
Project: Video tutorials on osu! and mapping

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Topic Starter

Welcome to the YouTube tutorial project on osu!

Together we'll be suggesting, discussing and planning ideas for tutorials on osu! which will be available to watch on YouTube. These videos will be targeted to any osu! user with insufficient knowledge on the specific subject of the video.

This topic will also have the list of the current tutorials made for the specified subjects.

peppy wrote:

I'll make a deal: If someone creates a series of video tutorials on mapping in osu! – something I've hoped would have been done by now without even having to ask – I will put everything to one side and make something like this happen. This is not a new idea, and it is something I have been keen to implement, but there is a lot involved in making it work correctly.

Hell, I might even settle for new video tutorials on installing and loading new maps into osu! or anything really. I's so sad to see so few quality tutorial videos :(.
Now let's make him proud.

Remember to make the tutorial as simple, easy to understand to make sure as many people as possible understand and take as much time as you need when you're making these tutorials.
You can also translate existing tutorials and make them in your own language or style. The more videos we see, the more everyone's going to learn.
Live speaking into a microphone is also recommended, that way it's much easier for you to explian so people can follow along more easily.

Before you start off making your tutorial, you must first know how to make a nice recording. ~guide link~

Getting Started

First steps
Register an account, downloading the game, etc.

Setup/Importing beatmaps
How to import beatmaps, settings, skins, channels, #help, etc.

Gameplay Basics

osu! mode


taiko mode


ctb mode


mania mode



Details, mp3, background
Common ways to reduce filesize, maximum dimentions and bitrates. Simple details you must know of before making your map. This goes together with the introduction to the Editor, like an intro maybe.

Introduction to the Editor
All the buttons, shortcuts, and windows should be explained briefly. Please include Preview time, and Kiai time. Also it would be nice if this was an intro to mapping as well, where you cover how to view ranking criteria, how to submit a map etc.

osu! mode


taiko mode


ctb mode


mania mode

BPM and offset explanation, Common methods, how to determine timing signature, dealing with multiple BPMs/ offset changes, things to avoid/how to tell if your map is on time/ what you should do when you've already mapped a song and you need to change the timing.


Charles445 wrote:

Single BPM

Using two sections to get the best BPM setting possible.

Multiple BPM

Detecting and fixing BPM changes.

Variable BPM

Taking it slowly and fixing as you move forward.
Here's the topic Charles445 made for this video.

How to map
Make sure the beginners know the basics- Hitcircles, sliders, spinners and how they are properly used. It is probably a good idea to go into basic types of mapping (stacks, jumps and streams, types of sliders, using symmetry, linear mapping, abstract mapping, overlap, blankets, crossovers, gaps and transitions, combo usage) It would also be a good idea to compare and contrast a beginner type song from a harder to map song. Briefly explain things like slider velocity changes (dos and donts), and explain the basic differences between the basic difficulty levels. Explain what makes an easy an Easy, a normal a Normal, etc...

osu! mode


Charles445 wrote:

Here's the topic Charles445 made for this video.

taiko mode


ctb mode


mania mode


Effective ways to implement hitsounds in your map. It should include the dos and donts of hitsounding. Try to cover the most common approaches to hitsounding (explaining basic music theory would be helpful). Remember to go into custom hitsounding as well and how it should be used.

osu! mode


taiko mode


ctb mode


mania mode


Design editor and Storyboarding
Requirements are quite obvious. go through all the things one can do in this window, how to do loops, and other things that the common beatmapper may want to include. even more importantly try to explain what you should not do in maps.


Doomsday wrote:


MoonShade wrote:

Here's the topic MoonShade made for this video.

So when you make your reply to this thread, you can either discuss anything that has to do with this post, post your own tutorial and ask for feedback, or give feedback to existing tutorials and users who made them.

Tip: Subscribe and bookmark this thread so you're up to date with all tutorial projects.

Special thanks to TheVileOne for the consistent help.
Topic Starter
-reworked the OP-

edit: old topic
From what we've discussed so far here's the list of possible contributors:

Current candidates
  1. TheVileOne|(Assistance & Planning)| Confirmed
  2. MMzz|(Assistance & Planning)|[How to time your beatmap]| Confirmed
  3. Lolicore Flandre|[TBD]| Confirmed
  4. Shoily|[II. Getting Started]| Confirmed
  5. JeMhUnTeR|("noob" text based tutorials)| Confirmed
  6. [Sean]|(Assistance for anything)| Confirmed
  7. Nyquill| Confirmed
  8. Winber1| Confirmed
  9. Bites| Confirmed
  10. Kyshiro| Unconfirmed
  11. Ayu| Unconfirmed
  12. Charles445| Unconfirmed
If somebody would contact/PM anyone with an "unconfirmed" status and find out if they will lend a hand with this project.
I'll add and remove candidates from this list if need be.

