
Dave Porter - Breaking Bad Opening Titles (Extended)

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Montag, 15. Dezember 2014 at 18:45:36

Artist: Dave Porter
Title: Breaking Bad Opening Titles (Extended)
Source: Breaking Bad
Tags: BB Walter White ChivaCookie Extended Version
BPM: 76,5
Filesize: 4765kb
Play Time: 01:05
Difficulties Available:
  1. Hard (2,81 stars, 131 notes)
  2. Normal (1,65 stars, 64 notes)
Download: Dave Porter - Breaking Bad Opening Titles (Extended)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
This is a tribute to one of the best series ever made.

The Tick sounds are stolen from that beatmap:
The other are from "freesound" just google it. It's somehow fun playing with that stuff.

"You clearly don't know who you're talking to, so let me clue you in: I am not in danger, Skyler. I AM the danger. A guy opens his door and gets shot, and you think that of me? No! I am the one who knocks. - Walter White"

First Bubble: CDFA
Bubble Popped: Desperate-kun
Rebubbled: Desperate-kun
Bubble Popped: Sieg
Rebubbled: Sieg
Hi! I just see, that you said, that you can't hitsound... I can help you! :)

00:00:281 (1) - End of the slider - Custom hitclap
00:01:457 (2) - Custom hitwhistle
00:05:771 (2) - Custom hitwhistle
00:06:555 (3) - Begin - hitfinish|End - Custom Hitclap
00:08:124 (4) - Begin - Custom hitclap|End - Custom hitwshitle
00:08:908 (5) - Begin - Custom hitwshitle|End - Custom hitclap
00:09:693 (1) - Begin - Hitfinish|End - Custom hitclap
00:11:261 (2) - Custom hitwhistle
00:11:654 (3,4,5) - Custom hitclap
00:12:438 (6) - Custom hitwhistle
00:12:438 (6) - Begin - Hitfinish
00:14:399 (2) - End - Custom hitclap
00:15:183 (3) - Custom hitwhistle
00:15:575 (4,5) - Custom hitclap
00:15:968 (1) - Custom hitwhistle
00:16:752 (2) - Custom hitclap
00:19:105 (1) - End - Custom hitclap
00:19:889 (2) - Custom hitwhistle
00:22:242 (1) - Begin - Hitfinish
00:23:811 (2) - Custom hitclap
00:24:595 (3) - Custom hitclap
00:25:380 (1) - Begin - Custom hitwhistle|End - Custom hitclap
00:26:164 (2) - Begin - Custom hitclap
00:28:517 (1) - Begin - hitfinish|End - Custom hitclap
00:29:694 (2) - Custom hitwhistle
00:30:086 (3) - Begin - Custom hitclap|End - Custom hitwhistle
00:31:655 (1) - End - Custom hitwhistle
00:34:008 (3) - Custom hitclap
00:34:792 (1) - Begin - Custom hitwhistle|End - Custom hitclap
00:37:145 (3) - Custom hitclap
00:37:929 (1) - Begin - Custom hitwhistle|End - Custom hitclap
00:40:282 (3) - Begin - Custom hitwhistle|End - Custom hitclap
00:42:636 (3) - Begin - hitfinish|End - Custom hitwhistle
00:44:204 (1) - Custom hitclap
00:46:557 (3) - Custom hitwhistle
00:49:694 (3) - Custom hitwhistle
00:53:617 (1) - Begin - Custom hitclap|End- Custom hitwhistle
00:54:793 (2) - Custom hitwhistle
00:55:185 (3) - Begin - hitfinish|End - Custom hitwhistle
00:56:754 (4) - Custom hitclap
00:57:538 (5) - Begin - hitfinish|Arrow/End - Custom hitclap
00:59:891 (1) - - End - Custom hitwhistle
01:01:068 (1) - End - Custom hitwhistle

On hard difficulty hitsounds are good in my opinion. Hope I helped you a little bit at least. Good luck! :)
Topic Starter
applied some of those hitsounds. thank you!
Kaguya Hourain

Timing is definitely wrong. Offset is 314 bpm must be variable by decimals. Modding it the way it is now.

