
xi - Q.E.D.-Ripples of 495 years- [Taiko]

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S a n d
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Saturday, October 17, 2015 at 11:22:08 PM

Artist: xi
Title: Q.E.D.-Ripples of 495 years-
Source: ??Project
Tags: Flandre Scarlet theme Touhou OnosakiHito QED Diverse System u.n. owen was her
BPM: 200
Filesize: 4520kb
Play Time: 02:14
Difficulties Available:
  1. Futsuu (2.62 stars, 254 notes)
  2. Kantan (1.87 stars, 153 notes)
  3. Muzukashii (3.14 stars, 433 notes)
  4. Oni (4.42 stars, 605 notes)
  5. Ono's Inner Oni (5.1 stars, 661 notes)
  6. Ura Oni (5.99 stars, 676 notes)
Download: xi - Q.E.D.-Ripples of 495 years-
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

Ono's Inner Oni by: OnisakiHito

FIRST QUALI MAP <333333333333
All right, someone rank this already lol

For Rank :3! Modders plz :D
Modder List
paulchen - bj4 wwww
kanopu - dat amazing first mod ;w;
mrdumpling64 - All the amazing effort and quality, wow, just wow, have my baby (x)
Backfire - "where the sound is like "oomph"" lolllllllll
-Eternal Love- - ?????:D
Gray Veyron - ty for randomly modding my map ;w;!
Mame ga nyaa - Very detailed tiny mods ><!!!
ll-oscar - ??? :D ????Oni qwq???????rank?(?
cagalin - Very generous and modded all diffs! tyvm ><!
WoahE - such mod, much appreciated, so nice, wow
tasuke912 - TYVM ><! How did you even realize the 1/16 part ;w;!?
xtreme3x - Tyvm ><!!! I was actually not expecting to get a mod XD. 100% accept rate :D
OzzyOzrock - Tyvm Ozzy senpai >w<!!! You are the best singer <3.
Raiden - Let's teach Einstein physics XD
_Gezo_ - Ty for helping me at my critical moment ;w;!
Raiden - Ayy lmao, FU
Raiden - <3
_Gezo - Dem second check :3!
Nwolf - 1/6 and SV change :3
這譜不錯~~ 由於bpm200有點快 我會建議少放異點24分音 這樣應嗨會比較容易一點 8-) 8-) 8-)
02:09:139- I think these note too hard to play
02:12:289- k
my first mod ;w;

  1. It's suggestion to position of BG



  1. 01:23:539 (301) - k ?
[Inner Oni]
  1. 01:54:589 (493) - k ?
  2. 01:54:664 - delete
  3. 01:56:914 - delete
nice map! ;)
Topic Starter
S a n d

paulchen wrote:

02:09:139- I think these note too hard to play
02:12:289- k
謝謝你的mod wwww 真的有點隨便
Topic Starter
S a n d

kanopu wrote:

my first mod ;w;

  1. It's suggestion to position of BG



  1. 01:23:539 (301) - k ?
[Inner Oni]
  1. 01:54:589 (493) - k ?
  2. 01:54:664 - delete
  3. 01:56:914 - delete
nice map! ;)
That is a very nice first mod I must say /w\ Tyvm!. And yayyy I got kano's first time
irc mod
21:30 S a n d: \mod/\mod/\mod/
21:30 S a n d: 啊7神早ˋowoˊ
21:37 Firce777: 我感覺照現在的看來 rank希望不大
21:37 Firce777: 需要大改
21:37 S a n d: ;w;w;w;w;w;太難嗎?
21:39 Firce777: 嘛 mapset的問題比較多
21:39 Firce777: 首先長達30秒的skip實在是太多了
21:40 Firce777: 開頭4個音我知道你是跟著音效 但反而過於違和
21:41 S a n d: 不該有開頭嗎;w;?
21:41 S a n d: 開頭要不要從mp3剪掉啊www?
21:41 Firce777: oni和inner太相似 一眼就看出是找了地方稍微改了下就變成新diff
21:42 Firce777: 開頭不一定要剪阿
21:42 S a n d: 可惡 被發現了wwww
21:42 Firce777: 片不過我的眼睛的=w=
21:42 Firce777: 騙*
21:43 S a n d: 因為真的很懶得每次都重map wwwww
21:43 Firce777: 我也是
21:43 Firce777: 後頭的銜接是1/3為主 不是1/4的332式段典音
21:43 S a n d: 求mod /w\ 在長都ok
21:44 Firce777: 我現在就在irc mod阿
21:44 S a n d: 332式是@_@?
21:44 Firce777: o o o o
21:45 Firce777: oxxoxxoxo 這樣比較容易看出來
21:45 S a n d: 欸對喔 都沒想過= =
21:45 Firce777: yoshitaka超喜歡這種編曲方式 原因不明
21:46 Firce777: 整體mapset大概講過了 先來看inner
21:46 S a n d: flower好聽
21:47 Firce777: 00:38:239 (5) - 這邊沒必要放大圓 音樂沒有特別強調這邊的節拍
21:47 Firce777: 01:01:489 (161,162,163,164) - 1/6 有點不明所以
21:47 Firce777: 01:05:239 (196,197,198,199) - ^
21:48 Firce777: 01:11:539 (257,258,259,260,261,262,263) - 如果真要放1/6 盡量別用ooxxoox的排列
21:49 S a n d: 1. 哦哦沒錯
21:49 Firce777: oooxxxo xxxooox oooxoox xxxoxxo oxxoxxo xooxoox 諸如此類的1/6 7連範例
21:49 S a n d: 2. 好像真的有點over map www
21:49 S a n d: 4.改成 dddkddk了 :3
21:50 Firce777: 01:16:039 (298,299,300,301,302,303,304,305,306,307) - 這邊雖然有跟音 不過我不知道其他人會怎麼想 我這邊作保留態度
21:50 Firce777: 1:17後就是我剛剛說的 1/3主體
21:51 Firce777: 01:54:439 (490,491,492,493,494,495,496,497,498,499,500) - 稍微改下 純紅不太恰當
21:52 S a n d: 5. 可能要花點時間;w; 每個diff都有
21:52 S a n d: 6. 摁摁kano也有提到
21:52 Firce777: inner 大致上這樣 我簡單提一下問題爭議比較大的而已
21:52 S a n d: 這樣咧:D?
21:53 Firce777: 感覺還不是很好
21:53 S a n d: 這樣咧?
21:55 Firce777: 這邊比較偏向結構上的問題
21:55 S a n d: 話說那個1:17那邊全部都改1/3聽起來太整齊有點怪怪der o.o
21:56 Firce777: 自己多斟酌囉 自創節奏也是太鼓的一環
21:56 Firce777: 我會比較偏好這樣的結構
21:56 S a n d: 不改的話會不能rank嗎;w;? 因為現在聽起來怪怪der
21:56 Firce777: 1/6起於白線
21:56 S a n d: 哦哦
21:56 Firce777: 而非紅線結尾
21:57 S a n d: 真的耶= = 沒注意到
21:57 Firce777: oni就沒什麼大問題了 跳過
21:57 S a n d: :DDDDD
21:58 Firce777: (其實是懶
21:58 Firce777: 不過還是需要多找點mod來改
21:58 S a n d: .-.
21:58 S a n d: don't ruin the moment for me ;w;w;w;w;
21:58 Firce777: muzu ok
21:58 Firce777: 更簡單的我就不看了
21:59 S a n d: 不是太懶;w;?
21:59 S a n d: ;w;w;w;w;
21:59 S a n d: 我最擔心的反而是kantan,futsuu,muzu
21:59 Firce777: 我通常只從muzu開始看
21:59 Firce777: 太簡單的要我看我會怕我mod難了
22:00 S a n d: 現在做的已經很難了wwww
22:00 Firce777: muzu是真的沒太大問題 除了有些許難以外
22:00 S a n d: 摁....
22:01 Firce777: muzu要放三連盡量以ooo xxx為主
22:01 Firce777: xxo或oox 會被罵的
22:02 S a n d: 有被dumpling提到過
22:02 S a n d: 可是真的kiai無法避免R ;w;
22:02 Firce777: 所以這就是經驗了
22:02 S a n d: 跪求高人指點
22:03 Firce777: 比如01:56:539 (341,342,343,344) - o xxo
22:04 Firce777: 我會考慮成x ooo 或是o x o
22:04 Firce777: ... -.osz?dl=0 這是我之前做的
22:04 Firce777: 可以參考看看
22:05 S a n d: k ddd 真的改得不錯;w;w;w; 貴惹
22:05 S a n d: 網路超爛 連update都不行;w;
22:07 Firce777: 大致上應該就這樣了 等等我貼post
first lol I totally got rekt

