한데 1번 슬라와 좌우 대칭되게 배치해보시는게?
    기니아q님이 문제없다고 하십니다만 이건 나중에 뱃구하고 고치라들어오면 고치겠습니다.
  3. 00:54:662 (1,4) - 1번 슬라 헤드에 4번 겹쳐보시는게 어떤가요? 혹시 하신다면 01:00:287 (3) - 이것도
    이미 이렇게 3각 패턴 00:54:662 (1,2,3) - 00:57:943 (5,1,2) - 상하 대칭패턴 건들기가 까다로운 ㄷㄷ;
  4. 01:07:318 (2,1) - 제안입니다만 300 점수가 있는 스킨으로 보면 이렇게 이상하게 겹치는 일이 생겨서... 완전히 스택시키거나 패턴을 바꿔보시는걸 추천합니다
    이것도 보류!
    01:23:724 (3,1,2) -이렇게 이미 대칭입니다
  5. 01:21:849 (2,1) - 이것도 스택 제대로 해주시는게 좋아요
  1. 01:15:990 (4,5) - 이 박자가 맞다고 생각합니다
    박자는 놔두고 슬라모양만 조금 바꿧습니다.
  2. 01:17:162 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 굳이 다운비트에 맞추려 하지 마시고 보컬에 따라 박는것도 괜찮다고 생각해요 저는
    01:02:162 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 여기도... 왠만하면 키아이는 드럼박자 따라가고 남는걸로 보컬 따라갔습니다.
  3. 01:28:412 (1,4) - 스택 잘 맞춰보시길
    스택보단 좀더 옆으로 이동했습니다.
  1. 01:08:138 (2) - 여기는 연타가 아니라 그냥 이거 지우고 단타로 두는게 더 노래에 어울리네요
    '수~우미'보컬 부분이 있으니 이대로 가겠습니다.
  2. 01:31:341 - 여기도 연타 넣어서 앞이랑 동일하게 음처리 맞춰주는게 좋다고 봐요
    아무 음도 없고 개인적으로01:30:287 (3,4,5) - '라라라라'를 더 강조하곳 싶습니다.
  3. 01:35:091 - ^
  1. 00:04:037 (8) - 노래와 안맞는다고 생각해요, 그냥 서클로 두시고 차라리 뉴콤보를 넣어두시는게 좋을듯
    이부분도 모딩좀더 들어오면 고치겠습니다. 원래 서클로 뒀었는데 어색해서 저렇게 둿습니다.
  2. 01:20:443 (6,7,8,9,1,2,3) - 웬만해서는 배치 터치 안하는데 이건 너무 겹쳐뒀다고 생각해요, 다른 배치를 해보시는게...
    01:20:208 (5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4) - 처음 5와 끝 4에서 하나의 동선을 이루고 있기때문에 모딩좀더 들어오면 수정하겠습니다.
  3. 01:39:193 (1) - 뉴콤보 없어도 구분 가능하다고 생각해요~
'라라라라' 강조 하고 싶으므로 그냥 두겠습니다.

잘만드셨네요, GL :)
감사합니다 많이 지적해주셨는데 별로 고치는게 없었.. ㅠㅠ
제맵은 스택이용한 배치보다 대칭과 담요이용한 배치가 많아서 갹...

Taeyang wrote:

감사합니다 많이 지적해주셨는데 별로 고치는게 없었.. ㅠㅠ
제맵은 스택이용한 배치보다 대칭과 담요이용한 배치가 많아서 갹...
하나라도 고쳐주셔서 감사합니다
자꾸 스토리보드 작업하라고 닥달해서 어쩔수없이 힛사도 안보고 배치만 대충 본 모딩이네요...ㅠㅠ
랭되길 바래요~ Take my Star~
Okay hi <3 M4M as agreed.

00:52:787 (3) - I'm not very sure about this slider's sharp curve. Maybe you should curve it at the slider tick?
01:35:912 (1,2,3,4) - These four look a little strange. How about slowly curving them instead? Something like the picture below (I'm sure you can improve it)

Something is missing 00:16:927 or 00:17:005 and it feels blank. If you don't want to add something to it then NC on 00:17:162 (4)
00:28:412 (4) - To make it a blanket maybe it should be more curved.
00:39:662 (1,2) - They should share the same y-coordinate/height? this kinda breaks your symmetry style.
00:53:724 (4) - I suggest flipping horizontally.

00:34:974 (3) - Move it higher to make it blanket of 00:34:740 (2) - sharp blankets look great too :3

01:12:240 (3) - Maybe ending it on 01:12:708 and add a circle on 01:12:943? You can take care of vocal and background at the same time.
Remove NC on 01:28:412 (1) and add NC on next note.

I think that's all. This is a really great map
and yes from it i can say that you are very experienced
. I can't find much errors and mostly these are suggestions :D good luck ranking it!
Topic Starter

jinhang_ang wrote:

Okay hi <3 M4M as agreed.

00:52:787 (3) - I'm not very sure about this slider's sharp curve. Maybe you should curve it at the slider tick?
01:35:912 (1,2,3,4) - These four look a little strange. How about slowly curving them instead? Something like the picture below (I'm sure you can improve it)
i will consider 01:34:037 (3,1) - its already symmetry pattern

Something is missing 00:16:927 or 00:17:005 and it feels blank. If you don't want to add something to it then NC on 00:17:162 (4)
NC it's not matter
00:28:412 (4) - To make it a blanket maybe it should be more curved.
00:39:662 (1,2) - They should share the same y-coordinate/height? this kinda breaks your symmetry style.
is not matter
00:53:724 (4) - I suggest flipping horizontally.
is not matter

00:34:974 (3) - Move it higher to make it blanket of 00:34:740 (2) - sharp blankets look great too :3
i dont want blanket :o

01:12:240 (3) - Maybe ending it on 01:12:708 and add a circle on 01:12:943? You can take care of vocal and background at the same time.
is not matter i want take vocal rhythm
Remove NC on 01:28:412 (1) and add NC on next note.
is not matter

I think that's all. This is a really great map
and yes from it i can say that you are very experienced
. I can't find much errors and mostly these are suggestions :D good luck ranking it!
Thank you prasing my map
Good luck you too jinhang_ang :D
저같은 모딩 못하는사람을 부르셔도..ㅁㅇㄹㄴ

  • General
  1. Letterbox 체크해주세요
  2. 아마 아시겠지만 무음 slideside와 무음 slidertick을 동시에 사용하는건 언랭커블입니다. 하나 지워주세요
  3. CS가 3 - 3.5 - 3.7 - 4.5로 하드는 보통하드보다 낮음에도 불구하고 인센은 단일인센치고 너무 높은데 특별한 이유 없으시면 조정해주시는게 나을꺼같아요
  4. 처음파트 뉴콤 제안입니다만 음악이 00:02:630 - 여기에서 멈추기때문에 뉴콤은 이 뒤에 넣는게 더 좋겠네요..

  • Easy
  1. 00:12:943 - 뒤의 리듬에 비해 너무 부실한감이 있는 부분입니다. 노트 하나 넣어주시는게 더 낫겠네요
  2. 00:24:662 (3) - 꼬리부분 힛사 노래랑 완전 반대느낌인데 고치는게 나을꺼같네요
  3. 00:41:537 (3,4) - DS 수정해주세요
  4. 00:47:162 (1) - 머리쪽은 피니시도 어울리겠네요
  5. 00:52:787 (3) - 리듬상으론 1/1 슬라 1/1노트가 나은데 한번 고려해주시길..여긴 딱히 고치기도 까다롭지않고..
  6. 01:38:724 (4) - 1/2틱까지 늘이는게 더 음악이랑 잘 맞는거같네요
  • Normal
  1. 음, 그냥 개인적인 의견으론 부분부분 리듬을 억지로 이었다는 느낌이 강하네요... 노말이니 중간중간 적당하게 끊어주시는게 나을듯한데..
  2. 00:18:099 (5) - 1/1틱에서 끊어주세요
  3. 00:22:787 (1,2,3) - 그냥 보컬따라가는게 더 깔끔하겠네요..
  4. 00:25:599 (5) - 드럼피니시때문에 음악에 비해 리듬이 끊어지는 느낌이 드는데 1/1틱에서 끊거나 드럼피니시를 지우는게 더 잘 어울리겠네요
  5. 00:30:287 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - 노말치고 너무 줄줄이 이었다는 느낌이 강하네요.. (4)를 지워서 끊어주는게 더 나을꺼같아요
  6. 00:34:974 (3) - 1/1틱에서 끊어주세요
  7. 00:49:740 (4) - 이거 여기보단 00:48:802 - 여기 찍는게 더 어울리겠네요. 찍는거 힘드시다면 지우는것만이라도 생각해주시길
  8. 00:52:787 (3) - 1/2 리버스보단 1/1에 1/2노트하나 찍어서 보컬 따라가는게 부드럽겠네요
  9. 00:54:662 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - , 01:09:662 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - 8비트를 통째로 전부 이으시는건 좀..다시 생각해주세요 ㅁㅇㄴㄹ
  10. 01:08:724 (5,6) - 스트림구간인데 노트로 처리하는것보단 슬라로 합쳐주는게 좋겠네요
  11. 01:25:599 (2) - 노말이라 차이는 미미하겠지만 담요 포기하고 그냥 슬라 왼쪽으로 향하게 찍는게 더 부드럽겠네요
  12. 01:34:037 (3,4,5,6) - 비트가 많은곳이긴 하지만 1/2를 이렇게 많이 넣을곳은 아니라고 생각해요. (4) 지워서 적당히 끊어주세요
Topic Starter

Karia wrote:

저같은 모딩 못하는사람을 부르셔도..ㅁㅇㄹㄴ

  • General
  1. Letterbox 체크해주세요
  2. 아마 아시겠지만 무음 slideside와 무음 slidertick을 동시에 사용하는건 언랭커블입니다. 하나 지워주세요
  3. CS가 3 - 3.5 - 3.7 - 4.5로 하드는 보통하드보다 낮음에도 불구하고 인센은 단일인센치고 너무 높은데 특별한 이유 없으시면 조정해주시는게 나을꺼같아요
  4. 처음파트 뉴콤 제안입니다만 음악이 00:02:630 - 여기에서 멈추기때문에 뉴콤은 이 뒤에 넣는게 더 좋겠네요..
    전체적인맵셋을 전부 다운비트로 맞춰놨고 오히려 더어색해보여서 이점은 보류하겠습니다.

  • Easy
  1. 00:12:943 - 뒤의 리듬에 비해 너무 부실한감이 있는 부분입니다. 노트 하나 넣어주시는게 더 낫겠네요
  2. 00:24:662 (3) - 꼬리부분 힛사 노래랑 완전 반대느낌인데 고치는게 나을꺼같네요
  3. 00:41:537 (3,4) - DS 수정해주세요
  4. 00:47:162 (1) - 머리쪽은 피니시도 어울리겠네요
  5. 00:52:787 (3) - 리듬상으론 1/1 슬라 1/1노트가 나은데 한번 고려해주시길..여긴 딱히 고치기도 까다롭지않고..
    보컬상으론 이게 더 맞다고생각해서 이대로 두고 모딩더들어오면 고치겠습니다.
  6. 01:38:724 (4) - 1/2틱까지 늘이는게 더 음악이랑 잘 맞는거같네요
  • Normal
  1. 음, 그냥 개인적인 의견으론 부분부분 리듬을 억지로 이었다는 느낌이 강하네요... 노말이니 중간중간 적당하게 끊어주시는게 나을듯한데..
  2. 00:18:099 (5) - 1/1틱에서 끊어주세요
    피아노소리좀 강조하기 위해저렇게뒀습니다. 모딩 더 들어온다면 수정하겠습니다.
  3. 00:22:787 (1,2,3) - 그냥 보컬따라가는게 더 깔끔하겠네요..
    앞의 피아노리듬에서 이미 저렇게 사용했기때문에 어색하다고생각합니다.
    00:17:162 (4,5,1) - 이곳 피아노리듬도 저런식으로 했고 보컬은 서클로 잡아뒀으니 이렇게 두겠습니다.
  4. 00:25:599 (5) - 드럼피니시때문에 음악에 비해 리듬이 끊어지는 느낌이 드는데 1/1틱에서 끊거나 드럼피니시를 지우는게 더 잘 어울리겠네요
  5. 00:30:287 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - 노말치고 너무 줄줄이 이었다는 느낌이 강하네요.. (4)를 지워서 끊어주는게 더 나을꺼같아요
    원래 4를 넣으라고 모딩왔어서 끅... 지금보니 너무줄줄이군요 수정완료!
  6. 00:34:974 (3) - 1/1틱에서 끊어주세요
  7. 00:49:740 (4) - 이거 여기보단 00:48:802 - 여기 찍는게 더 어울리겠네요. 찍는거 힘드시다면 지우는것만이라도 생각해주시길
  8. 00:52:787 (3) - 1/2 리버스보단 1/1에 1/2노트하나 찍어서 보컬 따라가는게 부드럽겠네요
    모양도있고 이게더 낫다고 생각하기때문에 이대로 두겠습니다.
  9. 00:54:662 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - , 01:09:662 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - 8비트를 통째로 전부 이으시는건 좀..다시 생각해주세요 ㅁㅇㄴㄹ
    키아이 타임이니 조금 어려워져도 상관없다고 생각...ㅁㄴㅇㄹ
  10. 01:08:724 (5,6) - 스트림구간인데 노트로 처리하는것보단 슬라로 합쳐주는게 좋겠네요
    01:05:912 (1,5) - 이곳 리듬적으로 대칭 맞춰둔거에 지금 상태도 나쁘지 않다고 생각하기에 그냥 두겠습니다.
  11. 01:25:599 (2) - 노말이라 차이는 미미하겠지만 담요 포기하고 그냥 슬라 왼쪽으로 향하게 찍는게 더 부드럽겠네요
  12. 01:34:037 (3,4,5,6) - 비트가 많은곳이긴 하지만 1/2를 이렇게 많이 넣을곳은 아니라고 생각해요. (4) 지워서 적당히 끊어주세요
    브픔이 낮은곡인만큼 리듬자체는 조금 어려워도 괜찮다고 생각합니다.
모딩 감사합니다~
Hi, M4M (I hope this is the right one lol)

  1. Alright not much to say, except that the hitsounds seemed barely audible, you should maybe raise their volume a little (5~10%)
  1. Same here, raise your volume a little (5~10%)
  1. Same, raise your volume a little (5~10%)
  1. Here too, raise your volume a little (5~10%)
  2. 00:03:685 (5) - and 00:04:037 (8) - Seems overmapped. I think this part is just like this:
  3. 00:11:537 - to 00:26:537 - I don't think there are any blue ticks that should be mapped in this part, all of them seem overmapped
Here you go, other than that, it's a really good and clean mapset, good luck with ranking!
Unrankable Stuff

  1. Metadata Confirmation: Yun*chi - Wonderful Wonder World* by Meyrink (Apr 1, 2015 ) // Amazon
  1. 00:04:037 (8) - somewhat unecceserry repeat slider because nothing is following
  2. 00:12:943 - How about having a 3/4 slider here instead? it would follow the vocals better
  3. 00:44:115 - The slider is a bit too early for the vocal here also theres no important instrument here, so i would suggest a circle here and a 1/2 slider 00:44:349 - here
  4. 00:37:787 (1,2,3) - It feels strange you didnt added a jump for 00:37:787 (1) - like you did before on these loud big white tick beats
  5. 01:07:083 (5) - Even if its the *peak of the song* this jumps feels way to high compared to all the other jumps, please decrease the spaing
  6. 00:33:099 (6) - Missing NC? You've NC'd everytime before when this sound came

  1. 00:13:412 (4,5) - How about making a pattern like this? it does look better for me, just a suggestion
  2. 00:15:990 (2) - Red Corner slider doesnt really work well with the smooth voice, how about making a waveslider instead
  3. 00:16:927 - Somehow im missing a clickable object here for the vocal
  4. 00:57:826 - delete this circle here, 00:57:943 - add circle here and 1/2 slider here 00:58:177 -
    These vocals are getting extremly loud, so they are important to be clickable for the player
  5. 01:01:458 (3) - Doesnt fit at all, add 2 Circles instead on the red and white tick
  6. 01:01:927 - THis one doesnt fit too, you can clearly hear the loud piano on the big white tick 01:02:162 - which must be clickabke.
    Just like you did here 01:04:037 -
  7. 01:18:568 (4,1) - swap nc, does look better
  8. 01:33:802 (3) - It could confuse player to have a clickable object here after you let the previous beats out (01:29:115 - , 01:30:052 - ), just delete it

  1. 00:43:412 - You've mapped them clickable the whole map, so also do it here.