This is only a list to keep track of the individuals that will be participating in this project and also to keep track of who is doing what :P

Off-topic: theowest you changed your avatar, cool! 8-)
It doesn't need to be professional pre-scripted stuff btw. Someone just doing a casual series on all the different aspects of osu! would be more than substantial. More than one person doing their own takes on it would be even better. I see no need for a team, just some individual who are actually motivated to do something.

</2cents, go ahead>
I think different people can do the vids according to what they are best at? Or it can be designated.
I can do the 1.GETTING STARTED videos
*took me some time to make this post*

oh greatness. thanks for starting the thread theowest.
Quoting theowest's OP

theowest wrote:

Together we'll be suggesting, discussing and planning a series of tutorials on osu! which will be available to watch on YouTube*
*and will also be available for download. (i think?)

theowest wrote:

Now let's make him proud.
yes we shall

theowest wrote:

We should take as much time as we need to make the best tutorials. Hopefully we'll get this done soon after the start of 2013 if we all collaborate with this together. *
hell yeah. It's just 3 days before my christmas vacation, so I'll be sticking up with osu! the entire break. :3 although let's not rush this, or else we'll produce a substandard output

theowest wrote:

We could make multiple test videos when we have most of our things set up, and then improve bit by bit to make an public upload. *
could possibly work out, although it's gonna take a long time. We need to make a single template for the videos first, so that all the videos will be the same and organized.

theowest wrote:

Requirements for the videos:
  1. Uploaded by one official osu! channel *
  2. 720/1080p HD quality *
  3. Simple, easy to understand *
  4. Not any longer than 3 minutes *
  5. Consistent spokesman (the guy who will talk in the video) *
  6. Live Footage (Speak at the same time you do things, lots of cuts) *
1. we could start with text ideas, have part by part video recordings of each topic, have everything compiled into a single edited video, and wait for all the videos to finish for polishing/final edits. We can't just upload a video if we haven't finished the entire section/category. And more importantly, we can't upload multiple versions of a video too often.
2. yes. HD please. BUT WAIT. If you record your desktop, wouldn't the resolution be the same as your screen size? So that means that the person who records osu! footages will be someone who owns a 1080p screen, right? (or we could make it 16:9 or 16:10 with a lower resolution since the osu! skin will just be degraded in 1080p, unless this gets implemented)
3. duh
4. too short imo
5. might be nice if we have a guy who would teach mapping and a girl who would teach designing (yes, it should still be consistent)
6. yep


theowest wrote:

  1. Make this topic | 11/12/12 | ?
  2. Who will record the footage and their voice * | ?
  3. Upload all videos (Preferable at once) * | ?
  4. Translate them into different languages * | ?
1. great. now to keep it updated.
2. Bites volunteered to help with voice recordings.
3. we should definitely have an osu! official youtube account. (is there one already?) also upload for download. (someone who's got a legit account in MF?)
4. this should be done before releasing the videos. Decide on the languages to be used in advanced so that things will work easier.

theowest wrote:

If you want to be able to become a moderator for the Google Documents, please send me your email address.
me wants~

Now with my ideas.
How I think the video series should go
*repost from a thread here*
> A. Choosing A Song To Map
> B. Getting Familiar With The Editor (osu!std only)

> A. Setting Up A Song Difficulty
> B. Timing Your Map Properly
> C. Adding Timing Sections And Kiai Time
> D. Placing Notes, Sliders, And Spinners
> E. Using The Editor Features: Distance Snap, Grid Snap, etc.
> F. Customizing The Hitsounds (Preset Ones)

> A. Mapping Techniques: Most Common Note Patterns
> B. Map Editor Features: Flip and Rotate
> C. Mapping Techniques: Advanced Note Patterns
> D. Polishing Your Map

> A. Adding A Background Image And Color
> B. Adding A Video
> C. Optimizing Your Video
> D. Introduction To Storyboarding
> E. Basics Of Storyboarding