General stuff

  1. I think Diverse System is spelt without an underscore? but I dunno
  2. also add "Flandre Scarlet theme" and "Touhou" to tags, since this is basically one of those covers


this is hard for a kantan, not to mention that SV change is not allowed. you might be able to get away with it since it's small, but idk

00:38:839 (3) - could delete, I think even after doing so the remaining notes still map the basic beat well.
00:41:239 (7) - if you did ^ then delete this too for consistency
00:43:639 (11) - ^
00:46:039 (15) - ^
00:48:439 (19) - ^
00:50:839 (23) - ^
00:53:239 (27) - ^
00:53:839 (27) - poorly snapped, try moving to 00:53:689 instead
00:56:839 (34,35) - pls no, not in Kantan, delete one of these ( preferably 00:56:839 )
01:01:339 (44) - could turn into don note and 01:01:939 (46) - , to make this easier
01:06:739 (56) - delete?
01:36:889 (107) - delete, have some break here 3/1
01:39:289 (111) - ^
01:41:239 (114) - ^
01:43:039 (117) - highly optional but you should change this to a don, I think the sound here is not as distinct as 01:40:639 (113) - and would justify the difference
01:43:639 (118) - delete
01:46:939 (124) - y u no don for consistency
01:49:339 (129) - ^
01:55:939 (143) - idk but maybe you should change into kat and delete 01:55:789 (142) - , all I can say is that for 200bpm, 1/2 in kantan is definitely not allowed


raise OD to 4 pls

00:56:839 (59,60) - still might be too hard even for Futsuu, idk anymore
01:02:089 (76) - could delete
01:06:889 (91) - could change to don note, it is a better lead in to the large don note after it imo
01:45:439 (181) - to 01:54:139 (208) - I think the difficulty of this is more appropriate for a muzu diff for some reason, try removing some stuff here and there (or maybe you just mapped the previous bit too hard as well, so you found the need to put more notes in this section)
01:57:439 (217,218) - might be more appropriate as dd?


00:38:839 (8,9) - Ctrl + G pls
01:07:039 (145) - add finisher pls, be consistent with 00:57:439 (97) -
01:46:939 (296) - change back to don, it's same as 01:48:739 (303,304) - no?
01:59:089 (355,356) - change so this is k-k-k. in Muzu you introduce the 1/4 triplets, I think having stuff like kkd and ddk is too hard (having a few is alright, which is why you can keep 01:56:689 (342,343,344) - for now, but you put in a lot here, so you should substitute with something monocoloured which would still map the music well where possible.)
02:01:489 (368,369,370) - change to ddd to reflect on the above
02:06:139 (396,397,398) - change to ddd
02:13:339 (436,437,438) - change to ddk, or even better ddd.


00:38:839 (8,9) - again Ctrl + G pls
00:52:189 (91,92,93,94,95) - could make this dkddd, but still perfectly fine if you don't change
01:17:239 (275) - kat pls, imo you mapped this part better in Muzukashii
01:18:439 (280) - ^
01:19:639 (285) - ^
01:20:839 (290) - ^
01:22:039 (295) - ^
01:23:239 (300) - ^
01:56:389 (466) - I think this might be hard to hit considering the fact that the note before overlaps this slightly, go fix in timing settings pls
01:59:389 (493) - delete, you really need a break here (the final part is fine)
Topic Starter
S a n d

mrdumpling64 wrote:

first lol I totally got rekt

General stuff

  1. I think Diverse System is spelt without an underscore? but I dunno
  2. also add "Flandre Scarlet theme" and "Touhou" to tags, since this is basically one of those covers


this is hard for a kantan, not to mention that SV change is not allowed. you might be able to get away with it since it's small, but idk