    The rest looks fine for me lol

  1. 00:48:099 (2) - Overlapp with HP Bar

    Also seems to be fine
Topic Starter

Alheak wrote:

Hi, M4M (I hope this is the right one lol)

  1. Alright not much to say, except that the hitsounds seemed barely audible, you should maybe raise their volume a little (5~10%)
  1. Same here, raise your volume a little (5~10%)
  1. Same, raise your volume a little (5~10%)

  1. Here too, raise your volume a little (5~10%)
  2. 00:03:685 (5) - and 00:04:037 (8) - Seems overmapped. I think this part is just like this:
  3. 00:11:537 - to 00:26:537 - I don't think there are any blue ticks that should be mapped in this part, all of them seem overmapped
Here you go, other than that, it's a really good and clean mapset, good luck with ranking!
all fixed
Topic Starter

FlobuFlobs wrote:

Unrankable Stuff

  1. Metadata Confirmation: Yun*chi - Wonderful Wonder World* by Meyrink (Apr 1, 2015 ) // Amazon
  1. 00:04:037 (8) - somewhat unecceserry repeat slider because nothing is following
    here is whitenoise sound
  2. 00:12:943 - How about having a 3/4 slider here instead? it would follow the vocals better
    it's not matter
  3. 00:44:115 - The slider is a bit too early for the vocal here also theres no important instrument here, so i would suggest a circle here and a 1/2 slider 00:44:349 - here
    it's not matter
  4. 00:37:787 (1,2,3) - It feels strange you didnt added a jump for 00:37:787 (1) - like you did before on these loud big white tick beats
    it's not matter iit's not jump parttern i used onlt 1.4DS
  5. 01:07:083 (5) - Even if its the *peak of the song* this jumps feels way to high compared to all the other jumps, please decrease the spaing
    it's not matter it's Insane Kiai time and this song have low BPM
  6. 00:33:099 (6) - Missing NC? You've NC'd everytime before when this sound came
    it's not matter

  1. 00:13:412 (4,5) - How about making a pattern like this? it does look better for me, just a suggestion
  2. 00:15:990 (2) - Red Corner slider doesnt really work well with the smooth voice, how about making a waveslider instead
    This silde followed vocal it's fine
  3. 00:16:927 - Somehow im missing a clickable object here for the vocal
    rhytum followed piano sound
  4. 00:57:826 - delete this circle here, 00:57:943 - add circle here and 1/2 slider here 00:58:177 -
    These vocals are getting extremly loud, so they are important to be clickable for the player
    it's fine
  5. 01:01:458 (3) - Doesnt fit at all, add 2 Circles instead on the red and white tick
    it's not matter
  6. 01:01:927 - THis one doesnt fit too, you can clearly hear the loud piano on the big white tick 01:02:162 - which must be clickabke.
    Just like you did here 01:04:037 -
    it's not matter and not fun :o
  7. 01:18:568 (4,1) - swap nc, does look better
    i cant it 01:16:693 (2,1) - see here
  8. 01:33:802 (3) - It could confuse player to have a clickable object here after you let the previous beats out (01:29:115 - , 01:30:052 - ), just delete it
    01:29:349 (2,3) - here is jump patten so i did'n added note circle

  1. 00:43:412 - You've mapped them clickable the whole map, so also do it here.
    it's not matter
    The rest looks fine for me lol

  1. 00:48:099 (2) - Overlapp with HP Bar

    Also seems to be fine
IRC mod

fixed a lot of spacing to correlate with the music

15:38 Taeyang: hey! sukisuki ! i got mod so...
15:38 Taeyang: can i BN request one more?
15:39 sukiNathan: hm ill mod it now
15:39 sukiNathan: then get more mods later
15:39 sukiNathan: ill keep track then bubble when I think it's ready
15:39 Taeyang: hmm ok thanks :)
15:40 *sukiNathan is editing [ Yun*chi - Wonderful Wonder World* [Insane]]
15:40 *Taeyang is listening to [ Yun*chi - Wonderful Wonder World*]
15:40 Taeyang: yeap?
15:41 sukiNathan: irc mod now gogo
15:41 Taeyang: but.. my english poor...
15:41 Taeyang: okok
15:41 Taeyang: gogo
15:42 sukiNathan: 00:02:162 (1,2) - try to have more of a directional change in this jump
15:42 sukiNathan: there's a bit of emphasis on 2
15:42 sukiNathan: and it's so in line with the movement from 00:01:693 (4) -
15:42 sukiNathan: so it could use more emphasis
15:42 Taeyang: can i get your screenshot? or pushh
15:42 sukiNathan: hm
15:43 sukiNathan:
15:43 Taeyang: but it's startline really need jump pateern?
15:43 sukiNathan: not really a jump
15:43 sukiNathan: just a small change of flow
15:44 Taeyang: ah i understand
15:44 sukiNathan: yeah although you would have to move the next objects for spacing
15:44 Taeyang: changed
15:44 sukiNathan: kk
15:45 sukiNathan: 00:04:037 (8) - uhh I don't really hear anything on the repeat and slider end
15:45 sukiNathan: even if there was a sound
15:45 sukiNathan: I would change it to a circle just because of how strong the sound is
15:45 Taeyang: koreapenguin told me... it's fine reason it's whitenoise
15:46 Taeyang: use just one circle?
15:46 sukiNathan: yeah
15:46 sukiNathan: it's more satisfying to tap anyways
15:46 Taeyang: ok changed
15:46 Taeyang:
15:46 sukiNathan: kk
15:49 sukiNathan: 00:27:474 (2,3,4) - this spacing is kind of weird
15:49 sukiNathan: all three of those circles
15:49 sukiNathan: are on equally strong vocals
15:49 sukiNathan: so they should have equal spacing
15:50 sukiNathan: but keep the spacing in 00:27:943 (4,5) - low in comparison
15:50 sukiNathan: since it's a weak sound
15:50 sukiNathan: which you already have
15:50 Taeyang: i can't keep? how can i fix?
15:51 sukiNathan:
15:51 sukiNathan: something like this maybe
15:54 Taeyang: hmm but it'ss
15:55 Taeyang:
15:55 Taeyang: star jump
15:55 Taeyang: i want keep this
15:55 sukiNathan: uhh it looks nice but it doesn't correlate with the music well
15:56 Taeyang: ok iwill fix
15:57 sukiNathan: this difficulty is very nice in all aspects
15:57 sukiNathan: except
15:58 sukiNathan: the emphasis on certain objects is incorrect
15:58 sukiNathan: it's fixable though
15:59 Taeyang:
15:59 Taeyang: fixed
16:00 sukiNathan: 00:30:521 (2,3) - ctrl g these
16:00 sukiNathan: it'll put more emphasis on 00:30:990 (4) -
16:01 sukiNathan: which is stronger than the previous circles
16:01 sukiNathan: and you'll still keep your pattern
16:02 Taeyang:
16:02 Taeyang: fixed
16:02 sukiNathan: 00:39:427 (3) - having the repeat on such a strong sound
16:02 sukiNathan: is weird to play
16:03 sukiNathan: change it into some rhythm where 00:39:662 - is clickable
16:05 Taeyang: can i like this?
16:05 Taeyang:
16:05 sukiNathan: uh no
16:05 sukiNathan: that has a slider ending on the strong note
16:06 sukiNathan: you want that strong note clickable
16:06 sukiNathan: because it stands out from the rest
16:07 Taeyang: like this ?
16:07 Taeyang:
16:07 sukiNathan: yeah
16:07 sukiNathan: that's much better
16:08 Taeyang: fixed
16:08 Taeyang:
16:08 sukiNathan: 00:57:943 (4) - same thing here
16:08 sukiNathan: don't want it to end on a downbeat
16:08 sukiNathan: plus you're supposed to have a new combo for every downbeat
16:08 sukiNathan: but you can't since an object is ending on it
16:08 sukiNathan: which screws up the combos
16:10 Taeyang: but it's vocal rhytum followed
16:10 Taeyang: like this?
16:10 Taeyang:
16:12 sukiNathan: uh
16:12 sukiNathan: send me an entire screenshot
16:12 sukiNathan: shift f12
16:13 Taeyang:
16:14 sukiNathan: yeah
16:14 sukiNathan: that's good
16:15 Taeyang: hue :D
16:15 sukiNathan: 01:12:240 (3) - eh
16:15 sukiNathan: you're missing like 5 notes
16:15 sukiNathan: with a slider like that
16:15 sukiNathan: and this is an insane
16:16 sukiNathan: the vocals aren't even strong enough
16:16 sukiNathan: to ignore notes like that
16:17 Taeyang: fixed
16:18 Taeyang: can i try this?
16:18 Taeyang: 00:57:240 (3,4) -
16:18 Taeyang:
16:18 Taeyang: same rhythm
16:18 Taeyang: so i copied that
16:19 sukiNathan: sure
16:20 sukiNathan: it's not a big deal
16:20 sukiNathan: but you're missing a triplet here if you use that rhythm
16:20 sukiNathan: 01:12:708 -
16:20 sukiNathan: well that's up to you
16:22 sukiNathan: 01:23:255 (2,3) - this is another use of spacing that doesn't make sense
16:22 Taeyang: ok i choice this rhythm pattern
16:22 sukiNathan: the bit of vocals on 3 are very strong
16:22 sukiNathan: 01:23:021 (1,2,3,4) - but the spacing throughout this entire pattern is completely consistent
16:22 Taeyang: ctrl+g?
16:22 sukiNathan: nah
16:23 sukiNathan: that would make a jump
16:23 sukiNathan: too big from 3 -> 4
16:23 sukiNathan: well
16:23 sukiNathan: unless you wanna move 4 somewhere else
16:23 sukiNathan: er wait
16:24 sukiNathan: if you meant ctrl g on these 01:23:021 (1,2) -
16:24 sukiNathan: 01:22:318 (8,1) - then these would be too far away
16:25 sukiNathan: 01:22:318 (8) - also rhythm here isn't good either
16:25 sukiNathan: once again ends on a downbeat
16:25 Taeyang: i did it but this jump really biger it's ok?
16:25 Taeyang: 00:57:005 (2,3) -
16:25 Taeyang:
16:26 Taeyang: can
16:27 Taeyang: cant like this?
16:27 sukiNathan: uh no
16:27 Taeyang:
16:27 Taeyang: wait
16:27 Taeyang: i will make another pattern
16:27 sukiNathan: that would create
16:27 sukiNathan: yeah
16:27 sukiNathan: that creates unnecessary spacing from 3 -> 4
16:28 sukiNathan: 01:22:318 (8) - also yuo need to make the downbeat clickable here
16:28 sukiNathan: like just use a 1/2 slider and a circle
16:29 Taeyang: need 2.0~3.0 DS jump parttern?
16:29 Taeyang: up? dawn?
16:30 sukiNathan: uh nothing more than 2.5
16:31 sukiNathan: 00:56:302 (5,1) - another thing that lacks emphasis
16:31 sukiNathan: there isn't enough of a flow change
16:32 sukiNathan: or spacing increase
16:32 sukiNathan: coming from 00:55:599 (3,4,5) -
16:32 Taeyang:
16:33 Taeyang: cant it?
16:33 sukiNathan: uh I think that's good
16:34 Taeyang: and
16:34 Taeyang: 00:55:599 (3,4,5,1) -
16:34 Taeyang: here is need jump ?
16:34 sukiNathan: just in 00:56:302 (5,1) -
16:34 sukiNathan: or a flow change
16:36 Taeyang: ctrl+g?
16:36 Taeyang: 00:56:537 (1) -
16:36 sukiNathan: hm ok
16:37 sukiNathan: 01:09:193 (1,1) - this spacing is just a bit too much
16:37 sukiNathan: you don't really need a 1/4 jump
16:37 sukiNathan: you've already emphasized those two with a slowdown and acceleration
16:39 Taeyang: problem DS?
16:39 sukiNathan: yeah the spacing is a bit too much
16:39 sukiNathan: just nerf that 1/4 jump
16:40 sukiNathan: it almost looks like a 1/2 rhythm with that spacing
16:41 Taeyang:
16:41 sukiNathan: oh no
16:41 sukiNathan: don't change it into a 1/2 slider lol
16:42 sukiNathan: it'll be incorrect with timing
16:42 sukiNathan: just decrease the spacing between these01:09:193 (1,1) -
16:42 Taeyang: ahhhh
16:42 Taeyang: ok waitait
16:43 Taeyang:
16:44 sukiNathan: yeah good
16:45 sukiNathan: 01:06:615 (3,4,5) - this is also straight up
16:45 sukiNathan: too much of a spacing increase lol
16:45 sukiNathan: nerf it to around 2x
16:45 sukiNathan: not 3x
16:48 Taeyang:
16:49 sukiNathan: yeah that's fine
16:49 Taeyang: 4circle nerf
16:50 sukiNathan: 01:20:912 (1) - this slider is a bit awkward to play
16:50 sukiNathan: I know it's supposed to fit the vocals but
16:50 sukiNathan: when you have the head and tail that close together
16:50 Taeyang: it's overed?
16:50 sukiNathan: the slider is so lenient that you barely have to move to hit it successfully
16:50 sukiNathan: so it's actually less emphasis on the vocals
16:51 Taeyang: wait
16:57 sukiNathan: uh did you get it
16:57 Taeyang: all fixed
16:57 Taeyang: i use just jamp pattern
16:57 Taeyang: wait
16:57 Taeyang:
16:58 Taeyang:
16:58 sukiNathan: yeah it's fine
16:58 sukiNathan: im done for now
16:58 sukiNathan: might mod other difficulties later
16:59 sukiNathan: but i think this set still needs a lot of work
16:59 sukiNathan: fundamentally it's good
16:59 sukiNathan: so I can def see it being ranked in the future
16:59 sukiNathan: at least mostly the insane
17:00 Taeyang: QAQ ok really thanks your mode
17:00 sukiNathan: yeah I'll keep on watch
17:00 sukiNathan: posting this log

will keep an eye on this set, it still needs a lot of work but fundamentally it's pretty good
Aoba Misaki
저퀄모딩이지만 도움이 되었으면 좋겠습니다. ;ㅅ;

00:02:162 (1) - 노래 이어지니까 NC 풀어주는게 좋을듯. 그리고 제안인데 담요 해주는게 나을듯 싶어요.
01:36:849 (2) - Crtl + H 해보시고 01:34:037 (3) - 여기 슬라끝에 스택
그리고 이 박자로 해보심이?

00:03:568 (2) - 한번 1/2 반복 슬라로 바꿔보실래요?
00:23:490 (2) - 스택 제대로 해서 DS x0으로 만드세요.
00:25:130 (5) - NC
00:32:162 (5) - ^
00:35:912 (5) - ^
00:45:287 (6) - ^
00:49:037 (5) - ^
00:55:599 (3) - 00:54:662 (1) - 에 스택
01:15:990 (1) - off NC
01:18:568 (4,1) - swap NC
01:22:318 (5) - 이 박자가 좀 더 나을듯
01:37:787 (3) - NC

00:03:568 (4) - NC
00:04:037 (8) - 여기 난이도만 피니시가 안들어가 있네요. 추가하세요.
00:26:537 (1) - 흐름이 엄청 어색합니다. 00:26:302 (4) - 이 흐름에 맞게 슬라 배치를 바꿔주시거나 해주세요.
00:30:287 (1) - Move 336/128
00:34:974 (3,4,5) - Ctrl H 하고 00:33:099 (6) - 의 첫번째 머리에 스택. 만약 하신다면 00:35:678 (7) - move 304/288
00:36:966 (4,6) - 소리 안들리니까 지우시는게 좋을듯
00:39:193 (4) - 슬라 끝머리를 00:33:568 (7) - 슬라 첫머리에 스택
00:47:865 (2,3,4) - Move 368/256
00:51:849 (6) - NC
00:53:724 (1) - off NC
00:56:537 (1) - Ctrl+G
00:58:412 (1) - 00:57:240 (3) - 첫머리에 스택 만약 하신다면 00:58:880 (3) - move 240/168
01:04:974 (3) - 복붙ㅌㅌㅌ, Ctrl+G 반복 해제 (이건 반농담이니 무시해주셈 ㅋㅋ) 님 맵에 복붙이 많은것 같아서 한번 제안해봄 ㅇㅅㅇ;;
01:17:162 (1) - Move 168/204
M4M o/~


00:13:412 (3,1) - hmm I don't really have a proper way of wording this, but these two don't really feel like they're connected in any way. 3 is kind of directing the player downwards while 1 is actually starting above 1, and the transition doesn't really look as visually pleasing without having them correspond in any way (that might just be me though)

00:45:287 (3) - this shape doesn't really do a good job of catching the vocals to me :c the red anchor feels like it's to early in the slider

00:48:099 (2,1) - see if something like this works for you? (I didn't really like the second red anchor, it looked kind of sloppy owo)

01:07:318 (2,1) - mhmm not sure if this overlap will end up being a problem

01:34:037 (3,1) - these look a tad bit close, see if you can get a liiitle more space between them?