OD -1 or AR +1
00:01:457 (2,3) - Fix that blanket over there
00:28:517 (1,2) - Ugly overlap there move 2 a bit lower
Nothing really wrong with the map otherwise.

00:01:849 (1) - I'd turn that into a slider, fits more than a spinner imo
00:26:360 (3,1) - Circle into slider on blue tick that ends on 1
00:34:792 (1,2,3) - Make those blanket :3
00:46:950 (10,2) - Idk this doesn't look nice to me
00:56:754 (1,2) - Not sure about this spacing right here Maybe ctrl + h 2?

Pretty good, get mods and rank it
Topic Starter

Kaguya Hourain wrote:


Timing is definitely wrong. Offset is 314 bpm must be variable by decimals. Modding it the way it is now.

OD -1 or AR +1 ar +1 it is
00:01:457 (2,3) - Fix that blanket over there
00:28:517 (1,2) - Ugly overlap there move 2 a bit lower
Nothing really wrong with the map otherwise.

(huehue) huehuehue
00:01:849 (1) - I'd turn that into a slider, fits more than a spinner imo
00:26:360 (3,1) - Circle into slider on blue tick that ends on 1 i don't really understand
00:34:792 (1,2,3) - Make those blanket :3
00:46:950 (10,2) - Idk this doesn't look nice to me i think it's okay
00:56:754 (1,2) - Not sure about this spacing right here Maybe ctrl + h 2?

Pretty good, get mods and rank it
thank you very much! everything not red got changed.
Sky Trias

  1. 00:07:765 (3,4) - blanked
  2. 00:20:315 (4,1) - same .. i think move to ( X : 48 and Y : 104 )
  3. 00:35:217 (2) - Ctrl+G ?
  4. 00:39:923 (7) - Finish ? remove i think
  5. 00:57:179 - add note
  6. 01:02:081 - add slider till 01:02:277 and 01:02:670 add note

    You're is too loud using audio 80%
That's all , i hope helping you
Sorry for being late!! From my queue!

On the spinners, turn off the bleep sound when you got 1,000 2,000 etc. (I think it is called spinnerbonus)

00:21:491 (4,5) - This sounds fine in the editor but sounds off when you play, maybe make them quieter? Idk....
00:30:119 (3) - This looks a bit ugly
00:39:531 (2) - The finish at the end is too loud imo

The hitsounds are too loud, they are supposed to accentuate the song, not drown it out
Apart from tha6t is was good!

Well done! Good luck on being ranked!! :) :)

Added as one of my favourite beatmaps and +1 kudosu stars!
Topic Starter

Sky Trias wrote:

  1. 00:07:765 (3,4) - blanked
  2. 00:20:315 (4,1) - same .. i think move to ( X : 48 and Y : 104 )
  3. 00:35:217 (2) - Ctrl+G ? no this is okay. it's a bit like a jump and it's okay for a hard, imo
  4. 00:39:923 (7) - Finish ? remove i think didn't remove but lowered the volume
  5. 00:57:179 - add note no I want it to feel like guitar.
  6. 01:02:081 - add slider till 01:02:277 and 01:02:670 add note didn't do what you want but I changed something :D

    You're is too loud using audio 80%
That's all , i hope helping you
thank you very much for your mod.
Topic Starter

kamikin wrote:

Sorry for being late!! From my queue!

On the spinners, turn off the bleep sound when you got 1,000 2,000 etc. (I think it is called spinnerbonus)

00:21:491 (4,5) - This sounds fine in the editor but sounds off when you play, maybe make them quieter? Idk....
00:30:119 (3) - This looks a bit ugly i want it to look ugly because this series isn't pretty either
00:39:531 (2) - The finish at the end is too loud imo

The hitsounds are too loud, they are supposed to accentuate the song, not drown it out
Apart from tha6t is was good!