00:38:839 (3) - could delete, I think even after doing so the remaining notes still map the basic beat well.
00:41:239 (7) - if you did ^ then delete this too for consistency
00:43:639 (11) - ^
00:46:039 (15) - ^
00:48:439 (19) - ^
00:50:839 (23) - ^
00:53:239 (27) - ^
00:53:839 (27) - poorly snapped, try moving to 00:53:689 instead
00:56:839 (34,35) - pls no, not in Kantan, delete one of these ( preferably 00:56:839 )
01:01:339 (44) - could turn into don note and 01:01:939 (46) - , to make this easier
01:06:739 (56) - delete?
01:36:889 (107) - delete, have some break here 3/1
01:39:289 (111) - ^
01:41:239 (114) - ^
01:43:039 (117) - highly optional but you should change this to a don, I think the sound here is not as distinct as 01:40:639 (113) - and would justify the difference
01:43:639 (118) - delete
01:46:939 (124) - y u no don for consistency
01:49:339 (129) - ^
01:55:939 (143) - idk but maybe you should change into kat and delete 01:55:789 (142) - , all I can say is that for 200bpm, 1/2 in kantan is definitely not allowed


raise OD to 4 pls

00:56:839 (59,60) - still might be too hard even for Futsuu, idk anymore
01:02:089 (76) - could delete
01:06:889 (91) - could change to don note, it is a better lead in to the large don note after it imo
01:45:439 (181) - to 01:54:139 (208) - I think the difficulty of this is more appropriate for a muzu diff for some reason, try removing some stuff here and there (or maybe you just mapped the previous bit too hard as well, so you found the need to put more notes in this section)
01:57:439 (217,218) - might be more appropriate as dd?


00:38:839 (8,9) - Ctrl + G pls
01:07:039 (145) - add finisher pls, be consistent with 00:57:439 (97) -
01:46:939 (296) - change back to don, it's same as 01:48:739 (303,304) - no?
01:59:089 (355,356) - change so this is k-k-k. in Muzu you introduce the 1/4 triplets, I think having stuff like kkd and ddk is too hard (having a few is alright, which is why you can keep 01:56:689 (342,343,344) - for now, but you put in a lot here, so you should substitute with something monocoloured which would still map the music well where possible.)
02:01:489 (368,369,370) - change to ddd to reflect on the above
02:06:139 (396,397,398) - change to ddd
02:13:339 (436,437,438) - change to ddk, or even better ddd.


00:38:839 (8,9) - again Ctrl + G pls
00:52:189 (91,92,93,94,95) - could make this dkddd, but still perfectly fine if you don't change
01:17:239 (275) - kat pls, imo you mapped this part better in Muzukashii
01:18:439 (280) - ^
01:19:639 (285) - ^
01:20:839 (290) - ^
01:22:039 (295) - ^
01:23:239 (300) - ^
01:56:389 (466) - I think this might be hard to hit considering the fact that the note before overlaps this slightly, go fix in timing settings pls
01:59:389 (493) - delete, you really need a break here (the final part is fine)
TYVM for this amazing detailed, useful, and full of effort mod ><!!!!! I followed ~95% of them, this is great stuffs ><!
Inner Oni -
00:42:814 - Bruh this is inner oni, you could totally do 1/6 pattern here.

Oni -
01:04:639 (177) - move this to here 01:04:789 - ? It doesnt sound right where its at.

All Diffs -
00:33:935 - Kiai should not be here.
01:37:339 (395) - The notes like this could be finishers. You know, where the sound is like "oomph", it could make this section more interesting.
Slow Parts - Don't make them all so similar. Inner's and Oni's slow parts are almost 100% the same.
Topic Starter
S a n d

Backfire wrote:

Inner Oni -
00:42:814 - Bruh this is inner oni, you could totally do 1/6 pattern here.

Oni -
01:04:639 (177) - move this to here 01:04:789 - ? It doesnt sound right where its at.

All Diffs -
00:33:935 - Kiai should not be here.
01:37:339 (395) - The notes like this could be finishers. You know, where the sound is like "oomph", it could make this section more interesting.
Slow Parts - Don't make them all so similar. Inner's and Oni's slow parts are almost 100% the same.
TYVM for modding :D "where the sound is like "oomph"" XDDDDDDDDD I don't think I got that part fully, but I did add some finish sounds and it sounds a lot nicer :3333.
oomph oomph oomph oomph
嗨 我的mod~

01:54:439 (328,329,330,331,332,333,334,335,336,337,338) -

01:21:439 (290) - K? 或D
01:31:039 (333) - K?
01:55:489 (456,457) - Ctrl+G

Inner可能太神了摸不出什麼東西= =

祝好運 :)
Topic Starter
S a n d

-Eternal Love- wrote:

嗨 我的mod~

01:54:439 (328,329,330,331,332,333,334,335,336,337,338) - Changed(不錯耶:D 我自己又有再修改一點

01:21:439 (290) - K? 或D Changed
01:31:039 (333) - K? Changed (我到底是怎麼樣漏掉那些的= =....)
01:55:489 (456,457) - Ctrl+G Changed

Inner可能太神了摸不出什麼東西= =

祝好運 :)
穴穴:33333 簡潔又實用
Cerulean Veyron
Hello~ random mod :3

[> General <]
  1. - Background should be in reasonable size and quality. At least 1024x768 dimension size (1366x768 if widescreen), and a decent image quality.
  2. - There is a huge gap between Oni and Inner, i think you'll need to reduce Inner Oni's harshness of objects, or make a little easier. Which should be at least 5.40 Star Difficulty.
[> Kantan <]
  1. 00:47:839 (18) - I prefer D here instead of K.
  2. 01:00:139 (41) - Move to 00:59:839 - and make d?
  3. 01:05:239 (52) - k
  4. 02:04:639 (160) - Same as 00:47:839 (18) -
  5. - Quite okay to me, but there are some issues are similar to the ones i mentioned. So try to find them~
[> Futsuu <]
  1. 00:38:839 (5) - k?
  2. 00:47:839 (31) - Same reason as the previous diff.
  3. 00:56:839 (59,60) - I think this is likely hard for Ftsu diffs when it comes out a big kat to kat. So maybe you could reconsider this.
  4. 01:01:339 (73) - d for consistency with Kntn.
  5. 01:13:339 (111,112) - dk
  6. 01:55:789 (209,210) - ^
  7. 01:57:439 (214) - d
  8. 02:01:639 (229) - k
  9. - Ehhh, some rhythm changes. But likely, fine imo.
[> Muzukashii <]
  1. 00:41:239 (20,21) - kd, as the pattern you've done before.
  2. 00:43:639 (33) - k
  3. 00:46:039 (45) - ^
  4. 00:52:039 (72) - ^
  5. 00:57:889 (99) - d, since pitch is not likely high on here.
  6. 01:00:289 (111,112) - dk
  7. 01:10:789 (162) - d
  8. 01:14:089 (179) - ^
  9. 01:37:339 (259,260,261,262,263) - I prefer d k dkD pattern here. Might sound nicer imo.
  10. 01:46:789 (295,296) - kd
  11. 01:55:114 (334) - Move this note to 01:55:264 -? just my suggestion.
  12. 02:00:289 (362,363) - I just felt something with these two notes, they're kinda off beat over the song track, so i guess you should move somewhere alike on white ticks.
  13. - Same comment as previous diff.