00:17:162 (4,5) - not sure if following background music instead of vocals is a good idea here, vocals feel stronger and more dominant to me. Though I guess this might be my personal preference

00:28:412 (4) - why not place it like this?

00:34:037 (1,2,3) - could have this stacked like this for extra neatness c:

00:46:224 (4) - dangerously close to the hp bar, be careful when moving this c:

00:45:990 (4) - really feel like these vocals on the redtick should be playable ><

00:57:943 (7) - ^the same with this downbeat. vocals feel really strong, so having a slider start on this would feel right to me 01:00:287 (3) - you did it with this one too

01:06:146 (2,3,4) - these honestly feel a bit unpredictable to me >< probably easy to hit since they're just repeats, I can't say that I really expected these though

01:24:193 (4) - again, dangerously close to the hp bar


00:03:568 (2) - this feels a lot nicer :c

00:14:583 (5) - what is this slider following?

00:21:849 (7) - again, this downbeat really feels like it deserves to be playable >< there are a bunch of these so I'll just point this one out as an example c: Feel free to leave them as they are though, to each their own I guess

00:23:958 (3,4) - is mapping 1/4 here really neccessary? feels odd

00:46:927 (10,11) - hmm just a small thing, but perhaps try using consistent spacing whenever you use 1/4? some triplets are more spaced out than others, and I feel like the 1/4 that is being used would look a lot neater with more consistency

00:57:708 (4,5,6) - I'd rather have 4 and 5 stack on top of 6

01:15:052 (1) - I guess this is just me, but I feel like this would've felt neater with 1 starting on top of 3 to continue the triangley movement

01:27:240 (4,5,6) - 1/4 really neccessary here?


00:17:162 (1,2,1) - kinda feels like this straight transition doesn't really go along well with the sliders shape, making it a bit uncomfortable

00:18:919 (3) - I don't really hear any sound on the blue tick here

00:27:474 (2,3,4,5) - these honeslty feel a bit overdone compared to the rest of the map

00:37:200 (6) - is this not really necessary? feel like a triplet would be enough. You did the same thing with a previous pattern

00:41:537 (1,2,3) - kinda awkward ><

01:04:974 (3,4,1) - going in a straight line here feels a bit dull :/ doesn't feel like it does the song any justice when it actually feels very strong and exciting

01:17:396 (2,3) - perhaps make this a liiiitle meaner? vocals on 3 feel like they would warrant a jump that puts a little more emphasize on this slider

01:32:162 (1) - ctrl+g?

Good luck~
Topic Starter

Peachtrees wrote:

M4M o/~


00:13:412 (3,1) - hmm I don't really have a proper way of wording this, but these two don't really feel like they're connected in any way. 3 is kind of directing the player downwards while 1 is actually starting above 1, and the transition doesn't really look as visually pleasing without having them correspond in any way (that might just be me though)
00:45:287 (3) - this shape doesn't really do a good job of catching the vocals to me :c the red anchor feels like it's to early in the slider
here in vocal it's fine
00:48:099 (2,1) - see if something like this works for you? (I didn't really like the second red anchor, it looked kind of sloppy owo)
00:47:162 (1,2) - one pattern it's fine
01:07:318 (2,1) - mhmm not sure if this overlap will end up being a problem
01:34:037 (3,1) - these look a tad bit close, see if you can get a liiitle more space between them?
it's fine

00:17:162 (4,5) - not sure if following background music instead of vocals is a good idea here, vocals feel stronger and more dominant to me. Though I guess this might be my personal preference
it's fine
00:28:412 (4) - why not place it like this?
00:34:037 (1,2,3) - could have this stacked like this for extra neatness c:
00:46:224 (4) - dangerously close to the hp bar, be careful when moving this c:
00:45:990 (4) - really feel like these vocals on the redtick should be playable ><
00:57:943 (7) - ^the same with this downbeat. vocals feel really strong, so having a slider start on this would feel right to me 01:00:287 (3) - you did it with this one too
it's fine i used same rhythm 01:12:943 (7,1,2,3,4,5) -
01:06:146 (2,3,4) - these honestly feel a bit unpredictable to me >< probably easy to hit since they're just repeats, I can't say that I really expected these though
01:24:193 (4) - again, dangerously close to the hp bar

00:03:568 (2) - this feels a lot nicer :c
00:14:583 (5) - what is this slider following?
00:21:849 (7) - again, this downbeat really feels like it deserves to be playable >< there are a bunch of these so I'll just point this one out as an example c: Feel free to leave them as they are though, to each their own I guess
00:23:958 (3,4) - is mapping 1/4 here really neccessary? feels odd
00:46:927 (10,11) - hmm just a small thing, but perhaps try using consistent spacing whenever you use 1/4? some triplets are more spaced out than others, and I feel like the 1/4 that is being used would look a lot neater with more consistency
it's fine
00:57:708 (4,5,6) - I'd rather have 4 and 5 stack on top of 6
01:15:052 (1) - I guess this is just me, but I feel like this would've felt neater with 1 starting on top of 3 to continue the triangley movement
it's fine
01:27:240 (4,5,6) - 1/4 really neccessary here?

00:17:162 (1,2,1) - kinda feels like this straight transition doesn't really go along well with the sliders shape, making it a bit uncomfortable
00:18:919 (3) - I don't really hear any sound on the blue tick here
00:27:474 (2,3,4,5) - these honeslty feel a bit overdone compared to the rest of the map
it's fine
00:37:200 (6) - is this not really necessary? feel like a triplet would be enough. You did the same thing with a previous pattern
00:41:537 (1,2,3) - kinda awkward ><
it's fine
01:04:974 (3,4,1) - going in a straight line here feels a bit dull :/ doesn't feel like it does the song any justice when it actually feels very strong and exciting
it's fine
01:17:396 (2,3) - perhaps make this a liiiitle meaner? vocals on 3 feel like they would warrant a jump that puts a little more emphasize on this slider
it's fine
01:32:162 (1) - ctrl+g?
Good luck~
thanks full mod :D
Topic Starter

Hello- wrote:

저퀄모딩이지만 도움이 되었으면 좋겠습니다. ;ㅅ;

00:02:162 (1) - 노래 이어지니까 NC 풀어주는게 좋을듯. 그리고 제안인데 담요 해주는게 나을듯 싶어요.
맵셋전체적으로 다운비트맞춰서 박아둬서... 우선 저렇게두고 또 모딩오면 고치겠습니다.
01:36:849 (2) - Crtl + H 해보시고 01:34:037 (3) - 여기 슬라끝에 스택
그리고 이 박자로 해보심이?
수정완료!다른패턴 썻습니다.
00:03:568 (2) - 한번 1/2 반복 슬라로 바꿔보실래요?
00:23:490 (2) - 스택 제대로 해서 DS x0으로 만드세요.
00:25:130 (5) - NC
00:32:162 (5) - ^
00:35:912 (5) - ^
00:45:287 (6) - ^
00:49:037 (5) - ^
뉴콤부분 전부 수정완료
00:55:599 (3) - 00:54:662 (1) - 에 스택
일부러 안시킨거라 패스하겠습니다.
01:15:990 (1) - off NC
01:18:568 (4,1) - swap NC
01:22:318 (5) - 이 박자가 좀 더 나을듯
보컬을 자연스럽게 슬라로 잡아둔거라 이건 모딩또오면 고치겠습니다.
01:37:787 (3) - NC

00:03:568 (4) - NC
00:04:037 (8) - 여기 난이도만 피니시가 안들어가 있네요. 추가하세요.
00:26:537 (1) - 흐름이 엄청 어색합니다. 00:26:302 (4) - 이 흐름에 맞게 슬라 배치를 바꿔주시거나 해주세요.
슬라를 서클이라 생각하고 치면 괜찮은... 모딩 더오면 고치겠습니다.
00:30:287 (1) - Move 336/128
뒤에랑 스택시킨 삼각형패턴이라.. 이유를 적어주셨으면 ㅠ
00:34:974 (3,4,5) - Ctrl H 하고 00:33:099 (6) - 의 첫번째 머리에 스택. 만약 하신다면 00:35:678 (7) - move 304/288
이대로 가겠습니다.
00:36:966 (4,6) - 소리 안들리니까 지우시는게 좋을듯
00:39:193 (4) - 슬라 끝머리를 00:33:568 (7) - 슬라 첫머리에 스택
00:38:724 (3,4,1) - 하나의 대칭 패턴
00:47:865 (2,3,4) - Move 368/256
00:51:849 (6) - NC
00:53:724 (1) - off NC
여기도 이유 적어주셨으면 첫번째 NC는 앞쪽 다운비트 맞춰서 그대로 두고
off Nc는 볼륨이 달라지는곳이니 그대로 두겠습니다.

00:56:537 (1) - Ctrl+G
00:58:412 (1) - 00:57:240 (3) - 첫머리에 스택 만약 하신다면 00:58:880 (3) - move 240/168
01:04:974 (3) - 복붙ㅌㅌㅌ, Ctrl+G 반복 해제 (이건 반농담이니 무시해주셈 ㅋㅋ) 님 맵에 복붙이 많은것 같아서 한번 제안해봄 ㅇㅅㅇ;;
너무 복붙이 많어서 저렇게..ㅋㅅㅋ 이대로 가겠습니다.
01:17:162 (1) - Move 168/204
1.5로 DS 잡아둔거라 이상태로 가겠습니다.
모딩 감사합니당~!
21:20 Taeyang: 그래서 모딩은 언제..
21:20 *Taeyang is listening to [ Yun*chi - Wonderful Wonder World*]
21:20 guineaQ: Aㅏ
21:20 Taeyang: 그리고 겟난 넣은맵 언제 랭시킬거...
21:20 guineaQ: 그거
21:20 guineaQ: 하드 겟난 완성되야됨
21:21 Taeyang: 누구한테 넣었어요?
21:22 guineaQ: [ zzz ]
21:22 Taeyang: 쿨쿨님 겟난 많이 만드시넼ㅋㅋ
21:22 guineaQ: 대체적으로 진짜
21:23 guineaQ: 점프맵에는
21:23 guineaQ: 왠만하면 작은 CS 쓰지 마세요
21:23 guineaQ: 욕먹음
21:23 Taeyang: 4.3도 안되나영
21:23 guineaQ: 많은 사람들의 WHYYYYYYYYYYY
21:23 guineaQ: 를 들을거임
21:24 Taeyang: 어짜피 맵 노답으로 많이 만드는걸로 유명한지라...
21:24 guineaQ: 그리고 CS 가 작아서 패턴들이 너무 떨어져 있는 것 같은 느낌도 나요
21:24 Taeyang: 그냥 4로할까영
21:24 guineaQ: 뭐 누구처럼 CS 7쓰는 것보단 낫지만
21:25 Taeyang: 저거 처음에 4.7이었
21:25 guineaQ: CS4.3 쓰고 싶으시면
21:25 Taeyang: 넹
21:25 guineaQ: 1/4를 더 쓰셔야함
21:25 Taeyang: 큽
21:25 Taeyang: 그냥 4쓸게요
21:25 guineaQ: 작은 CS는 스트림 위주 맵에 잘 어울림
21:26 Taeyang: 하드랑 좀 서클차이두고싶은데
21:26 Taeyang: 아니면
21:26 Taeyang: 이지 2.5 노말 3 하드 3.5 이렇게 써도되나여
21:26 guineaQ: ㅇㅇ
21:26 Taeyang: 근데 그러면 좀 어색할려나 해보고 아니면 걍 인센만 4쓰도록 하겠
21:27 guineaQ: ㅇ
21:28 guineaQ: 개인적으로 인센에서 대칭 스타일은
21:29 guineaQ: 그냥 차라리 제가 겟난 만들어드릴까요 ㅋ
21:30 Taeyang: 갹ㅋㅋㅋ
21:30 Taeyang: 그정도로 못만들었..
21:30 guineaQ: 님 맵이 전체적으로
21:30 guineaQ: 대칭 패턴으로 스크린을 누바디가
21:30 guineaQ: 누비다가*
21:30 guineaQ: 가끔식 삼격형 위주 패턴 한 번 치고
21:31 guineaQ: 그 뒤에 다시 대칭으로 돌아가는 형식
21:31 Taeyang: 어 들킴 ㅋ
21:31 guineaQ: 이래봐도 1 년 6개월 차인데
21:31 Taeyang: 은 요즘 랭 잘 안시켜주는가..
21:31 guineaQ: 모딩할게 없어요 이렇게 찍으면
21:32 Taeyang: 핡...
21:32 guineaQ: 이렇게 찍으면
21:32 guineaQ: 하나 바꾸면 일관성이 깨지고
21:32 guineaQ: 안 바꾸자니 맵이 너무 지루해질 위험이 있고
21:32 guineaQ: 그래서 왠만하면 저도 이렇게 안찍음
21:32 guineaQ: 대칭에 장점이 하나 있다하면
21:33 guineaQ: 평소 패턴보다 좀 더 간격을 크게 하거나
21:33 guineaQ: 흐름을 조금 일그려트려도
21:33 guineaQ: 괜찮다는 정도
21:33 Taeyang: 음...
21:33 guineaQ: 허
21:33 guineaQ: 1.20x 슬라배속
21:33 Taeyang: 어떡하지
21:34 guineaQ: 나만 쓰는 줄 알았는데 ㅋㅋㅋ
21:34 Taeyang: 그게 아니라
21:34 guineaQ: 인세인은
21:34 Taeyang: 제가 님맵에서 배껴온거...
21:34 guineaQ: 헐
21:34 guineaQ: 인세인은 그대로 두고 싶으시면
21:34 guineaQ: 인트로 쪽 모딩을 더 구체적으로 받으셈
21:35 guineaQ: 키아이는
21:35 guineaQ: 대칭 -> 삼각형 -> 대칭 -> 삼각형이라서
21:35 guineaQ: 그냥 집을게 없음
21:35 guineaQ: 00:26:302 (4,1) - 이거 흐름
21:35 guineaQ: 진짜 마음에 안들음
21:36 Taeyang: 구체적으로 1 슬라가 문제인건가영
21:36 guineaQ: ㅇㅇ
21:36 guineaQ: 하나 하나 놓고 보면 문제는 없어요
21:37 guineaQ: 근데 서로 연결이 더럽게 어색해서 문제지
21:38 Taeyang: 마땅이 바꿀만한것도 없..
21:38 Taeyang: 음 모르겠
21:38 guineaQ: ㅇ..
21:38 *guineaQ is editing [ Yun*chi - Wonderful Wonder World* [Hard]]
21:38 guineaQ: 01:08:490 (4,1,1) - 하드에서 이런 슬라 변속을 피해주세요
21:38 guineaQ: 하드에서는
21:38 guineaQ: 왠만하면 슬라 변속 이렇게 안쓰는게 좋음
21:39 guineaQ: 음
21:39 Taeyang: 저거 그냥
21:39 Taeyang: 변속 해제할까요
21:39 guineaQ: 그것 빼고 하드는 깔게 없네요
21:39 guineaQ: 해제 하는게
21:39 guineaQ: 플레이어 멘탈을 좋을테니
21:39 guineaQ: 멘탈에*
21:40 Taeyang: 1/2슬라쓸까요
21:40 guineaQ: ㅇㅇ..
21:40 guineaQ: 저런 변칙 리듬은
21:40 guineaQ: 잘 못잡아요
21:41 guineaQ: 노말에
21:41 Taeyang: 뉴콤 해제하구
21:41 Taeyang: 넹
21:41 guineaQ: 아니 일단 하드로 돌아가서
21:42 guineaQ:
21:42 guineaQ: 이렇게 리듬 짜면 될듯
21:43 guineaQ: 그리고 솔직히 말해서
21:43 guineaQ: 뉴콤 엉망인데
21:43 guineaQ: 그건 고치기 쉬우니
21:44 Taeyang: 이렇게 써도되나여
21:44 Taeyang:
21:44 Taeyang: DS가 흐트러지긴한데
21:44 guineaQ: 으아
21:44 Taeyang: 뉴콤은 하드요 아니면 노말이요
21:44 guineaQ: 그냥 전체적으로
21:44 Taeyang: 망 ㅋㅅㅋ
21:45 Taeyang: 원래 다운비트에 맞춰서 했었는데
21:45 Taeyang: 그렇게하니깐 이상해서 패턴에맞춰서 바꿧...
21:47 guineaQ: 음
21:47 guineaQ: 지금 보니까 그러네요
21:47 guineaQ: 보컬에 맞춰서 하셨나 ㅇㅅㅇ
21:47 Taeyang: 이거 찍을때는 보컬 드럼 모르고있다가
21:47 Taeyang: 님맵 겟난 넣고 미친듯이 모딩하러 다닐때 인식하기 시작하고 다시 몇부분 고친거라..
21:48 Taeyang: 좀어색할수도...
21:48 guineaQ: 음
21:48 Taeyang: 대체적으로 보컬에 맞춘건 맞아요
21:49 guineaQ: 노말은
21:50 guineaQ: 됐고 개인적인 취향이니
21:50 guineaQ: 이제 이지
21:52 guineaQ: 깔거 없네요
21:52 Taeyang: 이런류맵 랭잘시켜준느 BN소개좀...
21:52 Taeyang: 아니면 좀더 손봐야하나요
21:52 guineaQ: 저도 소개좀 ㅜㅜ
21:53 Taeyang: Aㅏ
21:53 guineaQ: 님 맵은
21:53 guineaQ: 외형에 큰 비중을 두고 있으니
21:53 guineaQ: 외형 손보는 모딩 좀 받고
21:53 guineaQ: 봉 불러도 괜찮을 듯 하네요
21:54 Taeyang: 아까 그 뉴콤은
21:54 Taeyang: 어케해영
21:54 Taeyang: 걍 이대로 ㄲㄲ?
21:54 guineaQ: 끅
21:54 guineaQ: 봉이
21:54 guineaQ: 손보라고 하면
21:55 Taeyang: 뱃한번 불러봐도 되는거죠?
21:55 guineaQ: 손 보시고

00:49:037 (3) Move sliders tail to 0/56 so it shows to 00:50:443 (4) . Looks better imo
00:57:474 (4,5) Shouldnt (5) switcfh places with (4)? Somehow it feels better to play
01:04:505 (3,1) Try it like this

01:02:162 (1,2,3) This plays weird because of (3), try to do a different slider there?