Well done! Good luck on being ranked!! :) :)

Added as one of my favourite beatmaps and +1 kudosu stars!
thanks for your advice. i lowered the whole volume and stuff. and thanks for the supporting star and all :)
I really like this beatmap continue to work on it please, and get it ranked. Thank you! <3
Topic Starter

Zifam wrote:

I really like this beatmap continue to work on it please, and get it ranked. Thank you! <3
haha thanks. I'm trying I just need some mods. This'll work out ^^

M4M from No_Gu's modding team

  1. Black——My personal suggestions.
  2. Bold——Highly recommended.

  1. High recommend to use silence sliderslide.

  1. HP,OD-1, 5 is quite high.
  2. 00:05:020 (1,3) - swap nc
  3. 00:11:687 (3,4,5) - maybe a little hard for newbies? I recommend to change 3,4 to a slider, like 00:21:491 (4,5) -
  4. 00:22:275 (1) - why silence the end?
  5. 00:39:531 (2) - the hs at tail is too loud for me
  6. 00:56:787 (4) - NC
  7. 01:01:101 (1) - unnecessary nc

  1. OD-1
  2. 00:19:726 (2,3,4) - make 2's head and 3 and 4's head in the same distance?
  3. 00:46:983 (10,2) - avoid the overlap? looks not good for me now
  4. 00:50:512 (1,1) - maybe too near in a hard diff?
  5. 01:03:062 (1) - where is the finish?

I dont know how to express my view on this map......
and the sliderslide hears really weird.
good luck
Topic Starter

Minakami Yuki wrote:

M4M from No_Gu's modding team

  1. Black——My personal suggestions.
  2. Bold——Highly recommended.

  1. High recommend to use silence sliderslide.

  1. HP,OD-1, 5 is quite high.
  2. 00:05:020 (1,3) - swap nc
  3. 00:11:687 (3,4,5) - maybe a little hard for newbies? I recommend to change 3,4 to a slider, like 00:21:491 (4,5) - I think it's okay like this. It plays like 3 1/2's in a normal with usual bpm so it's okay if I don't do it too often. I want to express the base at this point.
  4. 00:22:275 (1) - why silence the end? i wanted it to be a bit quieter, but i changed it and made it a bit louder.
  5. 00:39:531 (2) - the hs at tail is too loud for me
  6. 00:56:787 (4) - NC
  7. 01:01:101 (1) - unnecessary nc i want this nc to stay. it's for artism.

  1. OD-1
  2. 00:19:726 (2,3,4) - make 2's head and 3 and 4's head in the same distance?
  3. 00:46:983 (10,2) - avoid the overlap? looks not good for me now i think it's okay because I wanted some dissonance at this point to get that creepy feel.
  4. 00:50:512 (1,1) - maybe too near in a hard diff? made it 1/2 smaller.
  5. 01:03:062 (1) - where is the finish?

I dont know how to express my view on this map......
and the sliderslide hears really weird.
good luck

thanks for your help. And "I dont know how to express my view on this map" is exactly what I want to get so I'm happy.
m4m from your quueueueueu owo


  1. Please add an audio lead in of at least 2000ms
  2. i suggest a custom slider tick sound because the default does not fit the music and imo sounds really unique in a bad way, same with the "finish"

  1. 00:08:157 (2,3) - i prefer if the hitsounds here matched 00:05:020 (2,3) -
  2. 00:11:687 (3,4,5) - i personally really dislike these in a normal, i'd really rather prefer a 1/2 repeat slider
  3. 00:15:608 (4,5) - a 1/2 slider would work here since the sound on (4) is more dominant than (5)
  4. 00:21:099 - add a note here, maybe make 00:20:707 (3) - a slider because theres a sound at 00:21:099 -
  5. 00:47:375 (1) - remove the hitsounds on tail, does seem to fit music imo
  6. 00:57:571 (2) - remove finish on head? same reason^
  7. 01:01:101 (1) - does this really need an NC? i suggest to remove it