I guess that's all~ Good luck!

Gray Veyron wrote:

There is a huge gap between Oni and Inner, i think you'll need to reduce Inner Oni's harshness of objects, or make a little easier. Which should be at least 5.40 Star Difficulty.[/list]
I was lurking here and I saw this so yeah
afaik Inner Oni can be outside of spread so it's fine to have a huge gap between Oni and Inner Oni (*cough* PUPA *cough*)
Cerulean Veyron

Sayaka- wrote:

afaik Inner Oni can be outside of spread so it's fine to have a huge gap between Oni and Inner Oni (*cough* PUPA *cough*)
*cough* i'm taiko nub *cough*
Topic Starter
S a n d

Gray Veyron wrote:

Hello~ random mod :3

[> General <]
  1. - Background should be in reasonable size and quality. At least 1024x768 dimension size (1366x768 if widescreen), and a decent image quality. Changed, I actually only resize the picture to 1024x768 because I can't find this wall paper again QwQ
  2. - There is a huge gap between Oni and Inner, i think you'll need to reduce Inner Oni's harshness of objects, or make a little easier. Which should be at least 5.40 Star Difficulty.
Didn't change as Sayaka mentioned :P

[> Kantan <]
  1. 00:47:839 (18) - I prefer D here instead of K. Changed
  2. 01:00:139 (41) - Move to 00:59:839 - and make d? Changed
  3. 01:05:239 (52) - k Changed
  4. 02:04:639 (160) - Same as 00:47:839 (18) - Changed
  5. - Quite okay to me, but there are some issues are similar to the ones i mentioned. So try to find them~

[> Futsuu <]
  1. 00:38:839 (5) - k? Changed
  2. 00:47:839 (31) - Same reason as the previous diff. Changed
  3. 00:56:839 (59,60) - I think this is likely hard for Ftsu diffs when it comes out a big kat to kat. So maybe you could reconsider this. Changed
  4. 01:01:339 (73) - d for consistency with Kntn. Changed
  5. 01:13:339 (111,112) - dk Changed
  6. 01:55:789 (209,210) - ^ Changed
  7. 01:57:439 (214) - d Changed
  8. 02:01:639 (229) - k Changed
  9. - Ehhh, some rhythm changes. But likely, fine imo.
[> Muzukashii <]
  1. 00:41:239 (20,21) - kd, as the pattern you've done before. Changed
  2. 00:43:639 (33) - k Changed
  3. 00:46:039 (45) - ^ Changed
  4. 00:52:039 (72) - ^ Changed
  5. 00:57:889 (99) - d, since pitch is not likely high on here. Changed
  6. 01:00:289 (111,112) - dk Changed
  7. 01:10:789 (162) - d Changed
  8. 01:14:089 (179) - ^ Changed
  9. 01:37:339 (259,260,261,262,263) - I prefer d k dkD pattern here. Might sound nicer imo. Changed
  10. 01:46:789 (295,296) - kd Changed
  11. 01:55:114 (334) - Move this note to 01:55:264 -? just my suggestion. Changed
  12. 02:00:289 (362,363) - I just felt something with these two notes, they're kinda off beat over the song track, so i guess you should move somewhere alike on white ticks. Didn't change, because if you add "d"s beside each of these notes, you will see why its there :P
  13. - Same comment as previous diff.

I guess that's all~ Good luck!
Tyvm >w<! Wasn't expecting a random mod when all my requested modder rejected me/didn't mod yet :DDDDD
Asagi Mutsuki
沙老师加油 ヽ(*・ω・)ノ
Topic Starter
S a n d

cdhsausageboy wrote:

沙老师加油 ヽ(*・ω・)ノ
幫我modRRRRR ;w; 精神上加油沒用wwww
Mame ga nyaa
Hi~ from in-game chat

I'm sorry I'm so late. :cry:

・01:55:039 & 01:55:264 - remove (not match music)
・02:14:239 - change D (To match it with other degrees of difficulty)
・01:03:664 - remove (There is not a sound)
・01:05:839 - ^
Inner Oni
・00:40:489 - remove (There is not a sound)
Perfect map !!


nice map!!!! good luck :)
Topic Starter
S a n d

Mame ga nyaa wrote:

Hi~ from in-game chat

I'm sorry I'm so late. :cry:

・01:55:039 & 01:55:264 - remove (not match music) Changed!
・02:14:239 - change D (To match it with other degrees of difficulty) Changed!
・01:03:664 - remove (There is not a sound) Changed!
・01:05:839 - ^ Changed!
Inner Oni
・00:40:489 - remove (There is not a sound) Changed!
Perfect map !!


nice map!!!! good luck :)
TYVM ><! Haven't had a mod in a while XD. (You are still not late, because a lot more other people still didn't turn in their mod yet :D)
:o) modding of 沙子大觸的神譜面:


00:38:239 - D ----> K

00:40:489 - del d

00:47:239 - kddkk ---> kkddk

00:47:839 - K ---> D

00:49:264 - add k

00:49:489 - add d

00:49:639 - k ddkkd ---> ddddk (_)

00:50:014 - del kd

00:51:664 - add k

00:52:039 - k dddkd ---> kkddk (_)

00:52:414 - del kd

00:53:014 - add d

00:53:839 - K--->d

00:54:064 - add k

00:54:289 - add d

00:54:439 - k--->ddddk

00:54:889 - del k

00:56:689 - add k

00:56:764 - kd--->dk

01:05:989 - add d

01:06:139 - kddkk ---> kdd k

01:06:964 - del k

01:07:039 - d--->D

01:10:939 - ddddkkk--->kkkkd k

01:11:464 - add d

01:56:389 - add d

01:57:289 - del dk ( dkd ---> (_ _)d only )

02:01:789 - del d

02:06:889 - del dk ( like 01:57:289 )

02:07:714 - add d

02:07:714 - del kdd

02:09:439 - k--->K

Topic Starter
S a n d

ll-oscar wrote:

:o) modding of 沙子大觸的神譜面:


00:38:239 - D ----> K Changed!