00:03:568 (2) Move sliders tail to 144/88. Looks better imo
00:23:490 You should put a circle there and let the sliders start on 00:23:724 here, so they wont start on a downbeat



Awesome map and awsome, i really love Yun*chi's voice haha xD
Keep it uo, really nice mapset.
Topic Starter

Come[Back]Home wrote:


00:49:037 (3) Move sliders tail to 0/56 so it shows to 00:50:443 (4) . Looks better imo
00:57:474 (4,5) Shouldnt (5) switcfh places with (4)? Somehow it feels better to play
00:57:474 (4,5,1,2) - one pattern
01:04:505 (3,1) Try it like this it's fine

01:02:162 (1,2,3) This plays weird because of (3), try to do a different slider there?

00:03:568 (2) Move sliders tail to 144/88. Looks better imo
00:23:490 You should put a circle there and let the sliders start on 00:23:724 here, so they wont start on a downbeat


Awesome map and awsome, i really love Yun*chi's voice haha xD
Keep it uo, really nice mapset.
thanks XD Come[Back]Home
19:41 Okoratu:
19:41 Okoratu: My 2nd Challenge to/for Rank! would be correct
19:41 Okoratu: for the desctiption
20:04 Taeyang: desctiption?
20:04 Taeyang: sry my Eng poor QAQ
20:04 Taeyang: what's mean?
20:05 Okoratu: 2rd is should be 2nd
20:05 Taeyang: i now i i understnad
20:06 Taeyang: ok fixed thanks XDD
20:06 Taeyang: and can i get your mod O.o?
20:12 Okoratu: for which map
20:12 Okoratu: :D
20:12 *Taeyang is listening to [ Yun*chi - Wonderful Wonder World*]
20:12 Taeyang: that
20:16 Okoratu: hmm
20:16 Okoratu: i'll take a look after dinner lol
20:16 Taeyang: yeah lol thanks :)
20:41 Okoratu: btw the to/for meant
20:41 Okoratu: that you can choose one of them
20:41 Okoratu: xDDDDDDDDDD
20:42 Taeyang: lol.......
20:42 Taeyang: this is my English ability
20:42 Okoratu: gg
20:42 Taeyang: XD
20:46 Okoratu: ok
20:46 *Okoratu is editing [ Yun*chi - Wonderful Wonder World* [Insane]]
20:46 Taeyang: IRC?
20:46 Okoratu: ya i don't feel like writing a post
20:46 Okoratu: w
20:47 Taeyang: www ok
20:47 Taeyang: gogo
20:47 Okoratu: in the very beginning comboing like this may also make sense and look better
20:47 Taeyang: ok fixed
20:48 Okoratu: the break is kind of boring, meyrink's set mapped it in all diffs
20:48 Okoratu: dunno you have so many interesting things in there which could be mapped
20:48 Taeyang: need necessity?
20:48 Okoratu: why did you choose to place a break there
20:48 Okoratu: not really i just wanna know why you placed a break there
20:49 Taeyang: for follow vacal..
20:50 Okoratu: o that makes sense
20:51 Okoratu: i didn't know you were following vocals that closely because 00:16:927 (5,6,1,2,1,2,1) - etc don't really follow vocals much
20:51 Taeyang: can i add break time?
20:51 Okoratu: sure lol i just wanted to know why you did that
20:51 Taeyang: ok :)
20:52 Taeyang: there in strong piano sound
20:52 Okoratu: i k n o w
20:52 Okoratu: i just didn't know you follow vocals for the most part
20:52 Taeyang: how to fix?
20:53 Okoratu: i'm not even mentioning issues i'm just speaking my thoughts
20:55 Okoratu: asdf your english abilities :D:D
20:56 Taeyang: :)?
20:57 Okoratu: 00:16:576 - i think it'd work better if you deleted this circle so you can space 00:15:990 (2,3,4) - out, might be easier to comprehend
20:57 Okoratu: and the sound you mapped there is pretty minor
20:57 Okoratu: dunno
20:58 Taeyang: fixed
20:59 Okoratu: 00:19:974 (3) - what is the reverse following?
20:59 Taeyang: vocal
21:00 Taeyang: cant it?
21:00 Okoratu: idk i would have done that like [ this]
21:00 Okoratu: if it was my map lol
21:04 Taeyang: fixde
21:04 Taeyang:
21:05 Okoratu: 00:26:654 -
21:05 Okoratu: the sliderslide in this sampleset is not muted
21:05 Okoratu: so you have a sliderslide playing from 00:26:654 - until 00:26:888 -
21:05 Okoratu: and in 00:36:029 - again
21:05 Okoratu: xD
21:06 Taeyang: how to fix?
21:06 Taeyang: just add
21:06 Okoratu: copy soft-sliderslide.wav
21:06 Okoratu: and call it soft-sliderslide10.wav
21:06 Okoratu: xD
21:06 Taeyang:
21:07 Okoratu: ya that should do it
21:07 Okoratu: 00:26:537 (1,2) - this jump is kind of big and sudden in comparison to most jumps in this map
21:07 Okoratu: nerfing it would make sense and the diff more predictable
21:09 Taeyang:
21:09 Taeyang: like this?
21:09 Okoratu: 00:30:052 - is this vocal on a sliderend intentionally
21:09 Okoratu: if that pattern works well
21:09 Okoratu: with the following patterns
21:09 Okoratu: ye
21:11 Taeyang: change this ?
21:11 Taeyang:
21:11 Okoratu: i still can't really tell if you're following vocals or instruments
21:11 Okoratu: you change between them a lot
21:13 Taeyang: ok
21:14 Okoratu: 00:29:349 (3,4) - if you follow vocal, this rhythm could work better
21:16 Taeyang: umm
21:17 Taeyang: i dont want that QAQ...
21:18 Okoratu: yea, but do you map vocals or instruments mostly
21:20 Okoratu: i'm asking so i can suggest useful things
21:22 Taeyang: ok refer to your suggest
21:22 Okoratu: what o.o
21:22 Taeyang: um:)?
21:22 Okoratu: you seem to map instruments mostly right
21:23 Taeyang: i know but idk how to fix this problem
21:23 Okoratu: it's no problem
21:23 Okoratu: i just want to know if you map vocals or instruments XDDDDD
21:24 Taeyang: ㅇㅅㅇ?
21:24 Okoratu: do you like vocal mapping or instrument mapping more
21:24 Okoratu: ??
21:24 Taeyang: umm
21:24 Taeyang: fun map all ok
21:25 Okoratu: so you like chaos
21:25 Okoratu: x)
21:25 Taeyang: i want catching both
21:26 Okoratu: no problem :'D
21:26 Taeyang: guineaq told me rhythm follow instrument
21:26 Taeyang: but jump follow vocal
21:26 Taeyang: is is right?
21:26 Okoratu: that's just how some people map
21:26 Taeyang: *it
21:27 Okoratu: if you place a jump
21:27 Okoratu: you want to focus something
21:27 Okoratu: so your jump placement should follow whatever you want to focus
21:28 Taeyang: idk that but i want to make fun pattern map
21:28 Taeyang: like RLC
21:29 Taeyang: inter alia symmetry
21:29 Okoratu: dunno i bet RLC follows some basic things like that as well
21:29 Okoratu: 00:47:865 (2,3,4) - these could be further apart btw
21:29 Okoratu: i mean
21:29 Okoratu: 00:47:162 (1,2,3,4) - more space here would be cool
21:30 Taeyang: can i stacking in tail?
21:30 Taeyang:
21:31 Okoratu: 00:57:943 (4) - 01:12:943 (4) - i think vocals are much stronger than the instruments here so it'd make more sense to follow the vocals
21:31 Okoratu: if that works, sure
21:31 Okoratu: LOL
21:32 Taeyang: need more spaceing?
21:33 Okoratu: i think changing the rhythm to 2 circles or something would be better in the 2nd case
21:33 Okoratu: 01:08:490 (3) - btw [ these sliders have some weird dent in that place]
21:35 Okoratu: 01:30:521 - adding a circle here could be more interesting
21:36 Taeyang:
21:36 Taeyang: and
21:36 Taeyang: stack
21:36 Taeyang: 01:30:755 (3) -
21:36 Taeyang: head
21:36 Okoratu: i did [ something like this when testing around with it]
21:37 Okoratu: 01:39:193 (1,2,1) - if thsese wouldn't overlap it'd look a bit nicer
21:38 Taeyang: why that overlap?
21:38 Okoratu:
21:38 Okoratu: i mean this
21:39 Taeyang: ok i will increase specing
21:40 Taeyang: ok fixed
21:40 Taeyang:
21:40 Okoratu:
21:41 Okoratu: isn't there a weird dent in this stream now
21:42 Taeyang: ok done
21:42 *Okoratu is editing [ Yun*chi - Wonderful Wonder World* [Hard]]
21:42 Okoratu: 00:13:412 (4,5) - this kind of rhythm may work waaay better
21:45 Taeyang: fixed
21:45 Taeyang:
21:45 Okoratu: 00:16:927 - would probably not be a bad idea to add a circle here idk
21:47 Taeyang: fixed
21:47 Taeyang:
21:47 Okoratu: 00:17:162 (4,5) - could stay consistent with the way you did it in insane by using [ this rhythm] (in comparison here's the rhythm at this point in insane: )
21:50 Okoratu: 00:32:044 (4,1) - just my personal opinion: i think stacking stuff like [ this] could look better dunno
21:51 Taeyang:
21:51 Taeyang: fixed
21:53 Okoratu: 00:47:865 - circle for vocal ?
21:53 Taeyang:
21:54 Taeyang:
21:54 Taeyang: done
21:55 Okoratu: 01:11:537 (1,2) - this is the only time you do that
21:55 Okoratu: :x
21:56 Taeyang: remove circle?
21:56 Taeyang:
21:57 Okoratu: could be an option
21:57 Okoratu: or jsut
21:57 Okoratu:
21:58 Taeyang: fixed
21:58 Okoratu: 01:27:474 (5,1) - this overlap doesn't look thaaat nice
21:59 Okoratu: 01:26:302 - 01:30:052 - would add circles for consistency with 01:33:802 (3) -
22:04 Taeyang:
22:06 Okoratu: o.o
22:08 Taeyang:
22:08 Taeyang:
22:09 Okoratu: ok lol
22:09 *Okoratu is editing [ Yun*chi - Wonderful Wonder World* [Normal]]
22:09 Okoratu: 00:16:693 (3) - could be better as an 1/2 slider
22:10 Taeyang: is it not made hardly?
22:11 Taeyang:
22:11 Taeyang: done
22:11 Okoratu: 00:22:787 (1,2,3,4) - this is pretty weird
22:11 Okoratu: mostly the 1/2 thing in 00:24:427 (3,4) -
22:12 Taeyang: this rhythm?
22:12 Taeyang:
22:12 Okoratu: this would avoid that
22:13 Okoratu: you'd lose the holds for 00:24:662 (4,5) - if you do what you screened
22:13 Okoratu: and those are consistent with 00:17:162 (4,5) -
22:13 Taeyang:
22:13 Okoratu: so i think you should avoid that
22:14 Taeyang: ummm
22:15 Okoratu: brb a moment
22:16 Taeyang:
22:16 Taeyang: ok
22:16 Okoratu: re
22:17 Taeyang: welcome
22:17 Okoratu: these 2 are consistent with 00:17:162 (4,5) - so you shouldn't change those
22:17 Okoratu: dunno
22:18 Taeyang: it;s fine
22:18 Taeyang: i think..
22:19 Taeyang: why can't that o.O?
22:20 Okoratu: i prefer consistency
22:20 Taeyang: is it ok
22:22 Okoratu: it's a bit weird
22:23 Taeyang: fixed
22:23 Taeyang:
22:23 Okoratu: ok now i have no idea what we're doing anymore XDDDDD
22:25 Taeyang: finish mod??
22:25 Okoratu: 00:32:162 (4,5,6) - could be done a bit better atm the symmetry looks a bit sloppy
22:27 Okoratu: 01:02:162 (1,2,3) - ^ or whatever that's supposed to be idk
22:29 Okoratu: 01:19:037 (4,6) - those could be symmetric
22:30 Taeyang:
22:31 Taeyang: done
22:32 Okoratu: yea i have no clue how to mod easies
22:32 Okoratu: --
22:33 Taeyang: lol
22:34 Okoratu: just a question
22:34 Okoratu: 00:30:755 - you use slidertick hitsounds here
22:35 Okoratu: but not in 00:34:505 - 00:34:974 - 00:36:380 - 00:36:849 -
22:36 Taeyang: i alreay did it
22:36 Okoratu: not in my version of this easy xD
22:36 Taeyang: but somebody mapper i hate like this
22:36 Taeyang: so i all removed lol
22:36 Okoratu: so
22:36 Okoratu: why is 00:30:638 - still there ? :D
22:37 Taeyang: i added here
22:37 Taeyang: ok wait
22:37 Okoratu: that makes no sense xD
22:39 Taeyang: did it but i dont want it
22:39 Taeyang:
22:40 Taeyang: you want remover this?
22:40 Taeyang: 00:30:755 -
22:40 Okoratu: why does one slider randomly have slidertick sounds
22:43 Taeyang: ok i will consider
22:46 Taeyang: really thanks long time mod XD i will present support for you
22:49 Okoratu: what
22:49 Okoratu: lmao dw
22:49 Okoratu: :D
22:49 Taeyang: :D
22:53 Okoratu: a;lsdkfj lol
22:53 Okoratu: thanks i guess
22:53 Okoratu: also should i post log so you can push your map's sp
22:53 Taeyang: um :)?
22:53 Taeyang: me too thanks 3hours mod
I fell in love with the EZPZ diffs. There's really not much to say about this mapset. It's nearly perfect, maybe because guineaQ modded it? But if I did a nazi mod, there might be a hundred lines in my mods.


- 00:31:693 (3,4,1) - Use same DS for all notes.
- 01:27:357 - Add note?


- 00:57:943 (4) - Ctrl+G?
- 01:19:037 (1) - Move it to the right.
- 01:27:708 (4,6) - Ctrl+G? Then adjust triangle? Maybe?
hi ! nazi mod orz ;w;


00:54:662 (1,2,3) - this pattern isn't instinctive because 00:55:599 (2) - and 00:56:537 (3) - aren't in the way of the previous slider, you make something like this
01:04:505 (3,1) - blanket 1 with 3 like this. It's prettier imo and make a better flow


Be careful, the rythmn is a bit strange, i mean sometimes you map the vocal and sometimes you map the instrumental. For example, 00:15:287 (1,2,3) - here it's mapped on vocal and just after, 00:17:162 (4,5) - are mapped on instrumental, it could be a bit confused for new beginners.

