
Accuracy starting at 100% and going down from there

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +6
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Title basically says what I'd like to see. I'd like the option for accuracy to start at 100% and go down from there. So, for example, if you were to miss once in the middle of a 100-object song, you would have 99% accuracy from then on, and then a 100 would make it go down to 98.33%, etc., instead of recalculating the accuracy based on the number of objects that have been hit at the time. It'd be a lot easier to read my accuracy pace with this system, I think.
Tommy Yang
True glory consists in doing what deserves to be written; in writing what deserves to be read; and in so living as to make the world happier for our living in it.
Pliny The Elder
Roman scholar & scientist (23 AD - 79 AD)
Nothing wrong with what we have now ;3
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Lily-Kun wrote:

Nothing wrong with what we have now ;3
Other than how difficult it is to track your pace.

Lily-Kun wrote:

Nothing wrong with what we have now ;3
Of course not, it's a personal preference. I would prefer this over the current accuracy indicator. I don't see how more ways of displaying your accuracy would hurt.
not exactly sure what the proposal is... are you saying that the accuracy indicator should be based off all the beats instead of only the beats you have hit?

if so, i suppose having that as an option might be useful... i'm pretty indifferent on this though.
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YGOkid8 wrote:

not exactly sure what the proposal is... are you saying that the accuracy indicator should be based off all the beats instead of only the beats you have hit?

if so, i suppose having that as an option might be useful... i'm pretty indifferent on this though.
That's precisely what I'm saying.
If I remember correctly, the Accuracy stats was this way before it changed to current behavior.

I'm indifferent to this, mainly because some people prefer clicking on Retry button on Fail screen instead of Pause screen, and this might break their Accuracy calculation (unless it was designed to calculate Accuracy based on only all-time pass records). :P

(If this is implemented, expect me to have about 85~90% of Accuracy because I often test the map's timing before trying to SS it)
This wouldn't replace anything, it would be for you to decide how you want the accuracy to display itself. Simply another way of experiencing accuracy.
personally, i don't like this. But if this gets implemented, this should only be change-able thru the configs, not on the in-game options.

JeMhUnTeR wrote:

But if this gets implemented, this should only be change-able thru the configs, not on the in-game options.
there are a lot of progress bar options for you to pick between:

why wouldn't you be able to pick more accuracy indicators?
Topic Starter

JeMhUnTeR wrote:

personally, i don't like this. But if this gets implemented, this should only be change-able thru the configs, not on the in-game options.
What? Why? That seems totally unnecessary. Did you just decide to say something random to make it more annoying?
why not start from 0% and go up, 233

JeMhUnTeR wrote:

personally, i don't like this. But if this gets implemented, this should only be change-able thru the configs, not on the in-game options.
hey guys, lets add a feature that no one can find. \:D/

seriously though, thats a stupid idea. adding the option in-game is a lot more practical. plus it makes the feature easier to find so more people can enjoy it
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[CSGA]Ar3sgice wrote:

why not start from 0% and go up, 233
There's already a feature request for that. I don't really care for that style of accuracy calculation, because it makes it even harder to know your pace. That would basically be a way to play without knowing how accurate you are.
I like this idea. It's useful when you don't want to get an Acc below XX.XX%, and don't know whether you already hitCan't too many 100's or not.
I don't have any stars left though =/
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whoever deleted my last post really rattled my games
It was moved AW. Please don't post off-topic clips that has nothing to do with the request.
I would agree to this idea if it were made clearer and it was optional.


Accuracy is based off held combo. You have two types of accuracy in a song, overall, and combo accuracy. Overall is the regular accuracy we have now and nothing will change to this. Combo accuracy is the accuracy you hold within a combo, and resets during each combo break. At the end of the map, it could calculate average accuracy held per combo under the accuracy statistics.

I'd rather just go with this request. Go ahead and make a request about that though.

related request p/2146788
Ah derp I finally figured out what the OP wants. I don't agree. This is exactly that idea I hated from that other thread that wanted to go up from 0%. You still wouldn't know how we'll you're doing until the end of the song unless you know how far into the song you are. It's impossible to know if you are on an A or a B run by accuracy alone.

This is not even worth adding as an option.
Topic Starter
Uhh, yeah, you will know if you're on an A run. If your accuracy goes to roughly 93%, it's probably an A, unless you got a bunch of 50s or misses. I want it for when I'm, for example, trying to beat a 97.13% accuracy play, so when my accuracy goes down to, for example, 96.58%, I know to retry.