00:40:489 - del d Changed!

00:47:239 - kddkk ---> kkddk Changed!

00:47:839 - K ---> D Changed!

00:49:264 - add k Changed!

00:49:489 - add d Changed!

00:49:639 - k ddkkd ---> ddddk (_) Unchanged

00:50:014 - del kd Changed!

00:51:664 - add k Changed!

00:52:039 - k dddkd ---> kkddk (_) Changed!

00:52:414 - del kd Changed!

00:53:014 - add d Changed!

00:53:839 - K--->d Changed!

00:54:064 - add k Changed!

00:54:289 - add d Changed!

00:54:439 - k--->ddddk Changed!

00:54:889 - del k Changed!

00:56:689 - add k Changed!

00:56:764 - kd--->dk Changed!

01:05:989 - add d Changed!

01:06:139 - kddkk ---> kdd k Changed!

01:06:964 - del k Changed!

01:07:039 - d--->D Changed!

01:10:939 - ddddkkk--->kkkkd k Changed!

01:11:464 - add d Changed!

01:56:389 - add d Unchanged

01:57:289 - del dk ( dkd ---> (_ _)d only ) Unchanged

02:01:789 - del d Changed!

02:06:889 - del dk ( like 01:57:289 ) Unchanged

02:07:714 - add d Changed!

02:07:714 - del kdd Changed!

02:09:439 - k--->K

感恩喔 :D 可惜只有Oni qwq不然應該就可以rank了(?

00:47:239 - 00:52:039 - 01:11:239 - 01:16:039 - 01:54:139 removed I think Slider is difficult to Kantan
00:59:839 move 01:00:139 Since it fits the song
01:04:639 move 01:04:939 and 01:04:939 - 01:05:239 Ctrl+G ^

01:04:639 move 01:04:489 Here ring sound

01:04:339 ~ 01:04:939 I think this is fit to the song

00:42:439 ~ 00:42:889 I think this is fit to the song

[Inner Oni]
00:42:514 removed Oni and the reason is the same

good map!
Good luck Ranked!!!
Topic Starter
S a n d

cagalin wrote:


00:47:239 - 00:52:039 - 01:11:239 - 01:16:039 - 01:54:139 removed I think Slider is difficult to Kantan Changed!
00:59:839 move 01:00:139 Since it fits the song Changed!
01:04:639 move 01:04:939 and 01:04:939 - 01:05:239 Ctrl+G ^ Changed!

01:04:639 move 01:04:489 Here ring sound Changed!

01:04:339 ~ 01:04:939 I think this is fit to the song Changed!

00:42:439 ~ 00:42:889 I think this is fit to the song Changed!

[Inner Oni]
00:42:514 removed Oni and the reason is the same Unchanged because the diff is inner, making it hard is fun :D

good map!
Good luck Ranked!!!
Thank you very much ><! You are so generous on mod reqs ;w;. Nice that you modded all diffs :D!
Hi there! Do you would accept Taiko Ura GD from me? I actually finished the map already since the song is so amazing.
The difficulty would be between your Oni and Inner, so it wouldn't interrupt your spread. =w=
Topic Starter
S a n d

OnosakiHito wrote:

Hi there! Do you would accept Taiko Ura GD from me? I actually finished the map already since the song is so amazing.
The difficulty would be between your Oni and Inner, so it wouldn't interrupt your spread. =w=
Oh sure why not, also really looking forward to getting it ranked :D.
Some mods, stars, and bubbles are also greatly appreciated LOL.
Asagi Mutsuki
卧槽 阵容如此强大
Topic Starter
S a n d

cdhsausageboy wrote:

卧槽 阵容如此强大
卧槽 臭香腸你快給我回來
Ono's Ura Oni 10* -
Topic Starter
S a n d

OnosakiHito wrote:

Ono's Ura Oni 10* -
Uploaded~ tyvm for your contribution~
mod req from in-game chat

00:38:239 (5) - k , high pitch
00:41:089 (21,22,23) - d k d , follows the patterns
01:54:814 (453) - delete
01:59:689 (491,492,493) - ddk

Ono's Ura Oni
00:52:264 (4,6) - delete
01:05:989 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - all d , no emphasis in the song , should not have big note

no idea how to mod

Inner Oni
00:47:164 - Add d
01:11:539 (256) - Try use easier patterns like ddkdddk , then there is only small affect to your map but players can play with less rage (?
01:16:039 (297) - Here also , maybe kkdd d dddk k d
02:04:639 (585) - K

such inner oni
much 1/6
so difficult

入音很好阿~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 果然是沙子大觸 8-)
Topic Starter
S a n d

WoahE wrote:

mod req from in-game chat

00:38:239 (5) - k , high pitch Changed! :3
00:41:089 (21,22,23) - d k d , follows the patterns Changed! :3
01:54:814 (453) - delete Changed! :3
01:59:689 (491,492,493) - ddk Changed! :3

Inner Oni
00:47:164 - Add d Changed! :3
01:11:539 (256) - Try use easier patterns like ddkdddk , then there is only small affect to your map but players can play with less rage (? Changed! :3
01:16:039 (297) - Here also , maybe kkdd d dddk k Unchanged, I've been in a dilemma to choose this >< because your mod does sound better but previously it makes it a lot easier to click and read for other players.d
02:04:639 (585) - K Unchanged, because previous notes are all K, and I thought have having an emphasis with a different finisher

such inner oni
much 1/6
so difficult

入音很好阿~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 果然是沙子大觸 8-)
such mod
much appreciated
so nice
感謝喔 >w<! Ono那方面還要等他再改 我先update我的ˋowoˊ

WoahE wrote:

Ono's Ura Oni
00:52:264 (4,6) - delete Actually not a bad idea. Will consider this in the upcoming mods. For now I leave it since I followed those 1/4 in the song.
01:05:989 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - all d , no emphasis in the song , should not have big note It's emphasition for the pattern itself, since it is at the end of a section. Also, did it of course itentional and find it pretty fitting here(gameplay related I find this also interesting).