01:37:787 (3) - this slider breaks the flow, imo it's more intuitive to click on the slider end instead of the slider head. i suggest you this pattern


00:03:568 (2) - i feel it's overmapped because i don't hear anything here 00:03:685 - you should make something like this

00:19:974 (3) - you can improve the flow by making some curve like this
00:32:044 (4) - spacing error, move this circle to x=372 y=48
00:44:115 (3) - i think this reverse slider is overmapped because there is no sound at 00:44:232 - so you should change the rythmn into something like that Here, an idea of pattern
00:45:169 - add a circle here to have consistency with the previous 1/4 reverse slider
01:08:490 (4) - a suggestion : ctrl g this slider, rotate a bit (with ctrl shift r) in anti-clockwise direction, then fix the spacing.
01:38:138 - 01:38:607 - 01:39:076 - you can add circles here but it's not necesseray since this is a hard. You can also add a repetition on 01:37:787 (1,2,3) -


00:03:568 (2,3,4,5,6) - for the same reason in the hard, i advice you to remove 00:03:685 (3) -
00:17:162 (1,2,3) - the flow is a bit weird tho. You can do something like this too improve the flow

good luck for rank !
Bold: Fix quickly/unrankable issues
Purple: Questionable
Red: Highly recommend

  1. Would disable Letterboxes during breaks to enjoy the video more.
  1. 00:30:755 - When you're doing sliderticks here already, you should keep this technique consistent throughout the whole map where there's these snares i nthe track and not only at this place. Like at : 00:34:037 (1,2) - and in the kiais.
    (Or could just delete it, because the snares don't happen on the white ticks, but red ones)
  2. 01:40:130 - Circle here please, just like you did in the Normal diff.
  1. 01:24:193 (4) - Really recommend you switch this off with a slider +circle instead because the cymbal should be clickable.
    Otherwise, this one's pretty fine, gj.
  1. Delete NC: 00:17:162 (1) - 00:18:099 (1) - 00:49:037 (1) -
  2. NC at wrong positions: 01:16:693 (1,3) -
  3. 00:03:568 (2) - Triple + backslider feels better to play than this kickslider.
  4. 00:17:982 (2) - Delete. The part is calm and could benefit from not having overmapped triples on hard stage.
  5. 00:31:693 (3,4,1) - What happened with the spacing here lol.
  6. 00:44:115 (3) - 00:44:583 (4) - These should be regular sliders since the reversearrow (blue tick) don't follow anything properly.
    Put a triple at 00:45:169 - instead.
  7. 00:54:193 (1,1) - Why don't you space this out like 00:53:724 (3,1) - , would be much more readable.
  8. 01:39:193 (4) - Swap with two 1/4 sliders instead, would follow the melody much better.

  • Uh, this was made before oko did his irc mod, so some stuff might be outdated already.
  1. What I noticed in the map are a lot of unnecessary overmapped triples that should be fixed for a better gaming experience. No need to overmap to a song like this, it's a sweet calm one and setting triples all over the place takes away much emphasis on certain beats.
    The following are critical since the music can and will really benefit from these NOT being triples:
    00:15:990 (2,3,4) -
    00:17:162 (1,2,1) -
    00:21:615 (2,3,4) -
    00:22:787 (1,2,3) -
    00:25:365 (2,3,1) -
    00:30:990 (4,5,6) -
    00:34:974 (3,4,5) -
    00:47:865 (2,3,4) -
    While these ones are kinda acceptable with the noise in the background (though I still recommend you to reconsider their usage):
    00:14:349 (3,4,5) - 00:16:927 (4,5,1) -
    Consider this being a high priority issue from me, so if you want to push this forward you better fix it unless you have a solid and valid reason for them to stay (no reasons like 'i feel like it' are sufficient).
  2. 00:30:755 (3,4) - This causes way too much emphasis on the 4 which isn't even a strong vocal beat, please rework the pattern 00:30:287 (1,2,3,4) - . Here a good example:
  3. 00:38:724 (2,3) - Why you miss out the 1/8 beats here? Also put away 00:38:490 (1,2,3) - this triple because it's overmap. Here what goes best with the music:
  4. 00:40:130 (2,3,4) - These could really benefit by being sliders to follow the vocals more properly and make the rhythm less choppy like it is at the moment.
  5. 00:41:537 (1,2,3) - Technically this triple is not overmapped, but it doesn't fit in since you are focussing on vocal mapping and this doesn't work well with it.
  6. 00:42:474 (4,5,6,7) - Listen closer, this pattern doesn't work well with the music since 5 and 6's sliderends don't follow anything properly in the track. Make them regular circles.
  7. 00:43:880 (3,4) - Why do you suddenly switch to instrumentals when you followed vocals before, this is inconsistent. The isntruments aren't even dominant in this part.
  8. 00:51:849 (6,7) - Listen again, there are triples between these. I recommend you put these out and set circles all the way:
  9. 01:05:443 (4,1) - Set up a small jump here would be good for emphasis on the next slider.
  10. 01:23:021 (2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4) - Check the rhythm here again. As the highest diff, you should try to follow most things the music has to offer as best as possible:
  11. 01:28:412 (1) - Crop this by 1/4, this doesn't follow vocals properly like it should (or at least how you are using them here to fit better to the vocals).
  12. 01:30:287 (1) - Make a 1/2 for better following of the vocal
  13. 01:33:099 (3,4) - Big jump for a weak beat is not good, pease reduce the spacing and set a jump for 01:33:802 (4,1) - instead.
  14. 01:34:037 - to 01:37:552 - You just followed vocals from 01:25:130 - and here suddenly switched to instrumental beats although both sections sound pretty much alike. This is heavily inconsistent, so please fix the rhythm on the second part up again.
    Keep in mind the similar sections should be mapped similar.
  15. The biggest issue in this map is that your rhythms don't follow a consistent way, following vocal or instrumental beats in a somewhat chaotic way.
    Try to get more order into it.
The set looks fine, but the Insane needs more polishment still. Call me up again when you got a few (2-3) more mods on it that are not only nazi mods.
Good luck! /o/
Topic Starter

LGV894 wrote:

I fell in love with the EZPZ diffs. There's really not much to say about this mapset. It's nearly perfect, maybe because guineaQ modded it? But if I did a nazi mod, there might be a hundred lines in my mods.


- 00:31:693 (3,4,1) - Use same DS for all notes.Fixed
- 01:27:357 - Add note?
it's fine01:30:287 (5,6,7) - 01:34:037 (4,5,6) - all same rhythm


- 00:57:943 (4) - Ctrl+G?
flow it's fine
- 01:19:037 (1) - Move it to the right.
it's fine
- 01:27:708 (4,6) - Ctrl+G? Then adjust triangle? Maybe?
it's make hardly
Topic Starter

Ovoui wrote:

hi ! nazi mod orz ;w;


00:54:662 (1,2,3) - this pattern isn't instinctive because 00:55:599 (2) - and 00:56:537 (3) - aren't in the way of the previous slider, you make something like this i think it's fine and your suggest make ugly sapce

01:04:505 (3,1) - blanket 1 with 3 like this. It's prettier imo and make a better flow
can't , it's 01:01:224 (4,1,2,3,1) - one symmetry pattern i


Be careful, the rythmn is a bit strange, i mean sometimes you map the vocal and sometimes you map the instrumental. For example, 00:15:287 (1,2,3) - here it's mapped on vocal and just after, 00:17:162 (4,5) - are mapped on instrumental, it could be a bit confused for new beginners.
Thanks advice :)

01:37:787 (3) - this slider breaks the flow, imo it's more intuitive to click on the slider end instead of the slider head. i suggest you this pattern


00:03:568 (2) - i feel it's overmapped because i don't hear anything here 00:03:685 - you should make something like this

00:19:974 (3) - you can improve the flow by making some curve like this
it's fine to me
00:32:044 (4) - spacing error, move this circle to x=372 y=48
00:44:115 (3) - i think this reverse slider is overmapped because there is no sound at 00:44:232 - so you should change the rythmn into something like that Here, an idea of pattern
00:45:169 - add a circle here to have consistency with the previous 1/4 reverse slider
01:08:490 (4) - a suggestion : ctrl g this slider, rotate a bit (with ctrl shift r) in anti-clockwise direction, then fix the spacing.
01:38:138 - 01:38:607 - 01:39:076 - you can add circles here but it's not necesseray since this is a hard. You can also add a repetition on 01:37:787 (1,2,3) -
Fixed just here 01:39:193 (4,5) -


00:03:568 (2,3,4,5,6) - for the same reason in the hard, i advice you to remove 00:03:685 (3) -
it's fine because insane mapset and i think rhythm not bad
00:17:162 (1,2,3) - the flow is a bit weird tho. You can do something like this too improve the flow
your suggest thanks 00:18:099 (1,2) - but here flow make badly so i will consider[/color]

good luck for rank !
Topic Starter

Pho wrote:

Bold: Fix quickly/unrankable issues
Purple: Questionable
Red: Highly recommend

  1. Would disable Letterboxes during breaks to enjoy the video more.
  1. 00:30:755 - When you're doing sliderticks here already, you should keep this technique consistent throughout the whole map where there's these snares i nthe track and not only at this place. Like at : 00:34:037 (1,2) - and in the kiais.
    Fixed i just removed
    (Or could just delete it, because the snares don't happen on the white ticks, but red ones)
  2. 01:40:130 - Circle here please, just like you did in the Normal diff.
  1. 01:24:193 (4) - Really recommend you switch this off with a slider +circle instead because the cymbal should be clickable.
    Otherwise, this one's pretty fine, gj.
  1. Delete NC: 00:17:162 (1) - 00:18:099 (1) - 00:49:037 (1) -
  2. NC at wrong positions: 01:16:693 (1,3) -
    i think it's fine i followed vocal and pattern 01:16:693 (1,1) -
  3. 00:03:568 (2) - Triple + backslider feels better to play than this kickslider.
  4. 00:17:982 (2) - Delete. The part is calm and could benefit from not having overmapped triples on hard stage.
  5. 00:31:693 (3,4,1) - What happened with the spacing here lol.
  6. 00:44:115 (3) - 00:44:583 (4) - These should be regular sliders since the reversearrow (blue tick) don't follow anything properly.
    Put a triple at 00:45:169 - instead.
  7. 00:54:193 (1,1) - Why don't you space this out like 00:53:724 (3,1) - , would be much more readable.
  8. 01:39:193 (4) - Swap with two 1/4 sliders instead, would follow the melody much better.



  • Uh, this was made before oko did his irc mod, so some stuff might be outdated already.
  1. What I noticed in the map are a lot of unnecessary overmapped triples that should be fixed for a better gaming experience. No need to overmap to a song like this, it's a sweet calm one and setting triples all over the place takes away much emphasis on certain beats.
    The following are critical since the music can and will really benefit from these NOT being triples:
    00:15:990 (2,3,4) -
    00:17:162 (1,2,1) -
    00:21:615 (2,3,4) -
    00:22:787 (1,2,3) -
    00:25:365 (2,3,1) -
    00:30:990 (4,5,6) -
    00:34:974 (3,4,5) -
    00:47:865 (2,3,4) -
    While these ones are kinda acceptable with the noise in the background (though I still recommend you to reconsider their usage):
    00:14:349 (3,4,5) - 00:16:927 (4,5,1) -
    Consider this being a high priority issue from me, so if you want to push this forward you better fix it unless you have a solid and valid reason for them to stay (no reasons like 'i feel like it' are sufficient).
  2. 00:30:755 (3,4) - This causes way too much emphasis on the 4 which isn't even a strong vocal beat, please rework the pattern 00:30:287 (1,2,3,4) - . Here a good example:
  3. 00:38:724 (2,3) - Why you miss out the 1/8 beats here? Also put away 00:38:490 (1,2,3) - this triple because it's overmap. Here what goes best with the music:
  4. 00:40:130 (2,3,4) - These could really benefit by being sliders to follow the vocals more properly and make the rhythm less choppy like it is at the moment.
  5. 00:41:537 (1,2,3) - Technically this triple is not overmapped, but it doesn't fit in since you are focussing on vocal mapping and this doesn't work well with it.
  6. 00:42:474 (4,5,6,7) - Listen closer, this pattern doesn't work well with the music since 5 and 6's sliderends don't follow anything properly in the track. Make them regular circles.
  7. 00:43:880 (3,4) - Why do you suddenly switch to instrumentals when you followed vocals before, this is inconsistent. The isntruments aren't even dominant in this part.
  8. 00:51:849 (6,7) - Listen again, there are triples between these. I recommend you put these out and set circles all the way:
  9. 01:05:443 (4,1) - Set up a small jump here would be good for emphasis on the next slider.
  10. 01:23:021 (2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4) - Check the rhythm here again. As the highest diff, you should try to follow most things the music has to offer as best as possible:
  11. 01:28:412 (1) - Crop this by 1/4, this doesn't follow vocals properly like it should (or at least how you are using them here to fit better to the vocals).
  12. 01:30:287 (1) - Make a 1/2 for better following of the vocal
  13. 01:33:099 (3,4) - Big jump for a weak beat is not good, pease reduce the spacing and set a jump for 01:33:802 (4,1) - instead.
  14. 01:34:037 - to 01:37:552 - You just followed vocals from 01:25:130 - and here suddenly switched to instrumental beats although both sections sound pretty much alike. This is heavily inconsistent, so please fix the rhythm on the second part up again.
    Keep in mind the similar sections should be mapped similar.
  15. The biggest issue in this map is that your rhythms don't follow a consistent way, following vocal or instrumental beats in a somewhat chaotic way.
    Try to get more order into it.
The set looks fine, but the Insane needs more polishment still. Call me up again when you got a few (2-3) more mods on it that are not only nazi mods.
Good luck! /o/
insane i almost fixed :D really thanks!
Hello from mod req !!! :D :D :D


00:22:787 (1) - 00:24:662 (3) - Less points in the slider
00:47:162 - I think this is more successful as on the first white tick drops a heavy blow and to deliver a better circle. And then comes the voice on it sliders
00:50:912 - I think this is more successful as on the first white tick drops a heavy blow and to deliver a better circle. And then comes the voice on it sliders
00:55:130 (4) - Then leave the slider after slider cycle
01:02:630 (1) - Less points in the slider
01:04:505 (3) - ^ copy
01:40:599 (1) - And move the spinner on the white line


01:13:880 (1,2) - combo 2 move the back. So it sounds better
01:40:130 (1,1) -


01:00:287 (1) - may be slider ?
01:40:130 (1,1) -


00:11:537 (1) - Less points in the slider or
00:38:724 (3) - Do stream here ?
And further , I propose to make this way. Total Edit 2 object and the style will not change
01:09:193 (1,1) - ?? OR Because it is difficult to read . So how to create visibility for the player that the sliders are struck against each other

Good work ! :) :) :)
Topic Starter

_Unreality_ wrote:

Hello from mod req !!! :D :D :D


00:22:787 (1) - 00:24:662 (3) - Less points in the slider
here it blanket
00:47:162 - I think this is more successful as on the first white tick drops a heavy blow and to deliver a better circle. And then comes the voice on it sliders
that's make clickable so i dont want
00:50:912 - I think this is more successful as on the first white tick drops a heavy blow and to deliver a better circle. And then comes the voice on it sliders
00:55:130 (4) - Then leave the slider after slider cycle
01:02:630 (1) - Less points in the slider
01:04:505 (3) - ^ copy
01:40:599 (1) - And move the spinner on the white line
this is not unrankable

01:13:880 (1,2) - combo 2 move the back. So it sounds better
here it one pattern
and i used 00:57:943 (7,1,2) - same rhythm

01:40:130 (1,1) -


01:00:287 (1) - may be slider ?
that make clickable
01:40:130 (1,1) -

00:11:537 (1) - Less points in the slider or
00:38:724 (3) - Do stream here ?
rhythm able
And further , I propose to make this way. Total Edit 2 object and the style will not change
01:09:193 (1,1) - ?? OR Because it is difficult to read . So how to create visibility for the player that the sliders are struck against each other
i alredy tried it but BN recommend me like that

Good work ! :) :) :)
sry i almost dont fixed but thanks your mod :)
m4m. Note that the examples provided are just to visually show my ideas. Feel free to use them, but I suggest that you do them how you want :)