> A. Using Different Time Signatures
> B. Using Advanced Beat Snaps
> C. Adding Custom Hitsounds
> D. <here lies awesome advanced mapping topics, tutorials, and techniques>

> A. Most Common Storyboarding Techniques
> B. Adding Custom Skin Elements
> C. Advanced Customization Techniques

> A. Mapping Taiko Difficulties
> B. Mapping CTB Difficulties
> C. Mapping mania Difficulties

> A. Submitting Your Map
> B. Keeping Your Map Up-To-Date
> C. Getting Your Map Ranked
TheVileOne's revision

I. Finding a Song

- How to choose the proper song
- Editing that song to the proper bitrate.
- Setting title/artist information/other information
- Introduction to setup panel

II. Basic timing

- Tap method
- Using playback rate
- Explain down beats, and how to find them
- Finding an offset
- Explain tick rates and briefly go over the Beat Snap divisor (1/3rd is not beginner friendly)
- BPM fine-tuning

III. Buttons, Objects, and Tabs, oh my! :p

- Explain circles, sliders, and spinners.
- Repeaters
- Briefly explain changing the slider velocity (save how to use it for the next video)
- Explain hitsound buttons lightly.
- Go through each tab and explain it's purpose


I. Naming your difficulty

- Naming conventions

II. Choosing the Right Settings

- Making an Easy
- Making a Normal
- Making a Hard
- Making an Insane
- what you should avoid
- Setting Slider Velocity for each difficulty
- Show how it affects objects

III. Using inheriteds and bookmarks

- Main uses for creating an inherited section
- Briefly mention kiai
- Explain their relevance in the timeline.
- Explain bookmarks and how to use them

IV. Creating new difficulties

- Use Save as New Difficulty
- To clear or not to clear?


I. Time-distance Equality rule

- What is distance snap?
- When is it alright to not use distance snap?
- Changing distance snap
- Introduction to basic jumps
- Introduction to flow (leave indepth discussion to a later part)
- Jump or no jump?
- What is gridsnap?
- How is it used?

II. Basic Hitsounding

- Finding the main beat
- Choosing the right hitsound
- How to avoid hitsound spam
- Introduction to adjusting hitsound volumes and sampleset with inherited sections
- Commonly used hitsound techniques
- 2,4 beat
- Gradual increase/decrease in volume
- Finding sub-rhythms
- Finding a balance (audio levels complement the music)
- wrap up hitsounding (inform that choosing custom samplesets is an advanced technique and will be covered later)

III. Combo usage

- Introduction to combos
- How to change a combo.
- When to change a combo.
- Guidelines to changing a combo
- Choosing custom combos colors

IV. Slider Types

- Introduction to symmetry
- Different slider types/techniques
- Common curves
- S and wave sliders (reference RandomJibberish)
- U sliders
- Using red points/corner sliders
- Wigglies
- Flipping/rotating
- Is slider art okay?
- Which slider type should I use?

V. Spinners

- Proper spinner placement (mapping into/out of a spinner)
- Proper spinner length per difficulty
- How OD affects spinners
- How to fix a spinner that's too short

<yes, it was unfinished>
Mine again, edited
> A. Setting Up The Song For Mapping
- > here, we discuss what songs can't be mapped ('bpm-less' songs) and those which will be hard to time
- > changing the bitrate and deciding on the playable length
- > songs you should avoid

> A. Getting Familiar With The Editor
- > a quick overview of the osu!standard editor and its features
> B. Setting Up A Song Difficulty
- > supplying sufficient/important info, what to put in tags/source
- > choosing proper difficulties
- > choosing combo colors

> C. Timing Your Map Properly
- > getting the right BPM and offset for your map
- > double checking your map timing
- > using a proper slider velocity and tick rate

> D. Adding Timing Sections And Kiai Time
- > red lines, green lines, gray bars, orange bars, and bookmarks
- > adding inherited/not inherited timing sections
- > adjusting hitsound volumes per timing section
- > quick overview of kiai time, and where to put it in your map

> E. Placing Notes, Sliders, And Spinners
- > should this be here?
> F. Using The Editor Features: Distance Snap, Grid Snap, etc.
- > importance of distance snap
- > discuss other features