Ono's mapping style is just.. untouchable
no idea how to mod
Thanks for your opinion!
[ General]
  1. Do you have more big bg? 893*600 is too small.
[ Kantan]
  1. SV1.2 is better.
  2. 00:47:239 add slider to unify with 00:42:439.
  3. 01:55:189 (135,136) These notes are incomprehensible for beginner player. I recommend to consider to delete these.
[ Futsuu]
  1. 00:56:539 Try to change to slider in my option.
  2. 01:55:039 (205,206,207) These notes follow incomplete the melody. I recommend to consider to delete these or put note to 01:55:639.
  3. 01:58:039 Put note here to more follow the melody. I think kkd is better.
  4. 02:00:439 -, 02:02:839 -, and other.
[ Muzukashii]
  1. 00:34:535 (4) I think this note should be moved 1/16 behind. and, 00:34:085 (2) move 1/16 front.
  2. 01:58:039 -, 02:00:439 -, etc. put note here. similar reasons as Futsuu.
[ Oni]
  1. 00:34:085 (2,4) same as Muzukashii.
  2. 02:04:264 (530,531) Finish. same as 02:13:639 (611,612,613).
Good luck. 8-)
Topic Starter
S a n d

tasuke912 wrote:

[ General]
  1. Do you have more big bg? 893*600 is too small.
Changed :3! I enlarged the BG, is that fine XD?
[ Kantan]
  1. SV1.2 is better. Changed :3!
  2. 00:47:239 add slider to unify with 00:42:439. Changed :3!
  3. 01:55:189 (135,136) These notes are incomprehensible for beginner player. I recommend to consider to delete these. Changed :3! Deleted 136!
[ Futsuu]
  1. 00:56:539 Try to change to slider in my option. Unchanged, not quite sure what you mean ;w;
  2. 01:55:039 (205,206,207) These notes follow incomplete the melody. I recommend to consider to delete these or put note to 01:55:639. Changed :3! Deleted 205
  3. 01:58:039 Put note here to more follow the melody. I think kkd is better. Changed :3! I struggle on this one a bit because I was worrying that it might be too hard for futsuu:P
  4. 02:00:439 -, 02:02:839 -, and other.
Changed :3!
[ Muzukashii]
  1. 00:34:535 (4) I think this note should be moved 1/16 behind. and, 00:34:085 (2) move 1/16 front. Changed :3! wow very detailed on this one
  2. 01:58:039 -, 02:00:439 -, etc. put note here. similar reasons as Futsuu.
Changed :3! I did k d k this time just to have something different :3!
[ Oni]
  1. 00:34:085 (2,4) same as Muzukashii. Changed :3!
  2. 02:04:264 (530,531) Finish. same as 02:13:639 (611,612,613).
Changed :3!
Good luck. 8-)
TYVM ><! How did you even realize the 1/16 part ;w;!?
RIP 69 priority ;w;
Topic Starter
S a n d

mrdumpling64 wrote:

RIP 69 priority ;w;
ikr ;w; i cri everytim. Tho I got a screenshot on my userpage XD
Mod request via ...Queue



Don: d
Kat: k
Big don: D
Big kat: K



01:55:189 - Move to 01:55:039

01:55:639 - k

02:01:639 - Change to d



01:13:639 - Change to k and ...
01:13:789 - d (for repeat previous sequence)

01:55:189 - Move to 01:55:039- and Change to K

02:01:639 - Change to d (broken sequence)



01:40:564 - Change to D (missing Big notes) (?)
01:45:440 - same

02:04:264 - Change to K (consistent with oni) (?)
02:04:489 - same





Ono's Ura:

Notes: 2nd kiai time is nessesary??

01:16:114 & 01:16:339 - Change to k (more harder in this part is good) (?)

01:54:439 - this -> for this -> (for sequence high sounds in this part)

01:57:964 - Change to d (variety) (?)
02:02:764 - same
02:07:639 - same




Topic Starter
S a n d

xtrem3x wrote:

Mod request via ...Queue



Don: d
Kat: k
Big don: D
Big kat: K



01:55:189 - Move to 01:55:039 Changed :3!

01:55:639 - k Changed :3!

02:01:639 - Change to d Changed :3!



01:13:639 - Change to k and ... Changed :3!
01:13:789 - d (for repeat previous sequence) Changed :3!

01:55:189 - Move to 01:55:039- and Change to K Changed :3!

02:01:639 - Change to d (broken sequence) Changed :3!



01:40:564 - Change to D (missing Big notes) (?) Changed :3!
01:45:440 - same Changed :3!

02:04:264 - Change to K (consistent with oni) (?) Changed :3!
02:04:489 - same Changed :3!





Ono's Ura:

Notes: 2nd kiai time is nessesary??

01:16:114 & 01:16:339 - Change to k (more harder in this part is good) (?)

01:54:439 - this -> for this -> (for sequence high sounds in this part)

01:57:964 - Change to d (variety) (?)
02:02:764 - same
02:07:639 - same




Tyvm ><!!! I was actually not expecting to get a mod XD. 100% accept rate :D. Waiting for Ono to fix his mod.

xtrem3x wrote:

Ono's Ura:

Notes: 2nd kiai time is nessesary?? Yes, want to emphasize this part more.

01:16:114 & 01:16:339 - Change to k (more harder in this part is good) (?) I think the way it works now is already good enough. Consistent don-kat use.

01:54:439 - this -> for this -> (for sequence high sounds in this part) Ah, I undertsnad the idea. But actually it would be dkkdkkdkk if I'm not wrong, butto have a consistent d k d k d afterwards I used the d at the end of the 1/4 stream. But I will think about it one more time.