  1. 00:04:627 (3,4) - maybe DS these notes? they're only 1/4 apart so it could get confusing since the distance changed from 00:03:451 (1,2) - and nothing too significant changed in the music
  2. 00:21:687 (3) - overlaps healthbar
  3. 00:50:120 - map this sound? you can make 00:49:728 (8) - into a 1/2 slider
the song is a very "unique" choice lol though its a cool map :D (sorry i couldnt find much) good luck~
Dam that gong sound lasts too long
Sometimes im not sure if certain normal hitsounds etc are intentional

00:21:099 - Maybe have another note here
00:48:943 (2) - Not sure if the normal hitsound is right here
00:50:512 (1) - having a spinner doesnt really feel right

00:16:001 (4) - Maybe add finish hitsound
00:21:687 (3) - *replying to kakifly it only overlaps for certain skins but its perfectly fine on default
00:39:923 (7) -
00:50:512 (1) - having a spinner doesnt really feel right

Its a bit confusing to listen to.
Are you following the gongs or the guitar when it happens?
Some combos seem too long
Topic Starter

kakifly wrote:

m4m from your quueueueueu owo


  1. Please add an audio lead in of at least 2000ms
  2. i suggest a custom slider tick sound because the default does not fit the music and imo sounds really unique in a bad way, same with the "finish"

  1. 00:08:157 (2,3) - i prefer if the hitsounds here matched 00:05:020 (2,3) -
  2. 00:11:687 (3,4,5) - i personally really dislike these in a normal, i'd really rather prefer a 1/2 repeat slider i think it's okay
  3. 00:15:608 (4,5) - a 1/2 slider would work here since the sound on (4) is more dominant than (5)
  4. 00:21:099 - add a note here, maybe make 00:20:707 (3) - a slider because theres a sound at 00:21:099 -
  5. 00:47:375 (1) - remove the hitsounds on tail, does seem to fit music imo
  6. 00:57:571 (2) - remove finish on head? same reason^
  7. 01:01:101 (1) - does this really need an NC? i suggest to remove it

  1. 00:04:627 (3,4) - maybe DS these notes? they're only 1/4 apart so it could get confusing since the distance changed from 00:03:451 (1,2) - and nothing too significant changed in the music i think it's right because people don't play out the whole slider.
  2. 00:21:687 (3) - overlaps healthbar
  3. 00:50:120 - map this sound? you can make 00:49:728 (8) - into a 1/2 slider
the song is a very "unique" choice lol though its a cool map :D (sorry i couldnt find much) good luck~
thanks. everything not marked red is changed.
Topic Starter

Owntrolf wrote:

Dam that gong sound lasts too long
Sometimes im not sure if certain normal hitsounds etc are intentional

00:21:099 - Maybe have another note here no I think it's okay like this. It becomes to difficult if I add to many notes.
00:48:943 (2) - Not sure if the normal hitsound is right here changed to drumfinish
00:50:512 (1) - having a spinner doesnt really feel right i think it's okay but I consider changing it. The spinner is for tension and also to part the only-straight sliders with the curved ones.

00:16:001 (4) - Maybe add finish hitsound added finish but lowered the volume
00:21:687 (3) - *replying to kakifly it only overlaps for certain skins but its perfectly fine on default
00:39:923 (7) - ?
00:50:512 (1) - having a spinner doesnt really feel right look at easy

Its a bit confusing to listen to.
Are you following the gongs or the guitar when it happens?
Some combos seem too longi think i'll have to do a bit better with hitsounding. thank you.
thanks very much!
Hiho, from my queue

  1. 00:36:394 (2,3,1,2,3) - Center that group of notes (2) should be at [48,200]
  2. 00:41:100 (1,2) - Move them a bit down (1) should be at [416,96]
  3. 00:42:669 (3) - Move it a bit up at [0,40]. Spacing should be good after that.