Simple and clean. Not much to say here.
  1. 00:45:287 (3,1,2,3) - It would be great if you could move these away from the edge of the map. the first (3) is starting to get a bit close to the screen, and the (2) sort of feels a bit too high. You don't have to do this, but It'd greatly improve the maps aesthetics if you keep closer to the middle of the map.
  2. 00:52:787 (3) - Just a personal preference. I suggest removing the curve from the end of this slider, or curving it the other way. |
  3. 01:05:912 (1) - you should try to blanket this around the 01:04:505 (3) - | Middle node about x448 y165 | Tail node about x465 y211 | | Apply it to 01:01:224 (4) - as well, if you want to keep symmetry.
  4. 01:25:599 (2,3) - this movement isn't the greatest. The Tail end of the slider could also be moved in slightly. Perhaps lose the symmetry from 01:25:130 (1,2) - to make more room.
  5. 01:40:365 (1) - This should end 1/2 earlier like all your other diffs.
  1. 00:22:787 (1) - I highly suggest ending this 1/2 earlier, and then adding a circle. This allows the user to switch to the vocals efficiently
  2. 00:24:427 (3,4) - With 00:24:662 - being kind of powerful, and the way you use sliders to capture the piano sounds. I highly suggest changing (3) to a circle, and then put a 1/1 slider where its tail used to be.
  3. 00:32:865 (5,2) - I'll be honest. this attempt at stacking doesn't really work out well. It gets a bit close to the 00:33:099 (6) - and looks cluttered. Just wanted to mention this, I'm sure you shouldn't have any problems re-working this if you choose to.
  4. 00:45:287 (3) - Instead of following the tick points, notice how the song uses 3/4 vocals/sounds here. Try to make one bounce on the blue tick at 00:45:638 - instead.
  5. 01:09:662 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3) - Just in general. I think it would be great if you could have one or two curved sliders in this section.
  6. 01:14:818 (2) - How about just using a circle here? the slider sort of feels like it'd cause confusion since you don't follow the vocals that much.
  7. 01:29:349 (2) - try making this a flipped copy of 01:28:412 (1) - or something. Right now the slider tail kind of goes too far into the top of the map. This will sort of ping-pong you into the next note.
  8. 01:34:037 (3) - I think a 1/1 slider would be optimal, but it won't be the end of the world if you keep it as is. The 01:34:740 (4) - isn't really that important either.
  1. 00:03:568 (2,3) - Try lowering the volume a little bit for these. Especially the drum sounds as the music itself is pretty quiet.
  2. 00:14:115 (5) - This shouldn't really be mapped to. There isn't any vocals or instruments backing it up. Instead you should use the first three vocals starting at 00:13:412 - to 00:13:880 - as key points to map circles/sliders to. For Example. Something like this is much more in sync with the song:
  3. 00:15:990 (2,3,4,5) - These are a bit sharp, and the overall design of them feels like they could be improved on. Actually with the previous sliders being all nicely curved, it could work to your advantage here as well. Maybe something like this:
  4. 00:18:802 (7) - This could be removed. It doesn't really serve much purpose.
  5. 00:23:490 (2,3) - Try rotating the (2) clockwise 10-20° so it can give a little bit more room for (3) to play around. It feels a bit cramped up when beside the 00:22:787 (1) -
  6. 00:32:044 (4) - not so sure why you decided to use this here. I mean, you don't even use it in your insane. Consider removing it?
  7. 00:47:044 - this seems like a great spot to add a note for a triplet. I highly suggest it as the music supports it for sure.
  8. 00:47:865 (2,3) - Move these two down a bit. The (2) is pretty close to the previous (1)
  9. 00:49:037 (5) - Missing NC
  10. 01:21:615 (2,3,4) - I think it would be great if you could curve these a bit. Circular motions for parts like these feel great.
  11. 01:26:302 (3) - When you skip 01:25:833 - it causes a bit of an imbalance since it feels like the vocals are now the main priority, but you resume mapping the drums. I suggest adding a circle back at 01:25:833 - then, or remove the (3) in question. Or simply turn (3) into a 1/2 slider. ;)
    01:27:240 (5) - Just because it would feel awesome. consider moving 01:27:240 (5) - 1/4 forward to 01:27:357 - Just a personal taste though. I'm pretty sure you'd rather keep to the drums, and not the vocals.
  1. 00:03:568 (2,3,4,5,6) - Same as Hard, consider lowering the volume of these drum sounds.
  2. 00:12:943 (4) - whistle on head? It feels empty when vocals are playing here.
  3. 00:17:865 (3) - I would personally reduce this by 1/4 so you at least capture the important chime noise at 00:18:099 -
  4. 00:23:958 (4) - Personally I'd rather see this attached to the end of (3), but at least move it a little bit closer to the tail. This will slowly start to create some build up for 00:25:599 (1) - anyways. It's better to start the 1/4 jumps there, instead of back in this section.
  5. 00:32:396 (2,3) - try swapping the position of these. Otherwise they feel so cramped together.
  6. 00:41:537 (1,2,3) - This plays a bit strange for me. I would personally shorten the slider by 1/4 and add a note on 00:42:005 - so you capture the dominant vocal with a click, and keep the rhythm steady. You pretty much are vocal heavy for this diff anyways.
  7. 01:05:443 (4) - Try to balance the SV a little more on this. It's quite a downgrade of momentum.
  8. 01:09:193 (1) - I really dislike the slowdown here. It happens during the vocals as they keep playing 01:09:427 - I personally think keeping this part at 1.20x is the best option, and consider reducing the (1) by 1/4 and adding a circle at 01:09:544 - as well.
  9. 01:24:544 (5,1) - This is a pretty unfair 1/4 jump. It should be coming off the slider end, not the end of a circle. Anyways, I personally think this would play better with the (5) completely removed. It gives that 1/2 beat to get back on track much like 01:23:372 (4,1) - does.
Hopefully some of this helps. Good luck o/
Topic Starter

Lanturn wrote:

m4m. Note that the examples provided are just to visually show my ideas. Feel free to use them, but I suggest that you do them how you want :)

Simple and clean. Not much to say here.
  1. 00:45:287 (3,1,2,3) - It would be great if you could move these away from the edge of the map. the first (3) is starting to get a bit close to the screen, and the (2) sort of feels a bit too high. You don't have to do this, but It'd greatly improve the maps aesthetics if you keep closer to the middle of the map.
    thanks suggest but i already tried it so i dont want that
  2. 00:52:787 (3) - Just a personal preference. I suggest removing the curve from the end of this slider, or curving it the other way. |
  3. 01:05:912 (1) - you should try to blanket this around the 01:04:505 (3) - | Middle node about x448 y165 | Tail node about x465 y211 | | Apply it to 01:01:224 (4) - as well, if you want to keep symmetry.
  4. 01:25:599 (2,3) - this movement isn't the greatest. The Tail end of the slider could also be moved in slightly. Perhaps lose the symmetry from 01:25:130 (1,2) - to make more room.
    it's fine to me i will consider
  5. 01:40:365 (1) - This should end 1/2 earlier like all your other diffs.
  1. 00:22:787 (1) - I highly suggest ending this 1/2 earlier, and then adding a circle. This allows the user to switch to the vocals efficiently
  2. 00:24:427 (3,4) - With 00:24:662 - being kind of powerful, and the way you use sliders to capture the piano sounds. I highly suggest changing (3) to a circle, and then put a 1/1 slider where its tail used to be.
  3. 00:32:865 (5,2) - I'll be honest. this attempt at stacking doesn't really work out well. It gets a bit close to the 00:33:099 (6) - and looks cluttered. Just wanted to mention this, I'm sure you shouldn't have any problems re-working this if you choose to.
    i think it's fine
  4. 00:45:287 (3) - Instead of following the tick points, notice how the song uses 3/4 vocals/sounds here. Try to make one bounce on the blue tick at 00:45:638 - instead.
  5. 01:09:662 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3) - Just in general. I think it would be great if you could have one or two curved sliders in this section.
    here is Kiai time so i want impact
  6. 01:14:818 (2) - How about just using a circle here? the slider sort of feels like it'd cause confusion since you don't follow the vocals that much.
    it's same 00:59:818 (2) -
  7. 01:29:349 (2) - try making this a flipped copy of 01:28:412 (1) - or something. Right now the slider tail kind of goes too far into the top of the map. This will sort of ping-pong you into the next note.
  8. 01:34:037 (3) - I think a 1/1 slider would be optimal, but it won't be the end of the world if you keep it as is. The 01:34:740 (4) - isn't really that important either.
  1. 00:03:568 (2,3) - Try lowering the volume a little bit for these. Especially the drum sounds as the music itself is pretty quiet.
    it's already 30%
  2. 00:14:115 (5) - This shouldn't really be mapped to. There isn't any vocals or instruments backing it up. Instead you should use the first three vocals starting at 00:13:412 - to 00:13:880 - as key points to map circles/sliders to. For Example. Something like this is much more in sync with the song:
  3. 00:15:990 (2,3,4,5) - These are a bit sharp, and the overall design of them feels like they could be improved on. Actually with the previous sliders being all nicely curved, it could work to your advantage here as well. Maybe something like this:
  4. 00:18:802 (7) - This could be removed. It doesn't really serve much purpose.
  5. 00:23:490 (2,3) - Try rotating the (2) clockwise 10-20° so it can give a little bit more room for (3) to play around. It feels a bit cramped up when beside the 00:22:787 (1) -
  6. 00:32:044 (4) - not so sure why you decided to use this here. I mean, you don't even use it in your insane. Consider removing it?
  7. 00:47:044 - this seems like a great spot to add a note for a triplet. I highly suggest it as the music supports it for sure.
  8. 00:47:865 (2,3) - Move these two down a bit. The (2) is pretty close to the previous (1)
  9. 00:49:037 (5) - Missing NC
  10. 01:21:615 (2,3,4) - I think it would be great if you could curve these a bit. Circular motions for parts like these feel great.
  11. 01:26:302 (3) - When you skip 01:25:833 - it causes a bit of an imbalance since it feels like the vocals are now the main priority, but you resume mapping the drums. I suggest adding a circle back at 01:25:833 - then, or remove the (3) in question. Or simply turn (3) into a 1/2 slider. ;)
    01:27:240 (5) - Just because it would feel awesome. consider moving 01:27:240 (5) - 1/4 forward to 01:27:357 - Just a personal taste though. I'm pretty sure you'd rather keep to the drums, and not the vocals.

  1. 00:03:568 (2,3,4,5,6) - Same as Hard, consider lowering the volume of these drum sounds.
  2. 00:12:943 (4) - whistle on head? It feels empty when vocals are playing here.
  3. 00:17:865 (3) - I would personally reduce this by 1/4 so you at least capture the important chime noise at 00:18:099 -
  4. 00:23:958 (4) - Personally I'd rather see this attached to the end of (3), but at least move it a little bit closer to the tail. This will slowly start to create some build up for 00:25:599 (1) - anyways. It's better to start the 1/4 jumps there, instead of back in this section.
  5. 00:32:396 (2,3) - try swapping the position of these. Otherwise they feel so cramped together.
  6. 00:41:537 (1,2,3) - This plays a bit strange for me. I would personally shorten the slider by 1/4 and add a note on 00:42:005 - so you capture the dominant vocal with a click, and keep the rhythm steady. You pretty much are vocal heavy for this diff anyways.
  7. 01:05:443 (4) - Try to balance the SV a little more on this. It's quite a downgrade of momentum.
  8. 01:09:193 (1) - I really dislike the slowdown here. It happens during the vocals as they keep playing 01:09:427 - I personally think keeping this part at 1.20x is the best option, and consider reducing the (1) by 1/4 and adding a circle at 01:09:544 - as well.
    it's fine
  9. 01:24:544 (5,1) - This is a pretty unfair 1/4 jump. It should be coming off the slider end, not the end of a circle. Anyways, I personally think this would play better with the (5) completely removed. It gives that 1/2 beat to get back on track much like 01:23:372 (4,1) - does.
Hopefully some of this helps. Good luck o/
Ujimatsu Chiya
IRC Insane diff

18:22 eINess: ㅈㅅ 이어서 해요
18:22 eINess: 맵 뭐였죠?
18:23 *Taeyang is listening to [ Yun*chi - Wonderful Wonder World*]
18:23 Taeyang: 이거영
18:23 Taeyang: 업데 하시구 ㄱㄱ
18:25 eINess: 00:23:490 (3,4) - 이것도 그냥 스텍하시는 방향이 좋을듯
18:26 Taeyang: 모양이 잘안나오는.. 잠시만영
18:27 Taeyang: 수정완료
18:27 Taeyang:
18:27 eINess: 흠..
18:27 eINess: 그낭흐면 다른것처럼 살짝 끝에만 스텍하는 방향을 추천하고싶은데
18:27 eINess: 그냥*
18:27 eINess: 다른것들 스텍해둔거랑
18:27 eINess: 맞춰주는게 좋으니
18:28 eINess: 아무래도 파트가 잔잔하다보니 변칙쓰는건 비추천
18:28 Taeyang: 00:19:974 (3) - 요거랑
18:28 eINess: 내 그런거처럼요
18:28 eINess: 00:21:849 (3,4) - 이런거나
18:29 Taeyang: 아까랑똑같잖...
18:29 Taeyang: 이거는 걍 이대로 둘게요
18:29 eINess: 아까는 아예 스텍 않쓰셧잖아요
18:29 eINess: 예시를 드려야 아시나..
18:29 eINess: 00:21:849 (3,4) - 지금 떨어져있죠?
18:29 eINess:
18:29 Taeyang:
18:29 eINess:이런식으로 해보시라고요
18:29 eINess: 다른거처럼
18:30 eINess: 저쪽만 다르잖아요 스텍이
18:30 eINess: 3/4슬라이더 이후 1/2슬라이더 모두 끝에 살짞 스텍해주셧으면서
18:30 eINess: 저기만 다르면 리딩 재대로 않하는 이상 햇갈리기 쉬움
18:31 eINess: 노래가 느려서 대체로 인센찎으면 이런 안티 패턴 피하는게 좋음
18:31 Taeyang: 완료
18:31 Taeyang: 넹~
18:31 eINess: 00:36:849 (3) - 이거 지적 않받았어요?
18:31 eINess: 이런거 별로않좋은데
18:31 Taeyang: 안받았
18:32 Taeyang: 리버스 슬라를 아래로둘까요
18:32 eINess: 이게 hp바 않건들이면 이런게좋긴한데
18:32 eINess: 그것도 괜찮기는 하죠
18:33 Taeyang: 완료
18:33 Taeyang:
18:33 Taeyang: 잘못올리
18:33 Taeyang:
18:34 eINess: 아에 두는거 슬라이더 조금 내려보시는거어떰 그럼?
18:34 eINess: 이런식으로
18:34 eINess: 살짝 팅기는 느낌으로
18:34 eINess: 변칙써도 좋을듯 노래 전환 되고 난 후니
18:35 Taeyang:
18:35 Taeyang: 됬어영
18:36 eINess: ,
18:36 eINess: 00:54:662 (1,2,3,4,5) -
18:36 eINess: 이쪾파트임
18:36 eINess: 00:55:599 (3,4,5,1) - 이거 분명
18:36 eINess: 제가 이전에 쓰지말랬잖아요
18:37 eINess: 아니면
18:37 eINess: 대칭 쓰실거에요?
18:37 eINess: 01:07:552 (1,2,3) - 이런식으로 꺽이듯이 하면 좋은데
18:37 Taeyang: 그떄 DS 안맞는다고하셔서
18:37 eINess: 서클 2개는 조금
18:37 eINess: 저쪽만 부담 될거같은데
18:37 eINess: 플레이하면
18:37 Taeyang: 잠시만영
18:37 eINess: 아니
18:37 eINess: 이거는
18:37 eINess: 꼮 바꿀필요는없는데
18:38 eINess: 이거 지적받았어요 혹시?
18:38 Taeyang: 아녀 낫탄이 한번
18:38 Taeyang: 00:56:537 (1) -
18:38 Taeyang: 요거 컨쥐하라고 했는데 제가 패시했었고
18:38 Taeyang: 그외는 지적 안받았어요
18:38 Taeyang: *패스
18:38 Taeyang: 걍 바꿀까영
18:38 eINess: 흠...
18:39 eINess: 뒤쪽좀 보고
18:39 eINess: 키아이 첫파트라 여기만 어려운거아니면 두고
18:39 eINess: DS 를 줄이시던지
18:39 eINess: 아니면 제가 예시드린걸로하세요
18:40 Taeyang: 저게 흐름이 어려운 패턴인가영
18:40 Taeyang: 원래 대칭 쓸때 저런거 많이써서...
18:40 eINess: 어렵다기보단
18:40 eINess: 솔직히 문제는 아닌데
18:41 eINess: 01:10:599 (3,4,1) - 여기보세요
18:41 eINess: 저쪾이랑 노래 똑같은 파트인데
18:41 eINess: 여기는 흐름 좋고 DS 짧아요
18:41 eINess: DS라기보단 슬라이더 간격이죠
18:41 eINess: 저긴 흐름이 둥글게 흘러가서 편한데
18:41 eINess: 님이 앞쪾에 쓰신건 딱딱하다고해야한
18:41 eINess: 너무 직선적이라 해야하나
18:42 eINess: 모양은 이뻐요
18:42 Taeyang: 아 그렇겠네... 그럼 바꿀게요!
18:42 eINess: 두고 싶으면 두세요
18:42 eINess: 맘대로 ㄲㄲ
18:44 Taeyang: 수정완료


00:53:255 (2) - 조금 내리시는게 디스턴스가 더 일정하게 나오네요.

