
OT Bazaar (Black Market)

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Welcome to the OT Black Market Bazaar, for all your shopping needs. Feel free to add your wares for sale or trade. There is no common currency, and currently no regulations on trade, so feel free to browse and enjoy yourselves

The OT Black Market Bazaar is in no way, shape or form responsible for scams, theft, extortion, injury or other potentially harmful consequences of shopping, and will not hesitate to utilize similar means if necessary

First stand: The Pun Stand

Hmm I'm actually looking to sell these 5 OKHandEmojis. How much do you think I could get for these precious novelty items?
heres a pun

ill trade it in for $40 USD

Stand 2: The Anime Stand

Stand (no. 3): The World / "Za Warudo"

Hey I'm selling ice cubes for 10 cents per cube, and slushie for a dollar fifty, Get them now!
Stand 4: The Emo Stand

'Hey I'm selling ice cubes for 10 cents per cube, and slushie for a dollar fifty, Get them now!'

Topic Starter

MinNin wrote:

heres a pun

ill trade it in for $40 USD

Make it 30, and I'll throw in my prized possession; just in case

The meat stand .
There is no such thing as too much beef.
only .99 a piece

*there is no available image to view. Use your imagination on this one.*
Do you have wholesale?

1000 bottles of 99% alcohol plssss
Topic Starter

abraker wrote:

Do you have wholesale?

1000 bottles of 99% alcohol plssss

We do indeed, freshly stolen imported from G&R

What are you willing to pay/trade for such commodities?

TeeArctic1 wrote:

freshly imported from G&R
Whoa they weren't kidding the black market is legit

On second thought, how many barrels do you have?
Well, theres always the 'hang out with your waifu' stand..
Topic Starter

abraker wrote:

TeeArctic1 wrote:

freshly imported from G&R
Whoa they weren't kidding the black market is legit

On second thought, how many barrels do you have?

Depends, how much do you want? And for what price?

TeeArctic1 wrote:

Depends, how much do you want?
All of it

TeeArctic1 wrote:

And for what price?
Extra clones of you in the event you are killed in future OT executions
Topic Starter

abraker wrote:

TeeArctic1 wrote:

Depends, how much do you want?
All of it

TeeArctic1 wrote:

And for what price?
Extra clones of you in the event you are killed in future OT executions

Deal, but I want the clones up front. The goods will be delivered at the Earth post in 5 minutes for remote pick up

TeeArctic1 wrote:

Deal, but I want the clones up front. The goods will be delivered at the Earth post in 5 minutes for remote pick up
Please send over the info regarding the expected quantity before I pay up front.
Banned to FG
hi, i believe that this thread belongs in the OT forum, for future reference, post it there
Topic Starter

abraker wrote:

TeeArctic1 wrote:

Deal, but I want the clones up front. The goods will be delivered at the Earth post in 5 minutes for remote pick up
Please send over the info regarding the expected quantity before I pay up front.

3000 barrels have been delivered to the earth thread at your discretion
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Attention, several asterisks are now avaliable for sale. Limited edition, 50% off! Get yours NOW for only 5 OTbucks!

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