> G. Using The Samplesets
- > when to use normal, soft, and drum samplesets

> A. Mapping Techniques: Most Common Note Patterns
- > decide on which to include here
> B. Map Editor Features: Flip and Rotate
- > discuss symmetry and how using flipped/rotated map sections make impact on players
> C. Mapping Techniques: Advanced Note Patterns
- > decide again on which ones to include here, please no flow yet >.<
> D. Finishing Your Beatmap
- > testing your map
- > adding more difficulties

> A. Adding A Background Image And Color
- > no nudity or something ridiculous backgrounds pls
> B. Adding A Video
- > optimizing the video for a better performance:
- > reducing the video's file size
- > which codecs to use

> D. Introduction To Storyboarding
- > overview of features
> E. Basics Of Storyboarding
- > common storyboarding techniques

> A. Submitting Your Map
- > overview of the BSS
- > where to submit your map: beatmap help/pending beatmaps

> B. Keeping Your Map Up-To-Date
- > adding new things, reuploading the map
- > which upload method to use

> C. Getting Your Map Ranked
- > get people looking at your map
- > use your kudosu!

> A. Using Different Time Signatures
- > which songs require a different time signature
> B. Using Advanced Beat Snaps
- > uses and importance
> C. Adding Custom Hitsounds
> D. <here lies awesome advanced mapping topics, tutorials, and techniques>
- > here lies flow

> A. More Storyboarding Techniques
- > storyboarding lyrics
- > maximizing the use of different storyboard layers

> B. Adding Custom Skin Elements
- > uses, where to find proper filenames for skin elements
> C. Advanced Customization Techniques
- > slider track override and slider border override

> A. Mapping Taiko Difficulties
> B. Mapping CTB Difficulties
> C. Mapping mania Difficulties

imo we should start by planning on how things will work in here before anything else.

In order to make things flow smoothly, here's what I think we should do:
  1. decide on the final topic list/category list. We need to finish this first and maybe do some revisions along the way.
  2. expanding the topic list. Here we discuss about specific per-video topics and how each should be discussed. best if we use an open-to-everyone gdoc here
  3. look for active people who'd do stuff: speaker(s), uploader, video editors, and translators
  4. start with text tutorials for reference
  5. make a video template: intro/outro for each video
  6. start with video cut-offs
  7. discuss on the order of the video cut-offs
  8. compiling the video cut-offs into one video
  9. show the video to everyone for verifying/approval, and edit it if necessary
  10. start with the next video until we're done!
And some reminders/tips:
  1. do things in order, don't start working on mapping videos until we finish intro videos
  2. it would be nice if each one of us focus on a specific task, since doing a single thing in groups might make it inconsistent
  3. speaker(s) could record their own osu! footages, or else we'll have AV syncing issues
  4. feel free to suggest things below, just don't edit threads out of nowhere
  5. take everyone's opinions in consideration, don't force something if people doesn't agree with you
  6. in case we use public gdocs, please don't do stupid stuff just because your name is showed as Anonymous User
  8. please make a backup of this post below if you will hijack it :3
I'll be updating this post if I think of some more useful stuff and tips.

yuck this is so texty
This project seems to be moving along nicely \o/
Great idea, maybe we'll get new good mappers by this project o/
oh great I totally forgot about finding a mapper god to guide us in our ways. orz
I'll add that tomorrow since I'm back on mobile.

So, if you could speak clearly, if you could create awesome video animations, or if you are a mapping guru, we need you.

btw I'll start on some noob text based tutorials to speed things up.

JeMhUnTeR wrote:

btw I'll start on some noob text based tutorials to speed things up.
I could help you with those ; v ;
My format would have placed each video within the 5 - 10 minute long timeframe. Charles osu videos are 15-20 minutes, so 3 is cutting it a bit tightly. Lets discuss that later, we can't even start until we have elected someone to actually do the videos, and if we're making an official osu channel, then someone needs to make that as well.

So who can speak in clean English, has video editing skills, and knows enough about mapping that he/she can cover every part of the mapping process, and not just a few parts? Oh and don't use Fraps. Fraps will screw up osu if you try to record while going into test mode.

BTW I have no way to record without Fraps, and I can't play with Fraps running. So I'm out on the video making, although I do know a lot about mapping, particularly the parts related to the modding process and timing.

Edit: some other notes: I don't mind if more than one person helps out with the video creating, we just need people who can create a coherent video on a full aspect of some part of the editor or mapping in general. This could be a compilation effort.
tears of joy :' )
any progress anyone? I'm still working on the text tutorials.
Not that I know of. I think we should handle this like a collaboration project. We split the problem up into separate themes/sections, which will represent individual videos. We can then list them and have people take claim to which parts they want to try to record. When they have something recorded, we can then review it (and display it in the OP).