  1. 00:12:079 (1) - Delete NC
  2. 00:12:863 (3) - NC
  3. 00:15:216 (1) - Delete NC
  4. 00:16:001 (4) - NC
  5. 00:17:177 (4) - Delete NC

That's all I can say ^^ Nice map, short but very nice ^^ Good luck for rank !
Topic Starter

JudgeTheDude wrote:

Hiho, from my queue

  1. 00:36:394 (2,3,1,2,3) - Center that group of notes (2) should be at [48,200]
  2. 00:41:100 (1,2) - Move them a bit down (1) should be at [416,96]
  3. 00:42:669 (3) - Move it a bit up at [0,40]. Spacing should be good after that.

  1. 00:12:079 (1) - Delete NC
  2. 00:12:863 (3) - NC
  3. 00:15:216 (1) - Delete NC
  4. 00:16:001 (4) - NC
  5. 00:17:177 (4) - Delete NC

That's all I can say ^^ Nice map, short but very nice ^^ Good luck for rank !
thanks very much ~ i changed everything^^
oh man sorry i'm super late with queue stuff, got hella lazy recently
i'm not the best at checking hitsounds ;;
  1. 00:28:550 (1) - add finish
  2. 00:39:531 (2) - there's a finish on slider end which i'm not really hearing at all in the music
  3. 00:41:100 (1) - add finish
  4. 00:46:590 (3) - this hitsound sounds really unfitting, esp since you don't use it again at 00:49:727 (3) so it feels pretty arbitrary
  5. 00:42:669 (3) - i think this should look less angular and have curved corners instead to fit better w/music
  6. 00:50:512 (1) - why not extend this for 1 more beat?
  1. 00:16:001 (1) - finish sounds too strong, lower volume a bit
  2. i can't really find where this is happening but overall your use of finish is a bit inconsistent, try to create a steadier rhythm that leads up to the main theme
couldn't find much aside from that, and my recommendations are super nitpicky anyway ;;
this is a neat map, i really like how the last spinner ends and overall this plays pretty nice, good luck!
Hey! I really like this map! ^^ Hope you get it ranked soon! :3 Good luck!!
Topic Starter

ankou wrote:

oh man sorry i'm super late with queue stuff, got hella lazy recently
i'm not the best at checking hitsounds ;;
  1. 00:28:550 (1) - add finish
  2. 00:39:531 (2) - there's a finish on slider end which i'm not really hearing at all in the music yeah that's because I use this finish to exaggerate
  3. 00:41:100 (1) - add finish
  4. 00:46:590 (3) - this hitsound sounds really unfitting, esp since you don't use it again at 00:49:727 (3) so it feels pretty arbitrary
  5. 00:42:669 (3) - i think this should look less angular and have curved corners instead to fit better w/music no curves.
  6. 00:50:512 (1) - why not extend this for 1 more beat? because it'd be too fast to be okay
  1. 00:16:001 (1) - finish sounds too strong, lower volume a bit
  2. i can't really find where this is happening but overall your use of finish is a bit inconsistent, try to create a steadier rhythm that leads up to the main theme
couldn't find much aside from that, and my recommendations are super nitpicky anyway ;;
this is a neat map, i really like how the last spinner ends and overall this plays pretty nice, good luck!
thanks. everything not red has been changed.
Hello! :3 A mod as requested some time ago. I wish you're not angry it's that late and it's so short, but IMO it's a very good mapset so why should I complain too much?

  1. 00:21:491 (4,5) - Maybe move the very last point in this slider to (X=400 | Y=128) and move the circle to (X=371 | Y=149) so the notes do not go in that direction so it makes it look a bit sloppy.
  2. 00:33:256 (2,3) - Make them symmetrical, they are at different XY positions.
  3. 01:03:062 (1) - At the very end I think that clap would fit nicely to emphasize the very end of the song, don't you think? :3 If accepted, I advice it in Hard too.
  1. 00:20:903 (1) - Well, in previous section you do not start a new combo in similar moment when it's started now. Consider deleting NC to keep consistent comboing.
  2. 00:57:571 (2) - Well, this slider doesn't make me comfortable. Consider changing it to something more effective or just simpler. I advice something like this:

    Please, try this and tell me if you like it or you find it usless. :O
That's all I can advice. Simple and nice mapset. And I must confess it's a bit odd because of the song. But VERY creative and addictive! o-o

Good luck! o3o
Topic Starter

Krfawy wrote:

Hello! :3 A mod as requested some time ago. I wish you're not angry it's that late and it's so short, but IMO it's a very good mapset so why should I complain too much?