01:57:964 - Change to d (variety) (?) Would be rather inconsistent compared to how I used the dons in this part.
Still, thanks for mod!
[Inner Oni]
00:38:239 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - don't you think k ddk d k d fits the pitch a lot more AND flows better?
00:43:039 (36,37,38,39,40,41) - repeat the pattern ^ instead? instead of it being cut off and changed, the one that comes after can change for variety if you want though.
00:45:439 (51) - k, since it's already close to the suggested pattern
01:42:739 (416) - d, so it's like yeaaah d k d then next bar k k d so gangster
02:01:039 (543) - k, for some reason, k here makes the next pattern a lot less tricky on the fingers lol
02:05:839 (588,589,590,591,592,593,594,595,596,597,598,599,600,601,602,603,604,605,606,607) - - I noticed that around here you tried to follow the piano melodies here, how about trying this?

Rest looks great! Gonna have to not choke at the 1/6 ;_;
[Ono's Ura Oni]
This looks like a classic Ono map, haha.
01:39:439 (2) -
01:44:239 (1) - i liked the consistent 'd', plays better anyways! keep it!!
02:02:389 (1,2,3) -
02:02:389 (1,2,3) - ddd to emphasize the lower piano tones here?
02:05:539 (1) - d here both fits the faint piano sounds and plays better imo
02:06:439 (1,2,1,2,1) - really feels a bit undermapped here lol

kkkkd kkkkd kkkkd kkkkd kkkkd kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
00:40:639 (15) - it's weird if this one isn't a 'k' too
00:42:439 (25,26,27,28,29,30) - k kkddd?
00:45:364 (44) - kind of a random note, delete?
01:10:189 (218) - k? the k notes usually start at this tick
01:40:189 (365) - shouldn't this note be...
01:42:739 (377) - same reason as inner, and there's a lot of kkd already haha

Rest is great!
01:04:789 () - only part of the kiai without a note, maybe add 'd'?
01:10:789 (154) - or maybe remove this note if you don't want ^
01:49:189 (296,297,298,299) - thisis the only part with 4 notes in this part, maybe change it to be similar to other parts? OR 01:46:939 (287,288,289,290,291) - have this part have a 4 note part too?

There's a lot of big notes which make the map kind of hard, but it makes sense with the spread.
For the 4 intro patterns, how about making the first two the same, then then 3rd and 4th the same? This way they only vary twice. Lots of variation is not as recommended in futsuu diffs.
01:12:589 (105) - k? so much kd
01:37:639 (35,40) -
01:42:439 (45,50) -
01:47:239 (55,60) - remove finisher on these, keep the big notes on the onbeats
01:55:489 (73) - delete this note, part's good without it
02:04:639 (103,104,105,106,107,108,109,110) - how about (K kkd kd k d) instead? that way it's different for the second half of kiai and it helps the pattern so that the big note can stay, but not lose feeling when there's a not right after. Same for 02:07:039 (111,112,113,114,115,116,117,118,119) - and 02:09:439 (120,121,122,123,124,125,126,127,128) - of course.

Weird rhythms, but it should be fine.
00:42:139 (7) - move to 00:42:439 ()?
00:46:939 (13) - to 00:46:939 (13) - etc., I think it's more 'kantan' to have them farther apart.
00:56:539 (25) - delete this if you want to keep the finishers, d K or K d are bad for kantan
I think for the first kiai you will have to ignore rhythms and just go (d k d k k k) or something since the rhythms are too weird :S
01:15:739 (62) - unneeded note
01:15:739 (62) - i'm not gonna point these out, but these d K or K d that aren't on onbeats, remove the finishers, since it's actually hard for new players ;3;.
01:52:939 (120) - don't need this 'd'

Rest looks fine. But yeah, first kiai will need to be mapped way simpler haha. GL with set!
Topic Starter
S a n d

OzzyOzrock wrote:

[Inner Oni]
00:38:239 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - don't you think k ddk d k d fits the pitch a lot more AND flows better? Fixed :3!
00:43:039 (36,37,38,39,40,41) - repeat the pattern ^ instead? instead of it being cut off and changed, the one that comes after can change for variety if you want though. Fixed :3!
00:45:439 (51) - k, since it's already close to the suggested pattern Fixed :3!
01:42:739 (416) - d, so it's like yeaaah d k d then next bar k k d so gangster Fixed :3!
02:01:039 (543) - k, for some reason, k here makes the next pattern a lot less tricky on the fingers lol Fixed :3!
02:05:839 (588,589,590,591,592,593,594,595,596,597,598,599,600,601,602,603,604,605,606,607) - - I noticed that around here you tried to follow the piano melodies here, how about trying this? Fixed :3!

Rest looks great! Gonna have to not choke at the 1/6 ;_; HT is always available for you :333.

00:40:639 (15) - it's weird if this one isn't a 'k' too Fixed :3!
00:42:439 (25,26,27,28,29,30) - k kkddd? Unchanged, it sounds a bit weird since here is low pitched ;w;
00:45:364 (44) - kind of a random note, delete? Fixed :3!
01:10:189 (218) - k? the k notes usually start at this tick Fixed :3!
01:40:189 (365) - shouldn't this note be... Removed :3!
01:42:739 (377) - same reason as inner, and there's a lot of kkd already haha Changed to d :3!

Rest is great!
01:04:789 () - only part of the kiai without a note, maybe add 'd'? Fixed :3!
01:10:789 (154) - or maybe remove this note if you don't want ^ ^
01:49:189 (296,297,298,299) - thisis the only part with 4 notes in this part, maybe change it to be similar to other parts? OR 01:46:939 (287,288,289,290,291) - have this part have a 4 note part too? Fixed :3! Chose the first option and removed a d

There's a lot of big notes which make the map kind of hard, but it makes sense with the spread. Big note iz luv, big note iz lyfe
For the 4 intro patterns, how about making the first two the same, then then 3rd and 4th the same? This way they only vary twice. Lots of variation is not as recommended in futsuu diffs.
01:12:589 (105) - k? so much kd Fixed :3!
01:37:639 (35,40) - Fixed :3!
01:42:439 (45,50) - Fixed :3!
01:47:239 (55,60) - remove finisher on these, keep the big notes on the onbeats Fixed :3!
01:55:489 (73) - delete this note, part's good without it Fixed :3!
02:04:639 (103,104,105,106,107,108,109,110) - how about (K kkd kd k d) instead? that way it's different for the second half of kiai and it helps the pattern so that the big note can stay, but not lose feeling when there's a not right after. Same for 02:07:039 (111,112,113,114,115,116,117,118,119) - and 02:09:439 (120,121,122,123,124,125,126,127,128) - of course. Unchanged, sorry, I didn't get it ;w;w;w;w;w;

Weird rhythms, but it should be fine.
00:42:139 (7) - move to 00:42:439 ()? Fixed :3!
00:46:939 (13) - to 00:46:939 (13) - etc., I think it's more 'kantan' to have them farther apart. Fixed :3!
00:56:539 (25) - delete this if you want to keep the finishers, d K or K d are bad for kantan
I think for the first kiai you will have to ignore rhythms and just go (d k d k k k) or something since the rhythms are too weird :S Fixed :3!
01:15:739 (62) - unneeded note Fixed :3!
01:15:739 (62) - i'm not gonna point these out, but these d K or K d that aren't on onbeats, remove the finishers, since it's actually hard for new players ;3;. Fixed :3!
01:52:939 (120) - don't need this 'd'

Rest looks fine. But yeah, first kiai will need to be mapped way simpler haha. GL with set!