Our mission will be complete when every part has a video.

Edit: Maybe it would be easier to compile a general guidelines on what each part should include and what it shouldn't include, but we should let the video makers decide how to make it. theowest I suggest including more lenient requirements for participation and indicate this initiative as more of a community based task that anyone can join.
If you guys need help, I can try to lend a hand.
Me too.

koromo makes me livestream some mapping anyways because he wants to see me map >_> even though it's most boring process evarrrrrrrrrrr.

why koromo whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
I'd do it if I had a decent mic. But on the other hand on terms of mapping there are already tutorials out there that explain a lot. All we should need to do is just display how to set up a beatmap and how sliders and notes work. Everything else is just style.

MMzz wrote:

I'd do it if I had a decent mic. But on the other hand on terms of mapping there are already tutorials out there that explain a lot. All we should need to do is just display how to set up a beatmap and how sliders and notes work. Everything else is just style.
will you please post links for those? I can't seem to find it >.<
viewtopic.php?f=13&t=3815 is this what you meant MMzz?
I'm willing to help. I originally was going to create a new Installation, Registration, and importing singular and groups of beatmaps, as well as alternative methods in installing beatmaps to allow users who don't quite understand how to do it other options. I did have all the recording and voice recorded with live movements, but my HDD crashed and all data was lost. My Mic quality isn't 100% awesome, but it's clear, and I've got a clear voice.

Chuck me something that doesn't involve mapping, and I'll give it a shot. I could even do something like "Tips & Tricks to improve your gameplay for Mice users". Just let me know where I can help.
- S a T o -
This is a great idea, I'm glad people are willing to do this for the newbies.

Osu! is not an easy game, it's pretty hard so getting this project done will help everyone a lot.

Bravo, Osu! community, I applaud you.
Almost forgot about this... Oh and speaking of which, has anyone made any progress on anything?
Heh I would love to make a video on the download and register part. Kinda love doing tuts.

theowest wrote:

  1. Make this topic | 11/12/12 | ☑
  2. Who will record the footage and their voice * | ☐
  3. Upload all videos (Preferable at once) * | ☐
  4. Translate them into different languages * | ☐
I would love to help you out with translating some videos into german! (subtitles) :)

Would that be ok?
We just need someone to make a tutorial. If you're willing and can speak well enough English, please try to make something. It will only make it harder to make the video if we stress all these specific criteria I realize. so if we just create a sample video, I'm sure it will be suitable.

Here I'll help organize it.

Videos needed

Introduction to the Editor: All the buttons, shortcuts, and windows should be explained briefly. Please include Preview time, and Kiai time. Also it would be nice if this was an intro to mapping as well, where you cover how to view ranking criteria, how to submit a map etc.

Timing: BPM and offset explanation, Common methods, how to determine timing signature, dealing with multiple BPMs/ offset changes, things to avoid/how to tell if your map is on time/ what you should do when you've already mapped a song and you need to change the timing. (Throw kiai and preview points into this since its there)

Mapping to the beat: Make sure the beginners know the basics- Hitcircles, sliders, spinners and how they are properly used. It is probably a good idea to go into basic types of mapping(stacks, jumps and streams, types of sliders, using symmetry, linear mapping, abstract mapping, overlap, blankets, crossovers, gaps and transitions, combo usage) It would also be a good idea to compare and contrast a beginner type song from a harder to map song. Briefly explain things like slider velocity changes (dos and donts), and explain the basic differences between the basic difficulty levels. Explain what makes an easy an Easy, a normal a Normal, etc....

Hitsounding: Effective ways to implement hitsounds in your map. It should include the dos and donts of hitsounding. Try to cover the most common approaches to hitsounding (explaining basic music theory would be helpful). Remember to go into custom hitsounding as well and how it should be used.

Using the Design editor and the osb: Requirements are quite obvious. go through all the things one can do in this window, how to do loops, and other things that the common beatmapper may want to include. even more importantly try to explain what you should not do in maps.