  1. 00:21:491 (4,5) - Maybe move the very last point in this slider to (X=400 | Y=128) and move the circle to (X=371 | Y=149) so the notes do not go in that direction so it makes it look a bit sloppy.
  2. 00:33:256 (2,3) - Make them symmetrical, they are at different XY positions.
  3. 01:03:062 (1) - At the very end I think that clap would fit nicely to emphasize the very end of the song, don't you think? :3 If accepted, I advice it in Hard too.
  1. 00:20:903 (1) - Well, in previous section you do not start a new combo in similar moment when it's started now. Consider deleting NC to keep consistent comboing.
  2. 00:57:571 (2) - Well, this slider doesn't make me comfortable. Consider changing it to something more effective or just simpler. I advice something like this:

    Please, try this and tell me if you like it or you find it usless. :O
That's all I can advice. Simple and nice mapset. And I must confess it's a bit odd because of the song. But VERY creative and addictive! o-o

Good luck! o3o

thanks very much! I changed everything you suggested. =D
Shohei Ohtani
Hi hi!

One major fix before bubbling this.

Thanks to my freshman year roommate for helping me with this

Title should be

"Dave Porter - Breaking Bad Main Title Theme (Extended)" ... FTAQ1J9WNB

There's another title that has the "(Extended)" lowercase, but I think it'd be better to use this, since it's from Dave Porter himself rather than various artists.

Shohei Ohtani
We did it!!!!
Topic Starter
Thank you very much!
Ehh, while the diffs themselves are almost perfect imo, the unused hitsound file is forcing me to pop the bubble.


  1. Normal-Sliderslide is not used.
  2. Widescreen Support and Letterbox in Breaks is not needed in both diffs, for obvious reasons.
  3. You should disable the countdown since it cannot be played, because your map starts at the beginning of the mp3.
  4. For that reason I'd also recommend you to set 1700 of Audio Lead In for both diffs, to give a bit more time before the map starts. (It's common to have 2000 of Audio Lead In additional to the 2000 that osu adds automatically, and since you start at ~300 ms, 1700 makes sense as a number)
  5. Turn your hitsound volume up by 10% atleast. I know, they are used to create atmosphere, but they exist because they should give feedback and I'm worrying a bit about it.

  1. 00:01:882 (3,1) - Hmm I don't really know how to explain it but the transition looks a bit unprofessional (and the spacing is too high), maybe you can turn 00:01:882 (3) - into a regular curved slider like you used in Hard?
  2. 00:08:157 (2) - Move this slider so that it is a "blanket" with (1)? You'd have to rearrange the following pattern a bit

  1. 00:50:512 (1) - End it at the same spot as Normal?
  2. 00:57:571 (2) - I get the idea that you want this slider to be as weird as possible, but all other sliders in your map(set) are really clean so it seems out of place. Are you sure you wouldn't be pleased with something like ?
Topic Starter

Desperate-kun wrote:

Ehh, while the diffs themselves are almost perfect imo, the unused hitsound file is forcing me to pop the bubble.


  1. Normal-Sliderslide is not used.
  2. Widescreen Support and Letterbox in Breaks is not needed in both diffs, for obvious reasons.
  3. You should disable the countdown since it cannot be played, because your map starts at the beginning of the mp3.
  4. For that reason I'd also recommend you to set 1700 of Audio Lead In for both diffs, to give a bit more time before the map starts. (It's common to have 2000 of Audio Lead In additional to the 2000 that osu adds automatically, and since you start at ~300 ms, 1700 makes sense as a number)
  5. Turn your hitsound volume up by 10% atleast. I know, they are used to create atmosphere, but they exist because they should give feedback and I'm worrying a bit about it.