01:13:880 (2,3,4,5,6) - 하드라는 난이도에 곡 특성상 느리게 진행되는 맵이 될 수 밖에 없어서 이러한 패턴이 거북할 수도 있겠습니다. (전체적인 맵셋이 하드 입문맵이라는 인상이 강했기 때문에)


아니 진짜 모딩할게 이렇게 없는 맵은 첨보네요..

찝찝하시면 쿠도스 안주셔도 되요

For rank GL
Hey, sorry late...

Why is AR 0? I suggest to use 7.6

Nothing more to say.. really nice mapset!
Sorry for useless mod ;_;
Topic Starter
thanks Kite ,Beomsan i all fixed
and AR0 is my missed upload lol
Returning m4m~


  1. 00:03:568 (2,3,4,5,6) - This is overmapped honestly :P. You can't hear beats at 00:03:685 (3,4) - . Also, it's weird that you map that stream, but not notes like 00:01:107 - .00:02:044 -
  2. 00:29:818 (5,6,1) - Could improve flow here.
  3. 00:29:349 (3,4,5,6,1) - Also, emphasis in this jump sequence could be improved. 00:28:880 (2,3) - This is good, since you jump from 2>3 to emphasize 3.
  4. 00:29:349 (3,4,5) - Here is not so good though. You have a jump from 3>4 (to emphasize 4?) but 4 is a weaker beat compared to 5. Make the jump from 4>5 instead.
  5. 00:38:607 (2) - This note is barely audible... Why map a triplet here but not at 00:39:076 - and 00:39:310 - where the 1/4's are clearly audible.
  6. 00:47:044 - There's a clear triplet here :P.
  7. 00:48:919 - Here too,. triplet.
  8. 01:21:966 (5) - I don't hear a note here though :P. Generally speaking, almost all "triplets" will start on a red tick and end on a white tick. You rarely ever see triplets begin on white ticks and end on red ones.
  1. 00:39:076 - Triplet makes more sense here. You can still keep the note at 00:39:310 (5) - . But having a triplet begin on red-tick is far more natural than a triplet beginning on a white tick. This part is actually a stream of 5,
  2. 01:01:927 (4) - Triplet here instead of 1/4 repeat? That will set this triplet apart from 01:00:990 (2,3) - . And make it feel more important. Also, this way you can map the large white tick 01:02:162 - And have the NC there instead.
  3. 01:03:568 (5) - Triplet should be on red tick too. 01:03:802 - Is there it should be. So i think take out the repeat slider and use circles.
  4. 01:16:693 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5) - This part is a bit undermapped.... If you look at the rest of this diff, your combo's are much denser than this usually. Try adding a circle at 01:17:396 - and 01:19:271 - To increase density a bit.
  5. 01:22:318 (4) - I would add a repeat here. It fits much better since there is another vocal on the red tick at the end of the slider, and a beat at 01:22:787 - .

  1. 00:53:490 - Could add a note here.
  2. 01:05:912 (1,2,3,4) - Might want to rethink the rhythm here... Since you switch to red-tick polarity here. You generally want to stay on white-ticks (the main rhythm) especially on lower diffs.
  3. 01:29:349 (2,4) - Maybe don't overlap them since it's so little :P. 00:17:162 (4,5,1) - These kinds of overlaps are nice. Try to have something like this, or no overlap :P
Nothing for Easy, well done!

Okay good luck~
Topic Starter

monstrata wrote:

Returning m4m~


  1. 00:03:568 (2,3,4,5,6) - This is overmapped honestly :P. You can't hear beats at 00:03:685 (3,4) - . Also, it's weird that you map that stream, but not notes like 00:01:107 - .00:02:044 -fixed
  2. 00:29:818 (5,6,1) - Could improve flow here.
  3. 00:29:349 (3,4,5,6,1) - Also, emphasis in this jump sequence could be improved. 00:28:880 (2,3) - This is good, since you jump from 2>3 to emphasize 3.
  4. 00:29:349 (3,4,5) - Here is not so good though. You have a jump from 3>4 (to emphasize 4?) but 4 is a weaker beat compared to 5. Make the jump from 4>5 instead.
    ok fixed
  5. 00:38:607 (2) - This note is barely audible... Why map a triplet here but not at 00:39:076 - and 00:39:310 - where the 1/4's are clearly audible.
  6. 00:47:044 - There's a clear triplet here :P.
    it'fine to me
  7. 00:48:919 - Here too,. triplet.
  8. 01:21:966 (5) - I don't hear a note here though :P. Generally speaking, almost all "triplets" will start on a red tick and end on a white tick. You rarely ever see triplets begin on white ticks and end on red ones.
  1. 00:39:076 - Triplet makes more sense here. You can still keep the note at 00:39:310 (5) - . But having a triplet begin on red-tick is far more natural than a triplet beginning on a white tick. This part is actually a stream of 5,
    it's fine here is exist drum sound
  2. 01:01:927 (4) - Triplet here instead of 1/4 repeat? That will set this triplet apart from 01:00:990 (2,3) - . And make it feel more important. Also, this way you can map the large white tick 01:02:162 - And have the NC there instead.
    it's fine
  3. 01:03:568 (5) - Triplet should be on red tick too. 01:03:802 - Is there it should be. So i think take out the repeat slider and use circles.
  4. 01:16:693 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5) - This part is a bit undermapped.... If you look at the rest of this diff, your combo's are much denser than this usually. Try adding a circle at 01:17:396 - and 01:19:271 - To increase density a bit.
  5. 01:22:318 (4) - I would add a repeat here. It fits much better since there is another vocal on the red tick at the end of the slider, and a beat at 01:22:787 - .

  1. 00:53:490 - Could add a note here.
    it's fine that make hardly
  2. 01:05:912 (1,2,3,4) - Might want to rethink the rhythm here... Since you switch to red-tick polarity here. You generally want to stay on white-ticks (the main rhythm) especially on lower diffs.
    it's fine
  3. 01:29:349 (2,4) - Maybe don't overlap them since it's so little :P. 00:17:162 (4,5,1) - These kinds of overlaps are nice. Try to have something like this, or no overlap :P

Nothing for Easy, well done!

Okay good luck~
[ Zzz ]
Hello~ Taeyang ( 힛사 넣는걸 엄청 잘하셔서 저도 잡을게 별로 없어서 .. 모양제안쪽으로 갔어요. )

  1. 인세인 난이도에 있는 와이드스크린 꺼주세요. 다른난이도는 다 꺼져있는데 인세인만 켜져있네요 ㅇㅇ.

  1. 00:02:865 (2) - 여기에 끝에 있는 점을 x259 y157 정도로 바꾸어주시면 블랭킷 더 좋게 되는거같아요 :3
  2. 00:34:037 (1,2) - 3/4 슬라이더가 별로 어울리지 않는다고 생각해요. 그것도 이지난이도고 .. 1/1 슬라이더로 바꾸어주시는게 더 좋을꺼라 생각해요. 그리고 끝에 클랩은 제거하지마세요. 지금이 더 좋음!
  3. 00:47:162 (1,2,3) - 흐름을 생각하시면서 맵을 만들어주시는게 ..
  4. 01:17:162 (1) - 둘글게 바꾸어주시는게 더 흐름이 좋다고 생각해요. 01:16:224 (4) - 이것과 대칭이라는건 알고있는데 .. 꼭 무조건 대칭만 할 필요는 없다고 생각해요.
  5. 01:36:849 (2) - 개인적으로 이것도 둥글게 바꾸어주셧으면 ...

음 ... 너무 01:38:724 (4) - 이런거랑 00:57:943 (5) - 이런걸 쓰셧는데 .. 저는별로 추천하지 않지만.. 스타일상 .. :3

  1. 00:38:724 (3) - 제가 인식을 잘 못하는것일수도 있는데 00:37:787 (1) - 여기는 슬라이더 끝에 휘슬이 들리는데 00:38:724 (3) - 여기는 안들리는것 같아요. 만약 태양님이 들어보시고 안들리신다 싶으면 휘슬 지워주세요 :3
  2. 01:11:537 (5,6,7) - 지금 이걸 대칭이라기 보다는 .. 복붙같은데요 .. 가로새로로 딱 알맞게 대칭이 되면 대칭이지만 그냥 모양만 복사해놓고 붙인다면 그건 복붙이라고 생각해요. 저처럼.. 그래서 결론은 모양제안. 너무 딱딱해보여서 좀 부드럽게 풀어주시면 어떨까 하고 생각하는데 말이죠 ..
  3. 01:24:193 (4) - 슬라이더 끝의 피니시 소리가 너무 큰거같아요. 피니시라기보단 드럼쪽으로 ..? 그래서 피니시 제거해주시면 어떨까요? 제거해주셔도 소리는 알맞게 들린다고 생각해요.

  1. 00:03:568 (2,3) - 전에 인센 맵탯해달라하셧을떄 인센을 보았는데 5연타가 있어서 여긴 1+3이라서 좀 어색함이 들은것 같아요. 슬라이더로 5연타로 변경해주시는건 어떠세요?
  2. 00:24:427 (4) - 너무 오른쪽으로 간것같네요.. x472 y80 정도면 괜찮다고 생각해요.
  3. 00:51:732 (3) - 서클 추가해주세요.
  4. 00:52:787 (1) - 이것도 리핏하나 추가.
  5. 00:53:724 (3) - 3/4 슬라이더는 별로 안어울리는것같아요. 1/2 슬라이더로 해주세요. 박자가 00:53:958 - 여기엔 있고 00:54:076 - 여기엔 없는데 3/4 는 좀 아니라고 생각해요. 그쵸? ㅇㅅㅇ!!
  6. 00:57:708 (4,5,6) - 4 5 6 앞에 휘슬 추가해주세요. 연타인데 00:39:193 (4,5,6) - 이런소리 없으니까 좀 허전하네요.
  7. 01:00:052 (5,6,1) - 마찬가지.
  8. 01:00:990 (2,3,4,5,1) - 이것도
  9. 01:05:794 (7,1) - ㅇㅅㅇ
  10. 01:08:372 (4) - 서클 추가.
  11. 01:37:787 (1,2,3,4,5) - 지금상태로는 너무 애매한데 .. 리핏을 하나씩 늘려줘서 4 4 4 4 로 만들어주시는게 좋을것같아요.!

개인적으로 .. 키아이부분의 소리가 좀 낮은듯해요. 휘슬 소리가 잘 안들려요. 모든난이도 아마 동일할듯.. 휘슬소리좀 따로 올려주시는것도 괜찮을꺼같아요.

  1. 00:03:568 (2,3,4) - 지금도 괜찮고 5연타도 괜찮긴한데 .. 태양님은 어떤게 더 좋으실지 ..?
  2. 00:25:599 (1,2) - 제안이긴한데 .. 2번 슬라이더를 지우고 1번 슬라이더를 3/4로 늘리시는건 어때요?
  3. 00:36:849 (3) - 이거 .. 1/4 말고 1/2가 더 나을꺼 같은데 ..
  4. 00:38:607 - 서클 추가해주세요. 더 어울리는듯. + 휘슬도..
  5. 01:13:412 (1,2) - 이정도 모양이면 괜찮다고 생각하는데.. 전에있던 모양은 좀 딱딱해보여요.
  6. 01:17:162 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - 들리는대로 찍으면 박자가 저렇게되는데 저렇게 찍고 다음쪽 패턴도 저런박자로 변경해주시거나 or 01:17:630 (3,5) - 바꿔주세요. 각이 너무 심하게 진듯..
  7. 01:22:787 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - 개인적인 생각일지는 몰라도 .. 좀 어렵다고 생각되는 패턴이네요.

충고랄까 ..지적이랄까 몇개 해드릴게 있는데 .. 지금은 아마 구 매퍼 스타일 따라가는걸 별로 안좋게 보는 사람들이 많을꺼에요. 그리고 대칭은 하더라도 좀 직각이 심한 모양들은 리딩이 힘들고 안좋게 보이기 마련이니 .. ( 구맵같다는 등.. ) 좀 자제해주시는게 좋겠다고 생각합니다. :3

좀 어떻게 보면 매퍼 스타일을 좀 머라하는것 같기도 하고 .. 아무튼 기분상하셧다면 죄송합니다.

Topic Starter

[ Zzz ] wrote:

Hello~ Taeyang ( 힛사 넣는걸 엄청 잘하셔서 저도 잡을게 별로 없어서 .. 모양제안쪽으로 갔어요. )

  1. 인세인 난이도에 있는 와이드스크린 꺼주세요. 다른난이도는 다 꺼져있는데 인세인만 켜져있네요 ㅇㅇ.

  1. 00:02:865 (2) - 여기에 끝에 있는 점을 x259 y157 정도로 바꾸어주시면 블랭킷 더 좋게 되는거같아요 :3
  2. 00:34:037 (1,2) - 3/4 슬라이더가 별로 어울리지 않는다고 생각해요. 그것도 이지난이도고 .. 1/1 슬라이더로 바꾸어주시는게 더 좋을꺼라 생각해요. 그리고 끝에 클랩은 제거하지마세요. 지금이 더 좋음!
    음 이건 보컬음이 받쳐주고있으니 이렇게 두겠습니다.
  3. 00:47:162 (1,2,3) - 흐름을 생각하시면서 맵을 만들어주시는게 ..
    전 꺾어주는것도 괜찮다고 생각하기네...
  4. 01:17:162 (1) - 둘글게 바꾸어주시는게 더 흐름이 좋다고 생각해요. 01:16:224 (4) - 이것과 대칭이라는건 알고있는데 .. 꼭 무조건 대칭만 할 필요는 없다고 생각해요.
  5. 01:36:849 (2) - 개인적으로 이것도 둥글게 바꾸어주셧으면 ...

음 ... 너무 01:38:724 (4) - 이런거랑 00:57:943 (5) - 이런걸 쓰셧는데 .. 저는별로 추천하지 않지만.. 스타일상 .. :3
듣고보니 꺽는슬라가 좀많았군요 저것듯도 수정했습니다.

  1. 00:38:724 (3) - 제가 인식을 잘 못하는것일수도 있는데 00:37:787 (1) - 여기는 슬라이더 끝에 휘슬이 들리는데 00:38:724 (3) - 여기는 안들리는것 같아요. 만약 태양님이 들어보시고 안들리신다 싶으면 휘슬 지워주세요 :3
  2. 01:11:537 (5,6,7) - 지금 이걸 대칭이라기 보다는 .. 복붙같은데요 .. 가로새로로 딱 알맞게 대칭이 되면 대칭이지만 그냥 모양만 복사해놓고 붙인다면 그건 복붙이라고 생각해요. 저처럼.. 그래서 결론은 모양제안. 너무 딱딱해보여서 좀 부드럽게 풀어주시면 어떨까 하고 생각하는데 말이죠 ..
    심플하게 둥근슬라 박았습니다.
  3. 01:24:193 (4) - 슬라이더 끝의 피니시 소리가 너무 큰거같아요. 피니시라기보단 드럼쪽으로 ..? 그래서 피니시 제거해주시면 어떨까요? 제거해주셔도 소리는 알맞게 들린다고 생각해요.