Tyvm Ozzy senpai >w<!!! You are the best singer <3.
♪( ´θ`)ノ
Sup Sandy C: a m4m (I guess?)

[ General]

It's gud

[ Kantan]
  1. HP should be a lot higher (6+) for obvious reasons
  2. Lots (and more lots) of useless green lines, delete them all unless they're kiai or volume change
  3. I personally found the rhythm you use quite good, however you should try to avoid mapping offbeats in Kantan and stick to the main rhythm (which will make giving suggestions to this map useless, since it'd need an entire remap). IDK about this, let the BNs and QAT decide

[ Futsuu]
  1. OD4 is a bit high for a futsuu I think, try OD3,5 or even OD3
  2. SV1.2 would be a better idea for a map of this BPM

    This diff is quite neat C:

[ Muzukashii]
  1. Remove these useless green lines
Map is already very polished - can't think of anything to suggest. I testplayed several times and it all seems okay to me

[ Oni]
  1. All I can think of is to make the SV change at the end of the first kiai a bit less abrupt, it might cause reading problems (TL;DR: use more green lines and less spacing between SV multipliers)

[ Inner Oni]

I honestly don't really feel like I can suggest anything in here (those 1/6 tho), other than the SV changes being a bit too harsh at some points

[ Ono's Ura Oni]
  1. That ninja note at the beginning... well it could be worse, could be at the end :^)
  2. 01:56:539 (3,4,5,6) - I think it'd sound better as kdkd
  3. 01:58:939 (3,4,5,6) - kdkk sounds way better I think

    There are several 1/3s at this kiai, my suggestion is the same for all of them (if they match the sound of the parts I gave you last 2 suggestions)

    Modding an Ono's diff is like trying to teach physics to Einstein

Sorry for not being too useful, the map is already very polished and I doubt I can really find any faults on it soo..

Feel free to not kd
OD4 for futsuu isn't high at all especially if you think HP for kantan should be higher

just my thought
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Raiden wrote:

Sup Sandy C: a m4m (I guess?)

[ General]

It's gud

[ Kantan]
  1. HP should be a lot higher (6+) for obvious reasons Fixed :3! HP changed to 6
  2. Lots (and more lots) of useless green lines, delete them all unless they're kiai or volume change Removed :3!
  3. I personally found the rhythm you use quite good, however you should try to avoid mapping offbeats in Kantan and stick to the main rhythm (which will make giving suggestions to this map useless, since it'd need an entire remap). IDK about this, let the BNs and QAT decide I see why this might have been a problem, and I know this is way too hard for a kantan lol (same for futsuu). Removed some notes :3!

[ Futsuu]
  1. OD4 is a bit high for a futsuu I think, try OD3,5 or even OD3 Unchanged ;w;. Following Dumpling-kun's suggestion
  2. SV1.2 would be a better idea for a map of this BPM Changed :3! Agreed

    This diff is quite neat C: Thanks ><!

[ Muzukashii]
  1. Remove these useless green lines Removed :3!
Map is already very polished - can't think of anything to suggest. I testplayed several times and it all seems okay to me Thanks again ><!

[ Oni]
  1. All I can think of is to make the SV change at the end of the first kiai a bit less abrupt, it might cause reading problems (TL;DR: use more green lines and less spacing between SV multipliers) Unchanged ;w;. Personally I think those sv changes has been nerfed so well that I almost couldn't tell speeding up lol. Also it's the end and it's oni, so whateve XD.

[ Inner Oni]

I honestly don't really feel like I can suggest anything in here (those 1/6 tho), other than the SV changes being a bit too harsh at some points Same comment as oni. I miss the old eye raping sv changes qwq....

Modding an Ono's diff is like trying to teach physics to Einstein lmfao, this message is approved by me.

Sorry for not being too useful, the map is already very polished and I doubt I can really find any faults on it soo.. The mods are useful :D! And ty again again ><!

Feel free to not kd *Passes the kd*
Ty for your mod XD

OzzyOzrock wrote:

[Ono's Ura Oni]
This looks like a classic Ono map, haha.
01:39:439 (2) -
01:44:239 (1) - i liked the consistent 'd', plays better anyways! keep it!! I will think about this. Probably plays better, but did it in tentionally to have variation in the don beat.
02:02:389 (1,2,3) -
02:02:389 (1,2,3) - ddd to emphasize the lower piano tones here? This could draw too much attention since ddd is pretty strong compared to the heavy kat use here and the dons which work as beat support.
02:05:539 (1) - d here both fits the faint piano sounds and plays better imo You are right. Forgot to place it here.
02:06:439 (1,2,1,2,1) - really feels a bit undermapped here lol I think you are right about this. Will make a change soon.

kkkkd kkkkd kkkkd kkkkd kkkkd kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

Raiden wrote:

[ Ono's Ura Oni]
  1. That ninja note at the beginning... well it could be worse, could be at the end :^)
  2. 01:56:539 (3,4,5,6) - I think it'd sound better as kdkd Since I use kats to fill the 1/3 and 1/4 in the map and use don only as beat supporting note, I would not make any change here. Else, idea is good.
  3. 01:58:939 (3,4,5,6) - kdkk sounds way better I think ^

    There are several 1/3s at this kiai, my suggestion is the same for all of them (if they match the sound of the parts I gave you last 2 suggestions)

    Modding an Ono's diff is like trying to teach physics to Einstein lol
Thanks for modding guys! Will update the purple stuff soon:
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