  1. 00:01:882 (3,1) - Hmm I don't really know how to explain it but the transition looks a bit unprofessional (and the spacing is too high), maybe you can turn 00:01:882 (3) - into a regular curved slider like you used in Hard? changed into a curve but without a blanket because dunno why. but no blanket.
  2. 00:08:157 (2) - Move this slider so that it is a "blanket" with (1)? You'd have to rearrange the following pattern a bitI don't want this. I actually like the dissonance there and it doesn't need to look 'pretty' but somehow strange and not that appealing. I will leave this.

  1. 00:50:512 (1) - End it at the same spot as Normal? changed
  2. 00:57:571 (2) - I get the idea that you want this slider to be as weird as possible, but all other sliders in your map(set) are really clean so it seems out of place. Are you sure you wouldn't be pleased with something like ? this looks better. fixed.
thank you ~
Rebubbled~ Very interesting map!
From the multi session yesterday lol
gonna spread some methagic here, find me ingame
Oh,cool to see somebody make this song
I love Breaking Bad too
hope it to be ranked,good luck :) ....
Title according to Dave's official site
and some minor hs work, also we removed lb and countdown on hard

since all changes are minor <3 not today, sorry, already 8 maps being qualified

edit: gosh, and I've missed that soft-hitclap.wav is also shorter than 100ms
fix -
call me back
Kaguya Hourain

Sieg wrote:

not today, sorry, already 8 maps being qualified
I blame CDFA!
Shohei Ohtani
Topic Starter
you spammers
Huuuuuh I was 100% sure I checked countdown and letterbox >_< (and metadata ;www;)
I blame CDFA too
Topic Starter

Desperate-kun wrote:

Huuuuuh I was 100% sure I checked countdown and letterbox >_< (and metadata ;www;)
I blame CDFA too

I blame myself because I guess I screwed up the 2nd upload after changing the song-name ... yay I am awesome

Hard wrote:

Desperate-kun wrote:

Huuuuuh I was 100% sure I checked countdown and letterbox >_< (and metadata ;www;)
I blame CDFA too

I blame myself because I guess I screwed up the 2nd upload after changing the song-name ... yay I am awesome
Oh okay ó~ò
I suppose we should stop the chatting here from now
Yo, as requested.

  1. We could make hitsounds a little louder, let's say 5-10% more. This little tuning will make most of them clearly audible, which means better audio feedback fr players.
  2. I love the idea with combo colours, just saying. :)

  1. Can we tune down AR to 4,5and OD/HP to 3,5? This is the easiest diff, so I would strongly suggest easier diff settings.
  2. 00:23:844 (2,3) - add a repeat to each of these sliders to keep more consistent and simple rhythm? Example
  1. 00:50:316 - might be just me, but I feel like a circle is missing here.
Metadata has been confirmed, everything else looks good to me. Let me know when you check this!
Topic Starter

-Bakari- wrote:

Yo, as requested.

  1. We could make hitsounds a little louder, let's say 5-10% more. This little tuning will make most of them clearly audible, which means better audio feedback fr players. fine!
  2. I love the idea with combo colours, just saying. :) I hope it won't be addicting, iykwim

  1. Can we tune down AR to 4,5and OD/HP to 3,5? This is the easiest diff, so I would strongly suggest easier diff settings.
  2. 00:23:844 (2,3) - add a repeat to each of these sliders to keep more consistent and simple rhythm? Example done
  1. 00:50:316 - might be just me, but I feel like a circle is missing here. you're right. I changed it!
Metadata has been confirmed, everything else looks good to me. Let me know when you check this!
I am the one who qualifies.

Congrats!!!! :D
Topic Starter

-Bakari- wrote:

I am the one who qualifies.


Topic Starter

Sieg wrote:

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