How far into the song you are won't matter at all with my suggestion. Obviously it would matter for score, but the solution to that would be to ask for a pace predictor that assumes all of your future hits will be 300s. While that type of pace predictor would be optimal in theory, it would be a hassle to keep track of 7-9 digits while playing, which is why I suggested an accuracy pace predictor following the same principles instead.

Also, I already said it should be optional.

Kyou-kun wrote:

I'd like the option for...
don't think it needs to be changed. :o it wouldn't make much of a difference anyways
You know, after seeing all those accuracy related request in the past few weeks, I kinda wish that osu can display accuracy in a meter like this:

The values above were made up, I wanted to spend time on photoshop rather than going through the maths.

So instead of a single accuracy, osu now has to calculate 3 values simultaneously at any given time. Max is obviously the best accuracy a player can get if he gets only 300 from this point on, while Min is the worst accuracy he can get if he misses everything (assuming fail does not kick in) till the end of the map. Current Accuracy (the one we have now) is displayed in the middle. This should (more or less) cater for those who wanted accuracy calculations going up from 0 or down from 100.

This is just a fancy wish from me rather than a real request though, because I can foresee the effort required to make this happen while there are more urgent things for peppy to do. But who knows, I'll just leave the idea here and see if miracle happens. ;)
Full Tablet

Oinari-sama wrote:

What is that gradient for?
that's must've taken a while for you to make, so you should just make a feature request about it to see what people think.

Full Tablet wrote:

Oinari-sama wrote:

What is that gradient for?

Oinari-sama wrote:

So instead of a single accuracy, osu now has to calculate 3 values simultaneously at any given time. Max is obviously the best accuracy a player can get if he gets only 300 from this point on, while Min is the worst accuracy he can get if he misses everything (assuming fail does not kick in) till the end of the map. Current Accuracy (the one we have now) is displayed in the middle. This should (more or less) cater for those who wanted accuracy calculations going up from 0 or down from 100.
Just to show that red is bad, green is good?

Oinari-sama wrote:

So instead of a single accuracy, osu now has to calculate 3 values simultaneously at any given time. Max is obviously the best accuracy a player can get if he gets only 300 from this point on, while Min is the worst accuracy he can get if he misses everything (assuming fail does not kick in) till the end of the map. Current Accuracy (the one we have now) is displayed in the middle. This should (more or less) cater for those who wanted accuracy calculations going up from 0 or down from 100.
Current Accuracy: ((300*a)+(100*b)+(50*c)) / (300*(a+b+c+d)) = (6a+2b+c) / (6*(a+b+c+d))
Maximum Accuracy: ((300*x)-(200*b)-(250*c)-(300*d)) / (300*x) = (6x-4b-5c-6d) / (6x)
Minimum Accuracy: ((300*a)+(100*b)+(50*c)) / (300*x) = (6a+2b+c) / (6x)

a = Number of 300s
b = Number of 100s
c = Number of 50s
d = Number of Misses
x = Number of Objects (Circles + Slider + Spinner)

I think this is quite easy to implement and shouldn't impact the performance. :P

The case above is for osu!Standard mode. The only problem is how the calculation can be done for the rest of the game modes though...
Topic Starter
I'd like Oinari-sama's idea if it wasn't suggesting to add an annoying and distracting bar into the game. The reason why I didn't ask for something like that is because I don't think the extra information is necessary, and having extra stuff on the screen will only make the game more distracting for me.

theowest wrote:

Full Tablet wrote:

What is that gradient for?

Just to show that red is bad, green is good?
Ya it was just a decoration. I felt that some sort of graphics is required to tie the 3 numbers (Min, Current, Max) together or it'll look at bit weird with numbers only. I also considered placing a grid below the numbers instead of a meter. Just something to tie the visual up. For that reason, the meter I photoshopped could be made thinner to give more screen real-estate to the numbers.

EDIT: Hmm... theo you think it's worth it to create a new Request? I'll photo shop a few more and make a new thread.
why not~
OK created new Request t/120799
Yeah. It's simply not intuitive when you play the map and you accuracy increases for some reason (it's a fixed % if you think about the whole map)
There should be atleast a config option for this: Absolute / Relative accuracy
[ HDthunder ]
the first determines if its already 100% or not
so it kinda in the game but at the same time its not
it starts at 00.00 the first note just decides
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