Tutorial: Adjusting bitrate
Tutorial: Common ways to reduce filesize:

I think that's all we need for beginner mapping. Any additional videos would be for advanced mappers. Lets get the beginner videos finished first. Any takers?
I could make a quick video on how to time beatmaps and tips on getting them almost perfect.
Wow, this seems like a really great idea, and I'm quite surprised I haven't seen this thread until now. I wish I could help in any way possible, but all I know is I definitely don't have a good voice for a tutorial.
@TheVileOne: Narrowed down to 7 videos then?

@MMzz: Added for timing! /o/

@Loliflan: Sorry, the focus has shifted to the basic parts of mapping, you can choose one of those? (Look at TheVileOne's post for topics for tutorials)
Maybe we could introduce kiai and preview time into the Introduction video. Since they are important, but not really require you to learn how to time to know. It could also be the general things every beatmapper should know when they create a beatmap type of video. You could show the ranking criteria page, and explain common things like the Song Setup field etc. What goes in source, and tags, and what doesn't.
I can probably do hitsounding.
Topic Starter
Feel free to edit my OP, I've been incredibly busy the past weeks and I need a lot of motivation and energy to start reply and cleaning up my OP.
but in the meantime, feel free to edit it yourself. TVO, you should be able to do that here.
I didn't actually think of that. I'm dumb. Fixed.
Can we get some progress on this? Do you want collaborative mapping or not?
I am so proud of you guys!
You come here an say: Yea let's really do this! We'll put so much effort!

Look what you got so far: You got lists.
Topic Starter
We're busy people and this is all voluntary.

It doesn't have to be as proper, anyone can go ahead and make a tutorial of their own using our template for which video to make, etc.
The only thing that has to be done is start asking people who are willing to record themselves, to start recording.
I'm sorry I've kind of abandoned this, but as I said earlier, I'm occupying myself with other stuff right now and I really have to save up some time for this I guess.
Give some examples of the stuff you are busy with please.
work \:D/

vipto wrote:

Give some examples of the stuff you are busy with please.
Pff o3o

Ever heard of life? =.=

I'm going into the U.S. Air Force soon for BMT and I don't have time to do a tutorial. I would if I could but I can't.
And progress has been made!!!!
hurrr it's our periodic examssss, I'll try to work on this in a few weeks, since summer vacation is nearing.

Edit: oh cool Kuro, I didn't know you've been a Rhythm Incarnate already xD
Topic Starter
I rewrote the OP and changed a lot of things. It's now more of a collection of video tutorials on osu! and all its game modes, but at the same time asking anyone to make a tutorial for it and helping out with what to include. If you're not making a video, you can help out by finding all the tutorials, posting them here and tell as many people as possible about this project!

with that, I think this should now be moved to Gameplay and Rankings where this topic also is t/3815/ as it's pretty much the same thing, but this is more up to date.

edit: this could very well be included in the wiki later on.
edit edit: great source for inspiration and guides to make video tutorials off of: and

edit edit edit: this t/99612 would be great for improving tutorials. I know there are some, so help out by sending them this way.
I think we should move into the bug random mappers ingame to create videos for us stage.

I like this new formatting btw. It's very clean and precise.
hehe wait a sec i shall make an HD skin for this xD
I wouldn't mind making a quick video sometime, but my biggest setback would be my voice. It's not very foreigner-friendly and when I try to work on my diction, I sound like a complete moron.
Hoy Hoy!

Maybe I could participate somehow! Will be good for me since I quit LPing! :)
I'd do a taiko mapping tutorial if I: 1)Didnt have a speech impediment or 2)knew how to map taiko.

I guess I can help by saying that the information so far has been spot on and very helpful though!
If you would like to participate, please make text based tutorials for stuff. I tried starting a voiceless video (captions only) but I couldn't finish it because I lack so much knowledge on mapping (and I don't know what to put on the captions anymore so yeah).
Videos with explanations in voice is a problem considering we all don't speak the same language...I guess you'll have to make do with whatever strolls along here.

If you guys are making the videos, I can help with general scripting (and by that I mean coming up with what to say, how to present the information, chronological order of things, etc).

Some of the getting started/introduction stuff appeals to me, so I may do videos. I've been told I sound very professional and have a good voice for public speaking, so yeah. I also enjoy explaining and teaching things to others, so this is in my comfort zone.
I said I would like to help.

Then I proceed not to pay attention to this thread for months.

Now I don't know what's up.

Topic Starter

winber1 wrote:

I said I would like to help.

Then I proceed not to pay attention to this thread for months.

Now I don't know what's up.

pretty much p/2161114
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