  1. 00:03:568 (2,3) - 전에 인센 맵탯해달라하셧을떄 인센을 보았는데 5연타가 있어서 여긴 1+3이라서 좀 어색함이 들은것 같아요. 슬라이더로 5연타로 변경해주시는건 어떠세요?
    인센에서도 5연타가 어색하다고해서 변경했습니다. 그것에 맞춰 여기도 이대로 두겠습니다.
  2. 00:24:427 (4) - 너무 오른쪽으로 간것같네요.. x472 y80 정도면 괜찮다고 생각해요.DS가
    1.2에서 흐트러집니다.
  3. 00:51:732 (3) - 서클 추가해주세요.음악의 리듬상으론 저게 확실히맞지만 그렇게되면 어려워진다고생각하기에
    또 보컬음이 이리듬을 충분히 뒷받침해주고있으니 이대로 두겠습니다. 괜히 바꿧다가 어렵게 만들어질 위험도있고...
  4. 00:52:787 (1) - 이것도 리핏하나 추가.
    ^ 덤으로 DS도 흐트러지는...
  5. 00:53:724 (3) - 3/4 슬라이더는 별로 안어울리는것같아요. 1/2 슬라이더로 해주세요. 박자가 00:53:958 - 여기엔 있고 00:54:076 - 여기엔 없는데 3/4 는 좀 아니라고 생각해요. 그쵸? ㅇㅅㅇ!!
    읔 원래 모딩에서 1/2썻었다가 아닌것같다고 모딩와서 저리고쳤는데 일단 인센에도 저런박자썻기에 뱃한테 의견구해보겠습니다.
  6. 00:57:708 (4,5,6) - 4 5 6 앞에 휘슬 추가해주세요. 연타인데 00:39:193 (4,5,6) - 이런소리 없으니까 좀 허전하네요.
  7. 01:00:052 (5,6,1) - 마찬가지.
  8. 01:00:990 (2,3,4,5,1) - 이것도
  9. 01:05:794 (7,1) - ㅇㅅㅇ
    힛사는 정박자로 배치했기때문에 뱃이 지적하거나 모딩한번더온다면 전부 넣어주겠습니다.
  10. 01:08:372 (4) - 서클 추가.
    이건 보컬음에 맞춘거라 괜찮다고 생각
  11. 01:37:787 (1,2,3,4,5) - 지금상태로는 너무 애매한데 .. 리핏을 하나씩 늘려줘서 4 4 4 4 로 만들어주시는게 좋을것같아요.!

개인적으로 .. 키아이부분의 소리가 좀 낮은듯해요. 휘슬 소리가 잘 안들려요. 모든난이도 아마 동일할듯.. 휘슬소리좀 따로 올려주시는것도 괜찮을꺼같아요.
전에 너무커서 5%내린... 이것도 의견더 구해보고 결정하겠습니다.
  1. 00:03:568 (2,3,4) - 지금도 괜찮고 5연타도 괜찮긴한데 .. 태양님은 어떤게 더 좋으실지 ..?
    이부분을 모딩으로서 3번이나 고쳤던데인데 최종적으로 이게 가장 안정적이고 좋다고생각합니다.
  2. 00:25:599 (1,2) - 제안이긴한데 .. 2번 슬라이더를 지우고 1번 슬라이더를 3/4로 늘리시는건 어때요?
    저게리듬흐름상 더 좋다고생각하기에 이대로 두겠!
  3. 00:36:849 (3) - 이거 .. 1/4 말고 1/2가 더 나을꺼 같은데 ..
    흐름적으론 나쁘지 않으니 의견더구하고 결정하겠습니다.
  4. 00:38:607 - 서클 추가해주세요. 더 어울리는듯. + 휘슬도..
    저도 그러고싶은데 뱃이 뒷받침하는 음없는데 3연타 낭비하지말래서 지운 ㅠ
  5. 01:13:412 (1,2) - 이정도 모양이면 괜찮다고 생각하는데.. 전에있던 모양은 좀 딱딱해보여요.
    01:13:412 (1,2,3,4,1) - 이렇게 외관상으로 패턴하나 짜고 컨트롤알로 돌린 하나의 패턴이라 이대로 두겠습니다.
  6. 01:17:162 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - 들리는대로 찍으면 박자가 저렇게되는데 저렇게 찍고 다음쪽 패턴도 저런박자로 변경해주시거나 or 01:17:630 (3,5) - 바꿔주세요. 각이 너무 심하게 진듯..
    이것도 일단 제 스타일인지라 흠냥 ㅇㅅㅇ...
  7. 01:22:787 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - 개인적인 생각일지는 몰라도 .. 좀 어렵다고 생각되는 패턴이네요.
    저도 쓰는게 거부감드는 근데 이미 한번 랭된맵에서 이런 리듬 썻었고 뱃쪽에서도 이게더 나음 이라하니...실제로 들어보면 그렇게 들려오기도 하고

충고랄까 ..지적이랄까 몇개 해드릴게 있는데 .. 지금은 아마 구 매퍼 스타일 따라가는걸 별로 안좋게 보는 사람들이 많을꺼에요. 그리고 대칭은 하더라도 좀 직각이 심한 모양들은 리딩이 힘들고 안좋게 보이기 마련이니 .. ( 구맵같다는 등.. ) 좀 자제해주시는게 좋겠다고 생각합니다. :3

좀 어떻게 보면 매퍼 스타일을 좀 머라하는것 같기도 하고 .. 아무튼 기분상하셧다면 죄송합니다.


모딩 감사합니당~
모딩 개못함


-00:03:568 (2,3,4) - 이거 약간 디스턴스 줄이는게 나을거 같아보임.

-00:12:943 (4) - 이거 슬라 1/4만큼 줄이는게 좋을거 같음.

-01:04:974 (3) - 01:04:037 (1) 얘랑 대칭 시켜서 모양 맞추는게 나을거 같음.

-01:09:193 (1) - 노래분위기 상 슬라를 느리게 할 필요까진 없다고 생각해요.

-01:17:630 (3,5) - 각진 슬라보단 곡선슬라가 더 좋아보이네요.

-01:30:287 (1) - ctrl+g


-00:39:310 (5) - 노트 빼는게 나을거 같음. 4번서클을 6번 슬라 시작점 부분으로

-00:45:287 (1,2,3) - 밑 사진을 보세요

-01:39:193 (4,5) - 이거 그냥 슬라 하나로 합치는게 나을거 같음.


-00:52:787 (3,4) - 1/2 슬라 반복보다는 한박짜리 슬라로 바꾸는게 나을거 같음.

-01:39:193 (5) - 슬라 반복 한번 추가


-01:38:724 (4) - 슬라 한번 반복 시키면 좋을듯.
Topic Starter

LQA20Ans wrote:

모딩 개못함


-00:03:568 (2,3,4) - 이거 약간 디스턴스 줄이는게 나을거 같아보임.
-00:12:943 (4) - 이거 슬라 1/4만큼 줄이는게 좋을거 같음.
리듬적으로 이게더 좋다고생각하기에 모딩 또 들어온다면 고치겠습니다.
-01:04:974 (3) - 01:04:037 (1) 얘랑 대칭 시켜서 모양 맞추는게 나을거 같음.
대칭 너무 많이쓴다고 지적왔어서 일부러 저렇게 뒀ㅠㅠ
-01:09:193 (1) - 노래분위기 상 슬라를 느리게 할 필요까진 없다고 생각해요.
나쁘지 않다고 생각하는데... 하드에서도 저런리듬 썻었고

-01:17:630 (3,5) - 각진 슬라보단 곡선슬라가 더 좋아보이네요.
저는 이게더 맘에 드는지라 갹
-01:30:287 (1) - ctrl+g
다른곳으로 배치! 수정완료!


-00:39:310 (5) - 노트 빼는게 나을거 같음. 4번서클을 6번 슬라 시작점 부분으로
00:39:310 - 여기이부분 드럼스냅소리 들려오고 00:39:193 - 여기도 보컬시작부분으로 존재하니 3연타가 맞다고 생각합니다.
-00:45:287 (1,2,3) - 밑 사진을 보세요

-01:39:193 (4,5) - 이거 그냥 슬라 하나로 합치는게 나을거 같음.
원래 하나였다가 다른분들이 이편이 엔딩으로 가는 방향으로 더 좋을것 같하다셔서... 만약 모딩이더오거나
문제가된다하면 수정하겠습니다.


-00:52:787 (3,4) - 1/2 슬라 반복보다는 한박짜리 슬라로 바꾸는게 나을거 같음.
이부분은 모딩 더 들어온다면 바꾸겠습니다.
-01:39:193 (5) - 슬라 반복 한번 추가
이지와 같음


-01:38:724 (4) - 슬라 한번 반복 시키면 좋을듯.
전에 그렇게 했다가 01:39:662 - 이부분 음없다고 해서 뺏습니다.
here's the mod.

  1. mhmm to be honest, since 00:11:537 till 00:26:302 , SV need to be slower imo. feels too fast. nah nvm, fine if you ignore it XD
  2. 00:11:537 (1,2,3,4) - I knew this is insane diff but, spacing between these 4 still need to be consistent imo. it will be more preasant to play.
  3. 00:16:576 - mhm considering add note here? this beat is so loud.
  4. 00:17:162 (1,2,3,4) - this part is a bit off imo, it's like you mix vocal and instrument randomly, if you prefer to follow vocal, just make all of vocal clickable. but if you ask me, this is also fine so it's up to you :3. I just saw you followed vocal nicely here 00:11:537 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) so I told you about this.
  5. 00:36:615 (2,3) - same, spacing need to be consistent for more preasant to play but.... it's still fine if you don't want to fix it.
  6. 00:44:115 (4,5,6) - feel more preasant to play this way.
  7. 01:20:912 (1) - finish?
  8. 01:32:162 (1) - ^
  9. 00:50:912 (1,6) - ^
  10. 01:35:912 (1) - ^
  1. 00:21:849 (7) - since you didn't intentionally make its tail stack on something so if replace this by 00:20:912 (5) of opposite side of it would looks really better.
  2. since 00:47:162 (1) is a strong beat so there has another option, stack 00:46:927 (5) to 4 so it will emphasis cymbal better but depends on ppl feeling that which one give more strong feels, stack or no.
  3. 01:05:912 (1) - would be great if add finish here.
  4. 01:20:912 (1) - ^
  5. 00:50:912 (1,3) - ^
  6. 01:35:912 (1) - ^
  1. 01:05:912 (1) - finish?
  2. 01:20:912 (1) - ^
  3. 00:50:912 (1) - finish on head?
  4. 01:35:912 (1) - ^
  1. 00:02:162 (1) - remove NC? one nc per 2 stanza and the combo is too shrot imo so considering remove NC there.
  2. 00:50:912 (1,2) - add finish on head?
  3. 01:05:912 (1) - finish?
  4. 01:19:974 (4) - finish on 01:20:912 ?
  5. 01:35:912 (1) - finish?
Good Luck :P
Topic Starter

P A N wrote:

here's the mod.

  1. mhmm to be honest, since 00:11:537 till 00:26:302 , SV need to be slower imo. feels too fast. nah nvm, fine if you ignore it XD
    i dont want SV spam it's make hardly
  2. 00:11:537 (1,2,3,4) - I knew this is insane diff but, spacing between these 4 still need to be consistent imo. it will be more preasant to play.
    it's fine
  3. 00:16:576 - mhm considering add note here? this beat is so loud.
    i dont want it
  4. 00:17:162 (1,2,3,4) - this part is a bit off imo, it's like you mix vocal and instrument randomly, if you prefer to follow vocal, just make all of vocal clickable. but if you ask me, this is also fine so it's up to you :3. I just saw you followed vocal nicely here 00:11:537 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) so I told you about this.
    it's fine
  5. 00:36:615 (2,3) - same, spacing need to be consistent for more preasant to play but.... it's still fine if you don't want to fix it.
    it's fine
  6. 00:44:115 (4,5,6) - feel more preasant to play this way.
  7. 01:20:912 (1) - finish?
  8. 01:32:162 (1) - ^
  9. 00:50:912 (1,6) - ^
  10. 01:35:912 (1) - ^
  1. 00:21:849 (7) - since you didn't intentionally make its tail stack on something so if replace this by 00:20:912 (5) of opposite side of it would looks really better.
    ok fixed
  2. since 00:47:162 (1) is a strong beat so there has another option, stack 00:46:927 (5) to 4 so it will emphasis cymbal better but depends on ppl feeling that which one give more strong feels, stack or no.
    Easy,normal,inasne all used here it's fine
  3. 01:05:912 (1) - would be great if add finish here.
  4. 01:20:912 (1) - ^
  5. 00:50:912 (1,3) - ^
  6. 01:35:912 (1) - ^
  1. 01:05:912 (1) - finish?
  2. 01:20:912 (1) - ^
  3. 00:50:912 (1) - finish on head?
  4. 01:35:912 (1) - ^
  1. 00:02:162 (1) - remove NC? one nc per 2 stanza and the combo is too shrot imo so considering remove NC there.
    00:01:693 (2,2) - here stacking so it's fine
  2. 00:50:912 (1,2) - add finish on head?
  3. 01:05:912 (1) - finish?
  4. 01:19:974 (4) - finish on 01:20:912 ?
  5. 01:35:912 (1) - finish?
Good Luck :P
and i dont want add finish sound but thanks suggest

  1. you really like to overuse extended sliders..
  2. 00:19:974 (3,4) - there is really no reason to extend the 3 slider to the blue tick//
    00:21:849 (3,4) - ^
  3. 00:15:287 (1) - no real reason for this slider to be curved like this :X
  4. 00:30:990 (2) - i think it would look better if you exposed the head more
  5. 00:32:982 (5) - overmapped
  6. 01:09:193 (1,1) - i would give these a little more distance
uhh got lazy :C
Topic Starter

Kibbleru wrote:


  1. you really like to overuse extended sliders..
  2. 00:19:974 (3,4) - there is really no reason to extend the 3 slider to the blue tick//
    00:21:849 (3,4) - ^
  3. 00:15:287 (1) - no real reason for this slider to be curved like this :X
  4. 00:30:990 (2) - i think it would look better if you exposed the head more
  5. 00:32:982 (5) - overmapped
  6. 01:09:193 (1,1) - i would give these a little more distance
    somebody dont want it :o
uhh got lazy :C
thanks mod :)
01:09:662 (1) - I would make this symmetrical so it blankets what was 01:07:318 (2) better
01:40:599 (1) - I would move this spinner to the next beat so new players can get time to get ready to spin

01:29:349 (2) - I would move this down so it flows better
01:34:037 (3) - I would move this over so it flows better
01:40:599 (1) - Once again I'd move this spinners, keep in mind new players still can play normal diffs

00:03:802 (3) - Personally I'd remove this and replace it with a single circle on the beat at 00:04:037
00:15:990 (2) - I would adjust this so the follow point makes a straight line
00:40:130 (1) - Move this left so it blankets 00:39:427 (6) better


glhf sorry for delay
Topic Starter

George wrote:

01:09:662 (1) - I would make this symmetrical so it blankets what was 01:07:318 (2) better
here it blanket and rhythm fine
01:40:599 (1) - I would move this spinner to the next beat so new players can get time to get ready to spin
it's not unrankable and anothere all mapset used like that

01:29:349 (2) - I would move this down so it flows better
01:28:412 (1,2) - symmetry pattren
01:34:037 (3) - I would move this over so it flows better
01:40:599 (1) - Once again I'd move this spinners, keep in mind new players still can play normal diffs

00:03:802 (3) - Personally I'd remove this and replace it with a single circle on the beat at 00:04:037
thx suggest but i dont want that
00:15:990 (2) - I would adjust this so the follow point makes a straight line
00:40:130 (1) - Move this left so it blankets 00:39:427 (6) better
ok fixed
glhf sorry for delay
Quick Check o3o

  1. You should probably balance the AR spread better on Normal and Hard difficulties. You can try AR 4.5~5 on Normal, AR 6~6.5 on Hard, and AR 7.5~8 on Insane.
  1. 00:02:162 (1) - Optional suggestion, but you could curve this slider so it blankets with the next slider.
  2. 00:45:287 (3) - This slider is almost off-screen (it could be off-screen for 5:4 monitors though). Not unrankable, but I would recommend adjusting the slider shape so it is not almost off-screen.
  3. 01:00:287 (3,4) - You could make these sliders the same (but mirrored) for a better polish (I recommend copy-pasting 4).
  4. 01:38:724 (4) - Maybe end this slider at 01:39:427. You don't have to though XD
  1. 01:23:021 (2,3,4) - This pattern is confusing to read. Same with 01:23:958 (2,3,4) as well. Stacking 01:23:021 (2,3) and 01:23:958 (2,3) will make the pattern easier to read imo o3o.
That's all I found. :D
Topic Starter

BeatofIke wrote:

Quick Check o3o

  1. You should probably balance the AR spread better on Normal and Hard difficulties. You can try AR 4.5~5 on Normal, AR 6~6.5 on Hard, and AR 7.5~8 on Insane.
    ok fixed
  1. 00:02:162 (1) - Optional suggestion, but you could curve this slider so it blankets with the next slider.
  2. 00:45:287 (3) - This slider is almost off-screen (it could be off-screen for 5:4 monitors though). Not unrankable, but I would recommend adjusting the slider shape so it is not almost off-screen.
  3. 01:00:287 (3,4) - You could make these sliders the same (but mirrored) for a better polish (I recommend copy-pasting 4).
    um i will consider changed slide
  4. 01:38:724 (4) - Maybe end this slider at 01:39:427. You don't have to though XD
    i think it's fine XD
  1. 01:23:021 (2,3,4) - This pattern is confusing to read. Same with 01:23:958 (2,3,4) as well. Stacking 01:23:021 (2,3) and 01:23:958 (2,3) will make the pattern easier to read imo o3o.
    ok stacking
That's all I found. :D
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